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Example 16 with Connection

use of soc.server.genericServer.Connection in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCServer method checkNickname.

// sendGameList
 * Check if a nickname is okay, and, if they're already logged in, whether a
 * new replacement connection can "take over" the existing one.
 * a name is ok if it hasn't been used yet, isn't {@link #SERVERNAME the server's name},
 * and (since 1.1.07) passes {@link SOCMessage#isSingleLineAndSafe(String)}.
 * The "take over" option is used for reconnect when a client loses
 * connection, and server doesn't realize it.
 * A new connection can "take over" the name after a timeout; check
 * the return value.
 * When taking over, the new connection's client version must be able
 * to join all games that the old connection is playing, as returned
 * by {@link SOCGameListAtServer#playerGamesMinVersion(Connection) gameList.playerGamesMinVersion}.
 * @param n  the name
 * @param newc  A new incoming connection, asking for this name
 * @param withPassword  Did the connection supply a password?
 * @param isBot  True if authenticating as robot, false if human
 * @return   0 if the name is okay; <BR>
 *          -1 if OK <strong>and you are taking over a connection;</strong> <BR>
 *          -2 if not OK by rules (fails isSingleLineAndSafe,
 *             named "debug" or {@link #SERVERNAME},
 *             human with bot name prefix, etc); <BR>
 *          -vers if not OK by version (for takeover; will be -1000 lower); <BR>
 *          or, the number of seconds after which <tt>newc</tt> can
 *             take over this name's games.
 * @see #checkNickname_getRetryText(int)
private int checkNickname(String n, Connection newc, final boolean withPassword, final boolean isBot) {
    if (n.equals(SERVERNAME)) {
        return -2;
    if (!SOCMessage.isSingleLineAndSafe(n)) {
        return -2;
    // check "debug" and bot name prefixes used in setupLocalRobots
    final String nLower = n.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
    if ((nLower.equals("debug") && !isDebugUserEnabled()) || ((!isBot) && (nLower.startsWith("droid ") || nLower.startsWith("robot ")))) {
        return -2;
    // check conns hashtable
    Connection oldc = getConnection(n, false);
    if (oldc == null) {
        // OK: no player by that name already
        return 0;
    // Can we take over this one?
    SOCClientData scd = (SOCClientData) oldc.getAppData();
    if (scd == null) {
        // Shouldn't happen; name and SCD are assigned at same time
        return -2;
    final int timeoutNeeded;
    if (withPassword)
    else if (
        // same IP address or hostname
    final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (scd.disconnectLastPingMillis != 0) {
        int secondsSincePing = (int) (((now - scd.disconnectLastPingMillis)) / 1000L);
        if (secondsSincePing >= timeoutNeeded) {
            // Already sent ping, timeout has expired.
            // Re-check version just in case.
            int minVersForGames = gameList.playerGamesMinVersion(oldc);
            if (minVersForGames > newc.getVersion()) {
                if (minVersForGames < 1000)
                    minVersForGames = 1000;
                // too old to play
                return -minVersForGames;
            // to nameConnection(c,true) will transfer data from old conn, to new conn.
            return -1;
        } else {
            // Already sent ping, timeout not yet expired.
            return timeoutNeeded - secondsSincePing;
    // Have not yet sent a ping.
    int minVersForGames = gameList.playerGamesMinVersion(oldc);
    if (minVersForGames > newc.getVersion()) {
        if (minVersForGames < 1000)
            minVersForGames = 1000;
        // too old to play
        return -minVersForGames;
    scd.disconnectLastPingMillis = now;
    if (oldc.getVersion() >= 1108) {
        // Already-connected client should respond to ping.
        // If not, consider them disconnected.
    return timeoutNeeded;
Also used : StringConnection(soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection) Connection(soc.server.genericServer.Connection)

Example 17 with Connection

use of soc.server.genericServer.Connection in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCServer method readyGameAskRobotsMix3p.

