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Example 26 with Chunk

use of water.fvec.Chunk in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class DataInfoTestAdapt method checkFrame.

private void checkFrame(final Frame checkMe, final Frame gold) {
    Vec[] vecs = new Vec[checkMe.numCols() + gold.numCols()];
    new MRTask() {

        public void map(Chunk[] cs) {
            int off = checkMe.numCols();
            for (int i = 0; i < off; ++i) {
                for (int r = 0; r < cs[0]._len; ++r) {
                    double check = cs[i].atd(r);
                    double gold = cs[i + off].atd(r);
                    if (Math.abs(check - gold) > 1e-12)
                        throw new RuntimeException("bonk");
Also used : Vec(water.fvec.Vec) MRTask(water.MRTask) Chunk(water.fvec.Chunk)

Example 27 with Chunk

use of water.fvec.Chunk in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class XValPredictionsCheck method checkModel.

void checkModel(Model m, Vec foldId, int nclass) {
    if (// DRF does out of back instead of true training, nobs might be different
    !(m instanceof DRFModel))
        assertEquals(m._output._training_metrics._nobs, m._output._cross_validation_metrics._nobs);
    Key[] xvalKeys = m._output._cross_validation_predictions;
    Key xvalKey = m._output._cross_validation_holdout_predictions_frame_id;
    final int[] id = new int[1];
    for (Key k : xvalKeys) {
        Frame preds = DKV.getGet(k);
        assert preds.numRows() == foldId.length();
        Vec[] vecs = new Vec[nclass + 1];
        vecs[0] = foldId;
        if (nclass == 1)
            vecs[1] = preds.anyVec();
            System.arraycopy(preds.vecs(ArrayUtils.range(1, nclass)), 0, vecs, 1, nclass);
        new MRTask() {

            public void map(Chunk[] cs) {
                Chunk foldId = cs[0];
                for (int r = 0; r < cs[0]._len; ++r) if (foldId.at8(r) != id[0])
                    for (int i = 1; i < cs.length; ++i) // no prediction for this row!
                    assert cs[i].atd(r) == 0;
Also used : DRFModel(hex.tree.drf.DRFModel) Frame(water.fvec.Frame) Vec(water.fvec.Vec) Chunk(water.fvec.Chunk)

Example 28 with Chunk

use of water.fvec.Chunk in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class DeepLearningGradientCheck method gradientCheck.

public void gradientCheck() {
    Frame tfr = null;
    DeepLearningModel dl = null;
    try {
        tfr = parse_test_file("smalldata/glm_test/cancar_logIn.csv");
        for (String s : new String[] { "Merit", "Class" }) {
            Vec f = tfr.vec(s).toCategoricalVec();
            tfr.add(s, f);
        tfr.add("Binary", tfr.anyVec().makeZero());
        new MRTask() {

