use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class RankedSetIndexHelper method groupPrefix.
private static Tuple groupPrefix(int groupPrefixSize, @Nonnull TupleRange rankRange, @Nonnull Subspace rankSubspace) {
if (groupPrefixSize > 0) {
Tuple lowRank = rankRange.getLow();
Tuple highRank = rankRange.getHigh();
if (lowRank == null || lowRank.size() < groupPrefixSize || highRank == null || highRank.size() < groupPrefixSize) {
throw new RecordCoreException("Ranked scan range does not include group", "rankRange", rankRange, "rankSubspace", ByteArrayUtil2.loggable(rankSubspace.getKey()));
Tuple prefix = Tuple.fromList(lowRank.getItems().subList(0, groupPrefixSize));
Tuple highPrefix = Tuple.fromList(highRank.getItems().subList(0, groupPrefixSize));
if (!prefix.equals(highPrefix)) {
throw new RecordCoreException("Ranked scan range crosses groups", "rankRange", rankRange, "rankSubspace", ByteArrayUtil2.loggable(rankSubspace.getKey()));
return prefix;
} else {
return null;
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class StandardIndexMaintainer method checkUniqueness.
protected <M extends Message> void checkUniqueness(@Nonnull FDBIndexableRecord<M> savedRecord, @Nonnull IndexEntry indexEntry) {
Tuple valueKey = indexEntry.getKey();
AsyncIterable<KeyValue> kvs = state.transaction.getRange(state.indexSubspace.range(valueKey));
Tuple primaryKey = savedRecord.getPrimaryKey();
final CompletableFuture<Void> checker =, AsyncUtil.forEach(kvs, kv -> {
Tuple existingEntry = unpackKey(getIndexSubspace(), kv);
Tuple existingKey = state.index.getEntryPrimaryKey(existingEntry);
if (!TupleHelpers.equals(primaryKey, existingKey)) {
if ( {
addUniquenessViolation(valueKey, primaryKey, existingKey);
addUniquenessViolation(valueKey, existingKey, primaryKey);
} else {
throw new RecordIndexUniquenessViolation(state.index, indexEntry, primaryKey, existingKey);
}, getExecutor()));
// Add a pre-commit check to prevent accidentally committing and getting into an invalid state., checker);
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class TextIndexBunchedSerializer method deserializeBunch.
private <T> List<T> deserializeBunch(@Nonnull Tuple key, @Nonnull byte[] data, boolean deserializeValues, @Nonnull BiFunction<Tuple, List<Integer>, T> itemCreator) {
try {
List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
boolean first = true;
while (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
Tuple entryKey;
if (!first) {
int tupleSize = deserializeVarInt(buffer);
if (tupleSize == 0) {
entryKey = TupleHelpers.EMPTY;
} else {
entryKey = Tuple.fromBytes(data, buffer.position(), tupleSize);
buffer.position(buffer.position() + tupleSize);
} else {
entryKey = key;
first = false;
List<Integer> entryValue;
if (deserializeValues) {
entryValue = deserializeList(buffer);
} else {
// Don't deserialize the value but advance the pointer as if we had.
entryValue = Collections.emptyList();
int listSize = deserializeVarInt(buffer);
buffer.position(buffer.position() + listSize);
list.add(itemCreator.apply(entryKey, entryValue));
return Collections.unmodifiableList(list);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw new BunchedSerializationException("unable to deserialize entries", e).setData(data);
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class TextIndexMaintainer method updateOneKeyAsync.
private <M extends Message> CompletableFuture<Void> updateOneKeyAsync(@Nonnull FDBIndexableRecord<M> savedRecord, final boolean remove, @Nonnull IndexEntry entry, int textPosition, int recordTokenizerVersion) {
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
final Tuple indexEntryKey = indexEntryKey(entry.getKey(), savedRecord.getPrimaryKey());
final String text = indexEntryKey.getString(textPosition);
if (text == null || text.isEmpty()) {
// empty or not set. Either way, there is nothing to tokenize, so just exit now.
return AsyncUtil.DONE;
final Tuple groupingKey = (textPosition == 0) ? null : TupleHelpers.subTuple(indexEntryKey, 0, textPosition);
final Tuple groupedKey = TupleHelpers.subTuple(indexEntryKey, textPosition + 1, indexEntryKey.size());
final Map<String, List<Integer>> positionMap = tokenizer.tokenizeToMap(text, recordTokenizerVersion, TextTokenizer.TokenizerMode.INDEX);
final StoreTimer.Event indexUpdateEvent = remove ? FDBStoreTimer.Events.DELETE_INDEX_ENTRY : FDBStoreTimer.Events.SAVE_INDEX_ENTRY;
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
final Pair<Integer, Integer> estimatedSize = estimateSize(groupingKey, positionMap, groupedKey);
KeyValueLogMessage msg ="performed text tokenization", LogMessageKeys.REMOVE, remove, LogMessageKeys.TEXT_SIZE, text.length(), LogMessageKeys.UNIQUE_TOKENS, positionMap.size(), LogMessageKeys.AVG_TOKEN_SIZE, positionMap.keySet().stream().mapToInt(String::length).sum() * 1.0 / positionMap.size(), LogMessageKeys.MAX_TOKEN_SIZE, positionMap.keySet().stream().mapToInt(String::length).max().orElse(0), LogMessageKeys.AVG_POSITIONS, positionMap.values().stream().mapToInt(List::size).sum() * 1.0 / positionMap.size(), LogMessageKeys.MAX_POSITIONS, positionMap.values().stream().mapToInt(List::size).max().orElse(0), LogMessageKeys.TEXT_KEY_SIZE, estimatedSize.getKey(), LogMessageKeys.TEXT_VALUE_SIZE, estimatedSize.getValue(), LogMessageKeys.TEXT_INDEX_SIZE_AMORTIZED, estimatedSize.getKey() / 10 + estimatedSize.getValue(), IndexOptions.TEXT_TOKENIZER_NAME_OPTION, tokenizer.getName(), IndexOptions.TEXT_TOKENIZER_VERSION_OPTION, recordTokenizerVersion, IndexOptions.TEXT_ADD_AGGRESSIVE_CONFLICT_RANGES_OPTION, addAggressiveConflictRanges, LogMessageKeys.PRIMARY_KEY, savedRecord.getPrimaryKey(), LogMessageKeys.SUBSPACE, ByteArrayUtil2.loggable(, LogMessageKeys.INDEX_SUBSPACE, ByteArrayUtil2.loggable(state.indexSubspace.getKey()), LogMessageKeys.WROTE_INDEX, true);
if (positionMap.isEmpty()) {
if ( != null) {, startTime);
return AsyncUtil.DONE;
if (addAggressiveConflictRanges) {
// Add a read and write conflict range over the whole index to decrease the number of mutations
// sent to the resolver. In theory, this will increase the number of conflicts in that if two
// records with the same grouping key come in at the same time, then they will now definitely
// conflict. However, this isn't too bad because there is already a high chance of conflict
// in the text index because each token insert has to do a read on its own.
