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Example 6 with Beacon

use of spacesettlers.objects.Beacon in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class PacifistFlagCollectorTeamClient method pickNearestBeacon.

 * Find the nearest beacon to this ship
 * @param space
 * @param ship
 * @return
private Beacon pickNearestBeacon(Toroidal2DPhysics space, Ship ship) {
    // get the current beacons
    Set<Beacon> beacons = space.getBeacons();
    Beacon closestBeacon = null;
    double bestDistance = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    for (Beacon beacon : beacons) {
        double dist = space.findShortestDistance(ship.getPosition(), beacon.getPosition());
        if (dist < bestDistance) {
            bestDistance = dist;
            closestBeacon = beacon;
    return closestBeacon;
Also used : Beacon(spacesettlers.objects.Beacon)

Example 7 with Beacon

use of spacesettlers.objects.Beacon in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class PacifistFlagCollectorTeamClient method getAsteroidCollectorAction.

 * Gets the action for the asteroid collecting ship
 * @param space
 * @param ship
 * @return
private AbstractAction getAsteroidCollectorAction(Toroidal2DPhysics space, Ship ship) {
    AbstractAction current = ship.getCurrentAction();
    Position currentPosition = ship.getPosition();
    // aim for a beacon if there isn't enough energy
    if (ship.getEnergy() < 2000) {
        Beacon beacon = pickNearestBeacon(space, ship);
        AbstractAction newAction = null;
        // if there is no beacon, then just skip a turn
        if (beacon == null) {
            newAction = new DoNothingAction();
        } else {
            newAction = new MoveToObjectAction(space, currentPosition, beacon);
        aimingForBase.put(ship.getId(), false);
        return newAction;
    // if the ship has enough resourcesAvailable, take it back to base
    if (ship.getResources().getTotal() > 500) {
        Base base = findNearestBase(space, ship);
        AbstractAction newAction = new MoveToObjectAction(space, currentPosition, base);
        aimingForBase.put(ship.getId(), true);
        return newAction;
    // did we bounce off the base?
    if (ship.getResources().getTotal() == 0 && ship.getEnergy() > 2000 && aimingForBase.containsKey(ship.getId()) && aimingForBase.get(ship.getId())) {
        current = null;
        aimingForBase.put(ship.getId(), false);
    // otherwise aim for the asteroid
    if (current == null || current.isMovementFinished(space)) {
        aimingForBase.put(ship.getId(), false);
        Asteroid asteroid = pickHighestValueNearestFreeAsteroid(space, ship);
        AbstractAction newAction = null;
        if (asteroid != null) {
            asteroidToShipMap.put(asteroid.getId(), ship);
            newAction = new MoveToObjectAction(space, currentPosition, asteroid, asteroid.getPosition().getTranslationalVelocity());
        return newAction;
    return ship.getCurrentAction();
Also used : Asteroid(spacesettlers.objects.Asteroid) Position(spacesettlers.utilities.Position) Beacon(spacesettlers.objects.Beacon) AbstractAction(spacesettlers.actions.AbstractAction) DoNothingAction(spacesettlers.actions.DoNothingAction) Base(spacesettlers.objects.Base) MoveToObjectAction(spacesettlers.actions.MoveToObjectAction)

Example 8 with Beacon

use of spacesettlers.objects.Beacon in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class SpaceSettlersSimulator method initializeSimulation.

