use of water.fvec.Chunk in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class AstCut method apply.
public ValFrame apply(Env env, Env.StackHelp stk, AstRoot[] asts) {
Frame fr = stk.track(asts[1].exec(env)).getFrame();
double[] cuts = check(asts[2]);
String[] labels = check2(asts[3]);
final boolean lowest = asts[4].exec(env).getNum() == 1;
final boolean rite = asts[5].exec(env).getNum() == 1;
// cap at 12
final int digits = Math.min((int) asts[6].exec(env).getNum(), 12);
if (fr.vecs().length != 1 || fr.vecs()[0].isCategorical())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("First argument must be a numeric column vector");
double fmin = fr.anyVec().min();
double fmax = fr.anyVec().max();
// c(0,10,100) -> 2 bins (0,10] U (10, 100]
int nbins = cuts.length - 1;
double width;
if (nbins == 0) {
if (cuts[0] < 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of cuts must be >= 2. Got: " + cuts[0]);
// in this case, cut the vec into _cuts[0] many pieces of equal length
nbins = (int) Math.floor(cuts[0]);
width = (fmax - fmin) / nbins;
cuts = new double[nbins];
cuts[0] = fmin - 0.001 * (fmax - fmin);
for (int i = 1; i < cuts.length; ++i) cuts[i] = (i == cuts.length - 1) ? (fmax + 0.001 * (fmax - fmin)) : (fmin + i * width);
// if(width == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data vector is constant!");
if (labels != null && labels.length != nbins)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("`labels` vector does not match the number of cuts.");
// Construct domain names from _labels or bin intervals if _labels is null
final double[] cutz = cuts;
// first round _cuts to dig.lab decimals: example floor(2.676*100 + 0.5) / 100
for (int i = 0; i < cuts.length; ++i) cuts[i] = Math.floor(cuts[i] * Math.pow(10, digits) + 0.5) / Math.pow(10, digits);
String[][] domains = new String[1][nbins];
if (labels == null) {
domains[0][0] = (lowest ? "[" : left(rite)) + cuts[0] + "," + cuts[1] + rite(rite);
for (int i = 1; i < (cuts.length - 1); ++i) domains[0][i] = left(rite) + cuts[i] + "," + cuts[i + 1] + rite(rite);
} else
domains[0] = labels;
Frame fr2 = new MRTask() {
public void map(Chunk c, NewChunk nc) {
int rows = c._len;
for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) {
double x = c.atd(r);
if (Double.isNaN(x) || (lowest && x < cutz[0]) || (!lowest && (x < cutz[0] || MathUtils.equalsWithinOneSmallUlp(x, cutz[0]))) || (rite && x > cutz[cutz.length - 1]) || (!rite && (x > cutz[cutz.length - 1] || MathUtils.equalsWithinOneSmallUlp(x, cutz[cutz.length - 1]))))
else {
for (int i = 1; i < cutz.length; ++i) {
if (rite) {
if (x <= cutz[i]) {
nc.addNum(i - 1);
} else if (x < cutz[i]) {
nc.addNum(i - 1);
}.doAll(1, Vec.T_NUM, fr).outputFrame(fr.names(), domains);
return new ValFrame(fr2);
use of water.fvec.Chunk in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class AstScale method apply.
public ValFrame apply(Env env, Env.StackHelp stk, AstRoot[] asts) {
Frame fr = stk.track(asts[1].exec(env)).getFrame();
int ncols = fr.numCols();
// Peel out the bias/shift/mean
double[] means;
if (asts[2] instanceof AstNumList) {
means = ((AstNumList) asts[2]).expand();
if (means.length != ncols)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Numlist must be the same length as the columns of the Frame");
} else {
double d = asts[2].exec(env).getNum();
if (// No change on means, so zero-filled
d == 0)
// No change on means, so zero-filled
means = new double[ncols];
else if (d == 1)
means = fr.means();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only true or false allowed");
// Peel out the scale/stddev
double[] mults;
if (asts[3] instanceof AstNumList) {
mults = ((AstNumList) asts[3]).expand();
if (mults.length != ncols)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Numlist must be the same length as the columns of the Frame");
} else {
Val v = asts[3].exec(env);
if (v instanceof ValFrame) {
mults = toArray(v.getFrame().anyVec());
} else {
double d = v.getNum();
if (d == 0)
// No change on mults, so one-filled
Arrays.fill(mults = new double[ncols], 1.0);
else if (d == 1)
mults = fr.mults();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only true or false allowed");
// Update in-place.
