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Example 16 with SOCBoardLarge

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCBoardPanel method mouseMoved.

 * Based on the board's current {@link #mode}, update the hovering 'hilight' piece ({@link #hilight}).
 * Trigger a {@link #repaint()} if the mouse moved or the hilight changes.
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
    try {
        int x = e.getX();
        int y = e.getY();
        int xb, yb;
        // get (xb, yb) internal board-pixel coordinates from (x, y):
        if (isScaled) {
            xb = scaleFromActual(x - panelMarginX);
            yb = scaleFromActual(y - panelMarginY);
        } else {
            xb = x - panelMarginX;
            yb = y - panelMarginY;
        if (isRotated) {
            // (ccw): P'=(y, panelMinBW-x)
            int xb1 = yb;
            // offset for similar reasons as -HEXHEIGHT in drawHex
            yb = panelMinBW - xb - HEXY_OFF_SLOPE_HEIGHT;
            xb = xb1;
        int edgeNum;
        int nodeNum;
        int hexNum;
        switch(mode) {
            case PLACE_INIT_ROAD:
                 ** Code for finding an edge *******
                edgeNum = 0;
                if ((ptrOldX != x) || (ptrOldY != y)) {
                    ptrOldX = x;
                    ptrOldY = y;
                    boolean isShip = false;
                    edgeNum = findEdge(xb, yb, true);
                    if (edgeNum < 0) {
                        edgeNum = -edgeNum;
                        if ((player != null) && game.canPlaceShip(player, edgeNum))
                            isShip = true;
                    } else {
                        // check potential roads, not ships, to keep it false if coastal edge
                        isShip = ((player != null) && !player.isPotentialRoad(edgeNum));
                    // It must be attached to the last settlement
                    if ((player == null) || (!(player.isPotentialRoad(edgeNum) || game.canPlaceShip(player, edgeNum))) || (!(game.isDebugFreePlacement() || board.isEdgeAdjacentToNode(initSettlementNode, (edgeNum != -1) ? edgeNum : 0)))) {
                        edgeNum = 0;
                    if ((hilight != edgeNum) || (hilightIsShip != isShip)) {
                        hilight = edgeNum;
                        hilightIsShip = isShip;
                        if (debugShowCoordsTooltip) {
                            // "" shows tip, null hides it.
                            String blank = (edgeNum != 0) ? "" : null;
                            // also repaints
                            hoverTip.setHoverText(blank, edgeNum, x, y);
                        } else {
            case PLACE_ROAD:
            case PLACE_FREE_ROAD_OR_SHIP:
            case MOVE_SHIP:
                 ** Code for finding an edge; see also PLACE_SHIP, SC_FTRI_PLACE_PORT *******
                edgeNum = 0;
                if ((ptrOldX != x) || (ptrOldY != y)) {
                    ptrOldX = x;
                    ptrOldY = y;
                    edgeNum = findEdge(xb, yb, true);
                    final boolean hasShips = (player != null) && (player.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.SHIP) > 0);
                    final boolean canPlaceShip = hasShips && game.canPlaceShip(player, Math.abs(edgeNum));
                    if ((mode == PLACE_FREE_ROAD_OR_SHIP) && canPlaceShip && (edgeNum > 0) && (player.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD) == 0)) {
                        // If this edge is coastal, force ship (not road) if we
                        // have no roads remaining to freely place
                        edgeNum = -edgeNum;
                    boolean isShip;
                    if (edgeNum < 0) {
                        edgeNum = -edgeNum;
                        isShip = canPlaceShip || ((mode == PLACE_FREE_ROAD_OR_SHIP) && hasShips && player.isPotentialShip(edgeNum));
                    } else {
                        isShip = false;
                    if ((edgeNum != 0) && (player != null)) {
                        if (mode == MOVE_SHIP) {
                            isShip = true;
                            if (!player.isPotentialShipMoveTo(edgeNum, moveShip_fromEdge))
                                edgeNum = 0;
                            // Check edgeNum vs pirate hex:
                            final SOCBoardLarge bL = (SOCBoardLarge) board;
                            final int ph = bL.getPirateHex();
                            if ((ph != 0) && bL.isEdgeAdjacentToHex(edgeNum, ph))
                                edgeNum = 0;
                        } else {
                            if ((player.isPotentialRoad(edgeNum) && (player.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD) > 0)) || ((mode == PLACE_FREE_ROAD_OR_SHIP) && canPlaceShip)) {
                                if (!isShip) {
                                    // check potential roads, not ships, to keep it false if coastal edge
                                    isShip = (player != null) && canPlaceShip && !player.isPotentialRoad(edgeNum);
                            } else {
                                edgeNum = 0;
                    if ((hilight != edgeNum) || (hilightIsShip != isShip)) {
                        hilight = edgeNum;
                        hilightIsShip = isShip;
                        if (debugShowCoordsTooltip) {
                            // "" shows tip, null hides it.
