Search in sources :

Example 36 with Key

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class FDBRecordStore method loadSyntheticRecord.

 * Load a {@link FDBSyntheticRecord synthetic record} by loading its stored constituent records and synthesizing it from them.
 * @param primaryKey the primary key of the synthetic record, which includes the primary keys of the constituents
 * @return a future which completes to the synthesized record
public CompletableFuture<FDBSyntheticRecord> loadSyntheticRecord(@Nonnull Tuple primaryKey) {
    SyntheticRecordType<?> syntheticRecordType = getRecordMetaData().getSyntheticRecordTypeFromRecordTypeKey(primaryKey.get(0));
    int nconstituents = syntheticRecordType.getConstituents().size();
    if (nconstituents != primaryKey.size() - 1) {
        throw recordCoreException("Primary key does not have correct number of nested keys: " + primaryKey);
    final Map<String, FDBStoredRecord<? extends Message>> constituents = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(nconstituents);
    final CompletableFuture<?>[] futures = new CompletableFuture<?>[nconstituents];
    for (int i = 0; i < nconstituents; i++) {
        final SyntheticRecordType.Constituent constituent = syntheticRecordType.getConstituents().get(i);
        final Tuple constituentKey = primaryKey.getNestedTuple(i + 1);
        if (constituentKey == null) {
            futures[i] = AsyncUtil.DONE;
        } else {
            futures[i] = loadRecordAsync(constituentKey).thenApply(rec -> {
                if (rec == null) {
                    throw new RecordDoesNotExistException("constituent record not found: " + constituent.getName());
                constituents.put(constituent.getName(), rec);
                return null;
    return CompletableFuture.allOf(futures).thenApply(vignore -> FDBSyntheticRecord.of(syntheticRecordType, constituents));
Also used : LogMessageKeys( UnaryOperator(java.util.function.UnaryOperator) MetaDataException( RecordSerializer( Subspace( MutationType( RecordCoreException( Map(java.util.Map) RecordIndexUniquenessViolation( QueryToKeyMatcher( InvalidProtocolBufferException( Query( KeyExpression( Set(java.util.Set) TupleRange( KeySpacePath( ByteOrder(java.nio.ByteOrder) SyntheticRecordType( RecordMetaDataProvider( RecordStoreState( TupleHelpers( API( FunctionNames( RecordMetaData( IndexAggregateFunction( AsyncUtil( RecordQuery( RangeSet( RecordQueryPlan( Supplier(java.util.function.Supplier) FormerIndex( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ByteScanLimiter( ParameterRelationshipGraph( LoggableException( CloseableAsyncIterator( IndexRecordFunction( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable) ByteArrayUtil2( IsolationLevel( CursorLimitManager( ExecuteState( AtomicLong(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong) RecordType( Index( DynamicMessageRecordSerializer( SyntheticRecordPlanner( IndexEntry( LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) RecordCoreStorageException( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) RecordQueryPlanner( Transaction( Tuple( Range( KeyValueLogMessage( PipelineOperation( RecordMetaDataProto( ByteArrayUtil( KeyValue( ImmutableMap( Predicate(java.util.function.Predicate) Collection(java.util.Collection) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) IndexQueryabilityFilter( AndComponent( RecordCoreArgumentException( Collectors( ByteString( List(java.util.List) EvaluationContext( AggregateFunctionNotSupportedException( RecordTypeKeyComparison( IndexTypes( Optional(java.util.Optional) MutableRecordStoreState( RecordTypeOrBuilder( SyntheticRecordFromStoredRecordPlan( SpotBugsSuppressWarnings( Descriptors( AsyncIterator( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) CompletableFuture(java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture) AtomicReference(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference) Function(java.util.function.Function) CursorStreamingMode( Key( ExecuteProperties( EndpointType( ScanProperties( Suppliers( LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull) EmptyKeyExpression( MoreAsyncUtil( Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) IndexState( StoreRecordFunction( ReadTransaction( AsyncIterable( FDBRecordStoreStateCache( Message( RecordCursor( QueryComponent( VisibleForTesting( Collections(java.util.Collections) KeyValueLogMessage( Message( SyntheticRecordType( ByteString( CompletableFuture(java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) Tuple( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull) API(

Example 37 with Key

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class ImplementDistinctUnionRule method onMatch.

