use of cbit.vcell.solver.SimulationSymbolTable in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class SimulationWorkspace method checkSimulationParameters.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (5/11/2004 2:57:10 PM)
* @return boolean
* @param simulation cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation
private static boolean checkSimulationParameters(Simulation simulation, Component parent) {
SimulationSymbolTable simSymbolTable = new SimulationSymbolTable(simulation, 0);
String errorMessage = null;
long maxTimepoints = Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_NON_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS;
long warningTimepoints = Simulation.WARNING_NON_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS;
boolean bSpatial = simulation.isSpatial();
if (bSpatial) {
maxTimepoints = Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS;
warningTimepoints = Simulation.WARNING_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS;
long maxSizeBytes = megabytesToBytes(Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_0DE_MEGABYTES);
long warningSizeBytes = megabytesToBytes(Simulation.WARNING_0DE_MEGABYTES);
if (bSpatial) {
maxSizeBytes = megabytesToBytes(Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_PDE_MEGABYTES);
warningSizeBytes = megabytesToBytes(Simulation.WARNING_PDE_MEGABYTES);
} else if (simulation.getMathDescription().isNonSpatialStoch()) {
maxSizeBytes = megabytesToBytes(Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_STOCH_MEGABYTES);
warningSizeBytes = megabytesToBytes(Simulation.WARNING_STOCH_MEGABYTES);
long expectedNumTimePoints = getExpectedNumTimePoints(simulation);
long expectedSizeBytes = getExpectedSizeBytes(simSymbolTable);
// check for error conditions (hard limits on resources) ... Note: each user should have it's own limits (and quotas).
SolverTaskDescription solverTaskDescription = simulation.getSolverTaskDescription();
SolverDescription solverDescription = solverTaskDescription.getSolverDescription();
if (expectedNumTimePoints > maxTimepoints) {
errorMessage = "Errors in Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The simulation has too many timepoints (" + expectedNumTimePoints + ") to be saved, which has exceeded our limit.\n\n" + "maximum saving timepoints limits are:\n" + " " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_NON_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS + " for compartmental simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS + " for spatial simulations\n" + "suggested saving timepoints limits are:\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_NON_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS + " for compartmental simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS + " for spatial simulations\n" + "Try saving fewer timepoints\n" + "If you need to exceed the quota, please contact us";
// not used for multiple stochastic run
if (solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt() != null && solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt().getNumOfTrials() > 1) {
errorMessage = null;
} else if (expectedSizeBytes > maxSizeBytes) {
errorMessage = "Errors in Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The simulation's result dataset (" + CodeUtil.humanBytePrint(expectedSizeBytes) + ") is too large, which has exceeded our limit.\n\n" + "maximum size limits are:\n" + " " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_0DE_MEGABYTES + " MB for compartmental ODE simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_PDE_MEGABYTES + " MB for spatial simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_STOCH_MEGABYTES + " MB for compartmental stochastic simulations\n" + "suggested size limits are:\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_0DE_MEGABYTES + " MB for compartmental ODE simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_PDE_MEGABYTES + " MB for spatial simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_STOCH_MEGABYTES + " MB for compartmental stochastic simulations\n" + "Try saving fewer timepoints or using a smaller mesh (if spatial)\n" + "If you need to exceed the quota, please contact us";
// not used for multiple stochastic run
if (solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt() != null && solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt().getNumOfTrials() > 1) {
errorMessage = null;
} else if (simulation.getScanCount() > Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_SCAN_JOBS) {
errorMessage = "Errors in Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The simulation generates too many simulations (" + simulation.getScanCount() + ") required for parameter scan, which has exceeded our limit.\n\n" + "maximum number of parameter sets is: " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_SCAN_JOBS + " \n" + "suggested limit for number of parameter sets is: " + Simulation.WARNING_SCAN_JOBS + " \n" + "Try choosing fewer parameters or reducing the size of scan for each parameter.";
// not used for multiple stochastic run
if (simulation.getMathDescription().isNonSpatialStoch() && solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt() != null && solverTaskDescription.getStochOpt().getNumOfTrials() > 1) {
errorMessage = null;
} else if (solverDescription.equals(SolverDescription.SundialsPDE)) {
if (solverTaskDescription.getOutputTimeSpec().isDefault()) {
DefaultOutputTimeSpec dot = (DefaultOutputTimeSpec) solverTaskDescription.getOutputTimeSpec();
int maxNumberOfSteps = dot.getKeepEvery() * dot.getKeepAtMost();
double maximumTimeStep = solverTaskDescription.getTimeStep().getMaximumTimeStep();
double maxSimTime = maxNumberOfSteps * maximumTimeStep;
double endingTime = solverTaskDescription.getTimeBounds().getEndingTime();
if (maxSimTime < endingTime) {
errorMessage = "Errors in Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The maximum possible simulation time (keepEvery * maxTimestep * keepAtMost = " + maxSimTime + ") is less than simulation end time (" + endingTime + ").\n\n" + "You have chosen a variable time step solver and specified a maximum number of time steps of " + maxNumberOfSteps + " (keepEvery*keepAtMost). " + "Actual time steps are often small, but even if all steps were at the maximum time step of " + maximumTimeStep + ", the simulation end time of " + endingTime + " would not be reached. \n\n" + "Either adjust the parameters or choose the \"Output Interval\" option.";
} else if (simulation.getMathDescription().isNonSpatialStoch() && !(solverDescription.isNonSpatialStochasticSolver())) {
// to guarantee stochastic model uses stochastic methods and deterministic model uses ODE/PDE methods.
