use of cbit.vcell.model.Species in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class ViewObservablesMapPanel method updateShapeSpecies.
public void updateShapeSpecies(int selectedRow) {
GeneratedSpeciesTableRow speciesTableRow = speciesTableModel.getValueAt(selectedRow);
String inputString = speciesTableRow.getExpression();
// System.out.println(selectedRows[0] + ": " + inputString);
Model tempModel = null;
try {
tempModel = new Model("MyTempModel");
} catch (ModelException | PropertyVetoException e1) {
if (owner != null && owner.getSimulationContext() != null) {
List<MolecularType> mtList = owner.getSimulationContext().getModel().getRbmModelContainer().getMolecularTypeList();
try {
} catch (PropertyVetoException e1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected exception setting " + MolecularType.typeName + " list: " + e1.getMessage(), e1);
} else {
System.out.println("something is wrong, we just do nothing rather than crash");
try {
String strStructure = null;
if (inputString.contains(RbmUtils.SiteStruct)) {
// we are in the mode where we emulate compartments by adding the compartment name as a fake site
Pair<List<String>, String> p = RbmUtils.extractCompartment(inputString);
// we'll just assume there's only one, may want to throw exception if more
strStructure =;
inputString = p.two;
} else {
// should be the normal @comp:expression format - if it's not it will return null
strStructure = RbmUtils.parseCompartment(inputString, tempModel);
Structure structure;
if (strStructure != null) {
if (tempModel.getStructure(strStructure) == null) {
if (owner.getSimulationContext().getModel().getStructure(strStructure).getTypeName().equals(Structure.TYPE_NAME_MEMBRANE)) {
} else {
structure = tempModel.getStructure(strStructure);
} else {
structure = tempModel.getStructure(0);
SpeciesPattern sp = (SpeciesPattern) RbmUtils.parseSpeciesPattern(inputString, tempModel);
SpeciesContext sc = new SpeciesContext(new Species("a", ""), structure, sp);
spls = new SpeciesPatternLargeShape(20, 20, -1, sp, shapePanelSpecies, sc, issueManager);
} catch (ParseException | PropertyVetoException | ModelException e1) {
// error (red circle)
spls = new SpeciesPatternLargeShape(20, 20, -1, shapePanelSpecies, true, issueManager);
int xOffset = spls.getRightEnd() + 45;
Dimension preferredSize = new Dimension(xOffset + 90, 50);
use of cbit.vcell.model.Species in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class MathMapping_4_8 method refreshLocalNameCount.
protected void refreshLocalNameCount() {
ReactionStep[] reactionSteps = simContext.getModel().getReactionSteps();
for (int j = 0; j < reactionSteps.length; j++) {
KineticsParameter[] params = reactionSteps[j].getKinetics().getKineticsParameters();
for (KineticsParameter kp : params) {
String name = kp.getName();
if (localNameCountHash.containsKey(name)) {
localNameCountHash.put(name, localNameCountHash.get(name) + 1);
} else {
localNameCountHash.put(name, 1);
SpeciesContext[] scs = simContext.getModel().getSpeciesContexts();
for (SpeciesContext sc : scs) {
String name = sc.getName();
if (localNameCountHash.containsKey(name)) {
localNameCountHash.put(name, localNameCountHash.get(name) + 1);
} else {
localNameCountHash.put(name, 1);
Species[] ss = simContext.getModel().getSpecies();
for (Species s : ss) {
String name = s.getCommonName();
if (localNameCountHash.containsKey(name)) {
localNameCountHash.put(name, localNameCountHash.get(name) + 1);
} else {
localNameCountHash.put(name, 1);
ModelParameter[] mps = simContext.getModel().getModelParameters();
for (ModelParameter mp : mps) {
String name = mp.getName();
if (localNameCountHash.containsKey(name)) {
localNameCountHash.put(name, localNameCountHash.get(name) + 1);
} else {
localNameCountHash.put(name, 1);
use of cbit.vcell.model.Species in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class MembraneStructureAnalyzer method refreshResolvedFluxes.
