Search in sources :

Example 31 with Chunk

use of water.fvec.Chunk in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class FrameTask method map.

   * Extracts the values, applies standardization/normalization to numerics, adds appropriate offsets to categoricals,
   * and adapts response according to the CaseMode/CaseValue if set.
public final void map(Chunk[] chunks, NewChunk[] outputs) {
    if (_jobKey != null && !Job.isRunning(_jobKey))
        throw new JobCancelledException();
    final int nrows = chunks[0]._len;
    final long offset = chunks[0]._start;
    double[] nums = MemoryManager.malloc8d(_dinfo._nums);
    int[] cats = MemoryManager.malloc4(_dinfo._cats);
    double[] response = _dinfo._responses == 0 ? null : MemoryManager.malloc8d(_dinfo._responses);
    int start = 0;
    int end = nrows;
    //random generator for skipping rows
    Random skip_rng = null;
    // _useFraction = 0.8 -> 1 repeat with fraction = 0.8
    // _useFraction = 1.0 -> 1 repeat with fraction = 1.0
    // _useFraction = 1.1 -> 2 repeats with fraction = 0.55
    // _useFraction = 2.1 -> 3 repeats with fraction = 0.7
    // _useFraction = 3.0 -> 3 repeats with fraction = 1.0
    final int repeats = (int) Math.ceil(_useFraction);
    final float fraction = _useFraction / repeats;
    if (fraction < 1.0)
        skip_rng = water.util.Utils.getDeterRNG(new Random().nextLong());
    long[] shuf_map = null;
    if (_shuffle) {
        shuf_map = new long[end - start];
        for (int i = 0; i < shuf_map.length; ++i) shuf_map[i] = start + i;
        Utils.shuffleArray(shuf_map, new Random().nextLong());
    long num_processed_rows = 0;
    for (int rrr = 0; rrr < repeats; ++rrr) {
        OUTER: for (int rr = start; rr < end; ++rr) {
            final int r = shuf_map != null ? (int) shuf_map[rr - start] : rr;
            final long lr = r + chunks[0]._start;
            if ((_dinfo._nfolds > 0 && (lr % _dinfo._nfolds) == _dinfo._foldId) || (skip_rng != null && skip_rng.nextFloat() > fraction))
            //count rows with missing values even if they are skipped
            // skip rows with NAs!
            for (Chunk c : chunks) if (skipMissing() && c.isNA0(r))
                continue OUTER;
            int i = 0, ncats = 0;
            for (; i < _dinfo._cats; ++i) {
                int c;
                if (chunks[i].isNA0(r)) {
                    //missing value turns into extra (last) factor
                    cats[ncats++] = (_dinfo._catOffsets[i + 1] - 1);
                } else {
                    c = (int) chunks[i].at80(r);
                    if (_dinfo._catLvls != null) {
                        // some levels are ignored?
                        c = Arrays.binarySearch(_dinfo._catLvls[i], c);
                        if (c >= 0)
                            cats[ncats++] = c + _dinfo._catOffsets[i];
                    } else if (_dinfo._useAllFactorLevels)
                        cats[ncats++] = c + _dinfo._catOffsets[i];
                    else if (c != 0)
                        cats[ncats++] = c + _dinfo._catOffsets[i] - 1;
            final int n = chunks.length - _dinfo._responses;
            for (; i < n; ++i) {
                //can be NA if skipMissing() == false
                double d = chunks[i].at0(r);
                if (_dinfo._normSub != null)
                    d -= _dinfo._normSub[i - _dinfo._cats];
                if (_dinfo._normMul != null)
                    d *= _dinfo._normMul[i - _dinfo._cats];
                nums[i - _dinfo._cats] = d;
            for (i = 0; i < _dinfo._responses; ++i) {
                response[i] = chunks[chunks.length - _dinfo._responses + i].at0(r);
                if (_dinfo._normRespSub != null)
                    response[i] -= _dinfo._normRespSub[i];
                if (_dinfo._normRespMul != null)
                    response[i] *= _dinfo._normRespMul[i];
                // skip rows without a valid response (no supervised training possible)
                if (Double.isNaN(response[i]))
                    continue OUTER;
            long seed = offset + rrr * (end - start) + r;
            if (outputs != null && outputs.length > 0)
                processRow(seed, nums, ncats, cats, response, outputs);
                processRow(seed, nums, ncats, cats, response);
Also used : Random(java.util.Random) Chunk(water.fvec.Chunk) NewChunk(water.fvec.NewChunk) JobCancelledException(water.Job.JobCancelledException)

