use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class BenchmarkSpotFilter method summariseResults.
private BenchmarkSpotFilterResult summariseResults(TIntObjectHashMap<FilterResult> filterResults, FitEngineConfiguration config, MaximaSpotFilter spotFilter, boolean batchSummary) {
final BenchmarkSpotFilterResult filterResult = new BenchmarkSpotFilterResult(, filterResults, config, spotFilter);
// Note:
// Although we can compute the TP/FP score as each additional spot is added
// using the RankedScoreCalculator this is not applicable to the PeakFit method.
// The method relies on all spot candidates being present in order to make a
// decision to fit the candidate as a multiple. So scoring the filter candidates using
// for example the top 10 may get a better score than if all candidates were scored
// and the scores accumulated for the top 10, it is not how the algorithm will use the
// candidate set. I.e. It does not use the top 10, then top 20 to refine the fit, etc.
// (the method is not iterative) .
// We require an assessment of how a subset of the scored candidates
// in ranked order contributes to the overall score, i.e. are the candidates ranked
// in the correct order, those most contributing to the match to the underlying data
// should be higher up and those least contributing will be at the end.
// TODO We could add some smart filtering of candidates before ranking. This would
// allow assessment of the candidate set handed to PeakFit. E.g. Threshold the image
// and only use candidates that are in the foreground region.
final double[][] cumul = histogramFailures(filterResult);
// Create the overall match score
final double[] total = new double[3];
final ArrayList<ScoredSpot> allSpots = new ArrayList<>();
filterResults.forEachValue(result -> {
total[0] += result.result.getTruePositives();
total[1] += result.result.getFalsePositives();
total[2] += result.result.getFalseNegatives();
return true;
double tp = total[0];
double fp = total[1];
final double fn = total[2];
final FractionClassificationResult allResult = new FractionClassificationResult(tp, fp, 0, fn);
// The number of actual results
final double numberOfResults = (tp + fn);
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final double signal = (simulationParameters.minSignal + simulationParameters.maxSignal) * 0.5;
// Create the benchmark settings and the fitting settings
final int w = border.width;
final int h = border.height;
final double density = (numberOfResults / imp.getStackSize()) / (w * h) / (simulationParameters.pixelPitch * simulationParameters.pixelPitch / 1e6);
// Camera specific
CreateData.addCameraDescription(sb, simulationParameters).append('\t');
sb.append(MathUtils.rounded(signal / simulationParameters.noise)).append('\t');
sb.append(MathUtils.rounded( / simulationParameters.pixelPitch)).append('\t');
final double param = config.getDataFilterParameterValue(0);
final boolean absolute = config.getDataFilterParameterAbsolute(0);
final double hwhmMin = config.getHwhmMin();
if (absolute) {
sb.append(MathUtils.roundUsingDecimalPlacesToBigDecimal(param / hwhmMin, 3)).append('\t');
} else {
sb.append(MathUtils.roundUsingDecimalPlacesToBigDecimal(param * hwhmMin, 3)).append('\t');
filterResult.resultPrefix = sb.toString();
// Add the results
// Rank the scored spots by intensity
Collections.sort(allSpots, ScoredSpot::compare);
// Produce Recall, Precision, Jaccard for each cut of the spot candidates
final double[] recall = new double[allSpots.size() + 1];
final double[] precision = new double[recall.length];
final double[] jaccard = new double[recall.length];
final double[] correlation = new double[recall.length];
final double[] truePositives = new double[recall.length];
final double[] falsePositives = new double[recall.length];
final double[] intensity = new double[recall.length];
// Note: fn = n - tp
tp = fp = 0;
int index = 1;
precision[0] = 1;
final FastCorrelator corr = new FastCorrelator();
double lastCorrelation = 0;
double[] i1 = new double[recall.length];
double[] i2 = new double[recall.length];
int ci = 0;
final SimpleRegression regression = new SimpleRegression(false);
for (final ScoredSpot s : allSpots) {
if (s.match) {
// Score partial matches as part true-positive and part false-positive.
