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Example 1 with Vector2D

use of spacesettlers.utilities.Vector2D in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class SpaceSettlersSimulator method createNewRandomAsteroid.

 * Create a new asteroid following all rules of the config files
 * Asteroids can either be fixed location or randomly generated.  If they are
 * fixed, they need x, y, and radius.
 * @param asteroidConfig
 * @return
private Asteroid createNewRandomAsteroid(RandomAsteroidConfig asteroidConfig) {
    // choose if the asteroid is mine-able
    double prob = random.nextDouble();
    boolean mineable = false;
    if (prob < asteroidConfig.getProbabilityMineable()) {
        mineable = true;
    // asteroids
    // choose the radius randomly for random asteroids
    int radius = random.nextInt(Asteroid.MAX_ASTEROID_RADIUS - Asteroid.MIN_ASTEROID_RADIUS) + Asteroid.MIN_ASTEROID_RADIUS;
    // choose if the asteroid is moving or stationary
    prob = random.nextDouble();
    boolean moveable = false;
    if (prob < asteroidConfig.getProbabilityMoveable()) {
        moveable = true;
    // choose the asteroid mixture
    double fuel = random.nextDouble() * asteroidConfig.getProbabilityFuelType();
    double water = random.nextDouble() * asteroidConfig.getProbabilityWaterType();
    double metals = random.nextDouble() * asteroidConfig.getProbabilityMetalsType();
    // renormalize so it all adds to 1
    double normalize = fuel + water + metals;
    fuel = fuel / normalize;
    water = water / normalize;
    metals = metals / normalize;
    // create the asteroid
    Asteroid asteroid = new Asteroid(simulatedSpace.getRandomFreeLocation(random, radius * 2), mineable, radius, moveable, fuel, water, metals);
    if (asteroid.isMoveable()) {
        Vector2D randomMotion = Vector2D.getRandom(random, asteroidConfig.getMaxInitialVelocity());
    return asteroid;
Also used : Asteroid(spacesettlers.objects.Asteroid) Vector2D(spacesettlers.utilities.Vector2D)

Example 2 with Vector2D

use of spacesettlers.utilities.Vector2D in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class Toroidal2DPhysics method applyMovement.

 * Takes an acceleration and a simulation time step and moves the object
 * @param actionMovement
 * @param timeStep
 * @return
public Position applyMovement(Position position, Movement movement, double timeStep) {
    double translationalAccelX = movement.getTranslationalAcceleration().getXValue();
    double translationalAccelY = movement.getTranslationalAcceleration().getYValue();
    double angularAccel = movement.getAngularAccleration();
    // velocity is acceleration times time
    double translationalVelocityX = position.getTranslationalVelocityX() + (translationalAccelX * timeStep);
    double translationalVelocityY = position.getTranslationalVelocityY() + (translationalAccelY * timeStep);
    double angularVelocity = position.getAngularVelocity() + (angularAccel * timeStep);
    // ensure the max/mins are respected
    translationalVelocityX = checkTranslationalVelocity(translationalVelocityX);
    translationalVelocityY = checkTranslationalVelocity(translationalVelocityY);
    angularVelocity = checkAngularVelocity(angularVelocity);
    Position newPosition = new Position(position.getX(), position.getY(), position.getOrientation());
    newPosition.setTranslationalVelocity(new Vector2D(translationalVelocityX, translationalVelocityY));
    return moveOneTimestep(newPosition);
Also used : Vector2D(spacesettlers.utilities.Vector2D) Position(spacesettlers.utilities.Position)

Example 3 with Vector2D

use of spacesettlers.utilities.Vector2D in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class Toroidal2DPhysics method isPathClearOfObstructions.

 * Check to see if following a straight line path between two given locations would result in a collision with a provided set of obstructions
 * @author Andrew and Thibault
 * @param  startPosition the starting location of the straight line path
 * @param  goalPosition the ending location of the straight line path
 * @param  obstructions an Set of AbstractObject obstructions (i.e., if you don't wish to consider mineable asteroids or beacons obstructions)
 * @param  freeRadius used to determine free space buffer size
 * @return Whether or not a straight line path between two positions contains obstructions from a given set
public boolean isPathClearOfObstructions(Position startPosition, Position goalPosition, Set<AbstractObject> obstructions, int freeRadius) {
    // Shortest straight line path from startPosition to goalPosition
    Vector2D pathToGoal = findShortestDistanceVector(startPosition, goalPosition);
    // Distance of straight line path
    double distanceToGoal = pathToGoal.getMagnitude();
    // Boolean showing whether or not the path is clear
    boolean pathIsClear = true;
    // Calculate distance between obstruction center and path (including buffer for ship movement)
    // Uses hypotenuse * sin(theta) = opposite (on a right hand triangle)
    // Vector from start position to obstruction
    Vector2D pathToObstruction;
    // Angle between vector from start position to obstruction
    double angleBetween;
    // Loop through obstructions
    for (AbstractObject obstruction : obstructions) {
        // If the distance to the obstruction is greater than the distance to the end goal, ignore the obstruction
        pathToObstruction = findShortestDistanceVector(startPosition, obstruction.getPosition());
        if (pathToObstruction.getMagnitude() > distanceToGoal) {
        // Ignore angles > 90 degrees
        angleBetween = Math.abs(pathToObstruction.angleBetween(pathToGoal));
        if (angleBetween > Math.PI / 2) {
        // Compare distance between obstruction and path with buffer distance
        if (pathToObstruction.getMagnitude() * Math.sin(angleBetween) < obstruction.getRadius() + freeRadius * 1.5) {
            pathIsClear = false;
    return pathIsClear;
Also used : Vector2D(spacesettlers.utilities.Vector2D) AbstractObject(spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject)

Example 4 with Vector2D

use of spacesettlers.utilities.Vector2D in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class Toroidal2DPhysics method findShortestDistanceVector.

