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Example 11 with SOCBoardLarge

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient method handleBOARDLAYOUT2.

 * handle the "board layout" message, new format
 * @param games  Games the client is playing, for method reuse by SOCPlayerClient
 * @param mes  the message
 * @since 1.1.08
 * @return True if game was found and layout understood, false otherwise
public static boolean handleBOARDLAYOUT2(Map<String, SOCGame> games, SOCBoardLayout2 mes) {
    SOCGame ga = games.get(mes.getGame());
    if (ga == null)
        return false;
    SOCBoard bd = ga.getBoard();
    final int bef = mes.getBoardEncodingFormat();
    if (bef == SOCBoard.BOARD_ENCODING_LARGE) {
        // v3
        ((SOCBoardLarge) bd).setLandHexLayout(mes.getIntArrayPart("LH"));
        int hex = mes.getIntPart("RH");
        if (hex != 0)
            bd.setRobberHex(hex, false);
        hex = mes.getIntPart("PH");
        if (hex != 0)
            ((SOCBoardLarge) bd).setPirateHex(hex, false);
        int[] portLayout = mes.getIntArrayPart("PL");
        if (portLayout != null)
        int[] x = mes.getIntArrayPart("PX");
        if (x != null)
            ((SOCBoardLarge) bd).setPlayerExcludedLandAreas(x);
        x = mes.getIntArrayPart("RX");
        if (x != null)
            ((SOCBoardLarge) bd).setRobberExcludedLandAreas(x);
        x = mes.getIntArrayPart("CV");
        if (x != null)
            ((SOCBoardLarge) bd).setVillageAndClothLayout(x);
        x = mes.getIntArrayPart("LS");
        if (x != null)
            ((SOCBoardLarge) bd).addLoneLegalSettlements(ga, x);
        HashMap<String, int[]> others = mes.getAddedParts();
        if (others != null)
            ((SOCBoardLarge) bd).setAddedLayoutParts(others);
    } else if (bef <= SOCBoard.BOARD_ENCODING_6PLAYER) {
        // v1 or v2
        bd.setRobberHex(mes.getIntPart("RH"), false);
        int[] portLayout = mes.getIntArrayPart("PL");
        if (portLayout != null)
    } else {
        // Should not occur: Server has sent an unrecognized format
        System.err.println("Cannot recognize game encoding v" + bef + " for game " + ga.getName());
        return false;
    return true;
Also used : SOCBoardLarge( SOCBoard( SOCGame(

Example 12 with SOCBoardLarge

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCBoardPanel method flushBoardLayoutAndRepaint.

 * Clear the board layout (as rendered in the empty-board buffer) and trigger a repaint.
 * If needed, update margins and visual shift from Added Layout Part {@code "VS"}.
 * Doing so will call {@link #rescaleBoard(int, int, boolean)} and may change
 * the board panel's minimum size and/or current size. Returns true if current size changes
 * here: If so, caller must re-do layout of this panel within its container.
 * "VS" is part of the initial board layout from the server and its value won't change at
 * start of the game. This method and {@code rescaleBoard} check for zero or changed margins because
 * the board layout and margins are unknown (0) at SOCBoardPanel construction time.
 * @return  Null unless current {@link #getSize()} has changed from Visual Shift ({@code "VS"}).
 *     If not null, the delta change (new - old) in this panel's width and height
 * @since 1.1.08
 * @see SOCPlayerInterface#updateAtNewBoard()
public Dimension flushBoardLayoutAndRepaint() {
    Dimension ret = null;
    if (board instanceof SOCBoardLarge) {
        final int prevSBX = panelShiftBX, prevSBY = panelShiftBY;
        final int sBX, sBY;
        boolean changed = false;
        int[] boardVS = ((SOCBoardLarge) board).getAddedLayoutPart("VS");
        if (boardVS != null) {
            sBY = (boardVS[0] * halfdeltaY) / 2;
            sBX = (boardVS[1] * halfdeltaX) / 2;
        } else {
            sBY = 0;
            sBX = 0;
        if (sBX != prevSBX) {
            if (prevSBX > 0)
                panelMinBW -= prevSBX;
            panelShiftBX = sBX;
            changed = true;
            if (sBX > 0)
                panelMinBW += sBX;
        if (sBY != prevSBY) {
            if (prevSBY > 0)
                panelMinBH -= prevSBY;
            panelShiftBY = sBY;
            changed = true;
            if (sBY > 0)
                panelMinBH += sBY;
        if (changed) {
            final int w = scaledPanelW, h = scaledPanelH;
            rescaleBoard(w, h, true);
            // If margins increased, also may have updated minSize, panelMinBW, scaledPanelH, etc.
            if ((w != scaledPanelW) || (h != scaledPanelH)) {
                ret = new Dimension(scaledPanelW - w, scaledPanelH - h);
                super.setSize(scaledPanelW, scaledPanelH);
    if (emptyBoardBuffer != null) {
        emptyBoardBuffer = null;
    if (isScaled) {
        // reset the image-scaling timeout
        scaledAt = System.currentTimeMillis();
        scaledMissedImage = false;
    return ret;
Also used : SOCBoardLarge( Dimension(java.awt.Dimension)