public void onMatch(@Nonnull PlannerRuleCall call) {
    final PlanContext context = call.getContext();
    final Optional<Set<RequestedOrdering>> requiredOrderingsOptional = call.getInterestingProperty(OrderingAttribute.ORDERING);
    if (requiredOrderingsOptional.isEmpty()) {
    final Set<RequestedOrdering> requestedOrderings = requiredOrderingsOptional.get();
    final KeyExpression commonPrimaryKey = context.getCommonPrimaryKey();
    if (commonPrimaryKey == null) {
    final List<KeyExpression> commonPrimaryKeyParts = commonPrimaryKey.normalizeKeyForPositions();
    final PlannerBindings bindings = call.getBindings();
    final Quantifier.ForEach unionForEachQuantifier = bindings.get(unionForEachQuantifierMatcher);
    final List<? extends Collection<? extends RecordQueryPlan>> plansByQuantifier = bindings.getAll(unionLegPlansMatcher);
    // group each leg's plans by their provided ordering
    final ImmutableList<Set<Map.Entry<Ordering, ImmutableList<RecordQueryPlan>>>> plansByQuantifierOrdering = -> {
        final Map<Ordering, ImmutableList<RecordQueryPlan>> groupedBySortedness = -> {
            final Optional<Ordering> orderingForLegOptional = OrderingProperty.evaluate(plan, context);
            return -> Pair.of(ordering, plan));
        }).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Pair::getLeft, Collectors.mapping(Pair::getRight, ImmutableList.toImmutableList())));
        return groupedBySortedness.entrySet();
    for (final List<Map.Entry<Ordering, ImmutableList<RecordQueryPlan>>> entries : CrossProduct.crossProduct(plansByQuantifierOrdering)) {
        final ImmutableList<Optional<Ordering>> orderingOptionals = -> Optional.of(entry.getKey())).collect(ImmutableList.toImmutableList());
        for (final RequestedOrdering requestedOrdering : requestedOrderings) {
            final Optional<Ordering> combinedOrderingOptional = OrderingProperty.deriveForUnionFromOrderings(orderingOptionals, requestedOrdering, Ordering::intersectEqualityBoundKeys);
            pushInterestingOrders(call, unionForEachQuantifier, orderingOptionals, requestedOrdering);
            if (combinedOrderingOptional.isEmpty()) {
            final Ordering ordering = combinedOrderingOptional.get();
            final Set<KeyExpression> equalityBoundKeys = ordering.getEqualityBoundKeys();
            final List<KeyPart> orderingKeyParts = ordering.getOrderingKeyParts();
            final List<KeyExpression> orderingKeys =;
            // make sure the common primary key parts are either bound through equality or they are part of the ordering
            if (!isPrimaryKeyCompatibleWithOrdering(commonPrimaryKeyParts, orderingKeys, equalityBoundKeys)) {
            // At this point we know we can implement the distinct union over the partitions of compatibly ordered plans
            final KeyExpression comparisonKey = orderingKeys.size() == 1 ? Iterables.getOnlyElement(orderingKeys) : Key.Expressions.concat(orderingKeys);
            // create new references
            final ImmutableList<Quantifier.Physical> newQuantifiers =;
            call.yield(call.ref(RecordQueryUnionPlan.fromQuantifiers(newQuantifiers, comparisonKey, true)));
Also used : PlannerRuleCall( ReferenceMatchers.references( OrderingAttribute( Iterables( PlannerRule( Quantifier( CollectionMatcher( Ordering( GroupExpressionRef( RecordQueryPlan( Key( ImmutableList( Pair(org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair) Map(java.util.Map) MultiMatcher.some( RecordQueryUnionPlan( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull) RequestedOrdering( KeyExpression( ImmutableSet( LogicalDistinctExpression( Collection(java.util.Collection) Set(java.util.Set) MultiMatcher.all( PlannerBindings( KeyPart( RelationalExpressionMatchers.logicalUnionExpression( Collectors( LogicalUnionExpression( List(java.util.List) BindingMatcher( CrossProduct( OrderingProperty( PlanContext( Optional(java.util.Optional) RelationalExpressionMatchers.logicalDistinctExpression( API( QuantifierMatchers.forEachQuantifierOverRef( ListMatcher.exactly( QuantifierMatchers.forEachQuantifier( RecordQueryPlanMatchers( ImmutableSet( Set(java.util.Set) ImmutableList( KeyPart( PlannerBindings( Ordering( RequestedOrdering( Pair(org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair) RecordQueryPlan( Optional(java.util.Optional) KeyExpression( RequestedOrdering( GroupExpressionRef( PlanContext( Quantifier( QuantifierMatchers.forEachQuantifier( Map(java.util.Map)

Example 38 with Key

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class AbstractDataAccessRule method onMatch.

