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Example 16 with PeakResultProcedure

use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.

the class DriftCalculator method applyDriftCorrection.

private void applyDriftCorrection(MemoryPeakResults results, double[][] drift) {
    final ExtendedGenericDialog gd = new ExtendedGenericDialog(TITLE);
    gd.addMessage("Apply drift correction to in-memory results?");
    gd.addChoice("Update_method", Settings.UPDATE_METHODS, settings.updateMethod);
    // Option to save the drift unless it was loaded from file
    if (!Settings.DRIFT_FILE.equals(settings.method)) {
        gd.addCheckbox("Save_drift", settings.saveDrift);
    if (gd.wasCanceled()) {
    settings.updateMethod = gd.getNextChoiceIndex();
    if (!Settings.DRIFT_FILE.equals(settings.method)) {
        settings.saveDrift = gd.getNextBoolean();
        saveDrift(calculatedTimepoints, lastdx, lastdy);
    if (settings.updateMethod == 0) {
    final double[] dx = drift[0];
    final double[] dy = drift[1];
    if (settings.updateMethod == 1) {
        // Update the results in memory
        ImageJUtils.log("Applying drift correction to the results set: " + results.getName());
        results.forEach((PeakResultProcedure) result -> {
            result.setXPosition((float) (result.getXPosition() + dx[result.getFrame()]));
            result.setYPosition((float) (result.getYPosition() + dy[result.getFrame()]));
    } else {
        // Create a new set of results
        final MemoryPeakResults newResults = new MemoryPeakResults(results.size());
        newResults.setName(results.getName() + " (Corrected)");
        final boolean truncate = settings.updateMethod == 3;
        ImageJUtils.log("Creating %sdrift corrected results set: " + newResults.getName(), (truncate) ? "truncated " : "");
        results.forEach((PeakResultProcedure) result -> {
            if (truncate && (result.getFrame() < interpolationStart || result.getFrame() > interpolationEnd)) {
            result.setXPosition((float) (result.getXPosition() + dx[result.getFrame()]));
            result.setYPosition((float) (result.getYPosition() + dy[result.getFrame()]));
Also used : Color(java.awt.Color) Arrays(java.util.Arrays) ImageProcessor(ij.process.ImageProcessor) WindowMethod( Scanner(java.util.Scanner) Point(java.awt.Point) ResultsImageSettings( Future(java.util.concurrent.Future) MemoryPeakResults( Locale(java.util.Locale) Blitter(ij.process.Blitter) ImageJImagePeakResults( RoiManager(ij.plugin.frame.RoiManager) PlotWindow(ij.gui.PlotWindow) MathUtils( XyrResultProcedure( Fht( LinearInterpolator(org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.LinearInterpolator) LoessInterpolator(org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.LoessInterpolator) ExtendedGenericDialog( InputSource( AlignImagesFft( ResultsImageType( DistanceUnit( ConcurrencyUtils( Plot(ij.gui.Plot) Executors(java.util.concurrent.Executors) ImagePlus(ij.ImagePlus) List(java.util.List) FileUtils( Pattern(java.util.regex.Pattern) PlugIn(ij.plugin.PlugIn) Roi(ij.gui.Roi) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) SplineInterpolator(org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.interpolation.SplineInterpolator) PolynomialSplineFunction(org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialSplineFunction) Prefs(ij.Prefs) WindowManager(ij.WindowManager) WindowOrganiser( PeakResult( AtomicReference(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference) TrackProgress( OpenDialog( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ImagePeakResultsFactory( SubPixelMethod( PeakResultProcedure( LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) NoSuchElementException(java.util.NoSuchElementException) ExecutorService(java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) SimpleImageJTrackProgress( Files(java.nio.file.Files) ResultsImageSizeMode( BufferedWriter( IOException( ResultsImageMode( Ticker( FloatProcessor(ij.process.FloatProcessor) Counter( Paths(java.nio.file.Paths) ImageJUtils( IJ(ij.IJ) ImageStack(ij.ImageStack) Nullable( BufferedReader( Collections(java.util.Collections) LocalList( StandardResultProcedure( MemoryPeakResults( ExtendedGenericDialog(

Example 17 with PeakResultProcedure

use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.

the class Filter method filter.