                            String blank = (edgeNum != 0) ? "" : null;
                            // also repaints
                            hoverTip.setHoverText(blank, edgeNum, x, y);
                        } else {
            case PLACE_SETTLEMENT:
            case PLACE_INIT_SETTLEMENT:
                 ** Code for finding a node ********
                nodeNum = 0;
                if ((ptrOldX != x) || (ptrOldY != y)) {
                    ptrOldX = x;
                    ptrOldY = y;
                    nodeNum = findNode(xb, yb);
                    if ((player == null) || !player.canPlaceSettlement(nodeNum)) {
                        nodeNum = 0;
                    if (hilight != nodeNum) {
                        hilight = nodeNum;
                        hilightIsShip = false;
                        if ((mode == PLACE_INIT_SETTLEMENT) && !debugShowCoordsTooltip)
                            hoverTip.handleHover(x, y, xb, yb);
                        else if (debugShowCoordsTooltip)
                            hoverTip.setHoverText(((nodeNum != 0) ? "" : null), nodeNum, x, y);
                    } else if (mode == PLACE_INIT_SETTLEMENT) {
                        if (debugShowCoordsTooltip && (nodeNum != 0))
                            hoverTip.setHoverText("", nodeNum, x, y);
                            // Will call repaint() if needed
                            hoverTip.handleHover(x, y, xb, yb);
            case PLACE_CITY:
                 ** Code for finding a node ********
                nodeNum = 0;
                if ((ptrOldX != x) || (ptrOldY != y)) {
                    ptrOldX = x;
                    ptrOldY = y;
                    nodeNum = findNode(xb, yb);
                    if ((player == null) || !player.isPotentialCity(nodeNum)) {
                        nodeNum = 0;
                    if (hilight != nodeNum) {
                        hilight = nodeNum;
                        hilightIsShip = false;
                        if (debugShowCoordsTooltip) {
                            // "" shows tip, null hides it.
                            String blank = (nodeNum != 0) ? "" : null;
                            // also repaints
                            hoverTip.setHoverText(blank, nodeNum, x, y);
                        } else {
            case PLACE_SHIP:
                 ** Code for finding an edge; see also PLACE_ROAD *******
                edgeNum = 0;
                if ((ptrOldX != x) || (ptrOldY != y)) {
                    ptrOldX = x;
                    ptrOldY = y;
                    edgeNum = findEdge(xb, yb, false);
                    if (edgeNum != 0) {
                        if ((player == null) || (player.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.SHIP) < 1) || !game.canPlaceShip(player, edgeNum))
                            edgeNum = 0;
                    if (hilight != edgeNum) {
                        hilight = edgeNum;
                        hilightIsShip = true;
                        if (debugShowCoordsTooltip) {
                            // "" shows tip, null hides it.