            public void map(Chunk[] c) {
                for (int i = 0; i < c[0]._len; ++i) if (c[0].at8(i) == 1)
                    c[1].set(i, 1);
        }.doAll(tfr.vecs(new String[] { "Class", "Binary" }));
        Vec cv = tfr.vec("Binary").toCategoricalVec();
        tfr.add("Binary", cv);
        Random rng = new Random(0xDECAF);
        int count = 0;
        int failedcount = 0;
        double maxRelErr = 0;
        double meanRelErr = 0;
        for (DistributionFamily dist : new DistributionFamily[] { DistributionFamily.gaussian, DistributionFamily.laplace, DistributionFamily.quantile, DistributionFamily.huber, // DistributionFamily.modified_huber,
        DistributionFamily.gamma, DistributionFamily.poisson, DistributionFamily.AUTO, DistributionFamily.tweedie, DistributionFamily.multinomial, DistributionFamily.bernoulli }) {
            for (DeepLearningParameters.Activation act : new DeepLearningParameters.Activation[] { //            DeepLearningParameters.Activation.ExpRectifier,
            DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Tanh, DeepLearningParameters.Activation.Rectifier }) {
                for (String response : new String[] { //binary classification
                "Binary", //multi-class
                "Class", //regression
                "Cost" }) {
                    for (boolean adaptive : new boolean[] { true, false }) {
                        for (int miniBatchSize : new int[] { 1 }) {
                            if (response.equals("Class")) {
                                if (dist != DistributionFamily.multinomial && dist != DistributionFamily.AUTO)
                            } else if (response.equals("Binary")) {
                                if (dist != DistributionFamily.modified_huber && dist != DistributionFamily.bernoulli && dist != DistributionFamily.AUTO)
                            } else {
                                if (dist == DistributionFamily.multinomial || dist == DistributionFamily.modified_huber || dist == DistributionFamily.bernoulli)
                            DeepLearningParameters parms = new DeepLearningParameters();
                            parms._huber_alpha = rng.nextDouble() + 0.1;
                            parms._tweedie_power = 1.01 + rng.nextDouble() * 0.9;
                            parms._quantile_alpha = 0.05 + rng.nextDouble() * 0.9;
                            parms._train = tfr._key;
                            //converge to a reasonable model to avoid too large gradients
                            parms._epochs = 100;
                            parms._l1 = 1e-3;
                            parms._l2 = 1e-3;
                            parms._force_load_balance = false;
                            parms._hidden = new int[] { 10, 10, 10 };
                            //otherwise we introduce small bprop errors
                            parms._fast_mode = false;
                            parms._response_column = response;
                            parms._distribution = dist;
                            parms._max_w2 = 10;
                            parms._seed = 0xaaabbb;
                            parms._activation = act;
                            parms._adaptive_rate = adaptive;
                            parms._rate = 1e-4;
                            parms._momentum_start = 0.9;
                            parms._momentum_stable = 0.99;
                            parms._mini_batch_size = miniBatchSize;
                            //                DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck = null;
                            //tell it what gradient to collect
                            DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck = new DeepLearningModelInfo.GradientCheck(0, 0, 0);
                            // Build a first model; all remaining models should be equal
                            DeepLearning job = new DeepLearning(parms);
                            try {
                                dl = job.trainModel().get();
                                boolean classification = response.equals("Class") || response.equals("Binary");
                                if (!classification) {
                                    Frame p = dl.score(tfr);
                                    hex.ModelMetrics mm = hex.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(dl, tfr);
                                    double resdev = ((ModelMetricsRegression) mm)._mean_residual_deviance;
                          "Mean residual deviance: " + resdev);
                                //golden version
                                DeepLearningModelInfo modelInfo = IcedUtils.deepCopy(dl.model_info());
                                //      ;
                                long before = dl.model_info().checksum_impl();
                                float meanLoss = 0;
                                // loop over every row in the dataset and check that the predictions
                                for (int rId = 0; rId < tfr.numRows(); rId += 1) /*miniBatchSize*/
                                    // start from scratch - with a clean model
                                    final DataInfo di = dl.model_info().data_info();
                                    // populate miniBatch (consecutive rows)
                                    final DataInfo.Row[] rowsMiniBatch = new DataInfo.Row[miniBatchSize];
                                    for (int i = 0; i < rowsMiniBatch.length; ++i) {
                                        if (0 <= rId + i && rId + i < tfr.numRows()) {
                                            rowsMiniBatch[i] = new FrameTask.ExtractDenseRow(di, rId + i).doAll(di._adaptedFrame)._row;
                                    // loss at weight
                                    long cs = dl.model_info().checksum_impl();
                                    double loss = dl.meanLoss(rowsMiniBatch);
                                    assert (cs == before);
                                    assert (before == dl.model_info().checksum_impl());
                                    meanLoss += loss;
                                    for (int layer = 0; layer <= parms._hidden.length; ++layer) {
                                        int rows = dl.model_info().get_weights(layer).rows();
                                        assert (dl.model_info().get_biases(layer).size() == rows);
                                        for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row) {
                                            //check bias
                                            if (true) {
                                                // start from scratch - with a clean model
                                                // do one forward propagation pass (and fill the mini-batch gradients -> set training=true)
                                                Neurons[] neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTraining(dl.model_info());
                                                double[] responses = new double[miniBatchSize];
                                                double[] offsets = new double[miniBatchSize];
                                                int n = 0;