 * Filter the results.
 * <p>The number of consecutive rejections are counted per frame. When the configured number of
 * failures is reached all remaining results for the frame are rejected. This assumes the results
 * are ordered by the frame.
 * @param results the results
 * @param failures the number of failures to allow per frame before all peaks are rejected
 * @return the filtered results
public MemoryPeakResults filter(MemoryPeakResults results, final int failures) {
    final MemoryPeakResults newResults = new MemoryPeakResults();
    final FrameCounter counter = new FrameCounter();
    results.forEach((PeakResultProcedure) peak -> {
        final boolean isPositive;
        if (counter.getCount() > failures) {
            isPositive = false;
        } else {
            isPositive = accept(peak);
        if (isPositive) {
        } else {
    return newResults;
Also used : Chromosome( List(java.util.List) Counter( MemoryPeakResults( SimpleArrayUtils( FrameCounter( Nullable( ClassificationResult( PeakResult( PeakResultProcedure( XStreamOmitField(com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamOmitField) FractionClassificationResult( FrameCounter( MemoryPeakResults(

Example 18 with PeakResultProcedure

use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.

the class Filter method fractionScoreSubset.

 * Filter the results and return the performance score. Allows benchmarking the filter by marking
 * the results as true or false.
 * <p>Input PeakResults must be allocated a score for true positive, false positive, true negative
 * and false negative (accessed via the object property get methods). The filter is run and
 * results that pass accumulate scores for true positive and false positive, otherwise the scores
 * are accumulated for true negative and false negative. The simplest scoring scheme is to mark
 * valid results as tp=fn=1 and fp=tn=0 and invalid results the opposite.
 * <p>The number of consecutive rejections are counted per frame. When the configured number of
 * failures is reached all remaining results for the frame are rejected. This assumes the results
 * are ordered by the frame.
 * <p>Note that this method is to be used to score a subset that was generated using
 * {@link #filterSubset(MemoryPeakResults, int, double[])} since the number of consecutive
 * failures before each peak are expected to be stored in the origX property.
 * @param resultsList a list of results to analyse
 * @param failures the number of failures to allow per frame before all peaks are rejected
 * @param tn The initial true negatives (used when the results have been pre-filtered)
 * @param fn The initial false negatives (used when the results have been pre-filtered)
 * @param initialNegatives The initial negatives (used when the results have been pre-filtered)
 * @return the score
public FractionClassificationResult fractionScoreSubset(List<MemoryPeakResults> resultsList, final int failures, double tn, double fn, int initialNegatives) {
    final double[] s = new double[4];
    s[TN] = tn;
    s[FN] = fn;
    final Counter p = new Counter();
    int negatives = initialNegatives;
    for (final MemoryPeakResults peakResults : resultsList) {
        final FrameCounter counter = new FrameCounter();
        peakResults.forEach((PeakResultProcedure) peak -> {
            final boolean isPositive;
            if (counter.getCount() > failures) {
                isPositive = false;
            } else {
                isPositive = accept(peak);
            if (isPositive) {
            } else {
            if (isPositive) {
                s[TP] += peak.getTruePositiveScore();
                s[FP] += peak.getFalsePositiveScore();
            } else {
                s[FN] += peak.getFalseNegativeScore();
                s[TN] += peak.getTrueNegativeScore();
        negatives += peakResults.size();
    negatives -= p.getCount();
    return new FractionClassificationResult(s[TP], s[FP], s[TN], s[FN], p.getCount(), negatives);
Also used : Chromosome( List(java.util.List) Counter( MemoryPeakResults( SimpleArrayUtils( FrameCounter( Nullable( ClassificationResult( PeakResult( PeakResultProcedure( XStreamOmitField(com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamOmitField) FractionClassificationResult( Counter( FrameCounter( FrameCounter( FractionClassificationResult( MemoryPeakResults(

Example 19 with PeakResultProcedure

use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.

the class Filter method filterSubset2.