 * While readying a game in {@link #readyGameAskRobotsJoin(SOCGame, Connection[], int)},
 * adjust the mix of requested bots as needed when third-party bots are wanted.
 * <B>Note:</B> Currently treats {@code reqPct3p} as a minimum percentage; third-party
 * bots are only added to, not removed from, the bots requested for the new game.
 * @param reqPct3p  Requested third-party bot percentage, from {@link #PROP_JSETTLERS_BOTS_PERCENT3P}
 * @param robotsRequested  Set of randomly-selected bots joining the game; third-party bots may be
 *        swapped into here. Key = bot Connection, value = seat number as {@link Integer}
 *        like in {@link #robotJoinRequests}
 * @param robotSeatsConns  Array of player positions (seats) to be occupied by bots; all non-null elements
 *        are bots in {@code robotsRequested}; third-party bots may be swapped into here
 * @since 2.0.00
private void readyGameAskRobotsMix3p(final int reqPct3p, final Hashtable<Connection, Object> robotsRequested, final Connection[] robotSeatsConns) {
    // TODO this algorithm isn't elegant or very efficient
    final int numBotsReq = robotsRequested.size();
    final int num3pReq = Math.round((numBotsReq * reqPct3p) / 100f);
    int curr3pReq = 0;
    boolean[] curr3pSeat = new boolean[robotSeatsConns.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < robotSeatsConns.length; ++i) {
        if ((robotSeatsConns[i] != null) && !((SOCClientData) (robotSeatsConns[i].getAppData())).isBuiltInRobot) {
            curr3pSeat[i] = true;
    if (curr3pReq >= num3pReq)
        // <--- Early return: Already the right minimum percentage ---
    // fill unused3p, the list of 3p bots which aren't already requested and in robotRequests
    List<Connection> unused3p;
    synchronized (robots3p) {
        unused3p = new ArrayList<Connection>(robots3p);
    for (int i = 0; i < robotSeatsConns.length; ++i) if (curr3pSeat[i])
    // use random bots from unused3p in robotRequests and robotSeatsConns:
    int nAdd = num3pReq - curr3pReq;
    while ((nAdd > 0) && !unused3p.isEmpty()) {
        // pick iNon, a non-3p bot seat index to remove
        int iNon = -1;
        int nSkip = (nAdd > 1) ? rand.nextInt(num3pReq - curr3pReq) : 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < robotSeatsConns.length; ++i) {
            if ((robotSeatsConns[i] != null) && !curr3pSeat[i]) {
                if (nSkip == 0) {
                    iNon = i;
                } else {
        if (iNon == -1)
            // <--- Early return: Non-3p bot seat not found ---
        // pick bot3p, an unused 3p bot to fill iNon
        int s = unused3p.size();
        Connection bot3p = unused3p.remove((s > 1) ? rand.nextInt(s) : 0);
        // update structures
        Integer iObj = Integer.valueOf(iNon);
        synchronized (robotsRequested) {
            robotsRequested.put(bot3p, iObj);
        robotSeatsConns[iNon] = bot3p;
        curr3pSeat[iNon] = true;
Also used : StringConnection(soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection) Connection(soc.server.genericServer.Connection)

Example 18 with Connection

use of soc.server.genericServer.Connection in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCServer method processDebugCommand.