                                                for (DataInfo.Row myRow : rowsMiniBatch) {
                                                    if (myRow == null)
                                                    ((Neurons.Input) neurons[0]).setInput(-1, myRow.numIds, myRow.numVals, myRow.nBins, myRow.binIds, n);
                                                    responses[n] = myRow.response(0);
                                                    offsets[n] = myRow.offset;
                                                DeepLearningTask.fpropMiniBatch(-1, /*seed doesn't matter*/
                                                neurons, dl.model_info(), null, true, /*training*/
                                                responses, offsets, n);
                                                // check that we didn't change the model's weights/biases
                                                long after = dl.model_info().checksum_impl();
                                                assert (after == before);
                                                // record the gradient since gradientChecking is enabled
                                                //tell it what gradient to collect
                                                DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck = new DeepLearningModelInfo.GradientCheck(layer, row, -1);
                                                //update the weights and biases
                                                DeepLearningTask.bpropMiniBatch(neurons, n);
                                                assert (before != dl.model_info().checksum_impl());
                                                // reset the model back to the trained model
                                                assert (before == dl.model_info().checksum_impl());
                                                double bpropGradient = DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck.gradient;
                                                // FIXME: re-enable this once the loss is computed from the de-standardized prediction/response
                                                //                    double actualResponse=myRow.response[0];
                                                //                    double predResponseLinkSpace = neurons[neurons.length-1]._a.get(0);
                                                //                    if (di._normRespMul != null) {
                                                //                      bpropGradient /= di._normRespMul[0]; //no shift for gradient
                                                //                      actualResponse = (actualResponse / di._normRespMul[0] + di._normRespSub[0]);
                                                //                      predResponseLinkSpace = (predResponseLinkSpace / di._normRespMul[0] + di._normRespSub[0]);
                                                //                    }
                                                //                    bpropGradient *= new Distribution(parms._distribution).gradient(actualResponse, predResponseLinkSpace);
                                                final double bias = dl.model_info().get_biases(layer).get(row);
                                                //don't make the weight deltas too small, or the float weights "won't notice"
                                                double eps = 1e-4 * Math.abs(bias);
                                                if (eps == 0)
                                                    eps = 1e-6;
                                                // loss at bias + eps
                                                dl.model_info().get_biases(layer).set(row, bias + eps);
                                                double up = dl.meanLoss(rowsMiniBatch);
                                                // loss at bias - eps
                                                dl.model_info().get_biases(layer).set(row, bias - eps);
                                                double down = dl.meanLoss(rowsMiniBatch);
                                                if (Math.abs(up - down) / Math.abs(up + down) < 1e-8) {
                                                    //relative change in loss function is too small -> skip
                                                double gradient = ((up - down) / (2. * eps));
                                                double relError = 2 * Math.abs(bpropGradient - gradient) / (Math.abs(gradient) + Math.abs(bpropGradient));
                                                // if either gradient is tiny, check if both are tiny
                                                if (Math.abs(gradient) < 1e-7 || Math.abs(bpropGradient) < 1e-7) {
                                                    //all good
                                                    if (Math.abs(bpropGradient - gradient) < 1e-7)
                                                meanRelErr += relError;
                                                if (relError > MAX_TOLERANCE) {
                                          "\nDistribution: " + dl._parms._distribution);
                                          "\nRow: " + rId);
                                          "bias (layer " + layer + ", row " + row + "): " + bias + " +/- " + eps);
                                          "loss: " + loss);
                                          "losses up/down: " + up + " / " + down);
                                          "=> Finite differences gradient: " + gradient);
                                          "=> Back-propagation gradient  : " + bpropGradient);
                                          "=> Relative error             : " + PrettyPrint.formatPct(relError));
                                            int cols = dl.model_info().get_weights(layer).cols();
                                            for (int col = 0; col < cols; ++col) {
                                                if (rng.nextFloat() >= SAMPLE_RATE)
                                                // start from scratch - with a clean model
                                                // do one forward propagation pass (and fill the mini-batch gradients -> set training=true)
                                                Neurons[] neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTraining(dl.model_info());
                                                double[] responses = new double[miniBatchSize];
                                                double[] offsets = new double[miniBatchSize];
                                                int n = 0;
                                                for (DataInfo.Row myRow : rowsMiniBatch) {
                                                    if (myRow == null)
                                                    ((Neurons.Input) neurons[0]).setInput(-1, myRow.numIds, myRow.numVals, myRow.nBins, myRow.binIds, n);
                                                    responses[n] = myRow.response(0);
                                                    offsets[n] = myRow.offset;