                            String blank = (edgeNum != 0) ? "" : null;
                            // also repaints
                            hoverTip.setHoverText(blank, edgeNum, x, y);
                        } else {
            case PLACE_ROBBER:
            case PLACE_PIRATE:
                 ** Code for finding a hex ********
                hexNum = 0;
                if ((ptrOldX != x) || (ptrOldY != y)) {
                    ptrOldX = x;
                    ptrOldY = y;
                    hexNum = findHex(xb, yb);
                    final boolean canMove = (mode == PLACE_ROBBER) ? game.canMoveRobber(playerNumber, hexNum) : game.canMovePirate(playerNumber, hexNum);
                    if (!canMove) {
                        // Not a hex, or can't move to this hex (water, etc)
                        if (hexNum != 0) {
                            if ((board instanceof SOCBoardLarge) && ((SOCBoardLarge) board).isHexInLandAreas(hexNum, ((SOCBoardLarge) board).getRobberExcludedLandAreas())) {
                                hoverTip.setHoverText(strings.get(""), hexNum);
                            // "Cannot move the robber here."
                            } else {
                                // clear any previous
                                hoverTip.setHoverText(null, 0);
                            hexNum = 0;
                    if (hilight != hexNum) {
                        hilight = hexNum;
                        hilightIsShip = false;
                        hoverTip.handleHover(x, y, xb, yb);
                    } else {
                        // calls repaint
                        hoverTip.positionToMouse(x, y);
            case SC_FTRI_PLACE_PORT:
                 ** Code for finding an edge; see also PLACE_ROAD, PLACE_SHIP *******
                edgeNum = 0;
                if ((ptrOldX != x) || (ptrOldY != y)) {
                    ptrOldX = x;
                    ptrOldY = y;
                    edgeNum = findEdge(xb, yb, false);
                if (edgeNum != 0) {
                    final boolean edgeNeg1;
                    if (edgeNum == -1) {
                        edgeNum = 0;
                        edgeNeg1 = true;
                    } else {
                        edgeNeg1 = false;
                    if (!game.canPlacePort(player, edgeNum)) {
                        // not valid for placement
                        edgeNum = 0;
                    } else {
                        if (edgeNeg1)
                            edgeNum = -1;
                if (edgeNum != hilight) {
                    hilight = edgeNum;
                    if (debugShowCoordsTooltip) {
                        // "" shows tip, null hides it.
                        String blank = (edgeNum != 0) ? "" : null;
                        // also repaints
                        hoverTip.setHoverText(blank, edgeNum, x, y);
                    } else {
            case CONSIDER_LM_SETTLEMENT:
            case CONSIDER_LT_SETTLEMENT:
                 ** Code for finding a node ********
                nodeNum = 0;
                if ((ptrOldX != x) || (ptrOldY != y)) {
                    ptrOldX = x;
                    ptrOldY = y;
                    nodeNum = findNode(xb, yb);
                    // nodeNum = 0;
                    if (hilight != nodeNum) {
                        hilight = nodeNum;
                        hilightIsShip = false;
            case CONSIDER_LM_ROAD:
            case CONSIDER_LT_ROAD:
                 ** Code for finding an edge *******
                edgeNum = 0;
                if ((ptrOldX != x) || (ptrOldY != y)) {
                    ptrOldX = x;
                    ptrOldY = y;
                    edgeNum = findEdge(xb, yb, false);
                    if (!otherPlayer.isPotentialRoad(edgeNum)) {
                        edgeNum = 0;
                    if (hilight != edgeNum) {
                        hilight = edgeNum;
                        hilightIsShip = false;
            case CONSIDER_LM_CITY:
            case CONSIDER_LT_CITY:
                 ** Code for finding a node ********
                nodeNum = 0;
                if ((ptrOldX != x) || (ptrOldY != y)) {
                    ptrOldX = x;
                    ptrOldY = y;
                    nodeNum = findNode(xb, yb);
                    if (!otherPlayer.isPotentialCity(nodeNum)) {
                        nodeNum = 0;
                    if (hilight != nodeNum) {
                        hilight = nodeNum;
                        hilightIsShip = false;
            case NONE:
            case TURN_STARTING:
            case GAME_OVER:
                // see hover
                if ((ptrOldX != x) || (ptrOldY != y)) {
                    ptrOldX = x;
                    ptrOldY = y;
                    hoverTip.handleHover(x, y, xb, yb);
            case GAME_FORMING:
                // No hover for forming
    } catch (Throwable th) {
Also used : SOCBoardLarge(

Example 17 with SOCBoardLarge

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCPlayerTracker method recalcScenario_SC_PIRI_nextPotentialShip.

