use of cbit.vcell.model.Model.ModelParameter in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ReactionContext method vetoableChange.
public void vetoableChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent evt) throws java.beans.PropertyVetoException {
if (evt.getSource() == getModel() && evt.getPropertyName().equals(Model.PROPERTY_NAME_MODEL_PARAMETERS)) {
// check for speciesContextSpec proxy parameters, if any exists, veto
ModelParameter[] newModelParams = (ModelParameter[]) evt.getNewValue();
ModelParameter[] oldModelParams = (ModelParameter[]) evt.getOldValue();
ModelParameter modelParam = null;
for (int i = 0; i < oldModelParams.length; i++) {
if (!BeanUtils.arrayContains(newModelParams, oldModelParams[i])) {
modelParam = oldModelParams[i];
// use this missing model parameter (to be deleted) to determine if it is used in any speciesContextSpec parameters.
Vector<String> referencedSCSVector = new Vector<String>();
if (modelParam != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < getSpeciesContextSpecs().length; i++) {
Parameter[] scsParams = getSpeciesContextSpecs(i).getParameters();
for (int k = 0; k < scsParams.length; k++) {
if (scsParams[k].getExpression() != null && scsParams[k].getExpression().hasSymbol(modelParam.getName()) && (getSpeciesContextSpecs(i).getProxyParameter(modelParam.getName()) != null)) {
// if there are any speciesContextSpecs referencing the global, list them all in error msg.
if (referencedSCSVector.size() > 0) {
String msg = "Model Parameter '" + modelParam.getName() + "' is used in the expression of the following speciesContext(s): ";
for (int i = 0; i < referencedSCSVector.size(); i++) {
msg = msg + "'" + referencedSCSVector.elementAt(i) + "'";
if (i < referencedSCSVector.size() - 1) {
msg = msg + ", ";
} else {
msg = msg + " ";
msg = msg + " in application '" + getSimulationContext().getName() + "'. \n\nCannot delete '" + modelParam.getName() + "'.";
throw new PropertyVetoException(msg, evt);
use of cbit.vcell.model.Model.ModelParameter in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class RulebasedMathMapping method refreshMathDescription.
* This method was created in VisualAge.
protected void refreshMathDescription() throws MappingException, MatrixException, MathException, ExpressionException, ModelException {
// use local variable instead of using getter all the time.
SimulationContext simContext = getSimulationContext();
GeometryClass geometryClass = simContext.getGeometry().getGeometrySpec().getSubVolumes()[0];
Domain domain = new Domain(geometryClass);
// local structure mapping list
StructureMapping[] structureMappings = simContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMappings();
// We have to check if all the reactions are able to transform to stochastic jump processes before generating the math.
String stochChkMsg = simContext.getModel().isValidForStochApp();
if (!(stochChkMsg.equals(""))) {
throw new ModelException("Problem updating math description: " + simContext.getName() + "\n" + stochChkMsg);
if (simContext.getGeometry().getDimension() > 0) {
throw new MappingException("rule-based particle math mapping not implemented for spatial geometry - dimension >= 1");
for (int i = 0; i < structureMappings.length; i++) {
if (structureMappings[i] instanceof MembraneMapping) {
if (((MembraneMapping) structureMappings[i]).getCalculateVoltage()) {
throw new MappingException("electric potential not yet supported for particle models");
// fail if any events
BioEvent[] bioEvents = simContext.getBioEvents();
if (bioEvents != null && bioEvents.length > 0) {
throw new MappingException("events not yet supported for particle-based models");
// verify that all structures are mapped to subvolumes and all subvolumes are mapped to a structure
Structure[] structures = simContext.getGeometryContext().getModel().getStructures();
for (int i = 0; i < structures.length; i++) {
StructureMapping sm = simContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(structures[i]);
if (sm == null || (sm instanceof FeatureMapping && ((FeatureMapping) sm).getGeometryClass() == null)) {
throw new MappingException("model structure '" + structures[i].getName() + "' not mapped to a geometry subVolume");