// Make final copy for closure
final double[] fmeans = means;
// Make final copy for closure
final double[] fmults = mults;
new MRTask() {
public void map(Chunk[] cs) {
for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) for (int row = 0; row < cs[i]._len; row++) cs[i].set(row, (cs[i].atd(row) - fmeans[i]) * fmults[i]);
return new ValFrame(fr);
use of water.fvec.Chunk in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class AstSetDomain method apply.
public ValFrame apply(Env env, Env.StackHelp stk, AstRoot[] asts) {
Frame f = stk.track(asts[1].exec(env)).getFrame();
String[] _domains = ((AstStrList) asts[2])._strs;
if (f.numCols() != 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be a single column. Got: " + f.numCols() + " columns.");
Vec v = f.anyVec();
if (!v.isCategorical())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vector must be a factor column. Got: " + v.get_type_str());
if (_domains != null && _domains.length != v.domain().length) {
// in this case we want to recollect the domain and check that number of levels matches _domains
VecUtils.CollectDomainFast t = new VecUtils.CollectDomainFast((int) v.max());
final long[] dom = t.domain();
if (dom.length != _domains.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of replacement factors must equal current number of levels. Current number of levels: " + dom.length + " != " + _domains.length);
new MRTask() {
public void map(Chunk c) {
for (int i = 0; i < c._len; ++i) {
if (!c.isNA(i)) {
long num = Arrays.binarySearch(dom, c.at8(i));
if (num < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find the categorical value!");
c.set(i, num);
return new ValFrame(f);
use of water.fvec.Chunk in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class AstBinOp method frame_op_frame.
* Auto-widen: If one frame has only 1 column, auto-widen that 1 column to
* the rest. Otherwise the frames must have the same column count, and
* auto-widen element-by-element. Short-cut if one frame has zero
* columns.
private ValFrame frame_op_frame(Frame lf, Frame rt) {
if (lf.numRows() != rt.numRows()) {
// special case for broadcasting a single row of data across a frame
if (lf.numRows() == 1 || rt.numRows() == 1) {
if (lf.numCols() != rt.numCols())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Frames must have same columns, found " + lf.numCols() + " columns and " + rt.numCols() + " columns.");
return frame_op_row(lf, rt);
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Frames must have same rows, found " + lf.numRows() + " rows and " + rt.numRows() + " rows.");
if (lf.numCols() == 0)
return new ValFrame(lf);
if (rt.numCols() == 0)
return new ValFrame(rt);
if (lf.numCols() == 1 && rt.numCols() > 1)
return vec_op_frame(lf.vecs()[0], rt);
if (rt.numCols() == 1 && lf.numCols() > 1)
return frame_op_vec(lf, rt.vecs()[0]);
if (lf.numCols() != rt.numCols())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Frames must have same columns, found " + lf.numCols() + " columns and " + rt.numCols() + " columns.");
Frame res = new MRTask() {
public void map(Chunk[] chks, NewChunk[] cress) {
BufferedString lfstr = new BufferedString();
BufferedString rtstr = new BufferedString();
assert (cress.length << 1) == chks.length;
for (int c = 0; c < cress.length; c++) {
Chunk clf = chks[c];
Chunk crt = chks[c + cress.length];
NewChunk cres = cress[c];
if (clf.vec().isString())
for (int i = 0; i < clf._len; i++) cres.addNum(str_op(clf.atStr(lfstr, i), crt.atStr(rtstr, i)));
for (int i = 0; i < clf._len; i++) cres.addNum(op(clf.atd(i), crt.atd(i)));
}.doAll(lf.numCols(), Vec.T_NUM, new Frame(lf).add(rt)).outputFrame(lf._names, null);
// Cleanup categorical misuse
return cleanCategorical(lf, res);
use of water.fvec.Chunk in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class AstBinOp method frame_op_vec.
private ValFrame frame_op_vec(Frame fr, Vec vec) {
// Already checked for same rows, non-zero frame
Frame lf = new Frame(fr);
lf.add("", vec);
Frame res = new MRTask() {
public void map(Chunk[] chks, NewChunk[] cress) {
assert cress.length == chks.length - 1;
Chunk crt = chks[cress.length];
for (int c = 0; c < cress.length; c++) {
Chunk clf = chks[c];
NewChunk cres = cress[c];
for (int i = 0; i < clf._len; i++) cres.addNum(op(clf.atd(i), crt.atd(i)));
}.doAll(fr.numCols(), Vec.T_NUM, lf).outputFrame(fr._names, null);
// Cleanup categorical misuse
return cleanCategorical(fr, res);