Example 13 with SOCBoardLarge

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCBoardPanel method drawBoardEmpty.

 * Draw the whole board (water, hexes, ports, numbers) but no placed pieces.
 * This is drawn once, then stored.
 * If the board layout changes (at start of game or
 * {@link SOCBoardLarge#FOG_HEX fog hex} reveal, for example),
 * call {@link #flushBoardLayoutAndRepaint()} to clear the buffered copy.
 * For scenario option {@link SOCGameOption#K_SC_CLVI _SC_CLVI},
 * <tt>drawBoardEmpty</tt> draws the board's {@link SOCVillage}s.
 * If {@link #panelMarginX} or {@link #panelMarginY} != 0, do not translate {@code g}
 * before calling. This method will internally translate.
 * @param g Graphics, typically from {@link #emptyBoardBuffer}
 * @since 1.1.08
 * @see SOCPlayerInterface#updateAtNewBoard()
private void drawBoardEmpty(Graphics g) {
    // ask for antialiasing if available
    if (g instanceof Graphics2D)
        ((Graphics2D) g).setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    Set<Integer> landHexShow;
    final int SC_6;
    if (debugShowPotentials[8] && isLargeBoard) {
        landHexShow = ((SOCBoardLarge) board).getLandHexCoordsSet();
        SC_6 = scaleToActual(6);
    } else {
        // almost always null, unless debugging large board
        landHexShow = null;
        // unused unless debugging large board
        SC_6 = 0;
    g.fillRect(0, 0, scaledPanelW, scaledPanelH);
    if (scaledPorts[0] == null) {
        // Check if port graphics are ready.  This probably isn't needed, because
        // doLayout already called position/sizing methods which call rescaleBoard.
    final boolean xlat = (panelMarginX != 0) || (panelMarginY != 0);
    if (xlat)
        g.translate(panelMarginX, panelMarginY);
    // drawHex will set scaledMissedImage if missed.
    if (!isLargeBoard) {
        // Draw water hexes to all edges of the panel;
        // these are outside the board coordinate system.
        boolean isRowOffset = isRotated;
        for (int hy = -deltaY; hy < panelMinBH; hy += deltaY, isRowOffset = !isRowOffset) {
            int hx = 0;
            if (isRowOffset)
                hx -= halfdeltaX;
            for (; hx < panelMinBW; hx += deltaX) if (0 == findHex(hx, hy))
                drawHex(g, hx, hy, SOCBoard.WATER_HEX, -1, -1);
        if (is6player)
        for (int i = 0; i < hexX.length; i++) if ((inactiveHexNums == null) || !inactiveHexNums[i])
            drawHex(g, i);
    } else {
        // Large Board has a rectangular array of hexes.
        // (r,c) are board coordinates.
        // (x,y) are unscaled pixel coordinates.
        // Top border rows:
        final int bMarginX = scaleFromActual(panelMarginX), marginNumHex = (bMarginX + deltaX - 1) / deltaX;
        // Top border ("row -2"): Needed only when panelMarginY is +1 or more "VS" units (1/4 or more of row height)
        if (panelMarginY >= (halfdeltaY / 2)) {
            final int y = -halfdeltaY - deltaY, xmin = -(deltaX * marginNumHex) - halfdeltaX;
            for (int x = xmin; x < panelMinBW; x += deltaX) {
                drawHex(g, x, y, SOCBoard.WATER_HEX, -1, -1);
        // The initial x-coord formula aligns just enough water hexes to cover -panelMarginX.
        for (int x = -(deltaX * marginNumHex); x < panelMinBW; x += deltaX) {
            drawHex(g, x, -halfdeltaY, SOCBoard.WATER_HEX, -1, -1);
        // In-bounds board hexes and bottom border:
        final int bw = board.getBoardWidth(), bh = board.getBoardHeight();
        for (int r = 1, y = halfdeltaY; r < bh || y < (scaledPanelH + HEXY_OFF_SLOPE_HEIGHT); r += 2, y += deltaY) {
            final int rshift = (r << 8);
            int c, x;
            if (((r / 2) % 2) == 1) {
                // odd hex rows start at 1
                c = 1;
                x = 0;
            } else {