if (sm != null && (sm instanceof MembraneMapping) && ((MembraneMapping) sm).getVolumeFractionParameter() != null) {
Expression volFractExp = ((MembraneMapping) sm).getVolumeFractionParameter().getExpression();
try {
if (volFractExp != null) {
double volFract = volFractExp.evaluateConstant();
if (volFract >= 1.0) {
throw new MappingException("model structure '" + (getSimulationContext().getModel().getStructureTopology().getInsideFeature(((MembraneMapping) sm).getMembrane()).getName() + "' has volume fraction >= 1.0"));
} catch (ExpressionException e) {
SubVolume[] subVolumes = simContext.getGeometryContext().getGeometry().getGeometrySpec().getSubVolumes();
for (int i = 0; i < subVolumes.length; i++) {
Structure[] mappedStructures = simContext.getGeometryContext().getStructuresFromGeometryClass(subVolumes[i]);
if (mappedStructures == null || mappedStructures.length == 0) {
throw new MappingException("geometry subVolume '" + subVolumes[i].getName() + "' not mapped from a model structure");
// gather only those reactionRules that are not "excluded"
ArrayList<ReactionRule> rrList = new ArrayList<ReactionRule>();
for (ReactionRuleSpec reactionRuleSpec : simContext.getReactionContext().getReactionRuleSpecs()) {
if (!reactionRuleSpec.isExcluded()) {
for (ReactionRule reactionRule : rrList) {
UnresolvedParameter[] unresolvedParameters = reactionRule.getKineticLaw().getUnresolvedParameters();
if (unresolvedParameters != null && unresolvedParameters.length > 0) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int j = 0; j < unresolvedParameters.length; j++) {
if (j > 0) {
buffer.append(", ");
throw new MappingException("In Application '" + simContext.getName() + "', " + reactionRule.getDisplayType() + " '" + reactionRule.getName() + "' contains unresolved identifier(s): " + buffer);
// create new MathDescription (based on simContext's previous MathDescription if possible)
MathDescription oldMathDesc = simContext.getMathDescription();
mathDesc = null;
if (oldMathDesc != null) {
if (oldMathDesc.getVersion() != null) {
mathDesc = new MathDescription(oldMathDesc.getVersion());
} else {
mathDesc = new MathDescription(oldMathDesc.getName());
} else {
mathDesc = new MathDescription(simContext.getName() + "_generated");
// temporarily place all variables in a hashtable (before binding) and discarding duplicates
VariableHash varHash = new VariableHash();
// conversion factors
Model model = simContext.getModel();
varHash.addVariable(new Constant(getMathSymbol(model.getKMOLE(), null), getIdentifierSubstitutions(model.getKMOLE().getExpression(), model.getKMOLE().getUnitDefinition(), null)));
varHash.addVariable(new Constant(getMathSymbol(model.getN_PMOLE(), null), getIdentifierSubstitutions(model.getN_PMOLE().getExpression(), model.getN_PMOLE().getUnitDefinition(), null)));
varHash.addVariable(new Constant(getMathSymbol(model.getPI_CONSTANT(), null), getIdentifierSubstitutions(model.getPI_CONSTANT().getExpression(), model.getPI_CONSTANT().getUnitDefinition(), null)));
varHash.addVariable(new Constant(getMathSymbol(model.getFARADAY_CONSTANT(), null), getIdentifierSubstitutions(model.getFARADAY_CONSTANT().getExpression(), model.getFARADAY_CONSTANT().getUnitDefinition(), null)));
varHash.addVariable(new Constant(getMathSymbol(model.getFARADAY_CONSTANT_NMOLE(), null), getIdentifierSubstitutions(model.getFARADAY_CONSTANT_NMOLE().getExpression(), model.getFARADAY_CONSTANT_NMOLE().getUnitDefinition(), null)));
varHash.addVariable(new Constant(getMathSymbol(model.getGAS_CONSTANT(), null), getIdentifierSubstitutions(model.getGAS_CONSTANT().getExpression(), model.getGAS_CONSTANT().getUnitDefinition(), null)));
varHash.addVariable(new Constant(getMathSymbol(model.getTEMPERATURE(), null), getIdentifierSubstitutions(new Expression(simContext.getTemperatureKelvin()), model.getTEMPERATURE().getUnitDefinition(), null)));
Enumeration<SpeciesContextMapping> enum1 = getSpeciesContextMappings();
while (enum1.hasMoreElements()) {
SpeciesContextMapping scm = enum1.nextElement();
if (scm.getVariable() instanceof StochVolVariable) {
// deals with model parameters
ModelParameter[] modelParameters = simContext.getModel().getModelParameters();