 * Process a debug command, sent by the "debug" client/player.
 * Some debug commands are server-wide, some apply to a specific game.
 * If no server-wide commands match, server will call
 * {@link GameHandler#processDebugCommand(Connection, String, String, String)}
 * to check for those.
 * Check {@link #allowDebugUser} before calling this method.
 * For list of commands see {@link #GENERAL_COMMANDS_HELP}, {@link #DEBUG_COMMANDS_HELP},
 * {@link #ADMIN_USER_COMMANDS_HELP}, and {@link GameHandler#getDebugCommandsHelp()}.
 * "Unprivileged" general commands are handled by
 * {@link SOCServerMessageHandler#handleGAMETEXTMSG(Connection, SOCGameTextMsg)}.
 * @param debugCli  Client sending the potential debug command
 * @param ga  Game in which the message is sent
 * @param dcmd   Text message which may be a debug command
 * @param dcmdU  {@code dcmd} as uppercase, for efficiency (it's already been uppercased in caller)
 * @return true if {@code dcmd} is a recognized debug command, false otherwise
public boolean processDebugCommand(Connection debugCli, String ga, final String dcmd, final String dcmdU) {
    // See SOCServerMessageHandler.handleGAMETEXTMSG for "unprivileged" debug commands like *HELP*, *STATS*, and *ADDTIME*.
    // eventual return value; will set false if unrecognized
    boolean isCmd = true;
    if (dcmdU.startsWith("*KILLGAME*")) {
        messageToGameUrgent(ga, ">>> ********** " + debugCli.getData() + " KILLED THE GAME!!! ********** <<<");
        destroyGameAndBroadcast(ga, "KILLGAME");
    } else if (dcmdU.startsWith("*GC*")) {
        Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
        messageToGame(ga, "> GARBAGE COLLECTING DONE");
        messageToGame(ga, "> Free Memory: " + rt.freeMemory());
    } else if (// dcmd to force case-sensitivity
    dcmd.startsWith("*STOP*")) {
        // Extra info needed to shut it down: Server console output
        boolean shutNow = false;
        final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if ((srvShutPassword != null) && (now <= srvShutPasswordExpire)) {
            // look for trailing \n, look for shutdown pw preceding it
            int end = dcmd.length();
            while (Character.isISOControl(dcmd.charAt(end - 1))) --end;
            final int i = dcmd.lastIndexOf(' ');
            if ((i < dcmd.length()) && (dcmd.substring(i + 1, end).equals(srvShutPassword)))
                shutNow = true;
        } else {
            srvShutPasswordExpire = now + (45 * 1000L);
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            for (int i = 12 + rand.nextInt(5); i > 0; --i) sb.append((char) (33 + rand.nextInt(126 - 33)));
            srvShutPassword = sb.toString();
            System.err.println("** Shutdown password generated: " + srvShutPassword);
            broadcast(SOCBCastTextMsg.toCmd(debugCli.getData() + " WANTS TO STOP THE SERVER"));
            messageToPlayer(debugCli, ga, "Send stop command again with the password.");
        if (shutNow) {
            String stopMsg = ">>> ********** " + debugCli.getData() + " KILLED THE SERVER!!! ********** <<<";
    } else if (dcmdU.startsWith("*BCAST* ")) {
        // /
        // / broadcast to all chat channels and games
        // /
    } else if (dcmdU.startsWith("*BOTLIST*")) {
        Enumeration<Connection> robotsEnum = robots.elements();
        while (robotsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
            Connection robotConn = robotsEnum.nextElement();
            messageToGame(ga, "> Robot: " + robotConn.getData());
    } else if (dcmdU.startsWith("*RESETBOT* ")) {
        String botName = dcmd.substring(11).trim();
        messageToGame(ga, "> botName = '" + botName + "'");
        Enumeration<Connection> robotsEnum = robots.elements();
        boolean botFound = false;
        while (robotsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
            Connection robotConn = robotsEnum.nextElement();
            if (botName.equals(robotConn.getData())) {
                botFound = true;
                messageToGame(ga, "> SENDING RESET COMMAND TO " + botName);
                robotConn.put(new SOCAdminReset().toCmd());
        if (!botFound)
            D.ebugPrintln("L2590 Bot not found to reset: " + botName);
    } else if (dcmdU.startsWith("*KILLBOT* ")) {
        String botName = dcmd.substring(10).trim();
        messageToGame(ga, "> botName = '" + botName + "'");
        Enumeration<Connection> robotsEnum = robots.elements();
        boolean botFound = false;
        while (robotsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
            Connection robotConn = robotsEnum.nextElement();
            if (botName.equals(robotConn.getData())) {
                botFound = true;
                messageToGame(ga, "> DISCONNECTING " + botName);
                removeConnection(robotConn, true);
        if (!botFound)
            D.ebugPrintln("L2614 Bot not found to disconnect: " + botName);
    } else if (dcmdU.startsWith("*STARTBOTGAME*")) {
        if (0 == getConfigIntProperty(PROP_JSETTLERS_BOTS_BOTGAMES_TOTAL, 0)) {
            messageToPlayer(debugCli, ga, "To start a bots-only game, must restart server with " + PROP_JSETTLERS_BOTS_BOTGAMES_TOTAL + " != 0.");
            return true;
        SOCGame gameObj = getGame(ga);
        if (gameObj == null)
            // we're sitting in this game, shouldn't happen
            return true;
        if (gameObj.getGameState() != SOCGame.NEW) {
            messageToPlayer(debugCli, ga, "This game has already started; you must create a new one.");
            return true;
        int maxBots = 0;
        if (dcmdU.length() > 15) {
            try {
                maxBots = Integer.parseInt(dcmdU.substring(15).trim());
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        srvMsgHandler.handleSTARTGAME(debugCli, new SOCStartGame(ga, 0), maxBots);
        return true;
    } else {
        // See if game type's handler finds a debug command
        GameHandler hand = gameList.getGameTypeHandler(ga);
        if (hand != null)
            isCmd = hand.processDebugCommand(debugCli, ga, dcmd, dcmdU);
            isCmd = false;
    return isCmd;
Also used : Enumeration(java.util.Enumeration) StringConnection(soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection) Connection(soc.server.genericServer.Connection)