 * Method that does the leg work to create the appropriate expression dag for data access using value indexes or
 * value index-like scans (primary scans).
 * Conceptually we do the following work:
 * <ul>
 * <li> This method yields a scan plan for each matching primary candidate ({@link PrimaryScanMatchCandidate}).
 *      There is only ever going to be exactly one {@link PrimaryScanMatchCandidate} for a primary key. Due to the
 *      candidate being solely based upon a primary key, the match structure is somewhat limited. In essence, there
 *      is an implicit guarantee that we can always create a primary scan for a data source.
 * </li>
 * <li> This method yields an index scan plan for each matching value index candidate
 *      ({@link ValueIndexScanMatchCandidate}).
 * </li>
 * <li> This method yields the combinatorial expansion of intersections of distinct-ed index scan plans.
 * </li>
 * </ul>
 * The work described above is semantically correct in a sense that it creates a search space that can be explored
 * and pruned in suitable ways that will eventually converge into an optimal data access plan.
 * We can choose to create an index scan for every index that is available regardless what the coverage
 * of an index is. The coverage of an index is a measurement that tells us how well an index can answer what a
 * filter (or by extension a query) asks for. For instance, a high number of search arguments used in the index scan
 * can be associated with high coverage (as in the index scan covers more of the query) and vice versa.
 * Similarly, we can choose to create the intersection of all possible combinations of suitable scans over indexes
 * (that we have matches for). Since we create a logical intersection of these access plans we can leave it up to
 * the respective implementation rules (e.g., {@link ImplementIntersectionRule}) to do the right thing and implement
 * the physical plan for the intersection if possible (e.g. ensuring compatibly ordered legs, etc.).
 * In fact, the two before-mentioned approaches are completely valid with respect to correctness of the plan and
 * the guaranteed creation of the optimal plan. However, in reality using this approach, although valid and probably
 * the conceptually better and more orthogonal approach, will result in a ballooning of the search space very quickly.
 * While that may be acceptable for group-by engines and only few index access paths, in an OLTP world where there
 * are potentially dozens of indexes, memory footprint and the sheer number of tasks that would be created for
 * subsequent exploration and implementation of all these alternatives make the purist approach to planning these
 * indexes infeasible.
 * Thus we would like to eliminate unnecessary exploration by avoiding variations we know can never be successful
 * either in creating a successful executable plan (e.g. logical expression may not ever be able to produce a
 * compatible ordering) or cannot ever create an optimal plan. In a nutshell, we try to utilize additional
 * information that is available in addition to the matching partition in order to make decisions about which
 * expression variation to create and which to avoid:
 * <ul>
 * <li> For a matching primary scan candidate ({@link PrimaryScanMatchCandidate})
 *      we will not create a primary scan if the scan is incompatible with an interesting order that has been
 *      communicated downwards in the graph.
 * </li>
 * <li> For a matching index scan candidate ({@link ValueIndexScanMatchCandidate})
 *      we will not create an index scan if the scan is incompatible with an interesting order that has been
 *      communicated downwards in the graph.
 * </li>
 * <li> We will only create a scan if there is no other index scan with a greater coverage (think of coverage
 *      as the assumed amount of filtering or currently the number of bound predicates) for the search arguments
 *      which are bound by the query.
 *      For instance, an index scan {@code INDEX SCAN(i1, a = [5, 5], b = [10, 10])} is still planned along
 *      {@code INDEX SCAN(i2, x = ["hello", "hello"], y = ["world", "world"], z = [10, inf])} even though
 *      the latter utilizes three search arguments while the former one only uses two. However, an index scan
 *      {@code INDEX SCAN(i1, a = [5, 5], b = [10, 10])} is not created (and yielded) if there we also
 *      have a choice to plan {@code INDEX SCAN(i2, b = [10, 10], a = [5, 5], c = ["Guten", "Morgen"])} as that
 *      index {@code i2} has a higher coverage compared to {@code i1} <em>and</em> all bound arguments in the scan
 *      over {@code i2} are also bound in the scan over {@code i1}.
 * <li>
