use of cbit.vcell.math.MathDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class VCellSBMLSolver method solveVCell.
public File solveVCell(String filePrefix, File outDir, String sbmlFileName, SimSpec testSpec) throws IOException, SolverException, SbmlException {
try {
cbit.util.xml.VCLogger logger = new LocalLogger();
// Instantiate an SBMLImporter to get the speciesUnitsHash - to compute the conversion factor from VC->SB species units.
// and import SBML (sbml->bioModel)
org.vcell.sbml.vcell.SBMLImporter sbmlImporter = new org.vcell.sbml.vcell.SBMLImporter(sbmlFileName, logger, false);
BioModel bioModel = sbmlImporter.getBioModel();
if (bRoundTrip) {
// Round trip the bioModel (bioModel->sbml->bioModel).
// export bioModel as sbml and save
String vcml_sbml = cbit.vcell.xml.XmlHelper.exportSBML(bioModel, 2, 1, 0, false, bioModel.getSimulationContext(0), null);
// re-import bioModel from exported sbml
XMLSource vcml_sbml_Src = new XMLSource(vcml_sbml);
BioModel newBioModel = (BioModel) XmlHelper.importSBML(logger, vcml_sbml_Src, false);
// have rest of code use the round-tripped biomodel
bioModel = newBioModel;
// select only Application, generate math, and create a single Simulation.
SimulationContext simContext = bioModel.getSimulationContext(0);
MathMapping mathMapping = simContext.createNewMathMapping();
MathDescription mathDesc = mathMapping.getMathDescription();
SimulationVersion simVersion = new SimulationVersion(new KeyValue("100"), "unnamed", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
Simulation sim = new Simulation(simVersion, mathDesc);
// if time factor from SBML is not 1 (i.e., it is not in secs but in minutes or hours), convert endTime to min/hr as : endTime*timeFactor
// double endTime = testSpec.getEndTime()*timeFactor;
double endTime = testSpec.getEndTime();
sim.getSolverTaskDescription().setTimeBounds(new TimeBounds(0, endTime));
TimeStep timeStep = new TimeStep();
sim.getSolverTaskDescription().setTimeStep(new TimeStep(timeStep.getMinimumTimeStep(), timeStep.getDefaultTimeStep(), endTime / 10000));
sim.getSolverTaskDescription().setOutputTimeSpec(new UniformOutputTimeSpec((endTime - 0) / testSpec.getNumTimeSteps()));
sim.getSolverTaskDescription().setErrorTolerance(new ErrorTolerance(testSpec.getAbsTolerance(), testSpec.getRelTolerance()));
// sim.getSolverTaskDescription().setErrorTolerance(new ErrorTolerance(1e-10, 1e-12));
// Generate .idaInput string
File idaInputFile = new File(outDir, filePrefix + SimDataConstants.IDAINPUT_DATA_EXTENSION);
PrintWriter idaPW = new;
SimulationJob simJob = new SimulationJob(sim, 0, null);
SimulationTask simTask = new SimulationTask(simJob, 0);
IDAFileWriter idaFileWriter = new IDAFileWriter(idaPW, simTask);
// use the idastandalone solver
File idaOutputFile = new File(outDir, filePrefix + SimDataConstants.IDA_DATA_EXTENSION);
// String sundialsSolverExecutable = "C:\\Developer\\Eclipse\\workspace\\VCell 4.8\\SundialsSolverStandalone_NoMessaging.exe";
String executableName = null;
try {
executableName = SolverUtilities.getExes(SolverDescription.IDA)[0].getAbsolutePath();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("failed to get executable for solver " + SolverDescription.IDA.getDisplayLabel() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
Executable executable = new Executable(new String[] { executableName, idaInputFile.getAbsolutePath(), idaOutputFile.getAbsolutePath() });
/* // Generate .cvodeInput string
File cvodeFile = new File(outDir,filePrefix+SimDataConstants.CVODEINPUT_DATA_EXTENSION);
PrintWriter cvodePW = new;
SimulationJob simJob = new SimulationJob(sim, 0, null);
CVodeFileWriter cvodeFileWriter = new CVodeFileWriter(cvodePW, simJob);
// use the cvodeStandalone solver
File cvodeOutputFile = new File(outDir,filePrefix+SimDataConstants.IDA_DATA_EXTENSION);
String sundialsSolverExecutable = PropertyLoader.getRequiredProperty(PropertyLoader.sundialsSolverExecutableProperty);
Executable executable = new Executable(new String[]{sundialsSolverExecutable, cvodeFile.getAbsolutePath(), cvodeOutputFile.getAbsolutePath()});
// get the result
ODESolverResultSet odeSolverResultSet = getODESolverResultSet(simJob, idaOutputFile.getPath());
// remove CVOde input and output files ??