for (int j = 0; j < modelParameters.length; j++) {
Expression expr = getSubstitutedExpr(modelParameters[j].getExpression(), true, false);
expr = getIdentifierSubstitutions(expr, modelParameters[j].getUnitDefinition(), geometryClass);
varHash.addVariable(newFunctionOrConstant(getMathSymbol(modelParameters[j], geometryClass), expr, geometryClass));
// added July 2009, ElectricalStimulusParameter electric mapping tab
ElectricalStimulus[] elecStimulus = simContext.getElectricalStimuli();
if (elecStimulus.length > 0) {
throw new MappingException("Modles with electrophysiology are not supported for stochastic applications.");
for (int j = 0; j < structureMappings.length; j++) {
if (structureMappings[j] instanceof MembraneMapping) {
MembraneMapping memMapping = (MembraneMapping) structureMappings[j];
Parameter initialVoltageParm = memMapping.getInitialVoltageParameter();
try {
Expression exp = initialVoltageParm.getExpression();
varHash.addVariable(newFunctionOrConstant(getMathSymbol(memMapping.getMembrane().getMembraneVoltage(), memMapping.getGeometryClass()), getIdentifierSubstitutions(memMapping.getInitialVoltageParameter().getExpression(), memMapping.getInitialVoltageParameter().getUnitDefinition(), memMapping.getGeometryClass()), memMapping.getGeometryClass()));
} catch (ExpressionException e) {
throw new MappingException("Membrane initial voltage: " + initialVoltageParm.getName() + " cannot be evaluated as constant.");
for (ReactionRule reactionRule : rrList) {
// if (reactionRule.getKineticLaw() instanceof LumpedKinetics){
// throw new RuntimeException("Lumped Kinetics not yet supported for RuleBased Modeling");
// }
LocalParameter[] parameters = reactionRule.getKineticLaw().getLocalParameters();
for (LocalParameter parameter : parameters) {
if ((parameter.getRole() == RbmKineticLawParameterType.RuleRate)) {
if (!reactionRule.isReversible() && parameter.getRole() == RbmKineticLawParameterType.MassActionReverseRate) {
Expression expr = getSubstitutedExpr(parameter.getExpression(), true, false);
varHash.addVariable(newFunctionOrConstant(getMathSymbol(parameter, geometryClass), getIdentifierSubstitutions(expr, parameter.getUnitDefinition(), geometryClass), geometryClass));
// the parameter "Size" is already put into mathsymbolmapping in refreshSpeciesContextMapping()
for (int i = 0; i < structureMappings.length; i++) {
StructureMapping sm = structureMappings[i];
StructureMapping.StructureMappingParameter parm = sm.getParameterFromRole(StructureMapping.ROLE_Size);
if (parm.getExpression() != null) {
try {
double value = parm.getExpression().evaluateConstant();
varHash.addVariable(new Constant(getMathSymbol(parm, sm.getGeometryClass()), new Expression(value)));
} catch (ExpressionException e) {
// varHash.addVariable(new Function(getMathSymbol0(parm,sm),getIdentifierSubstitutions(parm.getExpression(),parm.getUnitDefinition(),sm)));
throw new MappingException("Size of structure:" + sm.getNameScope().getName() + " cannot be evaluated as constant.");
SpeciesContextSpec[] speciesContextSpecs = getSimulationContext().getReactionContext().getSpeciesContextSpecs();
addInitialConditions(domain, speciesContextSpecs, varHash);
if (simContext.getGeometryContext().getGeometry() != null) {
try {
} catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {
throw new MappingException("failure setting geometry " + e.getMessage());
} else {
throw new MappingException("Geometry must be defined in Application " + simContext.getName());
// create subDomains
SubVolume subVolume = simContext.getGeometry().getGeometrySpec().getSubVolumes()[0];
SubDomain subDomain = new CompartmentSubDomain(subVolume.getName(), 0);
// define all molecules and unique species patterns (add molecules to mathDesc and speciesPatterns to varHash).
HashMap<SpeciesPattern, VolumeParticleSpeciesPattern> speciesPatternMap = addSpeciesPatterns(domain, rrList);
HashSet<VolumeParticleSpeciesPattern> uniqueParticleSpeciesPatterns = new HashSet<>(speciesPatternMap.values());
for (VolumeParticleSpeciesPattern volumeParticleSpeciesPattern : uniqueParticleSpeciesPatterns) {
// define observables (those explicitly declared and those corresponding to seed species.
