use of org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractSubqueryExpression in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestPlansScalarSubQueries method testSelectCorrelatedScalar.
public void testSelectCorrelatedScalar() {
AbstractPlanNode pn = compile("select r2.c, (select d from r1 where r1.c = r2.c ) scalar from r2");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof AbstractScanPlanNode);
AbstractPlanNode proj = pn.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.PROJECTION);
NodeSchema schema = proj.getOutputSchema();
assertEquals(2, schema.size());
SchemaColumn col = schema.getColumns().get(1);
assertTrue(col != null);
assertEquals("SCALAR", col.getColumnName());
AbstractExpression colExpr = col.getExpression();
assertEquals(ExpressionType.VALUE_SCALAR, colExpr.getExpressionType());
assertTrue(colExpr.getLeft() instanceof AbstractSubqueryExpression);
AbstractSubqueryExpression subqueryExpr = (AbstractSubqueryExpression) colExpr.getLeft();
List<Integer> params = subqueryExpr.getParameterIdxList();
assertEquals(1, params.size());
assertEquals(new Integer(0), params.get(0));
use of org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractSubqueryExpression in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class SubPlanAssembler method getIndexAccessPlanForTable.
* Get an index scan access plan for a table.
* @param tableAliasIndex The table to get data from.
* @param path The access path to access the data in the table (index/scan/etc).
* @return An index scan plan node OR,
in one edge case, an NLIJ of a MaterializedScan and an index scan plan node.
private static AbstractPlanNode getIndexAccessPlanForTable(StmtTableScan tableScan, AccessPath path) {
// now assume this will be an index scan and get the relevant index
Index index = path.index;
IndexScanPlanNode scanNode = new IndexScanPlanNode(tableScan, index);
AbstractPlanNode resultNode = scanNode;
// set sortDirection here because it might be used for IN list
// the one element of indexExprs.
for (AbstractExpression expr : path.indexExprs) {
if (path.lookupType == IndexLookupType.GEO_CONTAINS) {
AbstractExpression exprRightChild = expr.getRight();
assert (exprRightChild != null);
if (expr.getExpressionType() == ExpressionType.COMPARE_IN) {
// Replace this method's result with an injected NLIJ.
resultNode = injectIndexedJoinWithMaterializedScan(exprRightChild, scanNode);
// Extract a TVE from the LHS MaterializedScan for use by the IndexScan in its new role.
MaterializedScanPlanNode matscan = (MaterializedScanPlanNode) resultNode.getChild(0);
AbstractExpression elemExpr = matscan.getOutputExpression();
assert (elemExpr != null);
// Replace the IN LIST condition in the end expression referencing all the list elements
// with a more efficient equality filter referencing the TVE for each element in turn.
replaceInListFilterWithEqualityFilter(path.endExprs, exprRightChild, elemExpr);
// Set up the similar VectorValue --> TVE replacement of the search key expression.
exprRightChild = elemExpr;
if (exprRightChild instanceof AbstractSubqueryExpression) {
// DEAD CODE with the guards on index: ENG-8203
assert (false);
// If the index expression is an "IS NOT DISTINCT FROM" comparison, let the NULL values go through. (ENG-11096)
scanNode.addCompareNotDistinctFlag(expr.getExpressionType() == ExpressionType.COMPARE_NOTDISTINCT);
// create the IndexScanNode with all its metadata
// Propagate the sorting information
// into the scan node from the access path.
// The initial expression is needed to control a (short?) forward scan to adjust the start of a reverse
// iteration after it had to initially settle for starting at "greater than a prefix key".
if (scanNode instanceof IndexSortablePlanNode) {
IndexUseForOrderBy indexUse = ((IndexSortablePlanNode) scanNode).indexUse();
return resultNode;
use of org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractSubqueryExpression in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestPlansInExistsSubQueries method verifyAggregateSubquery.