* This method was created in VisualAge.
void refreshResolvedFluxes() throws Exception {
// System.out.println("MembraneStructureAnalyzer.refreshResolvedFluxes()");
GeometryContext geoContext = mathMapping_4_8.getSimulationContext().getGeometryContext();
StructureTopology structTopology = mathMapping_4_8.getSimulationContext().getModel().getStructureTopology();
Vector<ResolvedFlux> resolvedFluxList = new Vector<ResolvedFlux>();
// for each reaction, get all fluxReactions associated with this membrane
Vector<ReactionStep> fluxList = new Vector<ReactionStep>();
ReactionSpec[] reactionSpecs = mathMapping_4_8.getSimulationContext().getReactionContext().getReactionSpecs();
for (int j = 0; j < reactionSpecs.length; j++) {
if (reactionSpecs[j].isExcluded()) {
ReactionStep rs = reactionSpecs[j].getReactionStep();
if (rs.getStructure() == getMembrane()) {
if (rs instanceof FluxReaction) {
for (int i = 0; i < fluxList.size(); i++) {
FluxReaction fr = (FluxReaction) fluxList.elementAt(i);
Species fluxCarrier = null;
for (ReactionParticipant rp : fr.getReactionParticipants()) {
if (rp instanceof Reactant || rp instanceof Product) {
if (fluxCarrier == null) {
fluxCarrier = rp.getSpecies();
} else {
if (fluxCarrier != rp.getSpecies()) {
throw new Exception("Flux reaction '" + fr.getName() + "' with multiple species not allowed in VCell 4.8.");
if (fluxCarrier == null) {
ResolvedFlux rf = null;
for (int j = 0; j < resolvedFluxList.size(); j++) {
ResolvedFlux rf_tmp = (ResolvedFlux) resolvedFluxList.elementAt(j);
if (rf_tmp.getSpecies() == fluxCarrier) {
rf = rf_tmp;
// if "inside" speciesContext is not "fixed", add flux to ResolvedFlux
SpeciesContext insideSpeciesContext = mathMapping_4_8.getSimulationContext().getModel().getSpeciesContext(fluxCarrier, structTopology.getInsideFeature(getMembrane()));
SpeciesContextSpec insideSpeciesContextSpec = mathMapping_4_8.getSimulationContext().getReactionContext().getSpeciesContextSpec(insideSpeciesContext);
// if (!insideSpeciesContextSpec.isConstant()){
if (bNoFluxIfFixed || !insideSpeciesContextSpec.isConstant()) {
if (bNoFluxIfFixed && insideSpeciesContextSpec.isConstant()) {
bNoFluxIfFixedExercised = true;
if (rf == null) {
rf = new ResolvedFlux(fluxCarrier, fr.getKinetics().getKineticsParameterFromRole(Kinetics.ROLE_ReactionRate).getUnitDefinition());
FeatureMapping insideFeatureMapping = (FeatureMapping) geoContext.getStructureMapping((structTopology.getInsideFeature((Membrane) fr.getStructure())));
Expression residualVolumeFraction = mathMapping_4_8.getResidualVolumeFraction(insideFeatureMapping).renameBoundSymbols(mathMapping_4_8.getNameScope());
Expression insideFluxCorrection = Expression.invert(residualVolumeFraction);
if (bResolvedFluxCorrectionBug && !residualVolumeFraction.compareEqual(new Expression(1.0))) {
bResolvedFluxCorrectionBugExercised = true;
System.out.println("MembraneStructureAnalyzer.refreshResolvedFluxes() ... 'ResolvedFluxCorrection' bug compatability mode");
insideFluxCorrection = new Expression(1.0);
if (fr.getKinetics() instanceof DistributedKinetics) {
Expression reactionRateParameter = new Expression(((DistributedKinetics) fr.getKinetics()).getReactionRateParameter(), mathMapping_4_8.getNameScope());
if (rf.inFluxExpression.isZero()) {
rf.inFluxExpression = Expression.mult(reactionRateParameter, insideFluxCorrection).flatten();
} else {
rf.inFluxExpression = Expression.add(rf.inFluxExpression, Expression.mult(reactionRateParameter, insideFluxCorrection).flatten());