List<ParticleObservable> observables = addObservables(geometryClass, domain, speciesPatternMap);
for (ParticleObservable particleObservable : observables) {
try {
addParticleJumpProcesses(varHash, geometryClass, subDomain, speciesPatternMap);
} catch (PropertyVetoException e1) {
throw new MappingException(e1.getMessage(), e1);
for (int i = 0; i < fieldMathMappingParameters.length; i++) {
if (fieldMathMappingParameters[i] instanceof UnitFactorParameter || fieldMathMappingParameters[i] instanceof ObservableConcentrationParameter) {
varHash.addVariable(newFunctionOrConstant(getMathSymbol(fieldMathMappingParameters[i], geometryClass), getIdentifierSubstitutions(fieldMathMappingParameters[i].getExpression(), fieldMathMappingParameters[i].getUnitDefinition(), geometryClass), fieldMathMappingParameters[i].getGeometryClass()));
// set Variables to MathDescription all at once with the order resolved by "VariableHash"
for (SpeciesContext sc : model.getSpeciesContexts()) {
if (!sc.hasSpeciesPattern()) {
throw new MappingException("species " + sc.getName() + " has no molecular pattern");
VolumeParticleSpeciesPattern volumeParticleSpeciesPattern = speciesPatternMap.get(sc.getSpeciesPattern());
ArrayList<ParticleInitialCondition> particleInitialConditions = new ArrayList<ParticleProperties.ParticleInitialCondition>();
// initial conditions from scs
SpeciesContextSpec scs = simContext.getReactionContext().getSpeciesContextSpec(sc);
Parameter initialCountParameter = scs.getInitialCountParameter();
Expression e = getIdentifierSubstitutions(new Expression(initialCountParameter, getNameScope()), initialCountParameter.getUnitDefinition(), geometryClass);
particleInitialConditions.add(new ParticleInitialConditionCount(e, new Expression(0.0), new Expression(0.0), new Expression(0.0)));
ParticleProperties particleProperies = new ParticleProperties(volumeParticleSpeciesPattern, new Expression(0.0), new Expression(0.0), new Expression(0.0), new Expression(0.0), particleInitialConditions);
for (int i = 0; i < fieldMathMappingParameters.length; i++) {
if (fieldMathMappingParameters[i] instanceof UnitFactorParameter) {
Variable variable = newFunctionOrConstant(getMathSymbol(fieldMathMappingParameters[i], geometryClass), getIdentifierSubstitutions(fieldMathMappingParameters[i].getExpression(), fieldMathMappingParameters[i].getUnitDefinition(), geometryClass), fieldMathMappingParameters[i].getGeometryClass());
if (mathDesc.getVariable(variable.getName()) == null) {
if (fieldMathMappingParameters[i] instanceof ObservableConcentrationParameter) {
Variable variable = newFunctionOrConstant(getMathSymbol(fieldMathMappingParameters[i], geometryClass), getIdentifierSubstitutions(fieldMathMappingParameters[i].getExpression(), fieldMathMappingParameters[i].getUnitDefinition(), geometryClass), fieldMathMappingParameters[i].getGeometryClass());
if (mathDesc.getVariable(variable.getName()) == null) {
if (!mathDesc.isValid()) {
throw new MappingException("generated an invalid mathDescription: " + mathDesc.getWarning());
use of cbit.vcell.model.Model.ModelParameter in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class RulebasedTransformer method transform.