private void verifyAggregateSubquery(AbstractExpression exists, int columnCount, int groupByCount, boolean hasHaving) {
assertEquals(ExpressionType.OPERATOR_EXISTS, exists.getExpressionType());
AbstractSubqueryExpression se = (AbstractSubqueryExpression) exists.getLeft();
AbstractPlanNode sn = se.getSubqueryNode();
assertTrue(sn instanceof AbstractScanPlanNode);
AbstractPlanNode inline = sn.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.AGGREGATE);
assertEquals(columnCount, inline.getOutputSchema().size());
AggregatePlanNode agg = (AggregatePlanNode) inline;
assertEquals(groupByCount, agg.getGroupByExpressions().size());
assertEquals(hasHaving, agg.getPostPredicate() != null);
use of org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractSubqueryExpression in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestPlansInExistsSubQueries method testHavingInSubquery.
public void testHavingInSubquery() {
String sql;
AbstractPlanNode pn;
AggregatePlanNode aggNode;
List<AbstractExpression> args;
AbstractExpression pred;
AbstractSubqueryExpression sqe;
AbstractExpression postExpr;
AbstractExpression re;
AbstractExpression le;
// filter on agg of expression involving grand-parent tve
sql = "select a from r1 where exists " + "(select 1 from r2 where exists " + " (select 1 from r3 group by c having min(a) > r1.d)) ";
pn = compile(sql);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SeqScanPlanNode);
pred = ((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getPredicate();
// child
assertEquals(ExpressionType.OPERATOR_EXISTS, pred.getExpressionType());
sqe = (AbstractSubqueryExpression) pred.getLeft();
//* enable to debug */ System.out.println(se.explain(""));
args = sqe.getArgs();
assertEquals(1, args.size());
assertEquals(1, sqe.getParameterIdxList().size());
assertEquals("D", ((TupleValueExpression) args.get(0)).getColumnName());
pn = sqe.getSubqueryNode();
assertTrue(pn instanceof SeqScanPlanNode);
pred = ((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getPredicate();
// grand child
assertEquals(ExpressionType.OPERATOR_EXISTS, pred.getExpressionType());
sqe = (AbstractSubqueryExpression) pred.getLeft();
pn = sqe.getSubqueryNode();
pn = pn.getChild(0).getChild(0);
aggNode = AggregatePlanNode.getInlineAggregationNode(pn);
postExpr = aggNode.getPostPredicate();
assertEquals(ExpressionType.COMPARE_GREATERTHAN, postExpr.getExpressionType());
re = postExpr.getRight();
assertEquals(ExpressionType.VALUE_PARAMETER, re.getExpressionType());
assertEquals(new Integer(0), ((ParameterValueExpression) re).getParameterIndex());
// filter on agg of expression involving parent tve
sql = "select a from r1 where c in " + " (select max(c) from r2 group by e having min(a) > r1.d)";
pn = compile(sql);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SeqScanPlanNode);
pred = ((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getPredicate();
assertEquals(ExpressionType.OPERATOR_EXISTS, pred.getExpressionType());
sqe = (AbstractSubqueryExpression) pred.getLeft();
args = sqe.getArgs();
assertEquals(2, args.size());
assertEquals(2, sqe.getParameterIdxList().size());
assertEquals("D", ((TupleValueExpression) args.get(0)).getColumnName());
assertEquals("C", ((TupleValueExpression) args.get(1)).getColumnName());
pn = sqe.getSubqueryNode();
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof LimitPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SeqScanPlanNode);
aggNode = AggregatePlanNode.getInlineAggregationNode(pn);
assertEquals(3, aggNode.getOutputSchema().size());
postExpr = aggNode.getPostPredicate();
assertEquals(ExpressionType.CONJUNCTION_AND, postExpr.getExpressionType());
le = postExpr.getLeft();
assertEquals(ExpressionType.COMPARE_GREATERTHAN, le.getExpressionType());
assertEquals(new Integer(0), ((ParameterValueExpression) le.getRight()).getParameterIndex());
re = postExpr.getRight();
assertEquals(ExpressionType.COMPARE_EQUAL, re.getExpressionType());
assertEquals(new Integer(1), ((ParameterValueExpression) re.getLeft()).getParameterIndex());
// filter on agg of expression involving user parameter ('?')
