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Example 1 with Log_

use of primal.os.Log_ in project suite by stupidsing.

the class LoadBalancer method run.

public void run() {
    var running = BooMutable.true_();
    var probe = new Thread(() -> {
        while (running.isTrue()) try {
            var alives1 = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (var server : servers) try (var socket = new Socket(server, port)) {
            } catch (SocketException ex) {
            alives = alives1;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
    Io io = (is, os) -> {
        var count = counter.getAndIncrement();
        var alives0 = alives;
        var server = alives0.get(count % alives0.size());
        try (var socket = new Socket(server, port)) {
            var sis = socket.getInputStream();
            var sos = socket.getOutputStream();
            Read.each(Copy.streamByThread(is, sos), Copy.streamByThread(sis, os)).collect(Start::thenJoin);
    try {
        new Listen().io(port, io);
    } finally {
Also used : Io(suite.os.Listen.Io) Socket( SocketException( List(java.util.List) Copy(suite.util.Copy) AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) Start(primal.Verbs.Start) Log_(primal.os.Log_) Listen(suite.os.Listen) BooMutable(primal.adt.BooMutable) Read(primal.MoreVerbs.Read) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SocketException( Io(suite.os.Listen.Io) Listen(suite.os.Listen) Socket( SocketException(

Example 2 with Log_

use of primal.os.Log_ in project suite by stupidsing.

the class DailyMain method run.

private boolean run() {
    Trade_.blackList = Union.of(Trade_.blackList, blackList);
    var sellPool = "sellpool";
    var ymd = HkexUtil.getCloseTimeBefore(;
    var td = ymd + "#";
    // perform systematic trading
    var results = // 
    alloc(bacs.pair_bb, 66666f), // 
    alloc("bug", bacs.bac_sell, 0f), // 
    alloc(bacs.pair_donchian, 100000f), // 
    alloc(bacs.pair_ema, 0f), // 
    mamr(50000f), // 
    alloc(bacs.pair_pmamr, 150000f), // 
    alloc(bacs.pair_pmamr2, 366666f), // 
    alloc(bacs.pair_pmmmr, 80000f), // 
    alloc(bacs.pair_revco, 0f), // 
    alloc(bacs.pair_tma, 0f), alloc(sellPool, bacs.bac_sell, 0f));
    // unused strategies
    if (Boolean.FALSE) {
        alloc(bacs.pair_donchian, 100000f);
        pairs(0f, "0341.HK", "0052.HK");
    var sbs = Summarize.of(cfg).summarize(trade -> trade.strategy);
    var strategyTrades = // 
    result -> Read.from(result.trades).map2(trade -> result.strategy, trade -> trade)).filterValue(// 
    trade -> trade.buySell != 0).collect();
    var requestTrades = strategyTrades.filterKey(strategy -> !Equals.string(strategy, sellPool));
    var amounts = strategyTrades.values().collect(LiftDbl.of(Trade::amount));
    var buys_ = amounts.filter(amount -> 0d < amount).sum();
    var sells = amounts.filter(amount -> amount < 0d).sum();
    sbs.log + "\n" + // 
    sbs.pnlByKey + // 
    "\nBUY REQUESTS" + // 
    trade -> 0 < trade.buySell).sortByValue(// 
    Trade::compare).map((strategy, t) -> // 
    "" + Trade.of(td, -t.buySell, t.symbol, t.price, sellPool).record() + // 
    "\n" + // 
    Trade.of(td, +t.buySell, t.symbol, t.price, strategy).record()) + // 
    "\n" + // 
    "\nSELL REQUESTS" + // 
    trade -> trade.buySell < 0).sortByValue(// 
    Trade::compare).map((strategy, t) -> // 
    "" + Trade.of(td, +t.buySell, t.symbol, t.price, strategy).record() + // 
    "\n" + // 
    Trade.of(td, -t.buySell, t.symbol, t.price, sellPool).record()) + // 
    "\n" + "\nTOTAL BUYS_ = " + // 
    To.string(buys_) + "\nTOTAL SELLS = " + // 
    To.string(sells) + // 
    "\n" + // 
    "\nSUGGESTIONS" + // 
    "\n- check your balance" + "\n- sell mamr and " + // 
    sellPool + "\n");
    var result = sb.toString().replace(".0\t", "\t");;
    new SmtpSsl().send(null, getClass().getName(), result);
    return true;
Also used : BackAllocator( Union(primal.Verbs.Union) Singleton(suite.node.util.Singleton) SerializedStoreCache(suite.os.SerializedStoreCache) Trade_( Math_(suite.math.Math_) Sink(primal.fp.Funs.Sink) RunUtil(suite.util.RunUtil) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Bacs( Instrument( Streamlet(primal.streamlet.Streamlet) Math.round(java.lang.Math.round) BackAllocatorOld( TradeCfg( LiftDbl(primal.primitive.DblMoreVerbs.LiftDbl) SmtpSsl(suite.smtp.SmtpSsl) BackAllocTester( Serialize(suite.serialize.Serialize) Pair(primal.adt.Pair) TradeCfgImpl( HkexUtil( Summarize( Set(java.util.Set) To(suite.util.To) Log_(primal.os.Log_) Read(primal.MoreVerbs.Read) Strategos( List(java.util.List) Trade( BackAllocConfiguration( Time( BackAllocConfigurations( AsDbl(primal.primitive.fp.AsDbl) Account( SingleAllocBackTest( Equals(primal.Verbs.Equals) TimeRange( Trade( SmtpSsl(suite.smtp.SmtpSsl)