private void transform(SimulationContext originalSimContext, SimulationContext transformedSimulationContext, ArrayList<ModelEntityMapping> entityMappings, MathMappingCallback mathMappingCallback) throws PropertyVetoException {
Model newModel = transformedSimulationContext.getModel();
Model originalModel = originalSimContext.getModel();
ModelEntityMapping em = null;
// list of rules created from the reactions; we apply the symmetry factor computed by bionetgen only to these
Set<ReactionRule> fromReactions = new HashSet<>();
for (SpeciesContext newSpeciesContext : newModel.getSpeciesContexts()) {
final SpeciesContext originalSpeciesContext = originalModel.getSpeciesContext(newSpeciesContext.getName());
// map new and old species contexts
em = new ModelEntityMapping(originalSpeciesContext, newSpeciesContext);
if (newSpeciesContext.hasSpeciesPattern()) {
// it's perfect already and can't be improved
try {
MolecularType newmt = newModel.getRbmModelContainer().createMolecularType();
newModel.getRbmModelContainer().addMolecularType(newmt, false);
MolecularTypePattern newmtp_sc = new MolecularTypePattern(newmt);
SpeciesPattern newsp_sc = new SpeciesPattern();
RbmObservable newo = new RbmObservable(newModel, "O0_" + newmt.getName() + "_tot", newSpeciesContext.getStructure(), RbmObservable.ObservableType.Molecules);
MolecularTypePattern newmtp_ob = new MolecularTypePattern(newmt);
SpeciesPattern newsp_ob = new SpeciesPattern();
// map new observable to old species context
em = new ModelEntityMapping(originalSpeciesContext, newo);
} catch (ModelException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("unable to transform species context: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (PropertyVetoException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
ReactionSpec[] reactionSpecs = transformedSimulationContext.getReactionContext().getReactionSpecs();
for (ReactionSpec reactionSpec : reactionSpecs) {
if (reactionSpec.isExcluded()) {
// we create rules only from those reactions which are not excluded
ReactionStep rs = reactionSpec.getReactionStep();
String name = rs.getName();
String mangled = TokenMangler.fixTokenStrict(name);
mangled = newModel.getReactionName(mangled);
Kinetics k = rs.getKinetics();
if (!(k instanceof MassActionKinetics)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Only Mass Action Kinetics supported at this time, reaction \"" + rs.getName() + "\" uses kinetic law type \"" + rs.getKinetics().getName() + "\"");
boolean bReversible = rs.isReversible();
ReactionRule rr = new ReactionRule(newModel, mangled, rs.getStructure(), bReversible);
MassActionKinetics massActionKinetics = (MassActionKinetics) k;
List<Reactant> rList = rs.getReactants();
List<Product> pList = rs.getProducts();
// counting the stoichiometry - 2A+B means 3 reactants
int numReactants = 0;
for (Reactant r : rList) {
numReactants += r.getStoichiometry();
if (numReactants > 2) {
String message = "NFSim doesn't support more than 2 reactants within a reaction: " + name;
throw new RuntimeException(message);
int numProducts = 0;
for (Product p : pList) {
numProducts += p.getStoichiometry();
if (bReversible && numProducts > 2) {
String message = "NFSim doesn't support more than 2 products within a reversible reaction: " + name;
throw new RuntimeException(message);
RateLawType rateLawType = RateLawType.MassAction;
RbmKineticLaw kineticLaw = new RbmKineticLaw(rr, rateLawType);
try {
String forwardRateName = massActionKinetics.getForwardRateParameter().getName();
Expression forwardRateExp = massActionKinetics.getForwardRateParameter().getExpression();
String reverseRateName = massActionKinetics.getReverseRateParameter().getName();
Expression reverseRateExp = massActionKinetics.getReverseRateParameter().getExpression();
LocalParameter fR = kineticLaw.getLocalParameter(RbmKineticLawParameterType.MassActionForwardRate);
LocalParameter rR = kineticLaw.getLocalParameter(RbmKineticLawParameterType.MassActionReverseRate);
if (rs.hasReactant()) {
kineticLaw.setParameterValue(fR, forwardRateExp, true);
if (rs.hasProduct()) {
kineticLaw.setParameterValue(rR, reverseRateExp, true);
for (KineticsParameter reaction_p : massActionKinetics.getKineticsParameters()) {
if (reaction_p.getRole() == Kinetics.ROLE_UserDefined) {
LocalParameter rule_p = kineticLaw.getLocalParameter(reaction_p.getName());
if (rule_p == null) {
// after lazy parameter creation we didn't find a user-defined rule parameter with this same name.
// there must be a global symbol with the same name, that the local reaction parameter has overridden.