// print header
File outputFile = new File(outDir, "results" + filePrefix + ".csv"); outputStream = new;
for (int i = 0; i < testSpec.getVarsList().length; i++) {
outputStream.print("," + testSpec.getVarsList()[i]);
// extract data for time and species
double[][] data = new double[testSpec.getVarsList().length + 1][];
int column = odeSolverResultSet.findColumn("t");
data[0] = odeSolverResultSet.extractColumn(column);
int origDataLength = data[0].length;
for (int i = 0; i < testSpec.getVarsList().length; i++) {
column = odeSolverResultSet.findColumn(testSpec.getVarsList()[i]);
if (column == -1) {
Variable var = simJob.getSimulationSymbolTable().getVariable(testSpec.getVarsList()[i]);
data[i + 1] = new double[data[0].length];
if (var instanceof cbit.vcell.math.Constant) {
double value = ((cbit.vcell.math.Constant) var).getExpression().evaluateConstant();
for (int j = 0; j < data[i + 1].length; j++) {
data[i + 1][j] = value;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Did not find " + testSpec.getVarsList()[i] + " in simulation");
} else {
data[i + 1] = odeSolverResultSet.extractColumn(column);
// for each time, print row
int index = 0;
double[] sampleTimes = new double[testSpec.getNumTimeSteps() + 1];
for (int i = 0; i <= testSpec.getNumTimeSteps(); i++) {
sampleTimes[i] = endTime * i / testSpec.getNumTimeSteps();
Model vcModel = bioModel.getModel();
ReservedSymbol kMole = vcModel.getKMOLE();
for (int i = 0; i < sampleTimes.length; i++) {
while (true) {
if (index == odeSolverResultSet.getRowCount() - 1) {
if (data[0][index] == sampleTimes[i]) {
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("sampleTime does not match at last time point");
if (data[0][index + 1] > sampleTimes[i]) {
// sampleTime must be later in our data list.
// if data[0][index] == sampleTime no need to interpolate
if (data[0][index] == sampleTimes[i]) {
// if timeFactor is not 1.0, time is not in seconds (mins or hrs); if timeFactor is 60, divide sampleTime/60; if it is 3600, divide sampleTime/3600.
// if (timeFactor != 1.0) {
// outputStream.print(data[0][index]/timeFactor);
// } else {
// }
for (int j = 0; j < testSpec.getVarsList().length; j++) {
// SBMLImporter.SBVCConcentrationUnits spConcUnits = speciesUnitsHash.get(testSpec.getVarsList()[j]);
// if (spConcUnits != null) {
// VCUnitDefinition sbunits = spConcUnits.getSBConcentrationUnits();
// VCUnitDefinition vcunits = spConcUnits.getVCConcentrationUnits();
// SBMLUnitParameter unitFactor = SBMLUtils.getConcUnitFactor("spConcParam", vcunits, sbunits, kMole);
// outputStream.print("," + data[j + 1][index] * unitFactor.getExpression().evaluateConstant()); //earlier, hack unitfactor = 0.000001
// earlier, hack unitfactor = 0.000001
outputStream.print("," + data[j + 1][index]);
// }
// System.out.println("No interpolation needed!");
} else {
// if data[0][index] < sampleTime, must interpolate
double fraction = (sampleTimes[i] - data[0][index]) / (data[0][index + 1] - data[0][index]);
// if timeFactor is not 1.0, time is not in seconds (mins or hrs); if timeFactor is 60, divide sampleTime/60; if it is 3600, divide sampleTime/3600.