 * For scenario {@code _SC_PIRI}, get the player's next potential ship towards their Fortress.
 * If fortress was already defeated, or they have no boats, returns {@code null}.
 * This is calculated every time, not cached, because potential-ships list may change often.
 * Calls {@link #updateScenario_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress(SOCShip, boolean)} if closest ship not known.
 * @return Next potential ship, or {@code null}
 * @since 2.0.00
SOCPossibleShip recalcScenario_SC_PIRI_nextPotentialShip() {
    // may be null towards end of game
    final SOCFortress fort = player.getFortress();
    if (fort == null)
        // <--- Early return: already defeated fortress ---
        return null;
    final int fortR = fort.getCoordinates() >> 8;
    if (scen_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress == null)
        updateScenario_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress(null, false);
    final SOCShip closest = scen_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress;
    if (closest == null)
        // <--- Early return: no ships ---
        return null;
    final List<Integer> closestAdjacs = ((SOCBoardLarge) game.getBoard()).getAdjacentEdgesToEdge(closest.getCoordinates());
    SOCPossibleShip nextShip = null;
    int nextR = -1, nextC = -1;
    for (Integer edge : closestAdjacs) {
        final SOCPossibleRoad rs = possibleRoads.get(edge);
        if ((rs == null) || !(rs instanceof SOCPossibleShip))
        final int shipEdge = rs.getCoordinates();
        final int shipR = shipEdge >> 8, shipC = shipEdge & 0xFF;
        if ((nextShip == null) || (shipC < nextC) || ((shipC == nextC) && (Math.abs(shipR - fortR) < Math.abs(nextR - fortR)))) {
            nextShip = (SOCPossibleShip) rs;
            nextR = shipR;
            nextC = shipC;
    return nextShip;
Also used : SOCBoardLarge( SOCShip( SOCFortress(

Example 18 with SOCBoardLarge

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCPlayerTracker method expandRoadOrShip.

 * Expand a possible road or ship, to see what placements it makes possible.
 *<LI> Creates {@code dummyRoad}: A copy of {@code targetRoad} owned by {@code dummy}
 *<LI> Calls {@link SOCPlayer#putPiece(SOCPlayingPiece, boolean) dummy.putPiece(dummyRoad, true)}
 *<LI> Adds to or updates {@link #possibleSettlements} at <tt>targetRoad</tt>'s nodes, if potential
 *<LI> If {@code level > 0}: Calls itself recursively to go more levels out from the current pieces,
 *   adding/updating {@link #possibleRoads} and {@link #possibleSettlements}
 *<LI> Calls {@link SOCPlayer#removePiece(SOCPlayingPiece, SOCPlayingPiece) dummy.removePiece(dummyRoad, null)}
 * <b>Scenario {@code _SC_PIRI}</b>: Ships in this scenario never expand east (never away from the
 * pirate fortress). Scenario rules require the route to be as short as possible. Even if another (human)
 * player might want to do so, they couldn't interfere with the bot's own route, so we don't track
 * that possibility.
 * @param targetRoad   the possible road
 * @param player    the player who owns the original road
 * @param dummy     the dummy player used to see what's legal; created by caller copying {@code player}
 * @param trackers  player trackers
 * @param level     how many levels (additional pieces) to expand;
 *                  0 to only check <tt>targetRoad</tt> for potential settlements
 *                  and not expand past it for new roads, ships, or further settlements.