Example 32 with Chunk

use of water.fvec.Chunk in project h2o-2 by h2oai.

the class SpeeDRFModel method scoreOnTest.

private void scoreOnTest(Frame fr, Vec modelResp) {
    Frame scored = score(fr);
    water.api.ConfusionMatrix cm = new water.api.ConfusionMatrix();
    cm.vactual = fr.lastVec();
    cm.vpredict = scored.anyVec();
    // Regression scoring
    if (regression) {
        float mse = (float) cm.mse;
        errs[errs.length - 1] = mse;
        cms[cms.length - 1] = null;
    // Classification scoring
    } else {
        Vec lv = scored.lastVec();
        double mse = CMTask.MSETask.doTask(scored.add("actual", fr.lastVec())); =;
        errs[errs.length - 1] = (float) mse;
        ConfusionMatrix new_cm = new ConfusionMatrix(;
        cms[cms.length - 1] = new_cm;
        // Create the ROC Plot
        if (classes() == 2) {
            Vec v = null;
            Frame fa = null;
            if (lv.isInt()) {
                fa = new MRTask2() {

                    public void map(Chunk[] cs, NewChunk nchk) {
                        int rows = cs[0]._len;
                        int cols = cs.length - 1;
                        for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) {
                            nchk.addNum(cs[cols].at0(r) == 0 ? 1e-10 : 1.0 - 1e-10);
                }.doAll(1, scored).outputFrame(null, null);
                v = fa.anyVec();
            AUC auc_calc = new AUC();
            auc_calc.vactual = cm.vactual;
            // lastVec is class1
            auc_calc.vpredict = v == null ? lv : v;
            validAUC =;
            if (v != null)
            if (fa != null)
Also used : Frame(water.fvec.Frame) ConfusionMatrix(hex.ConfusionMatrix) Chunk(water.fvec.Chunk) NewChunk(water.fvec.NewChunk) water(water) NewChunk(water.fvec.NewChunk) Vec(water.fvec.Vec) water.api(water.api)

Example 33 with Chunk

use of water.fvec.Chunk in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class DataInfoTestAdapt method checkFrame.

private void checkFrame(final Frame checkMe, final Frame gold) {
    Vec[] vecs = new Vec[checkMe.numCols() + gold.numCols()];
    new MRTask() {

        public void map(Chunk[] cs) {
            int off = checkMe.numCols();
            for (int i = 0; i < off; ++i) {
                for (int r = 0; r < cs[0]._len; ++r) {
                    double check = cs[i].atd(r);
                    double gold = cs[i + off].atd(r);
                    if (Math.abs(check - gold) > 1e-12)
                        throw new RuntimeException("bonk");
Also used : Vec(water.fvec.Vec) MRTask(water.MRTask) Chunk(water.fvec.Chunk)

Example 34 with Chunk

use of water.fvec.Chunk in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class XValPredictionsCheck method checkModel.

void checkModel(Model m, Vec foldId, int nclass) {
    if (// DRF does out of back instead of true training, nobs might be different
    !(m instanceof DRFModel))
        assertEquals(m._output._training_metrics._nobs, m._output._cross_validation_metrics._nobs);
    Key[] xvalKeys = m._output._cross_validation_predictions;
    Key xvalKey = m._output._cross_validation_holdout_predictions_frame_id;
    final int[] id = new int[1];
    for (Key k : xvalKeys) {
        Frame preds = DKV.getGet(k);
        assert preds.numRows() == foldId.length();
        Vec[] vecs = new Vec[nclass + 1];
        vecs[0] = foldId;
        if (nclass == 1)
            vecs[1] = preds.anyVec();
            System.arraycopy(preds.vecs(ArrayUtils.range(1, nclass)), 0, vecs, 1, nclass);
        new MRTask() {

            public void map(Chunk[] cs) {
                Chunk foldId = cs[0];
                for (int r = 0; r < cs[0]._len; ++r) if (foldId.at8(r) != id[0])
                    for (int i = 1; i < cs.length; ++i) // no prediction for this row!
                    assert cs[i].atd(r) == 0;
Also used : DRFModel(hex.tree.drf.DRFModel) Frame(water.fvec.Frame) Vec(water.fvec.Vec) Chunk(water.fvec.Chunk)