 * Finds the shortest distance in toroidal space. Returns a vector
 * pointing from the start to the target location and getMagnitude can be used
 * to find the distance and the angle.
 * @param location1
 * @param location2
 * @param width
 * @param height
 * @param halfWidth
 * @param halfHeight
 * @return
private Vector2D findShortestDistanceVector(Position location1, Position location2, float width, float height, float halfWidth, float halfHeight) {
    double x = location2.getX() - location1.getX();
    double y = location2.getY() - location1.getY();
    if (x > halfWidth) {
        if (y > halfHeight) {
            return new Vector2D(x - width, y - height);
        } else if (y < -halfHeight) {
            return new Vector2D(x - width, y + height);
        } else {
            return new Vector2D(x - width, y);
    } else if (x < -halfWidth) {
        if (y > halfHeight) {
            return new Vector2D(x + width, y - height);
        } else if (y < -halfHeight) {
            return new Vector2D(x + width, y + height);
        } else {
            return new Vector2D(x + width, y);
    } else if (y > halfHeight) {
        return new Vector2D(x, y - height);
    } else if (y < -halfHeight) {
        return new Vector2D(x, y + height);
    } else {
        return new Vector2D(x, y);
Also used : Vector2D(spacesettlers.utilities.Vector2D)

Example 5 with Vector2D

use of spacesettlers.utilities.Vector2D in project spacesettlers by amymcgovern.

the class TestMoveAction method testpdControlMoveToAlongY.

 * Test moving to the goal along the y dimension
 * (50, 40)
 * (50, 50)
 * (50,60)
 * @throws SpaceSettlersActionException
public void testpdControlMoveToAlongY() throws SpaceSettlersActionException {
    // first positive y (50, 60)
    Position currentLoc = new Position(50, 50);
    Position goalLoc = new Position(50, 60);
    currentLoc.setOrientation(Math.PI / 2);
    moveAction = new MoveAction();
    Vector2D accel = moveAction.pdControlMoveToGoal(space, goalLoc, currentLoc, targetVelocity);
    Movement movement = new Movement();
    while (accel.getMagnitude() > MoveAction.TARGET_REACHED_ACCEL) {
        currentLoc = space.applyMovement(currentLoc, movement, timestep);
        accel = moveAction.pdControlMoveToGoal(space, goalLoc, currentLoc, targetVelocity);
    assertEquals(currentLoc.getOrientation(), Math.PI / 2, 0.01);
    assertEquals(currentLoc.getX(), 50, 0.05);
    assertEquals(currentLoc.getY(), 60, 0.05);
    // then to the negative y
    currentLoc = new Position(50, 50);
    goalLoc = new Position(50, 40);
    currentLoc.setOrientation(-Math.PI / 2);
    accel = moveAction.pdControlMoveToGoal(space, goalLoc, currentLoc, targetVelocity);
    while (accel.getMagnitude() > MoveAction.TARGET_REACHED_ACCEL) {
        currentLoc = space.applyMovement(currentLoc, movement, timestep);
        accel = moveAction.pdControlMoveToGoal(space, goalLoc, currentLoc, targetVelocity);
    assertEquals(currentLoc.getOrientation(), -Math.PI / 2, 0.01);
    assertEquals(currentLoc.getX(), 50, 0.05);
    assertEquals(currentLoc.getY(), 40, 0.05);
Also used : MoveAction(spacesettlers.actions.MoveAction) Movement(spacesettlers.utilities.Movement) Vector2D(spacesettlers.utilities.Vector2D) Position(spacesettlers.utilities.Position) Test(org.junit.Test)


Vector2D (spacesettlers.utilities.Vector2D)49 Test (org.junit.Test)33 Position (spacesettlers.utilities.Position)26 Movement (spacesettlers.utilities.Movement)15 Asteroid (spacesettlers.objects.Asteroid)8 Ship (spacesettlers.objects.Ship)8 MoveAction (spacesettlers.actions.MoveAction)4 Before (org.junit.Before)3 AbstractObject (spacesettlers.objects.AbstractObject)3 Toroidal2DPhysics (spacesettlers.simulator.Toroidal2DPhysics)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 Random (java.util.Random)1 UUID (java.util.UUID)1 AbstractAction (spacesettlers.actions.AbstractAction)1 DoNothingAction (spacesettlers.actions.DoNothingAction)1 RawAction (spacesettlers.actions.RawAction)1 LineGraphics ( StarGraphics ( Beacon (spacesettlers.objects.Beacon)1 Flag (spacesettlers.objects.Flag)1