 *                  If {@code level > 0} but {@code dummy} has no more roads or ships
 *                  (depending on {@link SOCPossibleRoad#isRoadNotShip() targetRoad.isRoadNotShip()}),
 *                  acts as if {@code level == 0}.
public void expandRoadOrShip(final SOCPossibleRoad targetRoad, final SOCPlayer player, final SOCPlayer dummy, HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker> trackers, final int level) {
    // D.ebugPrintln("$$$ expandRoad at "+Integer.toHexString(targetRoad.getCoordinates())+" level="+level);
    final SOCBoard board = game.getBoard();
    final int tgtRoadEdge = targetRoad.getCoordinates();
    final boolean isRoadNotShip = targetRoad.isRoadNotShip();
    final SOCRoad dummyRoad;
    if (isRoadNotShip || ((targetRoad instanceof SOCPossibleShip) && ((SOCPossibleShip) targetRoad).isCoastalRoadAndShip))
        dummyRoad = new SOCRoad(dummy, tgtRoadEdge, board);
        // TODO better handling for coastal roads/ships
        dummyRoad = new SOCShip(dummy, tgtRoadEdge, board);
    dummy.putPiece(dummyRoad, true);
    for (Integer adjNode : board.getAdjacentNodesToEdge(tgtRoadEdge)) {
        if (dummy.canPlaceSettlement(adjNode.intValue())) {
            // see if possible settlement is already in the list
            // D.ebugPrintln("$$$ seeing if "+Integer.toHexString(adjNode.intValue())+" is already in the list");
            SOCPossibleSettlement posSet = possibleSettlements.get(adjNode);
            if (posSet != null) {
                if (!(posSet.getNecessaryRoads().isEmpty() || posSet.getNecessaryRoads().contains(targetRoad))) {
                    // add target road to settlement's nr list and this settlement to the road's np list
                    // D.ebugPrintln("$$$ adding road "+Integer.toHexString(targetRoad.getCoordinates())+" to the settlement "+Integer.toHexString(posSet.getCoordinates()));
                    if ((targetRoad.getNumberOfNecessaryRoads() + 1) < posSet.getNumberOfNecessaryRoads()) {
                        posSet.setNumberOfNecessaryRoads(targetRoad.getNumberOfNecessaryRoads() + 1);
            } else {
                // else, add new possible settlement
                // D.ebugPrintln("$$$ adding new possible settlement at "+Integer.toHexString(adjNode.intValue()));
                List<SOCPossibleRoad> nr = new ArrayList<SOCPossibleRoad>();
                SOCPossibleSettlement newPosSet = new SOCPossibleSettlement(player, adjNode.intValue(), nr);
                newPosSet.setNumberOfNecessaryRoads(targetRoad.getNumberOfNecessaryRoads() + 1);
                possibleSettlements.put(adjNode, newPosSet);
                updateSettlementConflicts(newPosSet, trackers);
    if ((level > 0) && (0 < dummy.getNumPieces(isRoadNotShip ? SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD : SOCPlayingPiece.SHIP))) {
        // check for new possible roads or ships.
        // The above getNumPieces check ignores any possible ship <-> road transition at a coastal settlement.