ParameterContext.LocalProxyParameter rule_proxy_parameter = null;
for (ProxyParameter proxyParameter : kineticLaw.getProxyParameters()) {
if (proxyParameter.getName().equals(reaction_p.getName())) {
rule_proxy_parameter = (LocalProxyParameter) proxyParameter;
if (rule_proxy_parameter != null) {
// we want to convert to local
boolean bConvertToGlobal = false;
kineticLaw.convertParameterType(rule_proxy_parameter, bConvertToGlobal);
} else {
// could find neither local parameter nor proxy parameter
throw new RuntimeException("user defined parameter " + reaction_p.getName() + " from reaction " + rs.getName() + " didn't map to a reactionRule parameter");
} else if (rule_p.getRole() == RbmKineticLawParameterType.UserDefined) {
kineticLaw.setParameterValue(rule_p, reaction_p.getExpression(), true);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("user defined parameter " + reaction_p.getName() + " from reaction " + rs.getName() + " mapped to a reactionRule parameter with unexpected role " + rule_p.getRole().getDescription());
} catch (ExpressionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Problem attempting to set RbmKineticLaw expression: " + e.getMessage());
KineticsParameter[] kpList = k.getKineticsParameters();
ModelParameter[] mpList = rs.getModel().getModelParameters();
ModelParameter mp = rs.getModel().getModelParameter(kpList[0].getName());
ReactionParticipant[] rpList = rs.getReactionParticipants();
for (ReactionParticipant p : rpList) {
if (p instanceof Reactant) {
int stoichiometry = p.getStoichiometry();
for (int i = 0; i < stoichiometry; i++) {
SpeciesPattern speciesPattern = new SpeciesPattern(rs.getModel(), p.getSpeciesContext().getSpeciesPattern());
ReactantPattern reactantPattern = new ReactantPattern(speciesPattern, p.getStructure());
} else if (p instanceof Product) {
int stoichiometry = p.getStoichiometry();
for (int i = 0; i < stoichiometry; i++) {
SpeciesPattern speciesPattern = new SpeciesPattern(rs.getModel(), p.getSpeciesContext().getSpeciesPattern());
ProductPattern productPattern = new ProductPattern(speciesPattern, p.getStructure());
// commented code below is probably obsolete, we verify (above) in the reaction the number of participants,
// no need to do it again in the corresponding rule
// if(rr.getReactantPatterns().size() > 2) {
// String message = "NFSim doesn't support more than 2 reactants within a reaction: " + name;
// throw new RuntimeException(message);
// }
// if(rr.getProductPatterns().size() > 2) {
// String message = "NFSim doesn't support more than 2 products within a reaction: " + name;
// throw new RuntimeException(message);
// }
for (ReactionRuleSpec rrs : transformedSimulationContext.getReactionContext().getReactionRuleSpecs()) {
if (rrs == null) {
ReactionRule rr = rrs.getReactionRule();
if (rrs.isExcluded()) {
// delete those rules which are disabled (excluded) in the Specifications / Reaction table
// now that we generated the rules we can delete the reaction steps they're coming from
for (ReactionStep rs : newModel.getReactionSteps()) {
try {
// we invoke bngl just for the purpose of generating the xml file, which we'll then use to extract the symmetry factor
generateNetwork(transformedSimulationContext, fromReactions, mathMappingCallback);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
System.out.println("Finished RuleBased Transformer.");
use of cbit.vcell.model.Model.ModelParameter in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ModelOptimizationSpec method calculateTimeDependentModelObjects.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (11/29/2005 5:10:51 PM)
* @return cbit.vcell.parser.SymbolTableEntry[]
public static SymbolTableEntry[] calculateTimeDependentModelObjects(SimulationContext simulationContext) {
Graph digraph = new Graph();
// add time
Model model = simulationContext.getModel();
Node timeNode = new Node("t", model.getTIME());
// add all species concentrations (that are not fixed with a constant initial condition).
SpeciesContextSpec[] scs = simulationContext.getReactionContext().getSpeciesContextSpecs();
for (int i = 0; scs != null && i < scs.length; i++) {
SpeciesContextSpecParameter initParam = scs[i].getInitialConditionParameter();
Expression iniExp = initParam == null ? null : initParam.getExpression();
if (!scs[i].isConstant() || (iniExp != null && !iniExp.isNumeric())) {
String speciesContextScopedName = scs[i].getSpeciesContext().getNameScope().getAbsoluteScopePrefix() + scs[i].getSpeciesContext().getName();
Node speciesContextNode = new Node(speciesContextScopedName, scs[i].getSpeciesContext());
digraph.addEdge(new Edge(speciesContextNode, timeNode));
// add all model (global) parameters that are not simple constants
ModelParameter[] modelParams = model.getModelParameters();
for (int i = 0; modelParams != null && i < modelParams.length; i++) {
Expression exp = modelParams[i].getExpression();
if (exp != null) {
String[] symbols = exp.getSymbols();
if (symbols != null && symbols.length > 0) {
// add parameter to graph as a node (if not already there).