// if (timeFactor != 1.0) {
// outputStream.print(sampleTimes[i]/timeFactor);
// } else {
// }
for (int j = 0; j < testSpec.getVarsList().length; j++) {
double interpolatedValue = 0.0;
double[] speciesVals = null;
double[] times = null;
// Currently using 2nd order interpolation
if (index == 0) {
// can only do 1st order interpolation
times = new double[] { data[0][index], data[0][index + 1] };
speciesVals = new double[] { data[j + 1][index], data[j + 1][index + 1] };
interpolatedValue = MathTestingUtilities.taylorInterpolation(sampleTimes[i], times, speciesVals);
} else if (index >= 1 && index <= origDataLength - 3) {
double val_1 = Math.abs(sampleTimes[i] - data[0][index - 1]);
double val_2 = Math.abs(sampleTimes[i] - data[0][index + 2]);
if (val_1 < val_2) {
times = new double[] { data[0][index - 1], data[0][index], data[0][index + 1] };
speciesVals = new double[] { data[j + 1][index - 1], data[j + 1][index], data[j + 1][index + 1] };
} else {
times = new double[] { data[0][index], data[0][index + 1], data[0][index + 2] };
speciesVals = new double[] { data[j + 1][index], data[j + 1][index + 1], data[j + 1][index + 2] };
interpolatedValue = MathTestingUtilities.taylorInterpolation(sampleTimes[i], times, speciesVals);
} else {
times = new double[] { data[0][index - 1], data[0][index], data[0][index + 1] };
speciesVals = new double[] { data[j + 1][index - 1], data[j + 1][index], data[j + 1][index + 1] };
interpolatedValue = MathTestingUtilities.taylorInterpolation(sampleTimes[i], times, speciesVals);
// // Currently using 1st order interpolation
// times = new double[] { data[0][index], data[0][index+1] };
// speciesVals = new double[] { data[j+1][index], data[j+1][index+1] };
// interpolatedValue = taylorInterpolation(sampleTimes[i], times, speciesVals);
// interpolatedValue = interpolatedValue * unitFactor.getExpression().evaluateConstant(); //earlier, hack unitfactor = 0.000001
// System.out.println("Sample time: " + sampleTimes[i] + ", between time[" + index + "]=" + data[0][index]+" and time["+(index+1)+"]="+(data[0][index+1])+", interpolated = "+interpolatedValue);
outputStream.print("," + interpolatedValue);
return outputFile;
} catch (Exception e) {
// File outputFile = new File(outDir,"results" + filePrefix + ".csv");
throw new SolverException(e.getMessage());
use of cbit.vcell.math.MathDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SimulationRepresentation method getParameters.
private static ParameterRepresentation[] getParameters(BioModel bioModel, SimulationRep simulationRep) {
SimulationContext simContext = null;
for (SimulationContext sc : bioModel.getSimulationContexts()) {
if (sc.getMathDescription().getKey().equals(simulationRep.getMathKey())) {
simContext = sc;
if (simContext == null) {
return null;
// initialize to old mathDescription in case error generating math
MathDescription mathDesc = simContext.getMathDescription();
MathMapping mathMapping = simContext.createNewMathMapping();
MathSymbolMapping mathSymbolMapping = null;
try {
mathDesc = mathMapping.getMathDescription();
mathSymbolMapping = mathMapping.getMathSymbolMapping();
} catch (Exception e1) {
ArrayList<ParameterRepresentation> parameterReps = new ArrayList<ParameterRepresentation>();
Enumeration<Constant> enumMath = mathDesc.getConstants();
while (enumMath.hasMoreElements()) {
Constant constant = enumMath.nextElement();
if (constant.getExpression().isNumeric()) {
SymbolTableEntry biologicalSymbolTableEntry = null;
if (mathSymbolMapping != null) {
SymbolTableEntry[] stes = mathSymbolMapping.getBiologicalSymbol(constant);
if (stes != null && stes.length >= 1) {
biologicalSymbolTableEntry = stes[0];
if (biologicalSymbolTableEntry instanceof ReservedSymbol) {
try {
parameterReps.add(new ParameterRepresentation(constant.getName(), constant.getExpression().evaluateConstant(), biologicalSymbolTableEntry));
} catch (ExpressionException e) {
// can't happen, because constant expression is numeric
return parameterReps.toArray(new ParameterRepresentation[0]);
use of cbit.vcell.math.MathDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ClientRequestManager method updateMath.