 *      We will only create intersections of scans if we can already establish that the logical intersection
 *      can be implemented by a {@link}.
 *      That requires that the legs of the intersection are compatibly ordered <em>and</em> that that ordering follows
 *      a potentially required ordering.
 * </li>
 * </ul>
 * @param call the call associated with this planner rule execution
public void onMatch(@Nonnull PlannerRuleCall call) {
    final PlannerBindings bindings = call.getBindings();
    final List<? extends PartialMatch> completeMatches = bindings.getAll(getCompleteMatchMatcher());
    final R expression = bindings.get(getExpressionMatcher());
    if (completeMatches.isEmpty()) {
    // return if there is no pre-determined interesting ordering
    final Optional<Set<RequestedOrdering>> requestedOrderingsOptional = call.getInterestingProperty(OrderingAttribute.ORDERING);
    if (requestedOrderingsOptional.isEmpty()) {
    final Set<RequestedOrdering> requestedOrderings = requestedOrderingsOptional.get();
    // group matches by candidates
    final LinkedHashMap<MatchCandidate, ? extends ImmutableList<? extends PartialMatch>> completeMatchMap =, LinkedHashMap::new, ImmutableList.toImmutableList()));
    // find the best match for a candidate as there may be more than one due to partial matching
    final ImmutableSet<PartialMatch> maximumCoverageMatchPerCandidate = completeMatchMap.entrySet().stream().flatMap(entry -> {
        final List<? extends PartialMatch> completeMatchesForCandidate = entry.getValue();
        final Optional<? extends PartialMatch> bestMatchForCandidateOptional =;
    final List<PartialMatch> bestMaximumCoverageMatches = maximumCoverageMatches(maximumCoverageMatchPerCandidate, requestedOrderings);
    if (bestMaximumCoverageMatches.isEmpty()) {
    // create scans for all best matches
    final Map<PartialMatch, RelationalExpression> bestMatchToExpressionMap = createScansForMatches(bestMaximumCoverageMatches);
    final ExpressionRef<RelationalExpression> toBeInjectedReference = GroupExpressionRef.empty();
    // create single scan accesses
    for (final PartialMatch bestMatch : bestMaximumCoverageMatches) {
        final RelationalExpression dataAccessAndCompensationExpression = compensateSingleDataAccess(bestMatch, bestMatchToExpressionMap.get(bestMatch));
    final Map<PartialMatch, RelationalExpression> bestMatchToDistinctExpressionMap = distinctMatchToScanMap(bestMatchToExpressionMap);
    @Nullable final KeyExpression commonPrimaryKey = call.getContext().getCommonPrimaryKey();
    if (commonPrimaryKey != null) {
        final var commonPrimaryKeyParts = commonPrimaryKey.normalizeKeyForPositions();
        final var boundPartitions = Lists.<List<PartialMatch>>newArrayList();
        // create intersections for all n choose k partitions from k = 2 .. n
        IntStream.range(2, bestMaximumCoverageMatches.size() + 1).mapToObj(k -> ChooseK.chooseK(bestMaximumCoverageMatches, k)).flatMap(iterable ->, false)).forEach(boundPartitions::add); -> createIntersectionAndCompensation(commonPrimaryKeyParts, bestMatchToDistinctExpressionMap, partition, requestedOrderings).stream()).forEach(toBeInjectedReference::insert);
    call.yield(inject(expression, completeMatches, toBeInjectedReference));
Also used : PlannerRuleCall( OrderingAttribute( CascadesPlanner( LinkedIdentitySet( GroupExpressionRef( PartialMatch( Pair(org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair) RecordCoreException( ComparisonRange( Map(java.util.Map) IndexScanExpression( MatchCandidate( PrimaryScanExpression( RequestedOrdering( KeyExpression( ImmutableSet( ImmutableMap( Collection(java.util.Collection) MatchPartition( Set(java.util.Set) PlannerBindings( ReferencedFieldsAttribute( Collectors( Objects(java.util.Objects) BoundKeyPart( List(java.util.List) Stream( CorrelationIdentifier( MatchInfo( Optional(java.util.Optional) API( IntStream( Iterables( PlannerRule( Quantifier( Ordering( Function(java.util.function.Function) Key( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Lists( ImmutableList( Compensation( StreamSupport( ExpressionRef( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable) ChooseK( LogicalIntersectionExpression( Iterator(java.util.Iterator) LogicalDistinctExpression( PartialOrder( QueryPredicate( KeyPart( Maps( RelationalExpression( BindingMatcher( PrimaryScanMatchCandidate( Comparator(java.util.Comparator) ValueIndexScanMatchCandidate( RelationalExpression( LinkedIdentitySet( ImmutableSet( Set(java.util.Set) Optional(java.util.Optional) KeyExpression( RequestedOrdering( PartialMatch( PlannerBindings( MatchCandidate( PrimaryScanMatchCandidate( ValueIndexScanMatchCandidate( List(java.util.List) ImmutableList( Stream( IntStream( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable)

