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Example 36 with Connection

use of soc.server.genericServer.Connection in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCServer method messageToGameExcept.

 * Send a message to all the connections in a game, excluding one.
 * @param gn  the name of the game
 * @param ex  the excluded connection, or null
 * @param mes the message
 * @param takeMon Should this method take and release
 *                game's monitor via {@link SOCGameList#takeMonitorForGame(String)} ?
 * @see #messageToGameExcept(String, Connection, String, boolean)
 * @see #messageToGameExcept(String, List, SOCMessage, boolean)
 * @see #messageToGameForVersionsExcept(SOCGame, int, int, Connection, SOCMessage, boolean)
public void messageToGameExcept(String gn, Connection ex, SOCMessage mes, boolean takeMon) {
    if (takeMon)
    try {
        Vector<Connection> v = gameList.getMembers(gn);
        if (v != null) {
            // D.ebugPrintln("M2GE - "+mes);
            final String mesCmd = mes.toCmd();
            Enumeration<Connection> menum = v.elements();
            while (menum.hasMoreElements()) {
                Connection con = menum.nextElement();
                if ((con == null) || (con == ex))
                // currentGameEventRecord.addMessageOut(new SOCMessageRecord(mes, "SERVER", con.getData()));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        D.ebugPrintStackTrace(e, "Exception in messageToGameExcept");
    if (takeMon)
Also used : StringConnection(soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection) Connection(soc.server.genericServer.Connection) MissingResourceException(java.util.MissingResourceException) EOFException( DBSettingMismatchException(soc.server.database.DBSettingMismatchException) SocketException( SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) IOException(

Example 37 with Connection

use of soc.server.genericServer.Connection in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCServer method messageToGame.

 * Send a server text message to the given game.
 * Equivalent to: messageToGame(ga, new SOCGameServerText(ga, txt));
 * Do not pass SOCSomeMessage.toCmd() into this method; the message type number
 * will be GAMESERVERTEXT, not the desired SOMEMESSAGE.
 * Client versions older than v2.0.00 will be sent
 * {@link SOCGameTextMsg}(ga, {@link #SERVERNAME}, txt).
 * <b>Locks:</b> Takes, releases {@link SOCGameList#takeMonitorForGame(String)}.
 * @param ga  the name of the game
 * @param txt the message text to send. If
 *            text begins with ">>>", the client should consider this
 *            an urgent message, and draw the user's attention in some way.
 *            (See {@link #messageToGameUrgent(String, String)})
 * @see #messageToGameKeyed(SOCGame, boolean, String)
 * @see #messageToGameKeyed(SOCGame, boolean, String, Object...)
 * @see #messageToGame(String, SOCMessage)
 * @see #messageToGameWithMon(String, SOCMessage)
 * @see #messageToGameExcept(String, Connection, String, boolean)
 * @since 1.1.08
public void messageToGame(final String ga, final String txt) {
    final String gameServTxtMsg = SOCGameServerText.toCmd(ga, txt);
    try {
        Vector<Connection> v = gameList.getMembers(ga);
        if (v != null) {
            Enumeration<Connection> menum = v.elements();
            while (menum.hasMoreElements()) {
                Connection c = menum.nextElement();
                if (c != null) {
                    if (c.getVersion() >= SOCGameServerText.VERSION_FOR_GAMESERVERTEXT)
                        c.put(SOCGameTextMsg.toCmd(ga, SERVERNAME, txt));
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        D.ebugPrintStackTrace(e, "Exception in messageToGame");
Also used : StringConnection(soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection) Connection(soc.server.genericServer.Connection)

Example 38 with Connection

use of soc.server.genericServer.Connection in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCServer method impl_messageToGameKeyedSpecial.