                // top row, even rows start at 2
                c = 2;
                x = halfdeltaX;
            if ((panelMarginX != 0) || (x != 0)) {
                // xleft drawn at >= 0 after g.translate for panelMarginX
                for (int xleft = x; xleft > -(panelMarginX + deltaX); xleft -= deltaX) drawHex(g, xleft, y, SOCBoard.WATER_HEX, -1, -1);
            for (; c < bw; c += 2, x += deltaX) {
                final int hexCoord = rshift | c;
                final int hexType = (r < bh) ? board.getHexTypeFromCoord(hexCoord) : SOCBoard.WATER_HEX;
                drawHex(g, x, y, hexType, -1, hexCoord);
                if ((landHexShow != null) && landHexShow.contains(new Integer(hexCoord))) {
                    g.drawRoundRect(scaleToActual(x + (halfdeltaX / 2)), scaleToActual(y + ((halfdeltaY + HEXY_OFF_SLOPE_HEIGHT) / 2) + 1), scaleToActual(halfdeltaX), scaleToActual(halfdeltaY + 1), SC_6, SC_6);
            // If board is narrower than panel, fill in with water
            int xmax = panelMinBW - 1;
            if (panelMarginX < 0)
                xmax -= panelMarginX;
            while (x < xmax) {
                final int hexCoord = rshift | c;
                drawHex(g, x, y, SOCBoard.WATER_HEX, -1, hexCoord);
                c += 2;
                x += deltaX;
        // All ports
        // For scenario _SC_PIRI, check for the Pirate Path and Lone Settlement locations.
        // Draw path only if the pirate fleet is still on the board
        // Draw our player's permitted sea edges for ships, if restricted
            final int[] ppath = ((SOCBoardLarge) board).getAddedLayoutPart("PP");
            if ((ppath != null) && (0 != ((SOCBoardLarge) board).getPirateHex()))
                drawBoardEmpty_drawPiratePath(g, ppath);
            final int[] ls = ((SOCBoardLarge) board).getAddedLayoutPart("LS");
            if (ls != null) {
                for (int pn = 0; pn < ls.length; ++pn) if (ls[pn] != 0)
                    drawSettlement(g, ls[pn], pn, false, true);
            final HashSet<Integer> lse = (player != null) ? player.getRestrictedLegalShips() : null;
            if (lse != null)
                drawSeaEdgeLines(g, null, lse);
        // For scenario _SC_FTRI, draw markers at the SVP edges and dev card edges (added layout parts "CE", "VE")
        if (((SOCBoardLarge) board).hasSpecialEdges())
        // For scenario _SC_CLVI, draw the cloth villages
        HashMap<Integer, SOCVillage> villages = ((SOCBoardLarge) board).getVillages();
        if (villages != null) {
            Iterator<SOCVillage> villIter = villages.values().iterator();
            while (villIter.hasNext()) drawVillage(g,;
        // For scenario _SC_WOND, draw special nodes (layout parts N1, N2, N3)
        if (game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_WOND)) {
            // brown
            drawBoardEmpty_specialNodes(g, "N1", new Color(180, 90, 40));
            // violet
            drawBoardEmpty_specialNodes(g, "N2", new Color(120, 40, 120));
            drawBoardEmpty_specialNodes(g, "N3", Color.RED);
        // check debugShowPotentials[0 - 9]
    if (xlat)
        g.translate(-panelMarginX, -panelMarginY);
    if (scaledMissedImage) {
        // With recent board resize, one or more rescaled images still hasn't
        // been completed after 7 seconds.  We've asked for a new scaled copy
        // of this image.  Repaint now, and repaint 3 seconds later.
        // (The delay gives time for the new scaling to complete.)
        scaledAt = System.currentTimeMillis();
        new DelayedRepaint(this).start();
Also used : SOCVillage( SOCBoardLarge( Color(java.awt.Color) Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 14 with SOCBoardLarge

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCBoardPanel method setDebugShowPotentialsFlag.