 * Initialize the simulation given a configuration file.  Creates all the objects.
 * @throws SimulatorException
void initializeSimulation(JSAPResult parserConfig) throws SimulatorException {
    simulatedSpace = new Toroidal2DPhysics(simConfig);
    // place the beacons
    for (int b = 0; b < simConfig.getNumBeacons(); b++) {
        Beacon beacon = new Beacon(simulatedSpace.getRandomFreeLocation(random, Beacon.BEACON_RADIUS * 2));
        // System.out.println("New beacon at " + beacon.getPosition());
    // place any fixed location asteroids
    FixedAsteroidConfig[] fixedAsteroidConfigs = simConfig.getFixedAsteroids();
    if (fixedAsteroidConfigs != null) {
        for (FixedAsteroidConfig fixedAsteroidConfig : fixedAsteroidConfigs) {
            Asteroid asteroid = createNewFixedAsteroid(fixedAsteroidConfig);
    // place the asteroids
    RandomAsteroidConfig randomAsteroidConfig = simConfig.getRandomAsteroids();
    for (int a = 0; a < randomAsteroidConfig.getNumberInitialAsteroids(); a++) {
        Asteroid asteroid = createNewRandomAsteroid(randomAsteroidConfig);
    // create the clients
    for (HighLevelTeamConfig teamConfig : simConfig.getTeams()) {
        // ensure this team isn't a duplicate
        if (clientMap.containsKey(teamConfig.getTeamName())) {
            throw new SimulatorException("Error: duplicate team name " + teamConfig.getTeamName());
        TeamClientConfig teamClientConfig = getTeamClientConfig(teamConfig, parserConfig.getString("configPath"));
        // grab the home base config for this team (to get starting locations as needed)
        BaseConfig thisBaseConfig = null;
        for (BaseConfig baseConfig : simConfig.getBases()) {
            String teamName = baseConfig.getTeamName();
            if (teamName.equalsIgnoreCase(teamConfig.getTeamName())) {
                thisBaseConfig = baseConfig;
        // now either use the base config for the default region radius or the teamConfig file
        if (thisBaseConfig != null && thisBaseConfig.isFixedLocation()) {
            System.out.println("Initial provided for team " + teamConfig.getTeamName() + "UL (x,y) = " + teamConfig.getInitialRegionULX() + ", " + teamConfig.getInitialRegionULY() + " LR (x,y) = " + teamConfig.getInitialRegionLRX() + ", " + teamConfig.getInitialRegionLRY());
        } else {
            // if the team doesn't provide default radiii and bases, create one
            if (teamConfig.getInitialRegionULX() == 0 && teamConfig.getInitialRegionLRX() == 0) {
                teamConfig.setInitialRegionLRX(teamConfig.getInitialRegionULX() + simConfig.getWidth() / 4);
                teamConfig.setInitialRegionLRY(teamConfig.getInitialRegionULX() + simConfig.getHeight() / 4);
                System.out.println("Initial location not provided for team " + teamConfig.getTeamName() + "...generating: UL (x,y) = " + teamConfig.getInitialRegionULX() + ", " + teamConfig.getInitialRegionULY() + " LR (x,y) = " + teamConfig.getInitialRegionLRX() + ", " + teamConfig.getInitialRegionLRY());
        TeamClient teamClient = createTeamClient(teamConfig, teamClientConfig);
        // make the team inside the simulator for this team
        Team team = createTeam(teamConfig, teamClient, teamClientConfig);
        for (Ship ship : team.getShips()) {
        clientMap.put(teamConfig.getTeamName(), teamClient);
    // make sure the base count matches the team count
    if (simConfig.getTeams().length != simConfig.getBases().length) {
        throw new SimulatorException("Error: You specified " + simConfig.getTeams().length + " teams and " + simConfig.getBases().length + " bases.  They must match.");
    // create the bases and ensure there is a base for each team
    for (BaseConfig baseConfig : simConfig.getBases()) {
        String teamName = baseConfig.getTeamName();
        if (!clientMap.containsKey(teamName)) {
            throw new SimulatorException("Error: base is listed as team " + teamName + " but there is no corresponding team");
        TeamClient teamClient = clientMap.get(teamName);
        // find the team config for this team
        HighLevelTeamConfig thisTeamConfig = null;
        for (HighLevelTeamConfig teamConfig : simConfig.getTeams()) {
            if (teamConfig.getTeamName().equalsIgnoreCase(teamName)) {
                thisTeamConfig = teamConfig;
        // make the location based on fixed or random
        Position baseLocation;
        if (baseConfig.isFixedLocation()) {
            baseLocation = new Position(baseConfig.getX(), baseConfig.getY());
        } else {
            // make the base in the region specified for this team
            // ensure bases are not created right next to asteroids (free by 4 * base_radius for now)
            baseLocation = simulatedSpace.getRandomFreeLocationInRegion(random, 4 * Base.BASE_RADIUS, thisTeamConfig.getInitialRegionULX(), thisTeamConfig.getInitialRegionULY(), thisTeamConfig.getInitialRegionLRX(), thisTeamConfig.getInitialRegionLRY());
        // get this team as well as the client
        Team thisTeam = null;
        for (Team team : teams) {
            if (team.getTeamName().equalsIgnoreCase(teamName)) {
                thisTeam = team;
        Base base = new Base(baseLocation, baseConfig.getTeamName(), thisTeam, true);
     * If there are flags specified (presumably for capture the flag games), create them
     * and match their color to their team.  Randomly choose their starting location
     * from the specified set of starting locations.
    if (simConfig.getFlags() != null) {
        for (FlagConfig flagConfig : simConfig.getFlags()) {
            // get the right team to match the flag
            Team thisTeam = null;
            for (Team team : teams) {
                if (team.getTeamName().equalsIgnoreCase(flagConfig.getTeamName())) {
                    thisTeam = team;
            int[] startX = flagConfig.getStartX();
            int[] startY = flagConfig.getStartY();
            Position[] startingPositions = new Position[startX.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < startX.length; i++) {
                startingPositions[i] = new Position(startX[i], startY[i]);
            // System.out.println("Starting Locations are " + startingPositions);
            Position flagPosition = startingPositions[random.nextInt(startingPositions.length)];
            // System.out.println("Chosen location is " + flagPosition);
            Flag flag = new Flag(flagPosition, flagConfig.getTeamName(), thisTeam, startingPositions);
Also used : TeamClient(spacesettlers.clients.TeamClient) Position(spacesettlers.utilities.Position) Flag(spacesettlers.objects.Flag) Base(spacesettlers.objects.Base) Asteroid(spacesettlers.objects.Asteroid) Beacon(spacesettlers.objects.Beacon) Team(spacesettlers.clients.Team) Ship(spacesettlers.objects.Ship)