 * Implement {@link #messageToGameKeyed(SOCGame, boolean, String, Object...)},
 * {@code messageToGameKeyedSpecial}, and {@code messageToGameKeyedSpecialExcept}.
 * @param ga  the game object
 * @param takeMon Should this method take and release
 *                game's monitor via {@link SOCGameList#takeMonitorForGame(String)} ?
 *                True unless caller already holds that monitor.
 * @param members  Game members to send to, from {@link SOCGameListAtServer#getMembers(String)}.
 *            Any member in this list with null locale (such as robots) will be skipped and not sent the message.
 *            If we're excluding several members of the game, make a new list from getMembers, remove them from
 *            that list, then pass it to this method.
 *            Returns immediately if {@code null}.
 * @param ex  the excluded connection, or {@code null}
 * @param fmtSpecial  Should this method call {@link SOCStringManager#getSpecial(SOCGame, String, Object...)}
 *            instead of the usual {@link SOCStringManager#get(String, Object...)} ?
 *            True if called from {@code messageToGameKeyedSpecial*}, false from other
 *            {@code messageToGameKeyed} methods.
 * @param key the message localization key, from {@link SOCStringManager#get(String)}, to look up and send text of.
 *            If its localized text begins with ">>>", the client should consider this
 *            an urgent message, and draw the user's attention in some way.
 *            (See {@link #messageToGameUrgent(String, String)})
 * @param params  Objects to use with <tt>{0}</tt>, <tt>{1}</tt>, etc in the localized string
 *             by calling {@link MessageFormat#format(String, Object...)}.
 *             <P>
 *             If {@code fmtSpecial}, these objects can include {@link SOCResourceSet} or pairs of
 *             Integers for a resource count and type; see {@link SOCStringManager#getSpecial(SOCGame, String, Object...)}.
 * @throws MissingResourceException if no string can be found for {@code key}; this is a RuntimeException
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the localized pattern string has a parse error (closing '}' brace without opening '{' brace, etc)
 * @since 2.0.00
private final void impl_messageToGameKeyedSpecial(SOCGame ga, final boolean takeMon, final List<Connection> members, final Connection ex, final boolean fmtSpecial, final String key, final Object... params) throws MissingResourceException, IllegalArgumentException {
    if (members == null)
    // Very similar code to messageToGameKeyedType:
    // If you change code here, change it there too.
    // Indentation within try/catch matches messageToGameKeyedType's.
    final boolean hasMultiLocales = ga.hasMultiLocales;
    final String gaName = ga.getName();
    if (takeMon)
    try {
        Iterator<Connection> miter = members.iterator();
        // as rendered for previous client during loop
        String gameTextMsg = null, gameTxtLocale = null;
        while (miter.hasNext()) {
            Connection c =;
            if ((c == null) || (c == ex))
            final String cliLocale = c.getI18NLocale();
            if (cliLocale == null)
                // skip bots
            if ((gameTextMsg == null) || (hasMultiLocales && !cliLocale.equals(gameTxtLocale))) {
                if (fmtSpecial)
                    gameTextMsg = SOCGameServerText.toCmd(gaName, c.getLocalizedSpecial(ga, key, params));
                    gameTextMsg = SOCGameServerText.toCmd(gaName, (params != null) ? c.getLocalized(key, params) : c.getLocalized(key));
                gameTxtLocale = cliLocale;
            if ((c.getVersion() >= SOCGameServerText.VERSION_FOR_GAMESERVERTEXT) && (gameTextMsg != null))
            else // old client (this is uncommon) needs a different message type
            if (fmtSpecial)
                c.put(SOCGameTextMsg.toCmd(gaName, SERVERNAME, c.getLocalizedSpecial(ga, key, params)));
                c.put(SOCGameTextMsg.toCmd(gaName, SERVERNAME, (params != null) ? c.getLocalized(key, params) : c.getLocalized(key)));
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        D.ebugPrintStackTrace(e, (fmtSpecial) ? "Exception in messageToGameKeyedSpecial" : "Exception in messageToGameKeyed");
    if (takeMon)
Also used : StringConnection(soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection) Connection(soc.server.genericServer.Connection)

Example 39 with Connection

use of soc.server.genericServer.Connection in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCServer method readyGameAskRobotsJoin.