Example 35 with Chunk

use of water.fvec.Chunk in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class DeepLearningGradientCheck method gradientCheck.

public void gradientCheck() {
    Frame tfr = null;
    DeepLearningModel dl = null;
    try {
        tfr = parse_test_file("smalldata/glm_test/cancar_logIn.csv");
        for (String s : new String[] { "Merit", "Class" }) {
            Vec f = tfr.vec(s).toCategoricalVec();
            tfr.add(s, f);
        tfr.add("Binary", tfr.anyVec().makeZero());
        new MRTask() {

            public void map(Chunk[] c) {
                for (int i = 0; i < c[0]._len; ++i) if (c[0].at8(i) == 1)
                    c[1].set(i, 1);
        }.doAll(tfr.vecs(new String[] { "Class", "Binary" }));
        Vec cv = tfr.vec("Binary").toCategoricalVec();
        tfr.add("Binary", cv);
        Random rng = new Random(0xDECAF);
        int count = 0;
        int failedcount = 0;
        double maxRelErr = 0;
        double meanRelErr = 0;
        for (DistributionFamily dist : new DistributionFamily[] { DistributionFamily.gaussian, DistributionFamily.laplace, DistributionFamily.quantile, DistributionFamily.huber, // DistributionFamily.modified_huber,
        DistributionFamily.gamma, DistributionFamily.poisson, DistributionFamily.AUTO, DistributionFamily.tweedie, DistributionFamily.multinomial, DistributionFamily.bernoulli }) {
            for (DeepLearningParameters.Activation act : new DeepLearningParameters.Activation[] { //            DeepLearningParameters.Activation.ExpRectifier,
            DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Tanh, DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Rectifier }) {
                for (String response : new String[] { //binary classification
                "Binary", //multi-class
                "Class", //regression
                "Cost" }) {
                    for (boolean adaptive : new boolean[] { true, false }) {
                        for (int miniBatchSize : new int[] { 1 }) {
                            if (response.equals("Class")) {
                                if (dist != DistributionFamily.multinomial && dist != DistributionFamily.AUTO)
                            } else if (response.equals("Binary")) {
                                if (dist != DistributionFamily.modified_huber && dist != DistributionFamily.bernoulli && dist != DistributionFamily.AUTO)
                            } else {
                                if (dist == DistributionFamily.multinomial || dist == DistributionFamily.modified_huber || dist == DistributionFamily.bernoulli)
                            DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters();
                            parms._huber_alpha = rng.nextDouble() + 0.1;
                            parms._tweedie_power = 1.01 + rng.nextDouble() * 0.9;
                            parms._quantile_alpha = 0.05 + rng.nextDouble() * 0.9;
                            parms._train = tfr._key;
                            //converge to a reasonable model to avoid too large gradients
                            parms._epochs = 100;
                            parms._l1 = 1e-3;
                            parms._l2 = 1e-3;
                            parms._force_load_balance = false;
                            parms._hidden = new int[] { 10, 10, 10 };
                            //otherwise we introduce small bprop errors
                            parms._fast_mode = false;
                            parms._response_column = response;
                            parms._distribution = dist;
                            parms._max_w2 = 10;
                            parms._seed = 0xaaabbb;
                            parms._activation = act;
                            parms._adaptive_rate = adaptive;
                            parms._rate = 1e-4;
                            parms._momentum_start = 0.9;
                            parms._momentum_stable = 0.99;
                            parms._mini_batch_size = miniBatchSize;
                            //                DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck = null;
                            //tell it what gradient to collect
                            DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck = new DeepLearningModelInfo.GradientCheck(0, 0, 0);
                            // Build a first model; all remaining models should be equal
                            DeepLearning job = new DeepLearning(parms);
                            try {
                                dl = job.trainModel().get();
                                boolean classification = response.equals("Class") || response.equals("Binary");
                                if (!classification) {
                                    Frame p = dl.score(tfr);
                                    hex.ModelMetrics mm = hex.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(dl, tfr);
                                    double resdev = ((ModelMetricsRegression) mm)._mean_residual_deviance;
                          "Mean residual deviance: " + resdev);
                                //golden version
                                DeepLearningModelInfo modelInfo = IcedUtils.deepCopy(dl.model_info());
                                //      ;
                                long before = dl.model_info().checksum_impl();
                                float meanLoss = 0;
                                // loop over every row in the dataset and check that the predictions
                                for (int rId = 0; rId < tfr.numRows(); rId += 1) /*miniBatchSize*/
                                    // start from scratch - with a clean model