                                                DeepLearningTask.fpropMiniBatch(-1, /*seed doesn't matter*/
                                                neurons, dl.model_info(), null, true, /*training*/
                                                responses, offsets, n);
                                                // check that we didn't change the model's weights/biases
                                                long after = dl.model_info().checksum_impl();
                                                assert (after == before);
                                                // record the gradient since gradientChecking is enabled
                                                //tell it what gradient to collect
                                                DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck = new DeepLearningModelInfo.GradientCheck(layer, row, col);
                                                //update the weights
                                                DeepLearningTask.bpropMiniBatch(neurons, n);
                                                assert (before != dl.model_info().checksum_impl());
                                                // reset the model back to the trained model
                                                assert (before == dl.model_info().checksum_impl());
                                                double bpropGradient = DeepLearningModelInfo.gradientCheck.gradient;
                                                // FIXME: re-enable this once the loss is computed from the de-standardized prediction/response
                                                //                    double actualResponse=myRow.response[0];
                                                //                    double predResponseLinkSpace = neurons[neurons.length-1]._a.get(0);
                                                //                    if (di._normRespMul != null) {
                                                //                      bpropGradient /= di._normRespMul[0]; //no shift for gradient
                                                //                      actualResponse = (actualResponse / di._normRespMul[0] + di._normRespSub[0]);
                                                //                      predResponseLinkSpace = (predResponseLinkSpace / di._normRespMul[0] + di._normRespSub[0]);
                                                //                    }
                                                //                    bpropGradient *= new Distribution(parms._distribution).gradient(actualResponse, predResponseLinkSpace);
                                                final float weight = dl.model_info().get_weights(layer).get(row, col);
                                                //don't make the weight deltas too small, or the float weights "won't notice"
                                                double eps = 1e-4 * Math.abs(weight);
                                                if (eps == 0)
                                                    eps = 1e-6;
                                                // loss at weight + eps
                                                dl.model_info().get_weights(layer).set(row, col, (float) (weight + eps));
                                                double up = dl.meanLoss(rowsMiniBatch);
                                                // loss at weight - eps
                                                dl.model_info().get_weights(layer).set(row, col, (float) (weight - eps));
                                                double down = dl.meanLoss(rowsMiniBatch);
                                                if (Math.abs(up - down) / Math.abs(up + down) < 1e-8) {
                                                    //relative change in loss function is too small -> skip
                                                double gradient = ((up - down) / (2. * eps));
                                                double relError = 2 * Math.abs(bpropGradient - gradient) / (Math.abs(gradient) + Math.abs(bpropGradient));
                                                // if either gradient is tiny, check if both are tiny
                                                if (Math.abs(gradient) < 1e-7 || Math.abs(bpropGradient) < 1e-7) {
                                                    //all good
                                                    if (Math.abs(bpropGradient - gradient) < 1e-7)
                                                meanRelErr += relError;
                                                if (relError > MAX_TOLERANCE) {
                                          "\nDistribution: " + dl._parms._distribution);
                                          "\nRow: " + rId);
                                          "weight (layer " + layer + ", row " + row + ", col " + col + "): " + weight + " +/- " + eps);
                                          "loss: " + loss);
                                          "losses up/down: " + up + " / " + down);
                                          "=> Finite differences gradient: " + gradient);
                                          "=> Back-propagation gradient  : " + bpropGradient);
                                          "=> Relative error             : " + PrettyPrint.formatPct(relError));
                                                //                          Assert.assertTrue(failedcount==0);
                                                maxRelErr = Math.max(maxRelErr, relError);
                                                assert (!Double.isNaN(maxRelErr));
                                meanLoss /= tfr.numRows();
                      "Mean loss: " + meanLoss);
                            //                  // FIXME: re-enable this
                            //                  if (parms._l1 == 0 && parms._l2 == 0) {
                            //                    assert(Math.abs(meanLoss-resdev)/Math.abs(resdev) < 1e-5);
                            //                  }
                            } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
                                dl = DKV.getGet(job.dest());
                                if (dl != null)
                            } finally {
                                if (dl != null)
        }"Number of tests: " + count);"Number of failed tests: " + failedcount);"Mean. relative error: " + meanRelErr / count);"Max. relative error: " + PrettyPrint.formatPct(maxRelErr));
        Assert.assertTrue("Error too large: " + maxRelErr + " >= " + MAX_TOLERANCE, maxRelErr < MAX_TOLERANCE);
        Assert.assertTrue("Failed count too large: " + failedcount + " > " + MAX_FAILED_COUNT, failedcount <= MAX_FAILED_COUNT);
    } finally {
        if (tfr != null)
Also used : Frame(water.fvec.Frame) DeepLearningParameters(hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel.DeepLearningParameters) ModelMetricsRegression(hex.ModelMetricsRegression) Random(java.util.Random) FrameTask(hex.FrameTask) DataInfo(hex.DataInfo) DistributionFamily(hex.genmodel.utils.DistributionFamily) Chunk(water.fvec.Chunk) PrettyPrint(water.util.PrettyPrint) Vec(water.fvec.Vec) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 29 with Chunk