} else if (fr.getKinetics() instanceof LumpedKinetics) {
throw new RuntimeException("Lumped Kinetics for fluxes not yet supported");
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected Kinetic type in MembraneStructureAnalyzer.refreshResolvedFluxes()");
// rf.inFlux.bindExpression(mathMapping);
SpeciesContext outsideSpeciesContext = mathMapping_4_8.getSimulationContext().getModel().getSpeciesContext(fluxCarrier, structTopology.getOutsideFeature(getMembrane()));
SpeciesContextSpec outsideSpeciesContextSpec = mathMapping_4_8.getSimulationContext().getReactionContext().getSpeciesContextSpec(outsideSpeciesContext);
// if (!outsideSpeciesContextSpec.isConstant()){
if (bNoFluxIfFixed || !outsideSpeciesContextSpec.isConstant()) {
if (bNoFluxIfFixed && outsideSpeciesContextSpec.isConstant()) {
bNoFluxIfFixedExercised = true;
if (rf == null) {
rf = new ResolvedFlux(fluxCarrier, fr.getKinetics().getKineticsParameterFromRole(Kinetics.ROLE_ReactionRate).getUnitDefinition());
FeatureMapping outsideFeatureMapping = (FeatureMapping) geoContext.getStructureMapping(structTopology.getOutsideFeature((Membrane) fr.getStructure()));
Expression residualVolumeFraction = mathMapping_4_8.getResidualVolumeFraction(outsideFeatureMapping).renameBoundSymbols(mathMapping_4_8.getNameScope());
Expression outsideFluxCorrection = Expression.invert(residualVolumeFraction);
if (bResolvedFluxCorrectionBug && !residualVolumeFraction.compareEqual(new Expression(1.0))) {
bResolvedFluxCorrectionBugExercised = true;
System.out.println("MembraneStructureAnalyzer.refreshResolvedFluxes() ... 'ResolvedFluxCorrection' bug compatability mode");
outsideFluxCorrection = new Expression(1.0);
if (fr.getKinetics() instanceof DistributedKinetics) {
Expression reactionRateParameter = new Expression(((DistributedKinetics) fr.getKinetics()).getReactionRateParameter(), mathMapping_4_8.getNameScope());
if (rf.outFluxExpression.isZero()) {
rf.outFluxExpression = Expression.mult(Expression.negate(reactionRateParameter), outsideFluxCorrection).flatten();
} else {
rf.outFluxExpression = Expression.add(rf.outFluxExpression, Expression.mult(Expression.negate(reactionRateParameter), outsideFluxCorrection).flatten());
} else if (fr.getKinetics() instanceof LumpedKinetics) {
throw new RuntimeException("Lumped Kinetics not yet supported for Flux Reaction: " + fr.getName());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected Kinetics type for Flux Reaction " + fr.getName());
// rf.outFlux.bindExpression(mathMapping);
// for each reaction, incorporate all reactionSteps involving binding with volumetric species
double kMoleValue = 1 / 602.0;
for (int i = 0; i < reactionSpecs.length; i++) {
if (reactionSpecs[i].isExcluded()) {
ReactionStep rs = reactionSpecs[i].getReactionStep();
if (rs.getStructure() == getMembrane()) {
if (rs instanceof SimpleReaction) {
SimpleReaction sr = (SimpleReaction) rs;
ReactionParticipant[] rp_Array = sr.getReactionParticipants();
for (int k = 0; k < rp_Array.length; k++) {
if (rp_Array[k] instanceof Reactant || rp_Array[k] instanceof Product) {
SpeciesContextSpec scs = mathMapping_4_8.getSimulationContext().getReactionContext().getSpeciesContextSpec(rp_Array[k].getSpeciesContext());
// if (rp_Array[k].getStructure() instanceof Feature && !scs.isConstant()){
if (rp_Array[k].getStructure() instanceof Feature && (bNoFluxIfFixed || !scs.isConstant())) {
if (bNoFluxIfFixed && scs.isConstant()) {
bNoFluxIfFixedExercised = true;
// for each Reactant or Product binding to this membrane...