final Range indexRange = groupingKey == null ? state.indexSubspace.range() : state.indexSubspace.range(groupingKey);
state.context.ensureActive().addReadConflictRange(indexRange.begin, indexRange.end);
state.context.ensureActive().addWriteConflictRange(indexRange.begin, indexRange.end);
final BunchedMap<Tuple, List<Integer>> bunchedMap = getBunchedMap(state.context);
CompletableFuture<Void> tokenInsertFuture = RecordCursor.fromIterator(state.context.getExecutor(), positionMap.entrySet().iterator()).forEachAsync((Map.Entry<String, List<Integer>> tokenEntry) -> {
Tuple subspaceTuple;
if (groupingKey == null) {
subspaceTuple = Tuple.from(tokenEntry.getKey());
} else {
subspaceTuple = groupingKey.add(tokenEntry.getKey());
Subspace mapSubspace = state.indexSubspace.subspace(subspaceTuple);
if (remove) {
return bunchedMap.remove(state.transaction, mapSubspace, groupedKey).thenAccept(ignore -> {
} else {
final List<Integer> value = omitPositionLists ? Collections.emptyList() : tokenEntry.getValue();
return bunchedMap.put(state.transaction, mapSubspace, groupedKey, value).thenAccept(ignore -> {
if ( != null) {
return, tokenInsertFuture, state.context.getExecutor(), startTime);
} else {
return tokenInsertFuture;
use of in project fdb-record-layer by FoundationDB.
the class TextIndexMaintainer method scan.
* Scan this index between a range of tokens. This index type requires that it be scanned only
* by text token. The range to scan can otherwise be between any two entries in the list, and
* scans over a prefix are supported by passing a value of <code>range</code> that uses
* {@link PREFIX_STRING} as both endpoint types.
* The keys returned in the index entry will include the token that was found in the index
* when scanning in the column that is used for the text field of the index's root expression.
* The value portion of each index entry will be a tuple whose first element is the position
* list for that entry within its associated record's field.
* @param scanType the {@link IndexScanType type} of scan to perform
* @param range the range to scan
* @param continuation any continuation from a previous scan invocation
* @param scanProperties skip, limit and other properties of the scan
* @return a cursor over all index entries in <code>range</code>
* @throws RecordCoreException if <code>scanType</code> is not {@link IndexScanType#BY_TEXT_TOKEN}
* @see TextCursor
// not closing the returned cursor
public RecordCursor<IndexEntry> scan(@Nonnull IndexScanType scanType, @Nonnull TupleRange range, @Nullable byte[] continuation, @Nonnull ScanProperties scanProperties) {
if (scanType != IndexScanType.BY_TEXT_TOKEN) {
throw new RecordCoreException("Can only scan text index by text token.");
int textPosition = textFieldPosition(state.index.getRootExpression());
TextSubspaceSplitter subspaceSplitter = new TextSubspaceSplitter(state.indexSubspace, textPosition + 1);
Range byteRange = range.toRange();
ScanProperties withAdjustedLimit = scanProperties.with(ExecuteProperties::clearSkipAndAdjustLimit);
ExecuteProperties adjustedExecuteProperties = withAdjustedLimit.getExecuteProperties();
// Callback for updating the byte scan limit
final ByteScanLimiter byteScanLimiter = adjustedExecuteProperties.getState().getByteScanLimiter();
final Consumer<KeyValue> callback = keyValue -> byteScanLimiter.registerScannedBytes(keyValue.getKey().length + keyValue.getValue().length);
BunchedMapMultiIterator<Tuple, List<Integer>, Tuple> iterator = getBunchedMap(state.context).scanMulti(state.context.readTransaction(adjustedExecuteProperties.getIsolationLevel().isSnapshot()), state.indexSubspace, subspaceSplitter, byteRange.begin, byteRange.end, continuation, adjustedExecuteProperties.getReturnedRowLimit(), callback, scanProperties.isReverse());
RecordCursor<IndexEntry> cursor = new TextCursor(iterator,, state.context, withAdjustedLimit, state.index);
if (scanProperties.getExecuteProperties().getSkip() != 0) {
cursor = cursor.skip(scanProperties.getExecuteProperties().getSkip());
return cursor;