use of water.fvec.Chunk in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class TreeMeasuresCollector method map.

public void map(Chunk[] chks) {
    double[] data = new double[_ncols];
    double[] preds = new double[_nclasses + 1];
    Chunk cresp = _st.chk_resp(chks);
    Chunk weights = _st.hasWeightCol() ? _st.chk_weight(chks) : new C0DChunk(1, chks[0]._len);
    int nrows = cresp._len;
    // preallocate
    int[] oob = new int[2 + Math.round((1f - _rate) * nrows * 1.2f + 0.5f)];
    int[] soob = null;
    // Prepare output data
    _nrows = new double[_ntrees];
    _votes = _classification ? new double[_ntrees] : null;
    _sse = _classification ? null : new float[_ntrees];
    // seed for shuffling oob samples
    long seedForOob = ShuffleTask.seed(cresp.cidx());
    // Start iteration
    for (int tidx = 0; tidx < _ntrees; tidx++) {
        // tree
        // OOB RNG for this tree
        Random rng = rngForTree(_trees[tidx], cresp.cidx());
        // Collect oob rows and permutate them
        // reuse use the same array for sampling
        oob = ModelUtils.sampleOOBRows(nrows, _rate, rng, oob);
        // Get number of sample rows
        int oobcnt = oob[0];
        if (_var >= 0) {
            if (soob == null || soob.length < oobcnt)
                soob = new int[oobcnt];
            // Shuffle array and copy results into <code>soob</code>
            ArrayUtils.shuffleArray(oob, oobcnt, soob, seedForOob, 1);
        for (int j = 1; j < 1 + oobcnt; j++) {
            int row = oob[j];
            double w = weights.atd(row);
            // we cannot deal with this row anyhow
            if (cresp.isNA(row))
            if (w == 0)
            // 1+i - one free is expected by prediction
            for (int i = 0; i < _ncols; i++) data[i] = chks[i].atd(row);
            // - permute variable
            if (_var >= 0)
                data[_var] = chks[_var].atd(soob[j - 1]);
                assert soob == null;
            // - score data
            Arrays.fill(preds, 0);
            // - score only the tree
            score0(data, preds, _trees[tidx]);
            // - derive a prediction
            if (_classification) {
                int pred = getPrediction(preds, null, /*FIXME: should use model's _priorClassDistribution*/
                data, _threshold);
                int actu = (int) cresp.at8(row);
                // - collect only correct votes
                if (pred == actu)
                    _votes[tidx] += w;
            } else {
                /* regression */
                // Important!
                double pred = preds[0];
                double actu = cresp.atd(row);
                _sse[tidx] += (actu - pred) * (actu - pred);
            // - collect rows which were used for voting
            _nrows[tidx] += w;
        //if (_var<0) System.err.println("VARIMP OOB row: " + (cresp._start+row) + " : " + Arrays.toString(data) + " tree/actu: " + pred + "/" + actu);
    // Clean-up
    _trees = null;
Also used : C0DChunk(water.fvec.C0DChunk) Random(java.util.Random) Chunk(water.fvec.Chunk) C0DChunk(water.fvec.C0DChunk)