 * Fill all the unlocked empty seats with robots, by asking them to join.
 * Builds a set of the {@link Connection}s of robots asked to join,
 * and adds it to the {@code robotJoinRequests} table.
 * Game state should be {@code READY}.
 * At most {@link SOCGame#getAvailableSeatCount()} robots will
 * be asked. If third-party bots are connected to the server,
 * optional property {@link #PROP_JSETTLERS_BOTS_PERCENT3P} can
 * set a goal for the minimum percentage of third-party bots in
 * the game; see its javadoc.
 * Called by {@link SOCServerMessageHandler#handleSTARTGAME(Connection, SOCStartGame) handleSTARTGAME},
 * {@link #resetBoardAndNotify(String, int) resetBoardAndNotify}.
 * Once the robots have all responded (from their own threads/clients)
 * and joined up, the game can begin.
 * Before v1.1.00, this method was part of {@code handleSTARTGAME}.
 * @param ga  Game to ask robots to join
 * @param robotSeats If robotSeats is null, robots are randomly selected.
 *                   If non-null, a MAXPLAYERS-sized array of Connections.
 *                   Any vacant non-locked seat, with index i,
 *                   is filled with the robot whose connection is robotSeats[i].
 *                   Other indexes should be null, and won't be used.
 * @param maxBots Maximum number of bots to add, or 0 to fill all empty seats
 * @throws IllegalStateException if {@link SOCGame#getGameState() ga.gamestate} is not READY,
 *         or if {@link SOCGame#getClientVersionMinRequired() ga.version} is
 *         somehow newer than server's version (which is assumed to be robots' version).
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if robotSeats is not null but wrong length,
 *           or if a robotSeat element is null but that seat wants a robot (vacant non-locked).
 * @since 1.1.00
void readyGameAskRobotsJoin(SOCGame ga, Connection[] robotSeats, final int maxBots) throws IllegalStateException, IllegalArgumentException {
    if (ga.getGameState() != SOCGame.READY)
        throw new IllegalStateException("SOCGame state not READY: " + ga.getGameState());
    if (ga.getClientVersionMinRequired() > Version.versionNumber())
        throw new IllegalStateException("SOCGame version somehow newer than server and robots, it's " + ga.getClientVersionMinRequired());
    // These bots will be asked to join.
    // Key = bot Connection, value = seat number as {@link Integer} like in SOCServer.robotJoinRequests
    Hashtable<Connection, Object> robotsRequested = null;
    int[] robotIndexes = null;
    if (robotSeats == null) {
        // shuffle the indexes to distribute load
        robotIndexes = robotShuffleForJoin();
    } else {
        // robotSeats not null: check length
        if (robotSeats.length != ga.maxPlayers)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("robotSeats Length must be MAXPLAYERS");
    final String gname = ga.getName();
    final Map<String, SOCGameOption> gopts = ga.getGameOptions();
    int seatsOpen = ga.getAvailableSeatCount();
    if ((maxBots > 0) && (maxBots < seatsOpen))
        seatsOpen = maxBots;
    int idx = 0;
    Connection[] robotSeatsConns = new Connection[ga.maxPlayers];
    for (int i = 0; (i < ga.maxPlayers) && (seatsOpen > 0); i++) {
        if (ga.isSeatVacant(i) && (ga.getSeatLock(i) == SOCGame.SeatLockState.UNLOCKED)) {
             * fetch a robot player; game will start when all bots have arrived.
             * Similar to SOCGameHandler.findRobotAskJoinGame (called from SGH.leaveGame),
             * where a player has left and must be replaced by a bot.
            if (idx < robots.size()) {
                // "Fetching a robot player..."
                messageToGameKeyed(ga, true, "");
                Connection robotConn;
                if (robotSeats != null) {
                    robotConn = robotSeats[i];
                    if (robotConn == null)
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("robotSeats[" + i + "] was needed but null");
                } else {
                    robotConn = robots.get(robotIndexes[idx]);
                robotSeatsConns[i] = robotConn;
                 * record the request
                if (robotsRequested == null)
                    robotsRequested = new Hashtable<Connection, Object>();
                robotsRequested.put(robotConn, Integer.valueOf(i));
    if (robotsRequested != null) {
        // request third-party bots, if available and wanted
        final int reqPct3p = getConfigIntProperty(PROP_JSETTLERS_BOTS_PERCENT3P, 0);
        if (reqPct3p > 0)
            readyGameAskRobotsMix3p(reqPct3p, robotsRequested, robotSeatsConns);
        // we know robotRequests isn't empty,
        // so add to the request table
        robotJoinRequests.put(gname, robotsRequested);
        // now, make the requests
        for (int i = 0; i < ga.maxPlayers; ++i) {
            if (robotSeatsConns[i] != null) {
                D.ebugPrintln("@@@ JOIN GAME REQUEST for " + robotSeatsConns[i].getData());
                robotSeatsConns[i].put(SOCBotJoinGameRequest.toCmd(gname, i, gopts));
Also used : Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) StringConnection(soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection) Connection(soc.server.genericServer.Connection)

Example 40 with Connection

use of soc.server.genericServer.Connection in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCServer method messageToGameExcept.

 * Send a message to all the connections in a game, excluding some.
 * @param gn  the name of the game
 * @param ex  the list of excluded connections; not {@code null}
 * @param mes the message
 * @param takeMon Should this method take and release
 *                game's monitor via {@link SOCGameList#takeMonitorForGame(String)} ?
 * @see #messageToGameExcept(String, Connection, SOCMessage, boolean)
public void messageToGameExcept(final String gn, final List<Connection> ex, final SOCMessage mes, final boolean takeMon) {
    if (takeMon)
    try {
        Vector<Connection> v = gameList.getMembers(gn);
        if (v != null) {
            // D.ebugPrintln("M2GE - "+mes);
            final String mesCmd = mes.toCmd();
            Enumeration<Connection> menum = v.elements();
            while (menum.hasMoreElements()) {
                Connection con = menum.nextElement();
                if ((con != null) && !ex.contains(con)) {
                    // currentGameEventRecord.addMessageOut(new SOCMessageRecord(mes, "SERVER", con.getData()));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        D.ebugPrintStackTrace(e, "Exception in messageToGameExcept");
    if (takeMon)
Also used : StringConnection(soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection) Connection(soc.server.genericServer.Connection) MissingResourceException(java.util.MissingResourceException) EOFException( DBSettingMismatchException(soc.server.database.DBSettingMismatchException) SocketException( SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) IOException(


Connection (soc.server.genericServer.Connection)44 StringConnection (soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection)24 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)8 MissingResourceException (java.util.MissingResourceException)8 SOCGame ( EOFException ( IOException ( SocketException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 SOCPlayerElement (soc.message.SOCPlayerElement)5 DBSettingMismatchException (soc.server.database.DBSettingMismatchException)5 SOCPlayer ( Date (java.util.Date)3 SOCGameElements (soc.message.SOCGameElements)3 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)2 TimerTask (java.util.TimerTask)2 Vector (java.util.Vector)2 SOCDevCardAction (soc.message.SOCDevCardAction)2 SOCInventoryItemAction (soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction)2