Example 9 with Beacon

use of spacesettlers.objects.Beacon in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class ResourcesPanel method updateData.

public void updateData(AbstractObject object) {
    ResourcePile avail = null;
    ResourcePile total = null;
    if (object.getClass() == Asteroid.class) {
        Asteroid asteroid = (Asteroid) object;
        avail = asteroid.getResources();
        total = avail;
    } else if (object.getClass() == Ship.class) {
        Ship ship = (Ship) object;
        avail = ship.getResources();
        total = avail;
    } else if (object.getClass() == Base.class) {
        Base base = (Base) object;
        avail = base.getResources();
        total = base.getResources();
    } else if (object.getClass() == Beacon.class) {
        Beacon beacon = (Beacon) object;
    if (avail != null) {
        waterAvail.setText("" + avail.getResourceQuantity(ResourceTypes.WATER));
        fuelAvail.setText("" + avail.getResourceQuantity(ResourceTypes.FUEL));
        metalsAvail.setText("" + avail.getResourceQuantity(ResourceTypes.METALS));
        waterTotal.setText("" + total.getResourceQuantity(ResourceTypes.WATER));
        fuelTotal.setText("" + total.getResourceQuantity(ResourceTypes.FUEL));
        metalsTotal.setText("" + total.getResourceQuantity(ResourceTypes.METALS));
    } else {
Also used : ResourcePile(spacesettlers.objects.resources.ResourcePile) Asteroid(spacesettlers.objects.Asteroid) Beacon(spacesettlers.objects.Beacon) Ship(spacesettlers.objects.Ship) Base(spacesettlers.objects.Base)

Example 10 with Beacon

use of spacesettlers.objects.Beacon in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class BeaconCollectorTeamClient method pickNearestFreeBeacon.

 * Find the nearest free beacon to this ship
 * @param space
 * @param ship
 * @return
private Beacon pickNearestFreeBeacon(Toroidal2DPhysics space, Ship ship) {
    // get the current beacons
    Set<Beacon> beacons = space.getBeacons();
    Beacon closestBeacon = null;
    double bestDistance = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    for (Beacon beacon : beacons) {
        if (beaconToShipMap.containsKey(beacon)) {
        double dist = space.findShortestDistance(ship.getPosition(), beacon.getPosition());
        if (dist < bestDistance) {
            bestDistance = dist;
            closestBeacon = beacon;
    return closestBeacon;
Also used : Beacon(spacesettlers.objects.Beacon)


Beacon (spacesettlers.objects.Beacon)19 Base (spacesettlers.objects.Base)10 Position (spacesettlers.utilities.Position)10 Asteroid (spacesettlers.objects.Asteroid)9 AbstractAction (spacesettlers.actions.AbstractAction)8 DoNothingAction (spacesettlers.actions.DoNothingAction)8 MoveToObjectAction (spacesettlers.actions.MoveToObjectAction)8 Ship (spacesettlers.objects.Ship)7 AiCore (spacesettlers.objects.AiCore)3 AbstractObject (spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject)2 Flag (spacesettlers.objects.Flag)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 UUID (java.util.UUID)1 Team (spacesettlers.clients.Team)1 TeamClient (spacesettlers.clients.TeamClient)1 ResourcePile (spacesettlers.objects.resources.ResourcePile)1 Vector2D (spacesettlers.utilities.Vector2D)1