Example 30 with Chunk

use of water.fvec.Chunk in project h2o-3 by h2oai.

the class Cleaner method run.

// Cleaner thread runs in a forever loop.  (This call cannot be synchronized,
// lest we hold the lock during a (very long) clean process - and various
// async callbacks attempt to "kick" the Cleaner awake - which will require
// taking the lock... blocking the kicking thread for the duration.
public /*synchronized*/
void run() {
    boolean diskFull = false;
    while (true) {
        // Sweep the K/V store, writing out Values (cleaning) and free'ing
        // - Clean all "old" values (lazily, optimistically)
        // - Clean and free old values if above the desired cache level
        // Do not let optimistic cleaning get in the way of emergency cleaning.
        // Get a recent histogram, computing one as needed
        Histo h = Histo.current(false);
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // When things first got dirtied
        long dirty = _dirty;
        // is below desired levels & nothing has been dirty awhile.
        if (// Cache is low and
        h._cached < DESIRED && (now - dirty < 5000)) {
            // not dirty a long time
            // Block asleep, waking every 5 secs to check for stuff, or when poked
            // Awoke; loop back and re-check histogram.
        now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // Reset, since we are going write stuff out
        _dirty = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        MemoryManager.set_goals("preclean", false);
        // The age beyond which we need to toss out things to hit the desired
        // caching levels. If forced, be exact (toss out the minimal amount).
        // If lazy, store-to-disk things down to 1/2 the desired cache level
        // and anything older than 5 secs.
        // Forced to clean
        boolean force = (h._cached >= DESIRED || !MemoryManager.CAN_ALLOC);
        if (// Try to clean the diskFull flag
        force && diskFull)
            diskFull = isDiskFull();
        long clean_to_age = h.clean_to(force ? DESIRED : (DESIRED >> 1));
        // more than 5sec old
        if (!force)
            clean_to_age = Math.max(clean_to_age, now - 5000);
        // Test mode: clean all
        if (DESIRED == -1)
            clean_to_age = now;
        // No logging if under memory pressure: can deadlock the cleaner thread
        String s = h + " DESIRED=" + (DESIRED >> 20) + "M dirtysince=" + (now - dirty) + " force=" + force + " clean2age=" + (now - clean_to_age);
        if (MemoryManager.canAlloc())
        // Disk i/o bytes
        long cleaned = 0;
        // memory freed bytes
        long freed = 0;
        // i/o ns writing
        long io_ns = 0;
        // For faster K/V store walking get the NBHM raw backing array,
        // and walk it directly.
        Object[] kvs = H2O.STORE.raw_array();
        // Start the walk at slot 2, because slots 0,1 hold meta-data
        for (int i = 2; i < kvs.length; i += 2) {
            // In the raw backing array, Keys and Values alternate in slots
            Object ok = kvs[i], ov = kvs[i + 1];
            // Ignore tombstones and Primes and null's
            if (!(ok instanceof Key))
            // Ignore tombstones and Primes and null's
            if (!(ov instanceof Value))
            Value val = (Value) ov;
            byte[] m = val.rawMem();
            Object p = val.rawPOJO();
            // Nothing to throw out
            if (m == null && p == null)
            // we do not want to throw out Lockables.
            if (val.isLockable())
            boolean isChunk = p instanceof Chunk && !((Chunk) p).isVolatile();
            // Ignore things younger than the required age.  In particular, do
            // not spill-to-disk all dirty things we find.
            long touched = val._lastAccessedTime;
            if (touched > clean_to_age) {