Example 3 with Log_

use of primal.os.Log_ in project suite by stupidsing.

the class HttpNio method listen.

private void listen(Reg reg) {
    var rw = new Object() {

        // 0 - read, 1 - write, 2 - close after all written
        private int stage = 0;

        private Bytes br = Bytes.empty;

        private Bytes bw = Bytes.empty;

        private Puller<Bytes> write;

        private Source<Boolean> eater = () -> parseLine(line -> handleRequest1stLine(line.trim(), response -> {
            var data = // 
            "HTTP/1.1 " + response.status + "\r\n" + response.headers.streamlet().map((k, v) -> k + ": " + v + "\r\n").toJoinedString() + "\r\n";
            stage = 1;
            if (response.body != null)
                write = Puller.concat(Pull.from(data), response.body);
            else {
                bw = Bytes.of(data.getBytes(Utf8.charset));
                response.write.f(bytes -> {
                    if (bytes != null)
                        bw = bw.append(bytes);
                        stage = 2;

        private void listen() {
            if (!bw.isEmpty())
                reg.listenWrite(() -> bw, this::written);
            else if (stage == 0)
                reg.listenRead(in -> {
            else if (stage == 1 && write != null)
                reg.listenWrite(() -> bw = write.pull(), this::written);
            else if (stage == 2)
                reg.listenWrite(() -> null, null);
            else if (stage == 3)
                reg.listen(0, null, null, null);

        private void read(Bytes in) {
            if (in != null) {
                br = br.append(in);
                while (eater.g()) ;
            } else
                // closes connection
                write = Puller.empty();

        private void written(int n) {
            if (0 <= n)
                bw = bw.range(n);
                stage = 3;

        private void handleRequest1stLine(String line, Sink<Response> cb) {
            var hrhl = handleRequestHeaderLine(lines -> handleRequestBody(line, lines, cb));
            eater = () -> parseLine(hrhl);

        private Sink<String> handleRequestHeaderLine(Sink<List<String>> cb) {
            var lines = new ArrayList<String>();
            return line0 -> {
                var line1 = line0.trim();
                if (!line1.isEmpty())

        private void handleRequestBody(String line0, List<String> headerLines, Sink<Response> cb) {
            eater = () -> // 
            line0.split(" ")).map((method, url, proto) -> handleRequestBody(proto, method, url, headerLines, cb));

        private // 
        boolean handleRequestBody(// 
        String proto, // 
        String method, // 
        String url, // 
        List<String> lines, Sink<Response> cb) {
            var headers = // 
            lines).fold(new Header(), (headers_, line_) -> // 
            Split.strl(line_, // 
            ":").map((k, v) -> headers_.put(k, v)));
            var queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Bytes>(Buffer.size);
            Sink<Bytes> offer = queue::add;
            Source<Bytes> take = queue::poll;
            Fun2<String, String, Request> requestFun = (host, pqs) -> Split.strl(pqs, "?").map((path0, query) -> {
                var path1 = path0.startsWith("/") ? path0 : "/" + path0;
                var path2 = ex(() -> URLDecoder.decode(path1, Utf8.charset));
                return // 
                Equals.string(proto, "HTTP/1.1") ? // 
                new Request(method, host, path2, query, headers, Puller.of(take)) : fail("only HTTP/1.1 is supported");
            var pp = Split.string(url, "://");
            var request = pp != null ? Split.strl(pp.v, "/").map(requestFun) : requestFun.apply("", url);
            var cl = request.headers.getOpt("Content-Length").map(Long::parseLong);
            var te = Equals.ab(request.headers.getOpt("Transfer-Encoding"), Opt.of("chunked"));
            if (te)
                eater = handleChunkedRequestBody(request, offer, cb);
            else if (cl.hasValue())
                eater = handleRequestBody(request, offer, cl.g(), cb);
                eater = handleRequestBody(request, offer, 0, cb);
            return true;