        ArrayList<SOCPossibleRoad> newPossibleRoads = new ArrayList<SOCPossibleRoad>();
        ArrayList<SOCPossibleRoad> roadsToExpand = new ArrayList<SOCPossibleRoad>();
        // ships in _SC_PIRI never expand east
        final boolean isShipInSC_PIRI = (!isRoadNotShip) && game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_PIRI);
        // D.ebugPrintln("$$$ checking roads adjacent to "+Integer.toHexString(targetRoad.getCoordinates()));
        // check adjacent edges to road or ship
        Enumeration<Integer> adjEdgesEnum = board.getAdjacentEdgesToEdge(tgtRoadEdge).elements();
        while (adjEdgesEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
            Integer adjEdge = adjEdgesEnum.nextElement();
            final int edge = adjEdge.intValue();
            if (isShipInSC_PIRI) {
                final int tgtEdgeCol = tgtRoadEdge & 0xFF, adjEdgeCol = edge & 0xFF;
                if (// adjacent goes north/south from eastern node of diagonal target edge
                (adjEdgeCol > tgtEdgeCol) || ((adjEdgeCol == tgtEdgeCol) && ((tgtRoadEdge & 0x100) != 0))) // adjacent goes northeast/southeast from vertical target edge (tgtRoadEdge is on odd row)
                    // <--- Ignore this eastern adjacent edge ---
            // D.ebugPrintln("$$$ edge "+Integer.toHexString(adjEdge.intValue())+" is legal:"+dummy.isPotentialRoad(adjEdge.intValue()));
            // see if edge is a potential road
            // or ship to continue this route
            boolean edgeIsPotentialRoute = (isRoadNotShip) ? dummy.isPotentialRoad(edge) : dummy.isPotentialShip(edge);
            // If true, this edge transitions
            // between ships <-> roads, at a
            // coastal settlement
            boolean edgeRequiresCoastalSettlement = false;
            if ((!edgeIsPotentialRoute) && game.hasSeaBoard) {
                // Determine if can transition ship <-> road
                // at a coastal settlement
                final int nodeBetween = ((SOCBoardLarge) board).getNodeBetweenAdjacentEdges(tgtRoadEdge, edge);
                if (dummy.canPlaceSettlement(nodeBetween)) {
                    // check opposite type at transition
                    edgeIsPotentialRoute = (isRoadNotShip) ? dummy.isPotentialShip(edge) : dummy.isPotentialRoad(edge);
                    if (edgeIsPotentialRoute)
                        edgeRequiresCoastalSettlement = true;
            if (edgeIsPotentialRoute) {
                // Add 1 to road distance, unless
                // it requires a coastal settlement
                // (extra effort to build that)
                final int incrDistance = edgeRequiresCoastalSettlement ? 3 : 1;
                // see if possible road is already in the list
                SOCPossibleRoad pr = possibleRoads.get(adjEdge);
                if (pr != null) {
                    // For now, can't differ along a coastal route.
                    if (edgeRequiresCoastalSettlement && (isRoadNotShip != pr.isRoadNotShip())) {
                        // <--- road vs ship mismatch ---
                    // if so, and it needs 1 or more roads other than this one,
                    // D.ebugPrintln("$$$ pr "+Integer.toHexString(pr.getCoordinates())+" already in list");
                    List<SOCPossibleRoad> nr = pr.getNecessaryRoads();
                    if (!(nr.isEmpty() || nr.contains(targetRoad))) {
                        // add the target road to its nr list and the new road to the target road's np list
                        // D.ebugPrintln("$$$    adding "+Integer.toHexString(targetRoad.getCoordinates())+" to nr list");
                        if ((targetRoad.getNumberOfNecessaryRoads() + incrDistance) < pr.getNumberOfNecessaryRoads()) {
                            pr.setNumberOfNecessaryRoads(targetRoad.getNumberOfNecessaryRoads() + incrDistance);
                    if (!pr.hasBeenExpanded()) {
                } else {
                    // else, add new possible road or ship
                    // D.ebugPrintln("$$$ adding new pr at "+Integer.toHexString(adjEdge.intValue()));
                    ArrayList<SOCPossibleRoad> neededRoads = new ArrayList<SOCPossibleRoad>();
                    SOCPossibleRoad newPR;
                    boolean isRoad = isRoadNotShip;
                    if (edgeRequiresCoastalSettlement)
                        isRoad = !isRoad;
                    // use coastal road/ship type (isCoastalRoadAndShip) only if the road/ship
                    // being expanded is coastal, or if we can require a coastal settlement to
                    // switch from road-only or ship-only
                    final boolean isCoastal = dummy.isPotentialRoad(edge) && dummy.isPotentialShip(edge) && (edgeRequiresCoastalSettlement || ((targetRoad instanceof SOCPossibleShip) && ((SOCPossibleShip) targetRoad).isCoastalRoadAndShip));
                    if (isRoad && !isCoastal) {
                        newPR = new SOCPossibleRoad(player, edge, neededRoads);
                    } else {
                        newPR = new SOCPossibleShip(player, edge, isCoastal, neededRoads);
                        System.err.println("L1072: " + toString() + ": new PossibleShip(" + isCoastal + ") at 0x" + Integer.toHexString(edge));
                    newPR.setNumberOfNecessaryRoads(targetRoad.getNumberOfNecessaryRoads() + incrDistance);
        for (SOCPossibleRoad newPR : newPossibleRoads) {
            possibleRoads.put(Integer.valueOf(newPR.getCoordinates()), newPR);
        for (SOCPossibleRoad expandPR : roadsToExpand) {
            expandRoadOrShip(expandPR, player, dummy, trackers, level - 1);
    // remove the dummy road
    dummy.removePiece(dummyRoad, null);
Also used : SOCBoardLarge( SOCBoard( SOCShip( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SOCRoad(

Example 19 with SOCBoardLarge

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCPlayerTracker method addOurNewRoadOrShip.