String parameterScopedName = modelParams[i].getNameScope().getAbsoluteScopePrefix() + modelParams[i].getName();
Node parameterNode = digraph.getNode(parameterScopedName);
if (parameterNode == null) {
parameterNode = new Node(parameterScopedName, modelParams[i]);
for (int k = 0; symbols != null && k < symbols.length; k++) {
SymbolTableEntry ste = exp.getSymbolBinding(symbols[k]);
if (ste == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error, symbol '" + symbols[k] + "' not bound in parameter '" + modelParams[i].getName() + "'");
String symbolScopedName = ste.getNameScope().getAbsoluteScopePrefix() + ste.getName();
Node symbolNode = digraph.getNode(symbolScopedName);
if (symbolNode == null) {
symbolNode = new Node(symbolScopedName, ste);
digraph.addEdge(new Edge(parameterNode, symbolNode));
// add all reaction parameters that are not simple constants
ReactionStep[] reactionSteps = model.getReactionSteps();
for (int i = 0; reactionSteps != null && i < reactionSteps.length; i++) {
Parameter[] parameters = reactionSteps[i].getKinetics().getKineticsParameters();
for (int j = 0; parameters != null && j < parameters.length; j++) {
Expression exp = parameters[j].getExpression();
if (exp != null) {
String[] symbols = exp.getSymbols();
if (symbols != null && symbols.length > 0) {
// add parameter to graph as a node (if not already there).
String parameterScopedName = parameters[j].getNameScope().getAbsoluteScopePrefix() + parameters[j].getName();
Node parameterNode = digraph.getNode(parameterScopedName);
if (parameterNode == null) {
parameterNode = new Node(parameterScopedName, parameters[j]);
for (int k = 0; symbols != null && k < symbols.length; k++) {
SymbolTableEntry ste = exp.getSymbolBinding(symbols[k]);
if (ste == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error, symbol '" + symbols[k] + "' not bound in parameter '" + parameters[j].getName() + "'");
String symbolScopedName = ste.getNameScope().getAbsoluteScopePrefix() + ste.getName();
Node symbolNode = digraph.getNode(symbolScopedName);
if (symbolNode == null) {
symbolNode = new Node(symbolScopedName, ste);
digraph.addEdge(new Edge(parameterNode, symbolNode));
for (Structure structure : model.getStructures()) {
if (structure instanceof Membrane && ((MembraneMapping) simulationContext.getGeometryContext().getStructureMapping(structure)).getCalculateVoltage()) {
MembraneVoltage membraneVoltage = ((Membrane) structure).getMembraneVoltage();
String membraneVoltageScopedName = membraneVoltage.getNameScope().getAbsoluteScopePrefix() + membraneVoltage.getName();
Node membraneVoltageNode = digraph.getNode(membraneVoltageScopedName);
if (membraneVoltageNode == null) {
membraneVoltageNode = new Node(membraneVoltageScopedName, membraneVoltage);
digraph.addEdge(new Edge(membraneVoltageNode, timeNode));
Node[] timeDependentNodes = digraph.getDigraphAttractorSet(timeNode);
SymbolTableEntry[] steArray = new SymbolTableEntry[timeDependentNodes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < steArray.length; i++) {
steArray[i] = (SymbolTableEntry) timeDependentNodes[i].getData();
return steArray;
use of cbit.vcell.model.Model.ModelParameter in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ReactionRulePropertiesTableModel method setValueAt.
public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
Object o = getValueAt(rowIndex);
if (!(o instanceof Parameter)) {
Parameter parameter = (Parameter) o;
// try {
switch(columnIndex) {
try {
if (aValue instanceof String) {
String newName = (String) aValue;
if (!parameter.getName().equals(newName)) {
if (parameter instanceof LocalParameter) {
reactionRule.getKineticLaw().renameParameter(parameter.getName(), newName);
} else if (parameter instanceof LocalProxyParameter) {
fireTableRowsUpdated(rowIndex, rowIndex);
} catch (ExpressionException e) {
PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Error changing parameter name:\n" + e.getMessage());
} catch (PropertyVetoException e) {
PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Error changing parameter name:\n" + e.getMessage());
if (aValue.equals(Boolean.FALSE)) {
// check box has been <unset> (<true> to <false>) : change param from global to local
if ((parameter instanceof LocalProxyParameter) && ((((LocalProxyParameter) parameter).getTarget() instanceof Model.ReservedSymbol) || (((LocalProxyParameter) parameter).getTarget() instanceof SpeciesContext) || (((LocalProxyParameter) parameter).getTarget() instanceof ModelQuantity))) {
PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Parameter : \'" + parameter.getName() + "\' is a " + ((LocalProxyParameter) parameter).getTarget().getClass() + " in the model; cannot convert it to a local kinetic parameter.");
} else {
try {
reactionRule.getKineticLaw().convertParameterType(parameter, false);
} catch (PropertyVetoException pve) {
PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Unable to convert parameter : \'" + parameter.getName() + "\' to local kinetics parameter : " + pve.getMessage());
} catch (ExpressionBindingException e) {
PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Unable to convert parameter : \'" + parameter.getName() + "\' to local kinetics parameter : " + e.getMessage());
} else {
// check box has been <set> (<false> to <true>) : change param from local to global
if ((parameter instanceof LocalParameter) && (((LocalParameter) parameter).getRole() != RbmKineticLaw.RbmKineticLawParameterType.UserDefined)) {
PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Parameter : \'" + parameter.getName() + "\' is a pre-defined kinetics parameter (not user-defined); cannot convert it to a model level (global) parameter.");
} else {
ModelParameter mp = reactionRule.getModel().getModelParameter(parameter.getName());
// model already had the model parameter 'param', but check if 'param' value is different from
// model parameter with same name. If it is, the local value will be overridden by global (model) param
// value, and user should be warned.