                                    final DataInfo di = dl.model_info().data_info();
                                    // populate miniBatch (consecutive rows)
                                    final DataInfo.Row[] rowsMiniBatch = new DataInfo.Row[miniBatchSize];
                                    for (int i = 0; i < rowsMiniBatch.length; ++i) {
                                        if (0 <= rId + i && rId + i < tfr.numRows()) {
                                            rowsMiniBatch[i] = new FrameTask.ExtractDenseRow(di, rId + i).doAll(di._adaptedFrame)._row;
                                    // loss at weight
                                    long cs = dl.model_info().checksum_impl();
                                    double loss = dl.meanLoss(rowsMiniBatch);
                                    assert (cs == before);
                                    assert (before == dl.model_info().checksum_impl());
                                    meanLoss += loss;
                                    for (int layer = 0; layer <= parms._hidden.length; ++layer) {
                                        int rows = dl.model_info().get_weights(layer).rows();
                                        assert (dl.model_info().get_biases(layer).size() == rows);
                                        for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row) {
                                            //check bias
                                            if (true) {
                                                // start from scratch - with a clean model
                                                // do one forward propagation pass (and fill the mini-batch gradients -> set training=true)
                                                Neurons[] neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTraining(dl.model_info());
                                                double[] responses = new double[miniBatchSize];
                                                double[] offsets = new double[miniBatchSize];
                                                int n = 0;
                                                for (DataInfo.Row myRow : rowsMiniBatch) {
                                                    if (myRow == null)
                                                    ((Neurons.Input) neurons[0]).setInput(-1, myRow.numIds, myRow.numVals, myRow.nBins, myRow.binIds, n);
                                                    responses[n] = myRow.response(0);
                                                    offsets[n] = myRow.offset;
                                                DeepLearningTask.fpropMiniBatch(-1, /*seed doesn't matter*/
                                                neurons, dl.model_info(), null, true, /*training*/
                                                responses, offsets, n);
                                                // check that we didn't change the model's weights/biases
                                                long after = dl.model_info().checksum_impl();
                                                assert (after == before);
                                                // record the gradient since gradientChecking is enabled
                                                //tell it what gradient to collect
                                                DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck = new DeepLearningModelInfo.GradientCheck(layer, row, -1);
                                                //update the weights and biases
                                                DeepLearningTask.bpropMiniBatch(neurons, n);
                                                assert (before != dl.model_info().checksum_impl());
                                                // reset the model back to the trained model
                                                assert (before == dl.model_info().checksum_impl());
                                                double bpropGradient = DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck.gradient;
                                                // FIXME: re-enable this once the loss is computed from the de-standardized prediction/response
                                                //                    double actualResponse=myRow.response[0];
                                                //                    double predResponseLinkSpace = neurons[neurons.length-1]._a.get(0);
                                                //                    if (di._normRespMul != null) {
                                                //                      bpropGradient /= di._normRespMul[0]; //no shift for gradient
                                                //                      actualResponse = (actualResponse / di._normRespMul[0] + di._normRespSub[0]);
                                                //                      predResponseLinkSpace = (predResponseLinkSpace / di._normRespMul[0] + di._normRespSub[0]);
                                                //                    }
                                                //                    bpropGradient *= new Distribution(parms._distribution).gradient(actualResponse, predResponseLinkSpace);
                                                final double bias = dl.model_info().get_biases(layer).get(row);
                                                //don't make the weight deltas too small, or the float weights "won't notice"
                                                double eps = 1e-4 * Math.abs(bias);
                                                if (eps == 0)
                                                    eps = 1e-6;