 * Set or clear a debug flag to show player 0's potential/legal coordinate sets.
 * Currently implemented only for the sea board layout ({@link SOCBoardLarge}).
 * @param pieceType  Piece type; 0=road, 1=settle, 2=city, 3=ship;
 *         Use 8 for land hexes, 9 for nodes on board.  Or, -1 for all.
 *         See {@link #debugShowPotentials} javadoc for all values.
 * @param setPotential  If true, show/hide the potential set, not the legal set
 * @param setOn  If true, set the flag; if false, clear it
 * @since 2.0.00
void setDebugShowPotentialsFlag(int pieceType, final boolean setPotential, final boolean setOn) {
    if (pieceType == -1) {
        // all flags
        Arrays.fill(debugShowPotentials, setOn);
    } else {
        if (setPotential && (pieceType < 4))
            pieceType += 4;
        if (setOn == debugShowPotentials[pieceType])
            // nothing to do
        debugShowPotentials[pieceType] = setOn;
    // force redraw of the empty board
    scaledMissedImage = true;
    // to call drawBoard, drawBoardEmpty
    if (setOn && ((pieceType == 2) || (pieceType == -1))) {
        int[] vs = (board instanceof SOCBoardLarge) ? ((SOCBoardLarge) board).getAddedLayoutPart("VS") : null;
        if (vs == null)
            vs = new int[] { 0, 0 };
        System.err.println("debugShowPotentials: Board size (height, width) = 0x" + Integer.toHexString(board.getBoardWidth()) + ",0x" + Integer.toHexString(board.getBoardHeight()) + ", VS (down, right) = " + vs[0] + "," + vs[1]);
        System.err.println("  Panel size (width, height): unscaled = " + panelMinBW + "," + panelMinBH + ((isRotated) ? ", rotated" : "") + ", current = " + scaledPanelW + "," + scaledPanelH + ", margin (left, top) = " + panelMarginX + "," + panelMarginY + ", unscaled shift (right, down) = " + panelShiftBX + "," + panelShiftBY);
        int w = playerInterface.getWidth(), h = playerInterface.getHeight();
        Insets ins = playerInterface.getInsets();
        System.err.println("  PI window size (width, height) = " + w + "," + h + ", inner = " + (w - ins.left - ins.right) + "," + (h - - ins.bottom) + ", insets (left, right, top, bottom) = " + ins.left + "," + ins.right + "," + + "," + ins.bottom);
Also used : SOCBoardLarge( Insets(java.awt.Insets)

Example 15 with SOCBoardLarge

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCBoardPanel method drawBoardEmpty_specialEdges.

 * For the {@link SOCGameOption#K_SC_FTRI _SC_FTRI} game scenario on {@link SOCBoardLarge},
 * draw markers at all Special Edges for the players to reach and be rewarded.
 * Each marker's color will be determined by its edge's type, such as {@link SOCBoardLarge#SPECIAL_EDGE_DEV_CARD}.
 * Unknown types will be drawn gray.
 * @since 2.0.00
private final void drawBoardEmpty_specialEdges(final Graphics g) {
    Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, Integer>> seIter = ((SOCBoardLarge) board).getSpecialEdges();
    while (seIter.hasNext()) {
        final Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry =;
        // marker color
        final Color mc;
        switch(entry.getValue()) {
            case SOCBoardLarge.SPECIAL_EDGE_DEV_CARD:
                mc = Color.YELLOW;
            case SOCBoardLarge.SPECIAL_EDGE_SVP:
                mc = Color.GREEN;
                mc = Color.LIGHT_GRAY;
        final int edge = entry.getKey();
        // col, row to calculate x, y
        int x = edge & 0xFF, y = edge >> 8;
        final boolean edgeNotVertical = ((y % 2) == 0);
        x = x * halfdeltaX;
        y = y * halfdeltaY + HALF_HEXHEIGHT;
        // its center is slightly offset from the grid
        if (edgeNotVertical)
            x += (halfdeltaX / 2);
        x = scaleToActual(x);
        y = scaleToActual(y);
        drawMarker(g, x, y, mc, -1);
Also used : SOCBoardLarge( Color(java.awt.Color) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap)


SOCBoardLarge ( SOCBoard ( SOCPlayer ( SOCShip ( SOCGame ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 SOCRoad ( Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)3 SOCCity ( SOCFortress ( SOCVillage ( Color (java.awt.Color)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 Vector (java.util.Vector)2 SOCInventoryItem ( SOCResourceSet ( SOCSettlement ( AlphaComposite (java.awt.AlphaComposite)1 BasicStroke (java.awt.BasicStroke)1 Composite (java.awt.Composite)1