errorMessage = "Errors in Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "Stochastic simulation(s) must use stochastic solver(s).\n" + solverDescription.getDisplayLabel() + " is not a stochastic solver!";
} else if (!simulation.getMathDescription().isNonSpatialStoch() && (solverDescription.isNonSpatialStochasticSolver())) {
errorMessage = "Errors in Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "ODE/PDE simulation(s) must use ODE/PDE solver(s).\n" + solverDescription.getDisplayLabel() + " is not a ODE/PDE solver!";
} else if (simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getSolverDescription().isChomboSolver()) {
MeshSpecification meshSpecification = simulation.getMeshSpecification();
boolean bCellCentered = simulation.hasCellCenteredMesh();
if (meshSpecification != null && !meshSpecification.isAspectRatioOK(1e-4, bCellCentered)) {
errorMessage = "Non uniform spatial step is detected. This will affect the accuracy of the solution.\n\n" + "\u0394x=" + meshSpecification.getDx(bCellCentered) + "\n" + "\u0394y=" + meshSpecification.getDy(bCellCentered) + (meshSpecification.getGeometry().getDimension() < 3 ? "" : "\n\u0394z=" + meshSpecification.getDz(bCellCentered));
} else {
errorMessage = null;
if (errorMessage != null) {
DialogUtils.showErrorDialog(parent, errorMessage);
return false;
} else if (simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getSolverDescription().isChomboSolver()) {
Geometry geometry = simulation.getMathDescription().getGeometry();
ChomboMeshValidator meshValidator = new ChomboMeshValidator(geometry, simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getChomboSolverSpec());
ChomboMeshRecommendation chomboMeshRecommendation = meshValidator.computeMeshSpecs();
boolean bValid = chomboMeshRecommendation.validate();
if (!bValid) {
String option = DialogUtils.showWarningDialog(parent, "Error", chomboMeshRecommendation.getErrorMessage(), chomboMeshRecommendation.getDialogOptions(), ChomboMeshRecommendation.optionClose);
if (ChomboMeshRecommendation.optionSuggestions.equals(option)) {
DialogUtils.showInfoDialog(parent, ChomboMeshRecommendation.optionSuggestions, chomboMeshRecommendation.getMeshSuggestions());
return bValid;
} else {
String warningMessage = null;
// don't check warning message for stochastic multiple trials, let it run.
if (simulation.getMathDescription().isNonSpatialStoch() && simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getStochOpt() != null && simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getStochOpt().getNumOfTrials() > 1) {
return true;
if (expectedNumTimePoints > warningTimepoints) {
warningMessage = "Warnings from Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The simulation has large number of saving timepoints (" + expectedNumTimePoints + "), suggested saving timepoints limits are:\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_NON_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS + " for compartmental simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_SPATIAL_TIMEPOINTS + " for spatial simulations\n" + "Try saving fewer timepoints";
} else if (expectedSizeBytes > warningSizeBytes) {
warningMessage = "Warnings from Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The simulation has large result dataset (" + (expectedSizeBytes / 1000000L) + "MB), suggested size limits are:\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_0DE_MEGABYTES + " MB for compartmental ODE simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_PDE_MEGABYTES + " MB for spatial simulations\n" + " " + Simulation.WARNING_STOCH_MEGABYTES + " MB for compartmental stochastic simulations\n" + "Try saving fewer timepoints or using a coarser mesh if spatial.";
} else if (simulation.getScanCount() > Simulation.WARNING_SCAN_JOBS) {
warningMessage = "Warnings from Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "The simulation generates a large number of simulations (" + simulation.getScanCount() + ") required for parameter scan.\n" + "maximum number of parameter sets is: " + Simulation.MAX_LIMIT_SCAN_JOBS + " \n" + "suggested limit for the number of parameter sets is: " + Simulation.WARNING_SCAN_JOBS + " \n" + "Try choosing fewer parameters or reducing the size of scan for each parameter.";
if (solverDescription.equals(SolverDescription.SundialsPDE)) {
if (solverTaskDescription.getErrorTolerance().getRelativeErrorTolerance() > 1e-4) {