String choice = "Ok";
if (mp != null && !(mp.getExpression().compareEqual(parameter.getExpression()))) {
String msgStr = "Model already has a global parameter named : \'" + parameter.getName() + "\'; with value = \'" + mp.getExpression().infix() + "\'; This local parameter \'" + parameter.getName() + "\' with value = \'" + parameter.getExpression().infix() + "\' will be overridden by the global value. \nPress \'Ok' to override " + "local value with global value of \'" + parameter.getName() + "\'. \nPress \'Cancel\' to retain new local value.";
choice = PopupGenerator.showWarningDialog(ownerTable, msgStr, new String[] { "Ok", "Cancel" }, "Ok");
if (choice.equals("Ok")) {
try {
// Now 'parameter' is a local kinetic parameter. If it is not numeric, and if its expression
// contains other local kinetic parameters, warn user that 'parameter' cannot be promoted because
// of its expression containing other local parameters.
boolean bPromoteable = true;
if (!parameter.getExpression().isNumeric()) {
String[] symbols = parameter.getExpression().getSymbols();
for (int i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) {
if (reactionRule.getKineticLaw().getLocalParameter(symbols[i]) != null) {
PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Parameter \'" + parameter.getName() + "\' contains other local kinetic parameters; Cannot convert it to global until the referenced parameters are global.");
bPromoteable = false;
if (bPromoteable) {
reactionRule.getKineticLaw().convertParameterType(parameter, true);
} catch (PropertyVetoException pve) {
PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Cannot convert parameter \'" + parameter.getName() + "\' to global parameter : " + pve.getMessage());
} catch (ExpressionBindingException e) {
PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Cannot convert parameter \'" + parameter.getName() + "\' to global parameter : " + e.getMessage());
fireTableRowsUpdated(rowIndex, rowIndex);
try {
if (aValue instanceof ScopedExpression) {
// }
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected value type ScopedExpression");
} else if (aValue instanceof String) {
String newExpressionString = (String) aValue;
if (parameter instanceof LocalParameter) {
LocalParameter localParameter = (LocalParameter) parameter;
reactionRule.getKineticLaw().setParameterValue(localParameter, new Expression(newExpressionString), true);
} else if (parameter instanceof LocalProxyParameter) {
parameter.setExpression(new Expression(newExpressionString));
fireTableRowsUpdated(rowIndex, rowIndex);
} catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {
PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Error:\n" + e.getMessage());
} catch (ExpressionException e) {
PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Expression error:\n" + e.getMessage());
try {
if (aValue instanceof String && parameter instanceof LocalParameter && ((LocalParameter) parameter).getRole() == RbmKineticLaw.RbmKineticLawParameterType.UserDefined) {
String newUnitString = (String) aValue;
LocalParameter kineticsParm = (LocalParameter) parameter;
ModelUnitSystem modelUnitSystem = reactionRule.getModel().getUnitSystem();
if (!kineticsParm.getUnitDefinition().getSymbol().equals(newUnitString)) {
fireTableRowsUpdated(rowIndex, rowIndex);
} catch (VCUnitException e) {
PopupGenerator.showErrorDialog(ownerTable, "Error changing parameter unit:\n" + e.getMessage());
// }catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e){
// e.printStackTrace(System.out);
// }