Example 39 with Key

use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.

the class AbstractDataAccessRule method createIntersectionAndCompensation.

 * Private helper method to plan an intersection and subsequently compensate it using the partial match structures
 * kept for all participating data accesses.
 * Planning the data access and its compensation for a given match is a two-step approach as we compute
 * the compensation for intersections by intersecting the {@link Compensation} for the single data accesses first
 * before using the resulting {@link Compensation} to compute the compensating expression for the entire
 * intersection.
 * @param commonPrimaryKeyParts normalized common primary key
 * @param matchToExpressionMap a map from match to single data access expression
 * @param partition a partition (i.e. a list of {@link PartialMatch}es that the caller would like to compute
 *        and intersected data access for
 * @param requestedOrderings a set of ordering that have been requested by consuming expressions/plan operators
 * @return a optional containing a new {@link RelationalExpression} that represents the data access and its
 *         compensation, {@code Optional.empty()} if this method was unable to compute the intersection expression
private static List<RelationalExpression> createIntersectionAndCompensation(@Nonnull final List<KeyExpression> commonPrimaryKeyParts, @Nonnull final Map<PartialMatch, RelationalExpression> matchToExpressionMap, @Nonnull final List<PartialMatch> partition, @Nonnull final Set<RequestedOrdering> requestedOrderings) {
    final var expressionsBuilder = ImmutableList.<RelationalExpression>builder();
    final var orderingPartialOrder = intersectionOrdering(partition);
    final ImmutableSet<BoundKeyPart> equalityBoundKeyParts = -> partialMatch.getMatchInfo().getBoundKeyParts()).flatMap(boundOrderingKeyParts -> -> boundOrderingKey.getComparisonRangeType() == ComparisonRange.Type.EQUALITY)).collect(ImmutableSet.toImmutableSet());
    for (final var requestedOrdering : requestedOrderings) {
        final var satisfyingOrderingPartsOptional = Ordering.satisfiesKeyPartsOrdering(orderingPartialOrder, requestedOrdering.getOrderingKeyParts(), BoundKeyPart::getKeyPart);
        final var comparisonKeyOptional = -> -> !equalityBoundKeyParts.contains(part)).collect(ImmutableList.toImmutableList())).flatMap(parts -> comparisonKey(commonPrimaryKeyParts, equalityBoundKeyParts, parts));
        if (comparisonKeyOptional.isEmpty()) {
        final KeyExpression comparisonKey = comparisonKeyOptional.get();
        final var compensation = -> partialMatch.compensate(partialMatch.getBoundParameterPrefixMap())).reduce(Compensation.impossibleCompensation(), Compensation::intersect);
        final ImmutableList<RelationalExpression> scans = -> Objects.requireNonNull(matchToExpressionMap.get(partialMatch))).collect(ImmutableList.toImmutableList());
        final var logicalIntersectionExpression = LogicalIntersectionExpression.from(scans, comparisonKey);
        final var compensatedIntersection = compensation.isNeeded() ? compensation.apply(GroupExpressionRef.of(logicalIntersectionExpression)) : logicalIntersectionExpression;
Also used : PlannerRuleCall( OrderingAttribute( CascadesPlanner( LinkedIdentitySet( GroupExpressionRef( PartialMatch( Pair(org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair) RecordCoreException( ComparisonRange( Map(java.util.Map) IndexScanExpression( MatchCandidate( PrimaryScanExpression( RequestedOrdering( KeyExpression( ImmutableSet( ImmutableMap( Collection(java.util.Collection) MatchPartition( Set(java.util.Set) PlannerBindings( ReferencedFieldsAttribute( Collectors( Objects(java.util.Objects) BoundKeyPart( List(java.util.List) Stream( CorrelationIdentifier( MatchInfo( Optional(java.util.Optional) API( IntStream( Iterables( PlannerRule( Quantifier( Ordering( Function(java.util.function.Function) Key( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Lists( ImmutableList( Compensation( StreamSupport( ExpressionRef( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull) Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable) ChooseK( LogicalIntersectionExpression( Iterator(java.util.Iterator) LogicalDistinctExpression( PartialOrder( QueryPredicate( KeyPart( Maps( RelationalExpression( BindingMatcher( PrimaryScanMatchCandidate( Comparator(java.util.Comparator) ValueIndexScanMatchCandidate( RelationalExpression( Compensation( KeyExpression( BoundKeyPart( Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)


Key ( KeyExpression ( List (java.util.List)31 Index ( Message ( Query ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)27 Collections (java.util.Collections)26 RecordMetaData ( IndexTypes ( RecordQueryPlan ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)25 Expressions.field ( RecordQuery ( Tag (org.junit.jupiter.api.Tag)24 Tags ( Expressions.concat ( RecordMetaDataBuilder ( Assertions.assertEquals (org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals)20 RecordCoreException (