public static Collection<AsynchClientTask> updateMath(final Component requester, final SimulationContext simulationContext, final boolean bShowWarning, final NetworkGenerationRequirements networkGenerationRequirements) {
ArrayList<AsynchClientTask> rval = new ArrayList<>();
AsynchClientTask task1 = new AsynchClientTask("generating math", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_NONSWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
Geometry geometry = simulationContext.getGeometry();
if (geometry.getDimension() > 0 && geometry.getGeometrySurfaceDescription().getGeometricRegions() == null) {
// Use differnt mathmapping for different applications (stoch or non-stoch)
MathMappingCallback callback = new MathMappingCallbackTaskAdapter(getClientTaskStatusSupport());
MathMapping mathMapping = simulationContext.createNewMathMapping(callback, networkGenerationRequirements);
MathDescription mathDesc = mathMapping.getMathDescription(callback);
callback.setProgressFraction(1.0f / 3.0f * 2.0f);
hashTable.put("mathMapping", mathMapping);
hashTable.put("mathDesc", mathDesc);
AsynchClientTask task2 = new AsynchClientTask("formating math", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_SWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
MathDescription mathDesc = (MathDescription) hashTable.get("mathDesc");
if (mathDesc != null) {
if (bShowWarning) {
AsynchClientTask task3 = new AsynchClientTask("showing issues", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_SWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
MathMapping mathMapping = (MathMapping) hashTable.get("mathMapping");
MathDescription mathDesc = (MathDescription) hashTable.get("mathDesc");
if (mathDesc != null) {
// inform user if any issues
Issue[] issues = mathMapping.getIssues();
if (issues != null && issues.length > 0) {
StringBuffer messageBuffer = new StringBuffer("Issues encountered during Math Generation:\n");
int issueCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < issues.length; i++) {
if (issues[i].getSeverity() == Issue.SEVERITY_ERROR || issues[i].getSeverity() == Issue.SEVERITY_WARNING) {
messageBuffer.append(issues[i].getCategory() + " " + issues[i].getSeverityName() + " : " + issues[i].getMessage() + "\n");
if (issueCount > 0) {
PopupGenerator.showWarningDialog(requester, messageBuffer.toString(), new String[] { "OK" }, "OK");
return rval;
use of cbit.vcell.math.MathDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ClientRequestManager method createNewDocument.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (5/10/2004 3:48:16 PM)
public AsynchClientTask[] createNewDocument(final TopLevelWindowManager requester, final VCDocument.DocumentCreationInfo documentCreationInfo) {
// throws UserCancelException, Exception {
/* asynchronous and not blocking any window */
AsynchClientTask[] taskArray = null;
final int createOption = documentCreationInfo.getOption();
switch(documentCreationInfo.getDocumentType()) {
AsynchClientTask task1 = new AsynchClientTask("creating biomodel", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_NONSWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
BioModel bioModel = createDefaultBioModelDocument(null);
hashTable.put("doc", bioModel);
taskArray = new AsynchClientTask[] { task1 };
if ((createOption == VCDocument.MATH_OPTION_NONSPATIAL) || (createOption == VCDocument.MATH_OPTION_SPATIAL_EXISTS)) {
AsynchClientTask task2 = new AsynchClientTask("creating mathmodel", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_NONSWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
Geometry geometry = null;
if (createOption == VCDocument.MATH_OPTION_NONSPATIAL) {
geometry = new Geometry("Untitled", 0);
} else {
geometry = (Geometry) hashTable.get(GEOMETRY_KEY);
MathModel mathModel = createMathModel("Untitled", geometry);
mathModel.setName("MathModel" + (getMdiManager().getNumCreatedDocumentWindows() + 1));
hashTable.put("doc", mathModel);
if (createOption == VCDocument.MATH_OPTION_SPATIAL_EXISTS) {
AsynchClientTask task1 = createSelectDocTask(requester);
AsynchClientTask task1b = createSelectLoadGeomTask(requester);
taskArray = new AsynchClientTask[] { task1, task1b, task2 };
} else {
taskArray = new AsynchClientTask[] { task2 };
} else if (createOption == VCDocument.MATH_OPTION_FROMBIOMODELAPP) {