String msg = "Warnings from Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "Warning: it is not reccomended to use a relative tolerance that is greater than \n1e-4 for " + solverDescription.getDisplayLabel() + ".";
warningMessage = warningMessage == null ? msg : warningMessage + "\n\n" + msg;
} else if (solverDescription.isSemiImplicitPdeSolver()) {
if (solverTaskDescription.getErrorTolerance().getRelativeErrorTolerance() > 1e-8) {
String msg = "Warnings from Simulation: '" + simulation.getName() + "'!\n" + "Warning: it is not reccomended to use a relative tolerance that is greater than \n1e-8 for " + solverDescription.getDisplayLabel() + ".";
warningMessage = warningMessage == null ? msg : warningMessage + "\n\n" + msg;
MeshSpecification meshSpecification = simulation.getMeshSpecification();
boolean bCellCentered = simulation.hasCellCenteredMesh();
if (meshSpecification != null && !meshSpecification.isAspectRatioOK(bCellCentered)) {
warningMessage = (warningMessage == null ? "" : warningMessage + "\n\n") + "Non uniform spatial step is detected. This might affect the accuracy of the solution.\n\n" + "\u0394x=" + meshSpecification.getDx(bCellCentered) + "\n" + "\u0394y=" + meshSpecification.getDy(bCellCentered) + (meshSpecification.getGeometry().getDimension() < 3 ? "" : "\n\u0394z=" + meshSpecification.getDz(bCellCentered));
if (warningMessage != null) {
String result = DialogUtils.showWarningDialog(parent, warningMessage + "\n\nDo you want to continue anyway?", new String[] { UserMessage.OPTION_OK, UserMessage.OPTION_CANCEL }, UserMessage.OPTION_OK);
return (result != null && result.equals(UserMessage.OPTION_OK));
} else {
return true;
use of cbit.vcell.solver.SimulationSymbolTable in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class FRAPStudyPanel method refreshPDEDisplay.
protected void refreshPDEDisplay(DisplayChoice choice) throws Exception {
Simulation sim = null;
FRAPStudy fStudy = getFrapWorkspace().getWorkingFrapStudy();
if (fStudy == null || fStudy.getBioModel() == null || fStudy.getBioModel().getSimulations() == null || fStudy.getBioModel().getSimulations().length < 1) {
sim = fStudy.getBioModel().getSimulations()[0];
FieldFunctionArguments[] fieldFunctionArgs = FieldUtilities.getFieldFunctionArguments(sim.getMathDescription());
FieldDataIdentifierSpec[] fieldDataIdentifierSpecs = new FieldDataIdentifierSpec[fieldFunctionArgs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < fieldDataIdentifierSpecs.length; i++) {
fieldDataIdentifierSpecs[i] = new FieldDataIdentifierSpec(fieldFunctionArgs[i], fStudy.getFrapDataExternalDataInfo().getExternalDataIdentifier());
PDEDataViewer flourViewer = getFlourDataViewer();
PDEDataManager dataManager = null;
if (choice == DisplayChoice.EXTTIMEDATA) {
flourViewer.setDataIdentifierFilter(new DataIdentifierFilter() {
private String ALL_DATAIDENTIFIERS = "All";
private String EXP_NORM_FLUOR = "Exp. Norm. Fluor";
private String SIM_NORM_FLUOR = "Sim. Norm. Fluor";
private String DEFAULT_VIEW = "Default View (more...)";
private String[] filterSetNames = new String[] { ALL_DATAIDENTIFIERS, EXP_NORM_FLUOR, SIM_NORM_FLUOR, DEFAULT_VIEW };
public boolean accept(String filterSetName, List<AnnotatedFunction> myFunctionList, DataIdentifier dataidentifier) {
if (filterSetName.equals(ALL_DATAIDENTIFIERS)) {
return true;
} else if (filterSetName.equals(EXP_NORM_FLUOR)) {
return dataidentifier.getName().indexOf(NORM_FLUOR_VAR) != -1;
} else if (filterSetName.equals(SIM_NORM_FLUOR)) {
boolean a = (dataidentifier.getName().indexOf(REACTION_RATE_PREFIX) == -1) && ((dataidentifier.getName().indexOf(FRAPStudy.SPECIES_NAME_PREFIX_COMBINED) != -1) || (dataidentifier.getName().indexOf(FRAPStudy.SPECIES_NAME_PREFIX_IMMOBILE) != -1) || (dataidentifier.getName().indexOf(FRAPStudy.SPECIES_NAME_PREFIX_MOBILE) != -1) || (dataidentifier.getName().indexOf(FRAPStudy.SPECIES_NAME_PREFIX_SLOW_MOBILE) != -1));
return a;
} else if (filterSetName.equals(DEFAULT_VIEW)) {
boolean a = (dataidentifier.getName().indexOf(REACTION_RATE_PREFIX) == -1) && ((dataidentifier.getName().indexOf(NORM_FLUOR_VAR) != -1) || (dataidentifier.getName().indexOf(NORM_SIM_VAR) != -1));
return a;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("DataIdentifierFilter: Unknown filterSetName " + filterSetName);
public String getDefaultFilterName() {
public String[] getFilterSetNames() {
return filterSetNames;
public boolean isAcceptAll(String filterSetName) {