// TP can be above 1 if we are allowing multiple matches.
tp += s.getScore();
fp += s.antiScore();
// Just use a rounded intensity for now
final double spotIntensity = s.getIntensity();
final long v1 = Math.round(spotIntensity);
final long v2 = Math.round(s.intensity);
regression.addData(spotIntensity, s.intensity);
i1[ci] = spotIntensity;
i2[ci] = s.intensity;
corr.add(v1, v2);
lastCorrelation = corr.getCorrelation();
} else {
recall[index] = tp / numberOfResults;
precision[index] = tp / (tp + fp);
// (tp+fp+fn) == (fp+n) since tp+fn=n
jaccard[index] = tp / (fp + numberOfResults);
correlation[index] = lastCorrelation;
truePositives[index] = tp;
falsePositives[index] = fp;
intensity[index] = s.getIntensity();
i1 = Arrays.copyOf(i1, ci);
i2 = Arrays.copyOf(i2, ci);
final double slope = regression.getSlope();
addResult(sb, allResult, correlation[correlation.length - 1]);
// Output the match results when the recall achieves the fraction of the maximum.
double target = recall[recall.length - 1];
if (settings.recallFraction < 100) {
target *= settings.recallFraction / 100.0;
int fractionIndex = 0;
while (fractionIndex < recall.length && recall[fractionIndex] < target) {
if (fractionIndex == recall.length) {
addResult(sb, new FractionClassificationResult(truePositives[fractionIndex], falsePositives[fractionIndex], 0, numberOfResults - truePositives[fractionIndex]), correlation[fractionIndex]);
// Output the match results at the maximum jaccard score
int maxIndex = 0;
for (int ii = 1; ii < recall.length; ii++) {
if (jaccard[maxIndex] < jaccard[ii]) {
maxIndex = ii;
addResult(sb, new FractionClassificationResult(truePositives[maxIndex], falsePositives[maxIndex], 0, numberOfResults - truePositives[maxIndex]), correlation[maxIndex]);
sb.append(MathUtils.rounded(time / 1e6));
// Calculate AUC (Average precision == Area Under Precision-Recall curve)
final double auc = AucCalculator.auc(precision, recall);
// Compute the AUC using the adjusted precision curve
// which uses the maximum precision for recall >= r
final double[] maxp = new double[precision.length];
double max = 0;
for (int k = maxp.length; k-- > 0; ) {
if (max < precision[k]) {
max = precision[k];
maxp[k] = max;
final double auc2 = AucCalculator.auc(maxp, recall);
// positives
if (cumul[0].length != 0) {
sb.append('\t').append(MathUtils.rounded(getFailures(cumul, 0.80)));
sb.append('\t').append(MathUtils.rounded(getFailures(cumul, 0.90)));
sb.append('\t').append(MathUtils.rounded(getFailures(cumul, 0.95)));
sb.append('\t').append(MathUtils.rounded(getFailures(cumul, 0.99)));
sb.append('\t').append(MathUtils.rounded(cumul[0][cumul[0].length - 1]));
} else {
// Store results
filterResult.auc = auc;
filterResult.auc2 = auc2;
filterResult.recall = recall;
filterResult.precision = precision;
filterResult.jaccard = jaccard;
filterResult.correlation = correlation;
filterResult.maxIndex = maxIndex;
filterResult.fractionIndex = fractionIndex;
filterResult.cumul = cumul;
filterResult.slope = slope;
filterResult.i1 = i1;
filterResult.i2 = i2;
filterResult.intensity = intensity;
filterResult.time = time;
filterResult.analysisBorder = this.border;
return filterResult;
use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class BenchmarkFilterAnalysis method scoreFilter.
private FilterScoreResult scoreFilter(DirectFilter filter, DirectFilter minFilter, boolean createTextResult, CoordinateStore coordinateStore) {
final FractionClassificationResult r = scoreFilter(filter, minFilter, gaResultsListToScore, coordinateStore);
final double score = getScore(r);
final double criteria = getCriteria(r);
// Show the result if it achieves the criteria limit
final String text = (createTextResult && criteria >= minCriteria) ? createResult(filter, r).toString() : null;
return new FilterScoreResult(score, criteria, filter, text);
use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class BenchmarkFilterAnalysis method score.