AsynchClientTask task1 = new AsynchClientTask("select biomodel application", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_SWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
// spatial or non-spatial
BioModelInfo bioModelInfo = (BioModelInfo) DialogUtils.getDBTreePanelSelection(requester.getComponent(), getMdiManager().getDatabaseWindowManager().getBioModelDbTreePanel(), "Open", "Select BioModel");
if (bioModelInfo != null) {
// may throw UserCancelException
hashTable.put("bioModelInfo", bioModelInfo);
AsynchClientTask task2 = new AsynchClientTask("find sim contexts in biomodel application", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_NONSWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
// spatial or non-spatial
// Get the simContexts in the corresponding BioModel
BioModelInfo bioModelInfo = (BioModelInfo) hashTable.get("bioModelInfo");
SimulationContext[] simContexts = getDocumentManager().getBioModel(bioModelInfo).getSimulationContexts();
if (simContexts != null) {
// may throw UserCancelException
hashTable.put("simContexts", simContexts);
AsynchClientTask task3 = new AsynchClientTask("create math model from biomodel application", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_SWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
SimulationContext[] simContexts = (SimulationContext[]) hashTable.get("simContexts");
String[] simContextNames = new String[simContexts.length];
if (simContextNames.length == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("no application is available");
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < simContexts.length; i++) {
simContextNames[i] = simContexts[i].getName();
Component component = requester.getComponent();
// Get the simContext names, so that user can choose which simContext math to import
String simContextChoice = (String) PopupGenerator.showListDialog(component, simContextNames, "Please select Application");
if (simContextChoice == null) {
throw UserCancelException.CANCEL_DB_SELECTION;
SimulationContext chosenSimContext = null;
for (int i = 0; i < simContexts.length; i++) {
if (simContexts[i].getName().equals(simContextChoice)) {
chosenSimContext = simContexts[i];
BioModelInfo bioModelInfo = (BioModelInfo) hashTable.get("bioModelInfo");
// Get corresponding mathDesc to create new mathModel and return.
String newName = bioModelInfo.getVersion().getName() + "_" + chosenSimContext.getName();
MathDescription bioMathDesc = chosenSimContext.getMathDescription();
MathDescription newMathDesc = null;
newMathDesc = new MathDescription(newName + "_" + (new Random()).nextInt());
newMathDesc.read_database(new CommentStringTokenizer(bioMathDesc.getVCML_database()));
MathModel newMathModel = new MathModel(null);
hashTable.put("doc", newMathModel);
taskArray = new AsynchClientTask[] { task1, task2, task3 };
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown MathModel Document creation option value=" + documentCreationInfo.getOption());
if (createOption == VCDocument.GEOM_OPTION_1D || createOption == VCDocument.GEOM_OPTION_2D || createOption == VCDocument.GEOM_OPTION_3D) {
// analytic
AsynchClientTask task1 = new AsynchClientTask("creating analytic geometry", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_NONSWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
Geometry geometry = new Geometry("Geometry" + (getMdiManager().getNumCreatedDocumentWindows() + 1), documentCreationInfo.getOption());
geometry.getGeometrySpec().addSubVolume(new AnalyticSubVolume("subdomain0", new Expression(1.0)));
geometry.precomputeAll(new GeometryThumbnailImageFactoryAWT());
hashTable.put("doc", geometry);
taskArray = new AsynchClientTask[] { task1 };
if (createOption == VCDocument.GEOM_OPTION_CSGEOMETRY_3D) {
// constructed solid geometry
AsynchClientTask task1 = new AsynchClientTask("creating constructed solid geometry", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_NONSWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
Geometry geometry = new Geometry("Geometry" + (getMdiManager().getNumCreatedDocumentWindows() + 1), 3);
Extent extent = geometry.getExtent();
if (extent != null) {
// create a CSGPrimitive of type cube and scale it to the 'extent' components. Use this as the default or background CSGObject (subdomain).