// get ResolvedFlux for this species
ResolvedFlux rf = null;
for (int j = 0; j < resolvedFluxList.size(); j++) {
ResolvedFlux rf_tmp = (ResolvedFlux) resolvedFluxList.elementAt(j);
if (rf_tmp.getSpecies() == rp_Array[k].getSpecies()) {
rf = rf_tmp;
if (rf == null) {
rf = new ResolvedFlux(rp_Array[k].getSpecies(), sr.getKinetics().getKineticsParameterFromRole(Kinetics.ROLE_ReactionRate).getUnitDefinition());
Expression reactionRateExpression = getReactionRateExpression(sr, rp_Array[k]).renameBoundSymbols(mathMapping_4_8.getNameScope());
if (rp_Array[k].getStructure() == structTopology.getInsideFeature(getMembrane())) {
// for binding on inside, add to ResolvedFlux.inFlux
FeatureMapping insideFeatureMapping = (FeatureMapping) geoContext.getStructureMapping(structTopology.getInsideFeature(getMembrane()));
Expression residualVolumeFraction = mathMapping_4_8.getResidualVolumeFraction(insideFeatureMapping).renameBoundSymbols(mathMapping_4_8.getNameScope());
Expression insideFluxCorrection = Expression.div(new Expression(kMoleValue), residualVolumeFraction).flatten();
if (bResolvedFluxCorrectionBug && !residualVolumeFraction.compareEqual(new Expression(1.0))) {
bResolvedFluxCorrectionBugExercised = true;
System.out.println("MembraneStructureAnalyzer.refreshResolvedFluxes() ... 'ResolvedFluxCorrection' bug compatability mode");
insideFluxCorrection = new Expression(kMoleValue);
if (rf.inFluxExpression.isZero()) {
rf.inFluxExpression = Expression.mult(insideFluxCorrection, reactionRateExpression);
} else {
rf.inFluxExpression = Expression.add(rf.inFluxExpression, Expression.mult(insideFluxCorrection, reactionRateExpression));
// rf.inFlux.bindExpression(mathMapping);
} else if (rp_Array[k].getStructure() == structTopology.getOutsideFeature(getMembrane())) {
// for binding on outside, add to ResolvedFlux.outFlux
FeatureMapping outsideFeatureMapping = (FeatureMapping) geoContext.getStructureMapping(structTopology.getOutsideFeature(getMembrane()));
Expression residualVolumeFraction = mathMapping_4_8.getResidualVolumeFraction(outsideFeatureMapping).renameBoundSymbols(mathMapping_4_8.getNameScope());
Expression outsideFluxCorrection = Expression.div(new Expression(kMoleValue), residualVolumeFraction).flatten();
if (bResolvedFluxCorrectionBug && !residualVolumeFraction.compareEqual(new Expression(1.0))) {
bResolvedFluxCorrectionBugExercised = true;
System.out.println("MembraneStructureAnalyzer.refreshResolvedFluxes() ... 'ResolvedFluxCorrection' bug compatability mode");
outsideFluxCorrection = new Expression(kMoleValue);
if (rf.outFluxExpression.isZero()) {
rf.outFluxExpression = Expression.mult(outsideFluxCorrection, reactionRateExpression);
} else {
rf.outFluxExpression = Expression.add(rf.outFluxExpression, Expression.mult(outsideFluxCorrection, reactionRateExpression));
// rf.outFlux.bindExpression(mathMapping);
} else {
throw new Exception("SpeciesContext " + rp_Array[k].getSpeciesContext().getName() + " doesn't border membrane " + getMembrane().getName() + " but reacts there");
if (resolvedFluxList.size() > 0) {
resolvedFluxes = new ResolvedFlux[resolvedFluxList.size()];
} else {
resolvedFluxes = null;
use of cbit.vcell.model.Species in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class XmlReader method getSpecies.