public SearchResult<FilterScore>[] score(double[][] points) {
SimpleFilterScore max = filterScoreOptimum;
final FilterScoreResult[] scoreResults = scoreFilters(setStrength(new FilterSet(searchSpaceToFilters(points))), false);
if (scoreResults == null) {
return null;
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final SearchResult<FilterScore>[] scores = new SearchResult[scoreResults.length];
for (int index = 0; index < scoreResults.length; index++) {
final FilterScoreResult scoreResult = scoreResults[index];
final SimpleFilterScore result = new SimpleFilterScore(scoreResult, true, scoreResult.criteria >= minCriteria);
if (result.compareTo(max) < 0) {
max = result;
scores[index] = new SearchResult<>(result.result.filter.getParameters(), result);
filterScoreOptimum = max;
// Add the best filter to the table
// This filter may not have been part of the scored subset so use the entire results set for
// reporting
final DirectFilter filter = max.result.filter;
final FractionClassificationResult r = scoreFilter(filter, defaultMinimalFilter, gaResultsList, coordinateStore);
final StringBuilder text = createResult(filter, r);
add(text, gaIteration);
return scores;
use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class BenchmarkFilterAnalysis method calculateSensitivity.
private void calculateSensitivity() {
if (!settings.calculateSensitivity) {
if (!filterAnalysisResult.bestFilter.isEmpty()) {
final Consumer<String> output = createSensitivityWindow();
final Ticker ticker = ImageJUtils.createTicker(filterAnalysisResult.bestFilter.size(), 0, "Calculating sensitivity ...");
for (final String type : filterAnalysisResult.bestFilter.keySet()) {
final DirectFilter filter = filterAnalysisResult.bestFilter.get(type).getFilter();
FractionClassificationResult score = scoreFilter(filter, defaultMinimalFilter, fitResultData.resultsList, coordinateStore);
score = getOriginalScore(score);
final String message = type + "\t\t\t" + MathUtils.rounded(score.getJaccard(), 4) + "\t\t" + MathUtils.rounded(score.getPrecision(), 4) + "\t\t" + MathUtils.rounded(score.getRecall(), 4);
// List all the parameters that can be adjusted.
final int parameters = filter.getNumberOfParameters();
for (int index = 0; index < parameters; index++) {
// For each parameter compute as upward + downward delta and get the average gradient
final DirectFilter higher = (DirectFilter) filter.adjustParameter(index,;
final DirectFilter lower = (DirectFilter) filter.adjustParameter(index,;
FractionClassificationResult scoreHigher = scoreFilter(higher, defaultMinimalFilter, fitResultData.resultsList, coordinateStore);
scoreHigher = getOriginalScore(scoreHigher);
FractionClassificationResult scoreLower = scoreFilter(lower, defaultMinimalFilter, fitResultData.resultsList, coordinateStore);
scoreLower = getOriginalScore(scoreLower);
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(MathUtils.rounded(filter.getParameterValue(index), 4)).append('\t');
final double dx1 = higher.getParameterValue(index) - filter.getParameterValue(index);
final double dx2 = filter.getParameterValue(index) - lower.getParameterValue(index);
addSensitivityScore(sb, score.getJaccard(), scoreHigher.getJaccard(), scoreLower.getJaccard(), dx1, dx2);
addSensitivityScore(sb, score.getPrecision(), scoreHigher.getPrecision(), scoreLower.getPrecision(), dx1, dx2);
addSensitivityScore(sb, score.getRecall(), scoreHigher.getRecall(), scoreLower.getRecall(), dx1, dx2);
final String message = "-=-=-=-";
use of in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class BenchmarkFilterAnalysis method createResult.
private StringBuilder createResult(DirectFilter filter, FractionClassificationResult result, String resultsPrefix2) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(resultsPrefix);
int index = 0;
// Integer results
if (settings.requireIntegerResults) {
final ClassificationResult r2 = createIntegerResult(result);
add(sb, r2.getTruePositives(), index++);
add(sb, r2.getFalsePositives(), index++);
add(sb, r2.getFalseNegatives(), index++);
add(sb, r2.getPrecision(), index++);
add(sb, r2.getRecall(), index++);
add(sb, r2.getF1Score(), index++);
add(sb, r2.getJaccard(), index++);
} else {
index += 7;
addCount(sb, result.getTruePositives(), index++);
addCount(sb, result.getFalsePositives(), index++);
addCount(sb, result.getFalseNegatives(), index++);
add(sb, result.getPrecision(), index++);
add(sb, result.getRecall(), index++);
add(sb, result.getF1Score(), index++);
add(sb, result.getJaccard(), index);
return sb;