return filterSetName.equals(ALL_DATAIDENTIFIERS);
public void setPostProcessingMode(boolean bPostProcessingMode) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public boolean isPostProcessingMode() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;
public ArrayList<DataIdentifier> accept(String filterSetName, List<AnnotatedFunction> myFunctionList, DataIdentifier[] dataidentifiers) {
if (filterSetName.equals(DEFAULT_VIEW)) {
ArrayList<DataIdentifier> dataIds = new ArrayList<>();
if (dataidentifiers != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < dataidentifiers.length; i++) {
return dataIds;
throw new RuntimeException("Not Implemented for FRAP");
ExternalDataIdentifier timeSeriesExtDataID = fStudy.getFrapDataExternalDataInfo().getExternalDataIdentifier();
ExternalDataIdentifier maskExtDataID = fStudy.getRoiExternalDataInfo().getExternalDataIdentifier();
// add sim
int jobIndex = 0;
SimulationJob simJob = new SimulationJob(sim, jobIndex, fieldDataIdentifierSpecs);
// add function to display normalized fluorence data
Norm_Exp_Fluor = new Expression(Norm_Exp_Fluor_Str);
SimulationSymbolTable simSymbolTable = simJob.getSimulationSymbolTable();
if (// one diffusing component
simSymbolTable.getVariable(FRAPStudy.SPECIES_NAME_PREFIX_SLOW_MOBILE) == null) {
Norm_Sim = new Expression(Norm_Sim_One_Diff_Str);
} else // two diffusing components
Norm_Sim = new Expression(Norm_Sim_Two_Diff_Str);
AnnotatedFunction[] func = { new AnnotatedFunction(NORM_FLUOR_VAR, Norm_Exp_Fluor, null, null, VariableType.VOLUME, FunctionCategory.OLDUSERDEFINED), new AnnotatedFunction(NORM_SIM_VAR, Norm_Sim, null, null, VariableType.VOLUME, FunctionCategory.OLDUSERDEFINED) };
VCDataIdentifier[] dataIDs = new VCDataIdentifier[] { timeSeriesExtDataID, maskExtDataID, simJob.getVCDataIdentifier() };
VCDataIdentifier vcDataId = new MergedDataInfo(LocalWorkspace.getDefaultOwner(), dataIDs, FRAPStudy.VFRAP_DS_PREFIX);
outputContext = new OutputContext(func);
dataManager = new PDEDataManager(outputContext, getLocalWorkspace().getVCDataManager(), vcDataId);
ClientPDEDataContext pdeDataContext = new ClientPDEDataContext(dataManager);
SimulationModelInfo simModelInfo = new SimulationWorkspaceModelInfo(fStudy.getBioModel().getSimulationContext(sim), sim.getName());
((VirtualFrapWindowManager) flourViewer.getDataViewerManager()).setLocalWorkSpace(getLocalWorkspace());
// do now show post data processing for VFRAP
use of cbit.vcell.solver.SimulationSymbolTable in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class MathOverridesTableModel method updateKeys.
private void updateKeys(MathOverrides mathOverrides) {
fieldKeys = new String[0];
if (mathOverrides != null) {
if (getEditable()) {
// show all
fieldKeys = mathOverrides.getAllConstantNames();
} else {
// summary, show only overriden ones
fieldKeys = mathOverrides.getOverridenConstantNames();
simSymbolTable = new SimulationSymbolTable(getMathOverrides().getSimulation(), 0);
use of cbit.vcell.solver.SimulationSymbolTable in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class TestingFrameworkWindowManager method generateTestCriteriaReport.
* Insert the method's description here.
* Creation date: (8/18/2003 5:36:47 PM)
private String generateTestCriteriaReport(TestCaseNew testCase, TestCriteriaNew testCriteria, Simulation testSim, TFGenerateReport.VCDocumentAndSimInfo userSelectedRefSimInfo) /*,VCDocument refDoc,VCDocument testDocument*/
if (testSim.getScanCount() != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("paramater scan is not supported in Math Testing Framework");
SimulationSymbolTable simSymbolTable = new SimulationSymbolTable(testSim, 0);
String simReportStatus = null;
String simReportStatusMessage = null;
StringBuffer reportTCBuffer = new StringBuffer();
VariableComparisonSummary[] failVarSummaries = null;
VariableComparisonSummary[] allVarSummaries = null;
double absErr = 0;
double relErr = 0;
if (testCriteria != null) {
absErr = testCriteria.getMaxAbsError().doubleValue();
relErr = testCriteria.getMaxRelError().doubleValue();
try {
VCDocument testDoc = null;
if (testCase instanceof TestCaseNewMathModel) {
MathModelInfo mmInfo = ((TestCaseNewMathModel) testCase).getMathModelInfo();
MathModel mathModel = getRequestManager().getDocumentManager().getMathModel(mmInfo);
testDoc = mathModel;
} else if (testCase instanceof TestCaseNewBioModel) {
TestCaseNewBioModel bioTestCase = (TestCaseNewBioModel) testCase;
// bioTestCase.