 * Filter the results.
 * <p>Input PeakResults must be allocated a score for true positive, false positive, true negative
 * and false negative (accessed via the object property get methods). The filter is run and
 * results that pass accumulate scores for true positive and false positive, otherwise the scores
 * are accumulated for true negative and false negative. The simplest scoring scheme is to mark
 * valid results as tp=fn=1 and fp=tn=0 and invalid results the opposite.
 * <p>The number of consecutive rejections are counted per frame. When the configured number of
 * failures is reached all remaining results for the frame are rejected. This assumes the results
 * are ordered by the frame.
 * <p>Note that this method is to be used to score a set of results that may have been extracted
 * from a larger set since the number of consecutive failures before each peak are expected to be
 * stored in the origY property. Set this to zero and the results should be identical to
 * {@link #filterSubset(MemoryPeakResults, double[])}.
 * <p>The number of failures before each peak is stored in the origX property of the PeakResult.
 * @param results the results
 * @param score If not null will be populated with the fraction score [ tp, fp, tn, fn, p, n ]
 * @return the filtered results
public MemoryPeakResults filterSubset2(MemoryPeakResults results, double[] score) {
    final MemoryPeakResults newResults = new MemoryPeakResults();
    final FrameCounter counter = new FrameCounter();
    final double[] s = new double[4];
    final Counter p = new Counter();
    results.forEach((PeakResultProcedure) peak -> {
        final boolean isPositive = accept(peak);
        if (isPositive) {
        } else {
        if (isPositive) {
            s[TP] += peak.getTruePositiveScore();
            s[FP] += peak.getFalsePositiveScore();
        } else {
            s[FN] += peak.getFalseNegativeScore();
            s[TN] += peak.getTrueNegativeScore();
    if (score != null && score.length > 5) {
        score[0] = s[TP];
        score[1] = s[FP];
        score[2] = s[TN];
        score[3] = s[FN];
        score[4] = p.getCount();
        score[5] = (double) results.size() - p.getCount();
    return newResults;
Also used : Chromosome( List(java.util.List) Counter( MemoryPeakResults( SimpleArrayUtils( FrameCounter( Nullable( ClassificationResult( PeakResult( PeakResultProcedure( XStreamOmitField(com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamOmitField) FractionClassificationResult( Counter( FrameCounter( FrameCounter( MemoryPeakResults(

Example 20 with PeakResultProcedure

use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.

the class Filter method fractionScore.

 * Filter the results and return the performance score. Allows benchmarking the filter by marking
 * the results as true or false.
 * <p>Input PeakResults must be allocated a score for true positive, false positive, true negative
 * and false negative (accessed via the object property get methods). The filter is run and
 * results that pass accumulate scores for true positive and false positive, otherwise the scores
 * are accumulated for true negative and false negative. The simplest scoring scheme is to mark
 * valid results as tp=fn=1 and fp=tn=0 and invalid results the opposite.
 * <p>The number of consecutive rejections are counted per frame. When the configured number of
 * failures is reached all remaining results for the frame are rejected. This assumes the results
 * are ordered by the frame.
 * @param resultsList a list of results to analyse
 * @param failures the number of failures to allow per frame before all peaks are rejected
 * @return the score
public FractionClassificationResult fractionScore(List<MemoryPeakResults> resultsList, final int failures) {
    final double[] s = new double[4];
    final Counter p = new Counter();
    int negatives = 0;
    for (final MemoryPeakResults peakResults : resultsList) {
        final FrameCounter counter = new FrameCounter();
        peakResults.forEach((PeakResultProcedure) peak -> {
            final boolean isPositive;
            if (counter.getCount() > failures) {
                isPositive = false;
            } else {
                isPositive = accept(peak);
            if (isPositive) {
            } else {
            if (isPositive) {
                s[TP] += peak.getTruePositiveScore();
                s[FP] += peak.getFalsePositiveScore();
            } else {
                s[FN] += peak.getFalseNegativeScore();
                s[TN] += peak.getTrueNegativeScore();
        negatives += peakResults.size();
    negatives -= p.getCount();
    return new FractionClassificationResult(s[TP], s[FP], s[TN], s[FN], p.getCount(), negatives);
Also used : Chromosome( List(java.util.List) Counter( MemoryPeakResults( SimpleArrayUtils( FrameCounter( Nullable( ClassificationResult( PeakResult( PeakResultProcedure( XStreamOmitField(com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamOmitField) FractionClassificationResult( Counter( FrameCounter( FrameCounter( FractionClassificationResult( MemoryPeakResults(


PeakResultProcedure ( MemoryPeakResults ( PeakResult ( List (java.util.List)29 Counter ( SimpleArrayUtils ( FrameCounter ( IJ (ij.IJ)19 Nullable ( PlugIn (ij.plugin.PlugIn)18 AtomicReference (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference)18 ImageJUtils ( ExtendedGenericDialog ( DistanceUnit ( ClassificationResult ( MathUtils ( TextUtils ( Chromosome ( XStreamOmitField (com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations.XStreamOmitField)14 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)14