// This can be considered as the equivalent of subdomain (with expression) 1.0 for analyticSubvolume.
// basic cube
CSGPrimitive cube = new CSGPrimitive("cube", CSGPrimitive.PrimitiveType.CUBE);
// scaled cube
double x = extent.getX();
double y = extent.getY();
double z = extent.getZ();
CSGScale scaledCube = new CSGScale("scale", new Vect3d(x / 2.0, y / 2.0, z / 2.0));
// translated scaled cube
CSGTranslation translatedScaledCube = new CSGTranslation("translation", new Vect3d(x / 2, y / 2, z / 2));
CSGObject csgObject = new CSGObject(null, "subdomain0", 0);
geometry.getGeometrySpec().addSubVolume(csgObject, false);
geometry.precomputeAll(new GeometryThumbnailImageFactoryAWT());
hashTable.put("doc", geometry);
taskArray = new AsynchClientTask[] { task1 };
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown Geometry Document creation option value=" + documentCreationInfo.getOption());
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown default document type: " + documentCreationInfo.getDocumentType());
return taskArray;
use of cbit.vcell.math.MathDescription in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ClientRequestManager method createMathModelFromApplication.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (5/24/2004 12:22:11 PM)
* @param windowID java.lang.String
public void createMathModelFromApplication(final BioModelWindowManager requester, final String name, final SimulationContext simContext) {
if (simContext == null) {
PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(requester, "Selected Application is null, cannot generate corresponding math model");
switch(simContext.getApplicationType()) {
AsynchClientTask task1 = new AsynchClientTask("Creating MathModel from BioModel Application", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_NONSWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
MathModel newMathModel = new MathModel(null);
// Get corresponding mathDesc to create new mathModel.
MathDescription mathDesc = simContext.getMathDescription();
MathDescription newMathDesc = null;
newMathDesc = new MathDescription(name + "_" + (new java.util.Random()).nextInt());
try {
if (mathDesc.getGeometry().getDimension() > 0 && mathDesc.getGeometry().getGeometrySurfaceDescription().getGeometricRegions() == null) {
} catch (ImageException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Geometric surface generation error:\n" + e.getMessage());
} catch (GeometryException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Geometric surface generation error:\n" + e.getMessage());
newMathDesc.read_database(new CommentStringTokenizer(mathDesc.getVCML_database()));
hashTable.put("newMathModel", newMathModel);
AsynchClientTask task2 = new AsynchClientTask("Creating MathModel from BioModel Application", AsynchClientTask.TASKTYPE_SWING_BLOCKING) {
public void run(Hashtable<String, Object> hashTable) throws Exception {
MathModel newMathModel = (MathModel) hashTable.get("newMathModel");
DocumentWindowManager windowManager = createDocumentWindowManager(newMathModel);
if (simContext.getBioModel().getVersion() != null) {
((MathModelWindowManager) windowManager).setCopyFromBioModelAppVersionableTypeVersion(new VersionableTypeVersion(VersionableType.BioModelMetaData, simContext.getBioModel().getVersion()));
DocumentWindow dw = getMdiManager().createNewDocumentWindow(windowManager);
setFinalWindow(hashTable, dw);
ClientTaskDispatcher.dispatch(requester.getComponent(), new Hashtable<String, Object>(), new AsynchClientTask[] { task1, task2 }, false);