* This method creates a Specie (Compound) object from an XML Element.
* Creation date: (3/15/2001 12:57:43 PM)
* @return cbit.vcell.model.Species
* @param param org.jdom.Element
private Species getSpecies(Element param) throws XmlParseException {
// get its data
String specieName = unMangle(param.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.NameAttrTag));
String specieAnnotation = null;
// the Annotation paramater can be optional
// String temp = param.getAttributeValue(XMLTags.AnnotationAttrTag);
// if (temp!=null && temp.length()!=0) {
// specieAnnotation = unMangle(temp);
// }
String annotationText = param.getChildText(XMLTags.AnnotationTag, vcNamespace);
if (annotationText != null && annotationText.length() > 0) {
specieAnnotation = unMangle(annotationText);
// create new Specie
Species newspecie = new Species(specieName, specieAnnotation);
// Try to read the DBSpecie data
Element dbspecieElement = param.getChild(XMLTags.DBSpeciesTag, vcNamespace);
if (dbspecieElement != null && this.readKeysFlag) {
// read the data
try {
} catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {
throw new XmlParseException(e);
return newspecie;
use of cbit.vcell.model.Species in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class XmlReader method getModel.
* This method creates a Model object from a XML element.
* Creation date: (3/14/2001 6:14:37 PM)
* @return cbit.vcell.model.Model
* @param param org.jdom.Element
private Model getModel(Element param) throws XmlParseException {
if (param == null) {
throw new XmlParseException("Invalid 'NULL' XML 'model' element arrived!");
// Get version, if any
Model newmodel = null;
Version version = getVersion(param.getChild(XMLTags.VersionTag, vcNamespace));
// if forcedModelUnitSystem has been set, ues that (could be overriding unit system for SBML export)
if (forcedModelUnitSystem != null) {
newmodel = new Model(version, forcedModelUnitSystem);
} else {
Element unitSystemNode = param.getChild(XMLTags.ModelUnitSystemTag, vcNamespace);
if (unitSystemNode != null) {
ModelUnitSystem modelUnitSystem = getUnitSystem(unitSystemNode);
newmodel = new Model(version, modelUnitSystem);
} else {
newmodel = new Model(version);
try {
// Set attributes
// Add annotation
String annotationText = param.getChildText(XMLTags.AnnotationTag, vcNamespace);
if (annotationText != null && annotationText.length() > 0) {
// Add global parameters
Element globalParamsElement = param.getChild(XMLTags.ModelParametersTag, vcNamespace);
if (globalParamsElement != null) {
ModelParameter[] modelParams = getModelParams(globalParamsElement, newmodel);
// add global/model param to model - done inside getModelParam by passing newModel
// Add Species (Compounds)
Iterator<Element> iterator = param.getChildren(XMLTags.SpeciesTag, vcNamespace).iterator();
ArrayList<Species> speciesList = new ArrayList<Species>();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
org.jdom.Element temp = (Element);
newmodel.setSpecies(speciesList.toArray(new Species[speciesList.size()]));
// Add Structures
LinkedList<Structure> newstructures = new LinkedList<Structure>();
// (features)
List<Element> children = param.getChildren(XMLTags.FeatureTag, vcNamespace);
for (Element featureElement : children) {
// (Membrane)
children = param.getChildren(XMLTags.MembraneTag, vcNamespace);
for (Element memElement : children) {
newstructures.add(getMembrane(newmodel, memElement, newstructures));
if (newstructures.size() > 0) {
Structure[] structarray = new Structure[newstructures.size()];
// Add all the retrieved structures
// retrieve the RbmModelContainer, if present - must be done before we retrieve species context!