        private // 
        Source<Boolean> handleRequestBody(// 
        Request request, // 
        Sink<Bytes> body, // 
        long contentLength, Sink<Response> cb) {
            return new Source<>() {

                private int n;

                public Boolean g() {
                    var isOpen = br != null;
                    if (isOpen) {
                        n += br.size();
                        br = Bytes.empty;
                    if (!isOpen || contentLength <= n)
                    return false;

        private Source<Boolean> handleChunkedRequestBody(Request request, Sink<Bytes> body, Sink<Response> cb) {
            return () -> {
                for (var i0 = 0; i0 < br.size(); i0++) if (br.get(i0) == 10) {
                    var line = new String(br.range(0, i0).toArray(), Utf8.charset);
                    var size = Integer.parseInt(line.trim(), 16);
                    for (var i1 = i0 + 1 + size; i1 < br.size(); i1++) if (br.get(i1) == 10) {
                        var chunk = br.range(i0 + 1, i1);
                        br = br.range(i1);
                        return true;
                    if (size == 0)
                return false;

        private boolean parseLine(Sink<String> handleLine) {
            for (var i = 0; i < br.size(); i++) if (br.get(i) == 10) {
                var line = new String(br.range(0, i).toArray(), Utf8.charset);
                br = br.range(i + 1);
                return true;
            return false;
Also used : FixieArray(primal.adt.FixieArray) URLDecoder( Reg(suite.os.ListenNio.Reg) Sink(primal.fp.Funs.Sink) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Response(suite.http.Http.Response) Utf8(primal.Nouns.Utf8) Request(suite.http.Http.Request) Split(primal.MoreVerbs.Split) Opt(primal.adt.Opt) Pull(primal.MoreVerbs.Pull) Handler(suite.http.Http.Handler) ListenNio(suite.os.ListenNio) Buffer(primal.Nouns.Buffer) Source(primal.fp.Funs.Source) Header(suite.http.Http.Header) Log_(primal.os.Log_) Read(primal.MoreVerbs.Read) Bytes(primal.primitive.adt.Bytes) ArrayBlockingQueue(java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue) List(java.util.List) Rethrow.ex(primal.statics.Rethrow.ex) Fun2(primal.fp.Funs2.Fun2) Equals(primal.Verbs.Equals) Puller(primal.puller.Puller) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Request(suite.http.Http.Request) Source(primal.fp.Funs.Source) Bytes(primal.primitive.adt.Bytes) Sink(primal.fp.Funs.Sink) Header(suite.http.Http.Header) ArrayBlockingQueue(java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue) Puller(primal.puller.Puller) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List)

Example 4 with Log_

use of primal.os.Log_ in project suite by stupidsing.

the class Render method render.

public Image render(int width, int height, BiFun<Float, R3> f) {
    var scale = 1f / max(width, height);
    int centerX = width / 2, centerY = height / 2;
    var xs = To.vector(width + 1, x -> (x - centerX) * scale);
    var ys = To.vector(height + 1, y -> (y - centerY) * scale);
    return renderPixels(width, height, (IntInt_Obj<R3>) (x, y) -> {
        R3 color;
        try {
            color = f.apply(xs[x], ys[y]);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Log_.error(new RuntimeException("at (" + x + ", " + y + ")", ex));
            color = new R3(1d, 1d, 1d);
        return color;
Also used : Color(java.awt.Color) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) R3(suite.math.R3) To(suite.util.To) Math.min(java.lang.Math.min) IntInt_Obj(primal.primitive.IntInt_Obj) Log_(primal.os.Log_) Streamlet_.forInt(suite.util.Streamlet_.forInt) Defaults(suite.cfg.Defaults) JLabel(javax.swing.JLabel) Math.max(java.lang.Math.max) ImageIcon(javax.swing.ImageIcon) As(suite.streamlet.As) BorderLayout(java.awt.BorderLayout) JFrame(javax.swing.JFrame) NewInt(primal.primitive.IntVerbs.NewInt) BiFun(primal.fp.Funs2.BiFun) R3(suite.math.R3)


Log_ (primal.os.Log_)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 List (java.util.List)3 Read (primal.MoreVerbs.Read)3 Equals (primal.Verbs.Equals)2 Sink (primal.fp.Funs.Sink)2 BorderLayout (java.awt.BorderLayout)1 Color (java.awt.Color)1 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)1 Math.max (java.lang.Math.max)1 Math.min (java.lang.Math.min)1 Math.round (java.lang.Math.round)1 Socket ( SocketException ( URLDecoder ( Set (java.util.Set)1 ArrayBlockingQueue (java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue)1 AtomicInteger (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger)1 ImageIcon (javax.swing.ImageIcon)1 JFrame (javax.swing.JFrame)1