BioModelInfo bmInfo = bioTestCase.getBioModelInfo();
BioModel bioModel = getRequestManager().getDocumentManager().getBioModel(bmInfo);
testDoc = bioModel;
TFGenerateReport.VCDocumentAndSimInfo refVCDocumentAndSimInfo = null;
if (userSelectedRefSimInfo == null) {
SimulationInfo refSimInfo = testCriteria.getRegressionSimInfo();
if (refSimInfo != null) {
VCDocument refDoc = null;
if (testCriteria instanceof TestCriteriaNewMathModel) {
MathModelInfo mmInfo = ((TestCriteriaNewMathModel) testCriteria).getRegressionMathModelInfo();
MathModel mathModel = getRequestManager().getDocumentManager().getMathModel(mmInfo);
refDoc = mathModel;
} else if (testCriteria instanceof TestCriteriaNewBioModel) {
BioModelInfo bmInfo = ((TestCriteriaNewBioModel) testCriteria).getRegressionBioModelInfo();
BioModel bioModel = getRequestManager().getDocumentManager().getBioModel(bmInfo);
refDoc = bioModel;
refVCDocumentAndSimInfo = new TFGenerateReport.VCDocumentAndSimInfo(refSimInfo, refDoc);
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\t" + testSim.getName() + (refVCDocumentAndSimInfo != null ? " (Using TestCrit RegrRefSim)" : "") + " : " + "\n");
} else {
refVCDocumentAndSimInfo = userSelectedRefSimInfo;
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\t" + testSim.getName() + " (Using UserDefined RegrRefSim '" + userSelectedRefSimInfo.getSimInfo().getAuthoritativeVCSimulationIdentifier() + "') : " + "\n");
if (testCase.getType().equals(TestCaseNew.REGRESSION) && refVCDocumentAndSimInfo == null) {
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\t\tNo reference SimInfo, SimInfoKey=" + testCriteria.getSimInfo().getVersion().getName() + ". Cannot perform Regression Test!\n");
simReportStatus = TestCriteriaNew.TCRIT_STATUS_NOREFREGR;
} else {
VCDataIdentifier vcdID = new VCSimulationDataIdentifier(testSim.getSimulationInfo().getAuthoritativeVCSimulationIdentifier(), 0);
DataManager simDataManager = getRequestManager().getDataManager(null, vcdID, testSim.isSpatial());
double[] timeArray = null;
// can be histogram, so there won't be time array
try {
timeArray = simDataManager.getDataSetTimes();
} catch (Exception ex) {
NonspatialStochSimOptions stochOpt = testSim.getSolverTaskDescription().getStochOpt();
if ((stochOpt == null || stochOpt.getNumOfTrials() == 1) && (timeArray == null || timeArray.length == 0)) {
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\t\tNO DATA : Simulation not run yet.\n");
simReportStatus = TestCriteriaNew.TCRIT_STATUS_NODATA;
} else {
// SPATIAL simulation
if (testSim.getMathDescription().isSpatial()) {
PDEDataManager pdeDataManager = (PDEDataManager) simDataManager;
// Get EXACT solution if test case type is EXACT, Compare with numerical
if (testCase.getType().equals(TestCaseNew.EXACT) || testCase.getType().equals(TestCaseNew.EXACT_STEADY)) {
SimulationComparisonSummary simCompSummary = MathTestingUtilities.comparePDEResultsWithExact(simSymbolTable, pdeDataManager, testCase.getType(), testCriteria.getMaxAbsError(), testCriteria.getMaxRelError());
// Failed var summaries
failVarSummaries = simCompSummary.getFailingVariableComparisonSummaries(absErr, relErr);
allVarSummaries = simCompSummary.getVariableComparisonSummaries();
if (failVarSummaries.length > 0) {
simReportStatus = TestCriteriaNew.TCRIT_STATUS_FAILEDVARS;
// Failed simulation
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tTolerance test FAILED \n");
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tFailed Variables : \n");
for (int m = 0; m < failVarSummaries.length; m++) {
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\t\t" + failVarSummaries[m].toShortString() + "\n");
} else {
simReportStatus = TestCriteriaNew.TCRIT_STATUS_PASSED;
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tTolerance test PASSED \n");
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tPassed Variables : \n");
// Check if varSummary exists in failed summaries list. If not, simulation passed.