Element element = param.getChild(XMLTags.RbmModelContainerTag, vcNamespace);
if (element != null) {
getRbmModelContainer(element, newmodel);
} else {"RbmModelContainer is missing.");
// Add SpeciesContexts
children = param.getChildren(XMLTags.SpeciesContextTag, vcNamespace);
SpeciesContext[] newspeccon = new SpeciesContext[children.size()];
int scCounter = 0;
for (Element scElement : children) {
newspeccon[scCounter] = getSpeciesContext(scElement, newmodel);
// Retrieve rateRules and add to model
// Element rateRuleVarsElement = param.getChild(XMLTags.RateRuleVariablesTag, vcNamespace);
// if(rateRuleVarsElement != null){
// RateRuleVariable[] rateRuleVars = getRateRuleVariables(rateRuleVarsElement, newmodel);
// newmodel.setRateRuleVariables(rateRuleVars);
// }
// Add Reaction steps (if available)
// (Simplereaction)
// Create a varHash with reserved symbols and global parameters, if any, to pass on to Kinetics
// must create new hash for each reaction and flux, since each kinetics uses new variables hash
iterator = param.getChildren(XMLTags.SimpleReactionTag, vcNamespace).iterator();
ArrayList<ReactionStep> reactionStepList = new ArrayList<ReactionStep>();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
org.jdom.Element temp =;
reactionStepList.add(getSimpleReaction(temp, newmodel));
// (fluxStep)
iterator = param.getChildren(XMLTags.FluxStepTag, vcNamespace).iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
org.jdom.Element temp =;
reactionStepList.add(getFluxReaction(temp, newmodel));
newmodel.setReactionSteps(reactionStepList.toArray(new ReactionStep[reactionStepList.size()]));
// Add Diagrams
children = param.getChildren(XMLTags.DiagramTag, vcNamespace);
if (children.size() > 0) {
Diagram[] newdiagrams = new Diagram[children.size()];
int diagramCounter = 0;
for (Element diagramElement : children) {
newdiagrams[diagramCounter] = getDiagram(diagramElement, newmodel);
reorderDiagramsInPlace_UponRead(docVCellSoftwareVersion, newdiagrams, newmodel.getStructureTopology());
// if(docVCellSoftwareVersion != null && !docVCellSoftwareVersion.isValid() && docVCellSoftwareVersion.getMajorVersion()<=5 && docVCellSoftwareVersion.getMinorVersion() <=2){
// //In Vcell 5.2 and previous we need to order diagrams topologically, in 5.3 and later the diagrams are displayed as they are ordered when read from document
// final StructureTopology structureTopology = newmodel.getStructureTopology();
// Arrays.sort(newdiagrams, new Comparator<Diagram>() {
// @Override
// public int compare(Diagram o1, Diagram o2) {
// return getStructureLevel(o1.getStructure(), structureTopology) - getStructureLevel(o2.getStructure(), structureTopology);
// }
// });
// }
} catch (java.beans.PropertyVetoException e) {
throw new XmlParseException(e);
} catch (ModelException e) {
// model param expresions are not bound when they are read in, since they could be functions of each other or structures/speciesContexts.
// Hence bind the model param exprs at the end, after reading all model level quantities.
ModelParameter[] modelParameters = newmodel.getModelParameters();
for (int i = 0; modelParameters != null && i < modelParameters.length; i++) {
try {
} catch (ExpressionBindingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error binding global parameter '" + modelParameters[i].getName() + "' to model." + e.getMessage());
return newmodel;