 * Add one of our roads or ships that has just been built.
 * Look for new adjacent possible settlements.
 * Calls {@link #expandRoadOrShip(SOCPossibleRoad, SOCPlayer, SOCPlayer, HashMap, int)}
 * on newly possible adjacent roads or ships.
 * @param road         the road or ship
 * @param trackers     player trackers for the players
 * @param expandLevel  how far out we should expand roads/ships;
 *                     passed to {@link #expandRoadOrShip(SOCPossibleRoad, SOCPlayer, SOCPlayer, HashMap, int)}
private void addOurNewRoadOrShip(SOCRoad road, HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker> trackers, int expandLevel) {
    // D.ebugPrintln("$$$ addOurNewRoad : "+road);
    // see if the new road was a possible road
    Iterator<SOCPossibleRoad> prIter = possibleRoads.values().iterator();
    while (prIter.hasNext()) {
        SOCPossibleRoad pr =;
        // reset all expanded flags for possible roads
        if (pr.getCoordinates() == road.getCoordinates()) {
            // if so, remove it
            // D.ebugPrintln("$$$ removing "+Integer.toHexString(road.getCoordinates()));
    // D.ebugPrintln("$$$ checking for possible settlements");
    // see if this road/ship adds any new possible settlements
    // check adjacent nodes to road for potential settlements
    final SOCBoard board = game.getBoard();
    Collection<Integer> adjNodeEnum = board.getAdjacentNodesToEdge(road.getCoordinates());
    for (Integer adjNode : adjNodeEnum) {
        if (player.canPlaceSettlement(adjNode.intValue())) {
            // see if possible settlement is already in the list
            // D.ebugPrintln("$$$ seeing if "+Integer.toHexString(adjNode.intValue())+" is already in the list");
            SOCPossibleSettlement posSet = possibleSettlements.get(adjNode);
            if (posSet != null) {
                // if so, clear necessary road list and remove from np lists
                // D.ebugPrintln("$$$ found it");
            } else {
                // else, add new possible settlement
                // D.ebugPrintln("$$$ adding new possible settlement at "+Integer.toHexString(adjNode.intValue()));
                SOCPossibleSettlement newPosSet = new SOCPossibleSettlement(player, adjNode.intValue(), null);
                possibleSettlements.put(adjNode, newPosSet);
                updateSettlementConflicts(newPosSet, trackers);
    // D.ebugPrintln("$$$ checking roads adjacent to "+Integer.toHexString(road.getCoordinates()));
    // see if this road adds any new possible roads
    ArrayList<SOCPossibleRoad> newPossibleRoads = new ArrayList<SOCPossibleRoad>();
    ArrayList<SOCPossibleRoad> roadsToExpand = new ArrayList<SOCPossibleRoad>();
    for (Integer adjEdge : board.getAdjacentEdgesToEdge(road.getCoordinates())) {
        final int edge = adjEdge.intValue();
        // D.ebugPrintln("$$$ edge "+Integer.toHexString(adjEdge.intValue())+" is legal:"+player.isPotentialRoad(adjEdge.intValue()));
        // see if edge is a potential road
        // or ship to continue this route
        boolean edgeIsPotentialRoute = (road.isRoadNotShip()) ? player.isPotentialRoad(edge) : player.isPotentialShip(edge);
        // If true, this edge transitions
        // between ships <-> roads, at a
        // coastal settlement
        boolean edgeRequiresCoastalSettlement = false;
        if ((!edgeIsPotentialRoute) && game.hasSeaBoard) {
            // Determine if can transition ship <-> road
            // at a coastal settlement