for (int m = 0; m < allVarSummaries.length; m++) {
if (!BeanUtils.arrayContains(failVarSummaries, allVarSummaries[m])) {
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\t\t" + allVarSummaries[m].toShortString() + "\n");
// Get CONSTRUCTED solution if test case type is CONSTRUCTED, Compare with numerical
} else if (testCase.getType().equals(TestCaseNew.CONSTRUCTED)) {
SimulationComparisonSummary simCompSummary = MathTestingUtilities.comparePDEResultsWithExact(simSymbolTable, pdeDataManager, testCase.getType(), testCriteria.getMaxAbsError(), testCriteria.getMaxRelError());
// Failed var summaries
failVarSummaries = simCompSummary.getFailingVariableComparisonSummaries(absErr, relErr);
allVarSummaries = simCompSummary.getVariableComparisonSummaries();
if (failVarSummaries.length > 0) {
simReportStatus = TestCriteriaNew.TCRIT_STATUS_FAILEDVARS;
// Failed simulation
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tTolerance test FAILED \n");
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tFailed Variables : \n");
for (int m = 0; m < failVarSummaries.length; m++) {
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\t\t" + failVarSummaries[m].toShortString() + "\n");
} else {
simReportStatus = TestCriteriaNew.TCRIT_STATUS_PASSED;
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tTolerance test PASSED \n");
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tPassed Variables : \n");
// Check if varSummary exists in failed summaries list. If not, simulation passed.
for (int m = 0; m < allVarSummaries.length; m++) {
if (!BeanUtils.arrayContains(failVarSummaries, allVarSummaries[m])) {
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\t\t" + allVarSummaries[m].toShortString() + "\n");
} else if (testCase.getType().equals(TestCaseNew.REGRESSION)) {
Simulation refSim = ((ClientDocumentManager) getRequestManager().getDocumentManager()).getSimulation(refVCDocumentAndSimInfo.getSimInfo());
VCDataIdentifier refVcdID = new VCSimulationDataIdentifier(refVCDocumentAndSimInfo.getSimInfo().getAuthoritativeVCSimulationIdentifier(), 0);
PDEDataManager refDataManager = (PDEDataManager) getRequestManager().getDataManager(null, refVcdID, refSim.isSpatial());
if (refSim.getScanCount() != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("paramater scan is not supported in Math Testing Framework");
SimulationSymbolTable refSimSymbolTable = new SimulationSymbolTable(refSim, 0);
String[] varsToCompare = getVariableNamesToCompare(simSymbolTable, refSimSymbolTable);
SimulationComparisonSummary simCompSummary = MathTestingUtilities.comparePDEResults(simSymbolTable, pdeDataManager, refSimSymbolTable, refDataManager, varsToCompare, testCriteria.getMaxAbsError(), testCriteria.getMaxRelError(), refVCDocumentAndSimInfo.getVCDocument(), getDataInfoProvider(refVCDocumentAndSimInfo.getVCDocument(), refDataManager.getPDEDataContext(), refSim.getName()), testDoc, getDataInfoProvider(testDoc, pdeDataManager.getPDEDataContext(), testSim.getName()));
// Failed var summaries
failVarSummaries = simCompSummary.getFailingVariableComparisonSummaries(absErr, relErr);
allVarSummaries = simCompSummary.getVariableComparisonSummaries();
if (failVarSummaries.length > 0) {
simReportStatus = TestCriteriaNew.TCRIT_STATUS_FAILEDVARS;
// Failed simulation
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tTolerance test FAILED \n");
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tFailed Variables : \n");
for (int m = 0; m < failVarSummaries.length; m++) {
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\t\t" + failVarSummaries[m].toShortString() + "\n");
} else {
simReportStatus = TestCriteriaNew.TCRIT_STATUS_PASSED;
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tTolerance test PASSED \n");
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tPassed Variables : \n");
// Check if varSummary exists in failed summaries list. If not, simulation passed.
for (int m = 0; m < allVarSummaries.length; m++) {
if (!BeanUtils.arrayContains(failVarSummaries, allVarSummaries[m])) {
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\t\t" + allVarSummaries[m].toShortString() + "\n");
} else {
ODEDataManager odeDataManager = (ODEDataManager) simDataManager;
ODESolverResultSet numericalResultSet = odeDataManager.getODESolverResultSet();
// Get EXACT result set if test case type is EXACT, Compare with numerical
if (testCase.getType().equals(TestCaseNew.EXACT) || testCase.getType().equals(TestCaseNew.EXACT_STEADY)) {
ODESolverResultSet exactResultSet = MathTestingUtilities.getExactResultSet(testSim.getMathDescription(), timeArray, testSim.getSolverTaskDescription().getSensitivityParameter());
String[] varsToCompare = getVariableNamesToCompare(simSymbolTable, simSymbolTable);
SimulationComparisonSummary simCompSummary_exact = MathTestingUtilities.compareResultSets(numericalResultSet, exactResultSet, varsToCompare, testCase.getType(), testCriteria.getMaxAbsError(), testCriteria.getMaxRelError());
// Get all the variable comparison summaries and the failed ones to print out report for EXACT solution comparison.