                                                // loss at bias + eps
                                                dl.model_info().get_biases(layer).set(row, bias + eps);
                                                double up = dl.meanLoss(rowsMiniBatch);
                                                // loss at bias - eps
                                                dl.model_info().get_biases(layer).set(row, bias - eps);
                                                double down = dl.meanLoss(rowsMiniBatch);
                                                if (Math.abs(up - down) / Math.abs(up + down) < 1e-8) {
                                                    //relative change in loss function is too small -> skip
                                                double gradient = ((up - down) / (2. * eps));
                                                double relError = 2 * Math.abs(bpropGradient - gradient) / (Math.abs(gradient) + Math.abs(bpropGradient));
                                                // if either gradient is tiny, check if both are tiny
                                                if (Math.abs(gradient) < 1e-7 || Math.abs(bpropGradient) < 1e-7) {
                                                    //all good
                                                    if (Math.abs(bpropGradient - gradient) < 1e-7)
                                                meanRelErr += relError;
                                                if (relError > MAX_TOLERANCE) {
                                          "\nDistribution: " + dl._parms._distribution);
                                          "\nRow: " + rId);
                                          "bias (layer " + layer + ", row " + row + "): " + bias + " +/- " + eps);
                                          "loss: " + loss);
                                          "losses up/down: " + up + " / " + down);
                                          "=> Finite differences gradient: " + gradient);
                                          "=> Back-propagation gradient  : " + bpropGradient);
                                          "=> Relative error             : " + PrettyPrint.formatPct(relError));
                                            int cols = dl.model_info().get_weights(layer).cols();
                                            for (int col = 0; col < cols; ++col) {
                                                if (rng.nextFloat() >= SAMPLE_RATE)
                                                // start from scratch - with a clean model
                                                // do one forward propagation pass (and fill the mini-batch gradients -> set training=true)
                                                Neurons[] neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTraining(dl.model_info());
                                                double[] responses = new double[miniBatchSize];
                                                double[] offsets = new double[miniBatchSize];
                                                int n = 0;
                                                for (DataInfo.Row myRow : rowsMiniBatch) {
                                                    if (myRow == null)
                                                    ((Neurons.Input) neurons[0]).setInput(-1, myRow.numIds, myRow.numVals, myRow.nBins, myRow.binIds, n);
                                                    responses[n] = myRow.response(0);
                                                    offsets[n] = myRow.offset;
                                                DeepLearningTask.fpropMiniBatch(-1, /*seed doesn't matter*/
                                                neurons, dl.model_info(), null, true, /*training*/
                                                responses, offsets, n);
                                                // check that we didn't change the model's weights/biases
                                                long after = dl.model_info().checksum_impl();
                                                assert (after == before);
                                                // record the gradient since gradientChecking is enabled
                                                //tell it what gradient to collect
                                                DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck = new DeepLearningModelInfo.GradientCheck(layer, row, col);
                                                //update the weights
                                                DeepLearningTask.bpropMiniBatch(neurons, n);
                                                assert (before != dl.model_info().checksum_impl());
                                                // reset the model back to the trained model
                                                assert (before == dl.model_info().checksum_impl());
                                                double bpropGradient = DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck.gradient;
                                                // FIXME: re-enable this once the loss is computed from the de-standardized prediction/response
                                                //                    double actualResponse=myRow.response[0];
                                                //                    double predResponseLinkSpace = neurons[neurons.length-1]._a.get(0);
                                                //                    if (di._normRespMul != null) {
                                                //                      bpropGradient /= di._normRespMul[0]; //no shift for gradient