Example 19 with Connection

use of soc.server.genericServer.Connection in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCServer method messageToChannelWithMon.

 * Send a message to the given channel
 * WARNING: MUST HAVE THE gameList.takeMonitorForChannel(ch) before
 * calling this method
 * @param ch  the name of the channel
 * @param mes the message to send
public void messageToChannelWithMon(String ch, SOCMessage mes) {
    Vector<Connection> v = channelList.getMembers(ch);
    if (v != null) {
        final String mesCmd = mes.toCmd();
        Enumeration<Connection> menum = v.elements();
        while (menum.hasMoreElements()) {
            Connection c = menum.nextElement();
            if (c != null) {
Also used : StringConnection(soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection) Connection(soc.server.genericServer.Connection)

Example 20 with Connection

use of soc.server.genericServer.Connection in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCServer method messageToChannel.

 * Send a message to the given channel
 * @param ch  the name of the channel
 * @param mes the message to send
public void messageToChannel(String ch, SOCMessage mes) {
    final String mesCmd = mes.toCmd();
    try {
        Vector<Connection> v = channelList.getMembers(ch);
        if (v != null) {
            Enumeration<Connection> menum = v.elements();
            while (menum.hasMoreElements()) {
                Connection c = menum.nextElement();
                if (c != null) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        D.ebugPrintStackTrace(e, "Exception in messageToChannel");
Also used : StringConnection(soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection) Connection(soc.server.genericServer.Connection) MissingResourceException(java.util.MissingResourceException) EOFException( DBSettingMismatchException(soc.server.database.DBSettingMismatchException) SocketException( SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) IOException(


Connection (soc.server.genericServer.Connection)44 StringConnection (soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection)24 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)8 MissingResourceException (java.util.MissingResourceException)8 SOCGame ( EOFException ( IOException ( SocketException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 SOCPlayerElement (soc.message.SOCPlayerElement)5 DBSettingMismatchException (soc.server.database.DBSettingMismatchException)5 SOCPlayer ( Date (java.util.Date)3 SOCGameElements (soc.message.SOCGameElements)3 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)2 TimerTask (java.util.TimerTask)2 Vector (java.util.Vector)2 SOCDevCardAction (soc.message.SOCDevCardAction)2 SOCInventoryItemAction (soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction)2