                // (no need for both forms).  Note no savings for Chunks, for which m==p._mem
                if (val.isPersisted() && m != null && p != null && !isChunk) {
                    // Toss serialized form, since can rebuild from POJO
                    freed += val._max;
                // But may write it out later
                // Too young
            // Spiller turned off?
            if (!H2O.ARGS.cleaner)
            // Should I further force it from memory?
            if (isChunk && !val.isPersisted() && !diskFull && ((Key) ok).home()) {
                // && (force || (lazyPersist() && lazy_clean(key)))) {
                long now_ns = System.nanoTime();
                try // Write to disk
                }// Can happen due to racing key delete/remove
                 catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    Log.warn(isDiskFull() ? "Disk full! Disabling swapping to disk." + (force ? " Memory low! Please free some space in " + H2O.ICE_ROOT + "!" : "") : "Disk swapping failed! " + e.getMessage());
                    // Something is wrong so mark disk as full anyways so we do not
                    // attempt to write again.  (will retry next run when memory is low)
                    diskFull = true;
                if (m == null)
                    m = val.rawMem();
                // Accumulate i/o bytes
                if (m != null)
                    cleaned += m.length;
                // Accumulate i/o time
                io_ns += System.nanoTime() - now_ns;
            // And, under pressure, free all
            if (isChunk && force && (val.isPersisted() || !((Key) ok).home())) {
                if (m != null)
                    freed += val._max;
                m = null;
                if (p != null)
                    freed += val._max;
                p = null;
                // Double-counted freed mem for Chunks since val._pojo._mem & val._mem are the same.
                if (isChunk)
                    freed -= val._max;
            // serializing again.
            if (m != null && p != null && !isChunk) {
                freed += val._max;
            // If a GC cycle happened and we can no longer alloc, start forcing
            // from RAM as we go
            // Forced to clean
            force = (h._cached >= DESIRED || !MemoryManager.CAN_ALLOC);
        String s1 = "Cleaner pass took: " + PrettyPrint.msecs(System.currentTimeMillis() - now, true) + ", spilled " + PrettyPrint.bytes(cleaned) + " in " + PrettyPrint.usecs(io_ns >> 10);
        // Force a new histogram
        h = Histo.current(true);
        MemoryManager.set_goals("postclean", false);
        // No logging if under memory pressure: can deadlock the cleaner thread
        String s2 = h + " diski_o=" + PrettyPrint.bytes(cleaned) + ", freed=" + (freed >> 20) + "M, DESIRED=" + (DESIRED >> 20) + "M";
        if (MemoryManager.canAlloc())
            Log.debug(s1, s2);
            System.err.println(s1 + "\n" + s2);
        // For testing thread
        synchronized (this) {
            _did_sweep = true;
            // Turn off test-mode after 1 sweep
            if (DESIRED == -1)
                DESIRED = 0;
            // Wake up testing thread
Also used : FileNotFoundException( IOException( Chunk(water.fvec.Chunk) PrettyPrint(water.util.PrettyPrint)


Chunk (water.fvec.Chunk)74 Frame (water.fvec.Frame)50 NewChunk (water.fvec.NewChunk)36 MRTask (water.MRTask)33 Vec (water.fvec.Vec)30 ValFrame (water.rapids.vals.ValFrame)26 C0DChunk (water.fvec.C0DChunk)7 BufferedString (water.parser.BufferedString)7 Random (java.util.Random)6 Test (org.junit.Test)5 MRTask2 (water.MRTask2)4 Val (water.rapids.Val)4 Key (water.Key)3 H2OIllegalArgumentException (water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException)3 AstRoot (water.rapids.ast.AstRoot)3 AstNumList (water.rapids.ast.params.AstNumList)3 File ( IOException ( ValNum (water.rapids.vals.ValNum)2 PrettyPrint (water.util.PrettyPrint)2