                                                //                      actualResponse = (actualResponse / di._normRespMul[0] + di._normRespSub[0]);
                                                //                      predResponseLinkSpace = (predResponseLinkSpace / di._normRespMul[0] + di._normRespSub[0]);
                                                //                    }
                                                //                    bpropGradient *= new Distribution(parms._distribution).gradient(actualResponse, predResponseLinkSpace);
                                                final float weight = dl.model_info().get_weights(layer).get(row, col);
                                                //don't make the weight deltas too small, or the float weights "won't notice"
                                                double eps = 1e-4 * Math.abs(weight);
                                                if (eps == 0)
                                                    eps = 1e-6;
                                                // loss at weight + eps
                                                dl.model_info().get_weights(layer).set(row, col, (float) (weight + eps));
                                                double up = dl.meanLoss(rowsMiniBatch);
                                                // loss at weight - eps
                                                dl.model_info().get_weights(layer).set(row, col, (float) (weight - eps));
                                                double down = dl.meanLoss(rowsMiniBatch);
                                                if (Math.abs(up - down) / Math.abs(up + down) < 1e-8) {
                                                    //relative change in loss function is too small -> skip
                                                double gradient = ((up - down) / (2. * eps));
                                                double relError = 2 * Math.abs(bpropGradient - gradient) / (Math.abs(gradient) + Math.abs(bpropGradient));
                                                // if either gradient is tiny, check if both are tiny
                                                if (Math.abs(gradient) < 1e-7 || Math.abs(bpropGradient) < 1e-7) {
                                                    //all good
                                                    if (Math.abs(bpropGradient - gradient) < 1e-7)
                                                meanRelErr += relError;
                                                if (relError > MAX_TOLERANCE) {
                                          "\nDistribution: " + dl._parms._distribution);
                                          "\nRow: " + rId);
                                          "weight (layer " + layer + ", row " + row + ", col " + col + "): " + weight + " +/- " + eps);
                                          "loss: " + loss);
                                          "losses up/down: " + up + " / " + down);
                                          "=> Finite differences gradient: " + gradient);
                                          "=> Back-propagation gradient  : " + bpropGradient);
                                          "=> Relative error             : " + PrettyPrint.formatPct(relError));
                                                //                          Assert.assertTrue(failedcount==0);
                                                maxRelErr = Math.max(maxRelErr, relError);
                                                assert (!Double.isNaN(maxRelErr));
                                meanLoss /= tfr.numRows();
                      "Mean loss: " + meanLoss);
                            //                  // FIXME: re-enable this
                            //                  if (parms._l1 == 0 && parms._l2 == 0) {
                            //                    assert(Math.abs(meanLoss-resdev)/Math.abs(resdev) < 1e-5);
                            //                  }
                            } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
                                dl = DKV.getGet(job.dest());
                                if (dl != null)
                            } finally {
                                if (dl != null)
        }"Number of tests: " + count);"Number of failed tests: " + failedcount);"Mean. relative error: " + meanRelErr / count);"Max. relative error: " + PrettyPrint.formatPct(maxRelErr));
        Assert.assertTrue("Error too large: " + maxRelErr + " >= " + MAX_TOLERANCE, maxRelErr < MAX_TOLERANCE);
        Assert.assertTrue("Failed count too large: " + failedcount + " > " + MAX_FAILED_COUNT, failedcount <= MAX_FAILED_COUNT);
    } finally {
        if (tfr != null)
Also used : Frame(water.fvec.Frame) DeepLearningParameters(hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningParameters) ModelMetricsRegression(hex.ModelMetricsRegression) Random(java.util.Random) FrameTask(hex.FrameTask) DataInfo(hex.DataInfo) DistributionFamily(hex.genmodel.utils.DistributionFamily) Chunk(water.fvec.Chunk) PrettyPrint(water.util.PrettyPrint) Vec(water.fvec.Vec) Test(org.junit.Test)


Chunk (water.fvec.Chunk)74 Frame (water.fvec.Frame)50 NewChunk (water.fvec.NewChunk)36 MRTask (water.MRTask)33 Vec (water.fvec.Vec)30 ValFrame (water.rapids.vals.ValFrame)26 C0DChunk (water.fvec.C0DChunk)7 BufferedString (water.parser.BufferedString)7 Random (java.util.Random)6 Test (org.junit.Test)5 MRTask2 (water.MRTask2)4 Val (water.rapids.Val)4 Key (water.Key)3 H2OIllegalArgumentException (water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException)3 AstRoot (water.rapids.ast.AstRoot)3 AstNumList (water.rapids.ast.params.AstNumList)3 File ( IOException ( ValNum (water.rapids.vals.ValNum)2 PrettyPrint (water.util.PrettyPrint)2