use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class SyntheticRecordPlanner method storedRecordTypesForIndex.
* Determine what stored record types would be need to scanned in order to rebuild a given index.
* From those scans, queries will be executed to load other record types to complete the synthesis.
* <p>
* In cases such as full outer join, there is no single record type from which all joins can be produced.
* @param index the index that needs to be built
* @param recordTypes a subset of the index's record types or {@code null} for all
* @return a set of stored record types that are sufficient to generate the synthesized records for the index
public Set<RecordType> storedRecordTypesForIndex(@Nonnull Index index, @Nullable Collection<RecordType> recordTypes) {
if (recordTypes == null) {
recordTypes = recordMetaData.recordTypesForIndex(index);
Set<RecordType> result = new HashSet<>();
for (RecordType recordType : recordTypes) {
if (!(recordType instanceof JoinedRecordType)) {
throw unknownSyntheticType(recordType);
JoinedRecordType joinedRecordType = (JoinedRecordType) recordType;
Optional<JoinedRecordType.JoinConstituent> maybeConstituent = joinedRecordType.getConstituents().stream().filter(c -> !c.isOuterJoined()).findFirst();
if (maybeConstituent.isPresent()) {
} else {
for (JoinedRecordType.JoinConstituent joinConstituent : joinedRecordType.getConstituents()) {
return result;
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class FDBRecordStore method performIndexOperationAsync.
public CompletableFuture<IndexOperationResult> performIndexOperationAsync(@Nonnull String indexName, @Nonnull IndexOperation operation) {
final RecordMetaData metaData = metaDataProvider.getRecordMetaData();
final Index index = metaData.getIndex(indexName);
return getIndexMaintainer(index).performOperation(operation);
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class FDBRecordStore method getPrimaryKeyBoundaries.
* Return a cursor of boundaries separating the key ranges maintained by each FDB server. This information can be
* useful for splitting a large task (e.g., rebuilding an index for a large record store) into smaller tasks (e.g.,
* rebuilding the index for records in certain primary key ranges) more evenly so that they can be executed in a
* parallel fashion efficiently. The returned boundaries are an estimate from FDB's locality API and may not
* represent the exact boundary locations at any database version.
* <p>
* The boundaries are returned as a cursor which is sorted and does not contain any duplicates. The first element of
* the list is greater than or equal to <code>low</code>, and the last element is less than or equal to
* <code>high</code>.
* <p>
* This implementation may not work when there are too many shard boundaries to complete in a single transaction.
* <p>
* Note: the returned cursor is blocking and must not be used in an asynchronous context
* @param low low endpoint of primary key range (inclusive)
* @param high high endpoint of primary key range (exclusive)
* @return the list of boundary primary keys
public RecordCursor<Tuple> getPrimaryKeyBoundaries(@Nonnull Tuple low, @Nonnull Tuple high) {
final Transaction transaction = ensureContextActive();
byte[] rangeStart = recordsSubspace().pack(low);
byte[] rangeEnd = recordsSubspace().pack(high);
CloseableAsyncIterator<byte[]> cursor = context.getDatabase().getLocalityProvider().getBoundaryKeys(transaction, rangeStart, rangeEnd);
final boolean hasSplitRecordSuffix = hasSplitRecordSuffix();
DistinctFilterCursorClosure closure = new DistinctFilterCursorClosure();
return RecordCursor.flatMapPipelined(ignore -> RecordCursor.fromIterator(getExecutor(), cursor), (result, ignore) -> RecordCursor.fromIterator(getExecutor(), transaction.snapshot().getRange(result, rangeEnd, 1).iterator()), null, DEFAULT_PIPELINE_SIZE).map(keyValue -> {
Tuple recordKey = recordsSubspace().unpack(keyValue.getKey());
return hasSplitRecordSuffix ? recordKey.popBack() : recordKey;
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class FDBRecordStore method rebuildIndex.
// Resource usage for indexBuilder is too complicated for rule.
public CompletableFuture<Void> rebuildIndex(@Nonnull final Index index, @Nullable final Collection<RecordType> recordTypes, @Nonnull RebuildIndexReason reason) {
final boolean newStore = reason == RebuildIndexReason.NEW_STORE;
if (newStore ? LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() : LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {
final KeyValueLogMessage msg ="rebuilding index", LogMessageKeys.INDEX_NAME, index.getName(), LogMessageKeys.INDEX_VERSION, index.getLastModifiedVersion(), LogMessageKeys.REASON,, subspaceProvider.logKey(), subspaceProvider.toString(context), LogMessageKeys.SUBSPACE_KEY, index.getSubspaceKey());
if (newStore) {
} else {;
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
OnlineIndexer indexBuilder = OnlineIndexer.newBuilder().setRecordStore(this).setIndex(index).setRecordTypes(recordTypes).build();
CompletableFuture<Void> future = indexBuilder.rebuildIndexAsync(this).thenCompose(vignore -> markIndexReadable(index)).handle((b, t) -> {
if (t != null) {
logExceptionAsWarn("rebuilding index failed", LogMessageKeys.INDEX_NAME, index.getName(), LogMessageKeys.INDEX_VERSION, index.getLastModifiedVersion(), LogMessageKeys.REASON,, subspaceProvider.logKey(), subspaceProvider.toString(context), LogMessageKeys.SUBSPACE_KEY, index.getSubspaceKey()), t);
// Only call method that builds in the current transaction, so never any pending work,
// so it would work to close before returning future, which would look better to SonarQube.
// But this is better if close ever does more.
return null;
return context.instrument(FDBStoreTimer.Events.REBUILD_INDEX, future, startTime);
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class FDBRecordStore method markIndexNotReadable.
private CompletableFuture<Boolean> markIndexNotReadable(@Nonnull String indexName, @Nonnull IndexState indexState) {
if (recordStoreStateRef.get() == null) {
return preloadRecordStoreStateAsync().thenCompose(vignore -> markIndexNotReadable(indexName, indexState));
boolean haveFuture = false;
try {
// A read is done before the write in order to avoid having unnecessary
// updates cause spurious not_committed errors.
byte[] indexKey = indexStateSubspace().pack(indexName);
Transaction tr = context.ensureActive();
CompletableFuture<Boolean> future = tr.get(indexKey).thenCompose(previous -> {
if (previous == null) {
RangeSet indexRangeSet = new RangeSet(indexRangeSubspace(getRecordMetaData().getIndex(indexName)));
return indexRangeSet.isEmpty(tr).thenCompose(isEmpty -> {
if (isEmpty) {
// that the index was completely built (if the range set was empty, i.e., cleared)
return indexRangeSet.insertRange(tr, null, null);
} else {
return AsyncUtil.READY_FALSE;
}).thenApply(ignore -> {
updateIndexState(indexName, indexKey, indexState);
return true;
} else if (!Tuple.fromBytes(previous).get(0).equals(indexState.code())) {
updateIndexState(indexName, indexKey, indexState);
return AsyncUtil.READY_TRUE;
} else {
return AsyncUtil.READY_FALSE;
}).whenComplete((b, t) -> endRecordStoreStateWrite());
haveFuture = true;
return future;
} finally {
if (!haveFuture) {