failVarSummaries = simCompSummary_exact.getFailingVariableComparisonSummaries(absErr, relErr);
allVarSummaries = simCompSummary_exact.getVariableComparisonSummaries();
if (failVarSummaries.length > 0) {
simReportStatus = TestCriteriaNew.TCRIT_STATUS_FAILEDVARS;
// Failed simulation
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tTolerance test FAILED \n");
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tFailed Variables : \n");
for (int m = 0; m < failVarSummaries.length; m++) {
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\t\t" + failVarSummaries[m].toShortString() + "\n");
} else {
simReportStatus = TestCriteriaNew.TCRIT_STATUS_PASSED;
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tTolerance test PASSED \n");
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tPassed Variables : \n");
// Check if varSummary exists in failed summaries list. If not, simulation passed.
for (int m = 0; m < allVarSummaries.length; m++) {
if (!BeanUtils.arrayContains(failVarSummaries, allVarSummaries[m])) {
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\t\t" + allVarSummaries[m].toShortString() + "\n");
// Get CONSTRUCTED result set if test case type is CONSTRUCTED , compare with numerical
} else if (testCase.getType().equals(TestCaseNew.CONSTRUCTED)) {
ODESolverResultSet constructedResultSet = MathTestingUtilities.getConstructedResultSet(testSim.getMathDescription(), timeArray);
String[] varsToCompare = getVariableNamesToCompare(simSymbolTable, simSymbolTable);
SimulationComparisonSummary simCompSummary_constr = MathTestingUtilities.compareResultSets(numericalResultSet, constructedResultSet, varsToCompare, testCase.getType(), testCriteria.getMaxAbsError(), testCriteria.getMaxRelError());
// Get all the variable comparison summaries and the failed ones to print out report for CONSTRUCTED solution comparison.
failVarSummaries = simCompSummary_constr.getFailingVariableComparisonSummaries(absErr, relErr);
allVarSummaries = simCompSummary_constr.getVariableComparisonSummaries();
if (failVarSummaries.length > 0) {
simReportStatus = TestCriteriaNew.TCRIT_STATUS_FAILEDVARS;
// Failed simulation
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tTolerance test FAILED \n");
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tFailed Variables : \n");
for (int m = 0; m < failVarSummaries.length; m++) {
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\t\t" + failVarSummaries[m].toShortString() + "\n");
} else {
simReportStatus = TestCriteriaNew.TCRIT_STATUS_PASSED;
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tTolerance test PASSED \n");
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tPassed Variables : \n");
// Check if varSummary exists in failed summaries list. If not, simulation passed.
for (int m = 0; m < allVarSummaries.length; m++) {
if (!BeanUtils.arrayContains(failVarSummaries, allVarSummaries[m])) {
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\t\t" + allVarSummaries[m].toShortString() + "\n");
} else if (testCase.getType().equals(TestCaseNew.REGRESSION)) {
Simulation refSim = ((ClientDocumentManager) getRequestManager().getDocumentManager()).getSimulation(testCriteria.getRegressionSimInfo());
if (refSim.getScanCount() != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("paramater scan is not supported in Math Testing Framework");
SimulationSymbolTable refSimSymbolTable = new SimulationSymbolTable(refSim, 0);
String[] varsToTest = getVariableNamesToCompare(simSymbolTable, refSimSymbolTable);
VCDataIdentifier refVcdID = new VCSimulationDataIdentifier(refVCDocumentAndSimInfo.getSimInfo().getAuthoritativeVCSimulationIdentifier(), 0);
ODEDataManager refDataManager = (ODEDataManager) getRequestManager().getDataManager(null, refVcdID, refSim.isSpatial());
ODESolverResultSet referenceResultSet = refDataManager.getODESolverResultSet();
SimulationComparisonSummary simCompSummary_regr = null;
int interpolationOrder = 1;
SolverTaskDescription solverTaskDescription = refSim.getSolverTaskDescription();
if (solverTaskDescription.getOutputTimeSpec().isDefault() && ((DefaultOutputTimeSpec) solverTaskDescription.getOutputTimeSpec()).getKeepEvery() == 1) {
SolverDescription solverDescription = solverTaskDescription.getSolverDescription();
if ((!solverDescription.supportsAll(SolverDescription.DiscontinutiesFeatures)) || !refSim.getMathDescription().hasDiscontinuities()) {
interpolationOrder = solverDescription.getTimeOrder();
simCompSummary_regr = MathTestingUtilities.compareUnEqualResultSets(numericalResultSet, referenceResultSet, varsToTest, testCriteria.getMaxAbsError(), testCriteria.getMaxRelError(), interpolationOrder);
// Get all the variable comparison summaries and the failed ones to print out report for CONSTRUCTED solution comparison.