sql = "select a from r1 where c in " + " (select max(c) from r2 group by e having min(a) > ?) ";
pn = compile(sql);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SeqScanPlanNode);
pred = ((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getPredicate();
assertEquals(ExpressionType.OPERATOR_EXISTS, pred.getExpressionType());
sqe = (AbstractSubqueryExpression) pred.getLeft();
assertEquals(1, sqe.getParameterIdxList().size());
assertEquals(new Integer(1), sqe.getParameterIdxList().get(0));
pn = sqe.getSubqueryNode();
pn = pn.getChild(0).getChild(0);
assertEquals(PlanNodeType.SEQSCAN, pn.getPlanNodeType());
aggNode = AggregatePlanNode.getInlineAggregationNode(pn);
postExpr = aggNode.getPostPredicate();
assertEquals(ExpressionType.CONJUNCTION_AND, postExpr.getExpressionType());
// User PVE
le = postExpr.getLeft();
assertEquals(ExpressionType.COMPARE_GREATERTHAN, le.getExpressionType());
assertEquals(ExpressionType.VALUE_PARAMETER, le.getRight().getExpressionType());
assertEquals(new Integer(0), ((ParameterValueExpression) le.getRight()).getParameterIndex());
// Parent PVE
re = postExpr.getRight();
assertEquals(ExpressionType.COMPARE_EQUAL, re.getExpressionType());
assertEquals(ExpressionType.VALUE_PARAMETER, re.getLeft().getExpressionType());
assertEquals(new Integer(1), ((ParameterValueExpression) re.getLeft()).getParameterIndex());
// filter on agg of local tve
sql = "select a from r1 where c in " + " (select max(c) from r2 group by e having min(a) > 0)";
pn = compile(sql);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SeqScanPlanNode);
AbstractExpression p = ((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getPredicate();
assertEquals(ExpressionType.OPERATOR_EXISTS, p.getExpressionType());
AbstractExpression subquery = p.getLeft();
pn = ((AbstractSubqueryExpression) subquery).getSubqueryNode();
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof LimitPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SeqScanPlanNode);
aggNode = AggregatePlanNode.getInlineAggregationNode(pn);
assertEquals(3, aggNode.getOutputSchema().size());
postExpr = aggNode.getPostPredicate();
assertEquals(ExpressionType.CONJUNCTION_AND, postExpr.getExpressionType());
failToCompile("select max(c) from r1 group by a " + " having count(*) = (select c from r2 where r2.c = r1.a)", HavingErrorMsg);
* Uncomment these tests when ENG-8306 is finished
// // parent correlated TVE in the aggregate expression.
// sql = "select max(c) from r1 group by a " +
// " having count(*) = (select c from r2 where r2.c = r1.a)";
// pn = compile(sql);
// pn = pn.getChild(0);
// assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
// pn = pn.getChild(0);
// assertTrue(pn instanceof SeqScanPlanNode);
// aggNode = AggregatePlanNode.getInlineAggregationNode(pn);
// assertNotNull(aggNode);
// assertNotNull(aggNode instanceof HashAggregatePlanNode);
// assertEquals(3, aggNode.getOutputSchema().size()); // group by key, max, count
// postExpr = aggNode.getPostPredicate();
// assertEquals(ExpressionType.COMPARE_EQUAL, postExpr.getExpressionType());
// assertTrue(postExpr.getLeft() instanceof TupleValueExpression);
// assertTrue(postExpr.getRight() instanceof SelectSubqueryExpression);
use of org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractSubqueryExpression in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestPlansInExistsSubQueries method testNotExists.
public void testNotExists() {
AbstractPlanNode pn = compile("select r2.c from r2 where not exists (select c from r1 where r1.c = r2.c)");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof AbstractScanPlanNode);
AbstractScanPlanNode nps = (AbstractScanPlanNode) pn;
AbstractExpression e = nps.getPredicate();
assertEquals(ExpressionType.OPERATOR_NOT, e.getExpressionType());
AbstractExpression le = e.getLeft();
assertEquals(ExpressionType.OPERATOR_EXISTS, le.getExpressionType());
AbstractSubqueryExpression subExpr = (AbstractSubqueryExpression) le.getLeft();
assertEquals(1, subExpr.getArgs().size());
assertEquals(1, subExpr.getParameterIdxList().size());
assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(0), subExpr.getParameterIdxList().get(0));