            final int nodeBetween = ((SOCBoardLarge) board).getNodeBetweenAdjacentEdges(road.getCoordinates(), edge);
            if (player.canPlaceSettlement(nodeBetween)) {
                // check opposite type at transition
                edgeIsPotentialRoute = (road.isRoadNotShip()) ? player.isPotentialShip(edge) : player.isPotentialRoad(edge);
                if (edgeIsPotentialRoute)
                    edgeRequiresCoastalSettlement = true;
        if (edgeIsPotentialRoute) {
            // see if possible road is already in the list
            SOCPossibleRoad pr = possibleRoads.get(adjEdge);
            if (pr != null) {
                // For now, can't differ along a coastal route.
                if (edgeRequiresCoastalSettlement && (pr.isRoadNotShip() != road.isRoadNotShip())) {
                    // <--- road vs ship mismatch ---
                // D.ebugPrintln("$$$ pr "+Integer.toHexString(pr.getCoordinates())+" already in list");
                if (!pr.getNecessaryRoads().isEmpty()) {
                    // D.ebugPrintln("$$$    clearing nr list");
            } else {
                // else, add new possible road
                // D.ebugPrintln("$$$ adding new pr at "+Integer.toHexString(adjEdge.intValue()));
                SOCPossibleRoad newPR;
                // for effort if requires settlement
                final int roadsBetween;
                boolean isRoad = road.isRoadNotShip();
                if (edgeRequiresCoastalSettlement) {
                    isRoad = !isRoad;
                    // roughly account for effort & cost of new settlement
                    roadsBetween = 2;
                } else {
                    roadsBetween = 0;
                // use coastal road/ship type (isCoastalRoadAndShip) only if we can
                // require a coastal settlement to switch from road-only or ship-only
                final boolean isCoastal = edgeRequiresCoastalSettlement && player.isPotentialRoad(edge) && player.isPotentialShip(edge);
                if (isRoad && !isCoastal) {
                    newPR = new SOCPossibleRoad(player, edge, null);
                } else {
                    newPR = new SOCPossibleShip(player, edge, isCoastal, null);
                    System.err.println("L793: " + toString() + ": new PossibleShip(" + isCoastal + ") at 0x" + Integer.toHexString(edge));
                // 0 unless requires settlement
    for (SOCPossibleRoad newPR : newPossibleRoads) {
        possibleRoads.put(Integer.valueOf(newPR.getCoordinates()), newPR);
    // expand possible roads that we've touched or added
    SOCPlayer dummy = new SOCPlayer(player);
    for (SOCPossibleRoad expandPR : roadsToExpand) {
        expandRoadOrShip(expandPR, player, dummy, trackers, expandLevel);
    if ((road instanceof SOCShip) && game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_PIRI))
        updateScenario_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress((SOCShip) road, true);
Also used : SOCBoardLarge( SOCBoard( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SOCShip( SOCPlayer(


SOCBoardLarge ( SOCBoard ( SOCPlayer ( SOCShip ( SOCGame ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 SOCRoad ( Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)3 SOCCity ( SOCFortress ( SOCVillage ( Color (java.awt.Color)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 Vector (java.util.Vector)2 SOCInventoryItem ( SOCResourceSet ( SOCSettlement ( AlphaComposite (java.awt.AlphaComposite)1 BasicStroke (java.awt.BasicStroke)1 Composite (java.awt.Composite)1