failVarSummaries = simCompSummary_regr.getFailingVariableComparisonSummaries(absErr, relErr);
allVarSummaries = simCompSummary_regr.getVariableComparisonSummaries();
if (failVarSummaries.length > 0) {
simReportStatus = TestCriteriaNew.TCRIT_STATUS_FAILEDVARS;
// Failed simulation
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tTolerance test FAILED \n");
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tFailed Variables : \n");
for (int m = 0; m < failVarSummaries.length; m++) {
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\t\t" + failVarSummaries[m].toShortString() + "\n");
} else {
simReportStatus = TestCriteriaNew.TCRIT_STATUS_PASSED;
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tTolerance test PASSED \n");
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tPassed Variables : \n");
// Check if varSummary exists in failed summaries list. If not, simulation passed.
for (int m = 0; m < allVarSummaries.length; m++) {
if (!BeanUtils.arrayContains(failVarSummaries, allVarSummaries[m])) {
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\t\t" + allVarSummaries[m].toShortString() + "\n");
} catch (Throwable e) {
simReportStatus = TestCriteriaNew.TCRIT_STATUS_RPERROR;
simReportStatusMessage = e.getClass().getName() + " " + e.getMessage();
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\t" + simReportStatusMessage + "\n");
if (userSelectedRefSimInfo == null) {
try {
// Remove any test results already present for testCriteria
RemoveTestResultsOP removeResultsOP = new RemoveTestResultsOP(new BigDecimal[] { testCriteria.getTCritKey() });
// testResultsOPsVector.add(removeResultsOP);
// Create new AddTestREsultsOP object for the current simulation./testCriteria.
if (allVarSummaries != null) {
AddTestResultsOP testResultsOP = new AddTestResultsOP(testCriteria.getTCritKey(), allVarSummaries);
// testResultsOPsVector.add(testResultsOP);
// Write the testResults for simulation/TestCriteria into the database ...
// Update report status
updateTCritStatus(testCriteria, simReportStatus, simReportStatusMessage);
} catch (Throwable e) {
reportTCBuffer.append("\t\tUpdate DB Results failed. " + e.getClass().getName() + " " + e.getMessage() + "\n");
try {
getRequestManager().getDocumentManager().doTestSuiteOP(new EditTestCriteriaOPReportStatus(testCriteria.getTCritKey(), TestCriteriaNew.TCRIT_STATUS_RPERROR, e.getClass().getName() + " " + e.getMessage()));
} catch (Throwable e2) {
// Nothing more can be done
return reportTCBuffer.toString();
use of cbit.vcell.solver.SimulationSymbolTable in project vcell by virtualcell.
the class FiniteVolumeFileWriter method getDiscontinuityTimes.
private void getDiscontinuityTimes(Vector<Discontinuity> discontinuities, TreeSet<Double> discontinuityTimes) throws ExpressionException, MathException {
Simulation simulation = simTask.getSimulation();
SimulationSymbolTable simSymbolTable = simTask.getSimulationJob().getSimulationSymbolTable();
for (Discontinuity discontinuity : discontinuities) {
Expression rfexp = discontinuity.getRootFindingExp();
rfexp = simSymbolTable.substituteFunctions(rfexp).flatten();
String[] symbols = rfexp.getSymbols();
if (symbols == null) {
boolean bHasT = false;
for (String symbol : symbols) {
if (symbol.equals(ReservedVariable.TIME.getName())) {
bHasT = true;
if (bHasT) {
if (symbols.length != 1) {
throw new ExpressionException(simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getSolverDescription().getDisplayLabel() + ": time discontinuity " + discontinuity.getDiscontinuityExp().infix() + " can only be a function of time");
Expression deriv = rfexp.differentiate(ReservedVariable.TIME.getName());
// we don't allow 5t < 3
double d = deriv.evaluateConstant();
if (d != 1 && d != -1) {
throw new ExpressionException(simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getSolverDescription().getDisplayLabel() + ": time discontinuity " + discontinuity.getDiscontinuityExp().infix() + " is not allowed.");
rfexp.substituteInPlace(new Expression(ReservedVariable.TIME.getName()), new Expression(0));
double st = Math.abs(rfexp.evaluateConstant());
/*Simulation simulation = simTask.getSimulation();
SimulationSymbolTable simSymbolTable = simTask.getSimulationJob().getSimulationSymbolTable();
MonadicFunctionRootFinder rootFinder = new Bisection();
for (Discontinuity discontinuity : discontinuities) {
Expression rfexp = discontinuity.getRootFindingExp();
rfexp = simSymbolTable.substituteFunctions(rfexp).flatten();
String[] symbols = rfexp.getSymbols();
boolean bHasT = false;
for (String symbol : symbols) {
if (symbol.equals(ReservedVariable.TIME.getName())) {
bHasT = true;
if (bHasT) {
if (symbols.length != 1) {
+ ": discontinuity " + discontinuity.getDiscontinuityExp().infix() + " is not just a function of time, not handled properly by solver");
double startTime = simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getTimeBounds().getStartingTime();
double endTime = simulation.getSolverTaskDescription().getTimeBounds().getEndingTime();
} ---------------------------------JIM's CODE COMMENTTED FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT*/