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Example 11 with ConfiguredTarget

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class SkylarkAspectsTest method aspectOnAspectDiamond.

   * Diamond case.
   * rule r1 depends or r0 with aspect a1.
   * rule r2 depends or r0 with aspect a2.
   * rule rcollect depends on r1, r2 with aspect a3.
   * Aspect a3 should be applied twice to target r0: once in [a1, a3] sequence
   * and once in [a2, a3] sequence.
public void aspectOnAspectDiamond() throws Exception {
    scratch.file("test/aspect.bzl", "def _a1_impl(target,ctx):", "  return struct(a1p = 'text from a1')", "a1 = aspect(_a1_impl, attr_aspects = ['deps'], provides = ['a1p'])", "", "def _a2_impl(target,ctx):", "  return struct(a2p = 'text from a2')", "a2 = aspect(_a2_impl, attr_aspects = ['deps'], provides = ['a2p'])", "", "def _a3_impl(target,ctx):", "  value = []", "  f = ctx.new_file('a3.out')", "  ctx.file_action(f, 'text')", "  for dep in ctx.rule.attr.deps:", "     if hasattr(dep, 'a3p'):", "         value += dep.a3p", "  s = str(target.label) + str(ctx.aspect_ids) + '='", "  if hasattr(target, 'a1p'):", "     s += 'a1p'", "  if hasattr(target, 'a2p'):", "     s += 'a2p'", "  value.append(s)", "  return struct(a3p = value)", "a3 = aspect(_a3_impl, attr_aspects = ['deps'],", "            required_aspect_providers = [['a1p'], ['a2p']])", "def _r1_impl(ctx):", "  pass", "def _rcollect_impl(ctx):", "  value = []", "  for dep in ctx.attr.deps:", "     if hasattr(dep, 'a3p'):", "         value += dep.a3p", "  return struct(result = value)", "r1 = rule(_r1_impl, attrs = { 'deps' : attr.label_list(aspects = [a1])})", "r2 = rule(_r1_impl, attrs = { 'deps' : attr.label_list(aspects = [a2])})", "rcollect = rule(_rcollect_impl, attrs = { 'deps' : attr.label_list(aspects = [a3])})");
    scratch.file("test/BUILD", "load(':aspect.bzl', 'r1', 'r2', 'rcollect')", "r1(name = 'r0')", "r1(name = 'r1', deps = [':r0'])", "r2(name = 'r2', deps = [':r0'])", "rcollect(name = 'rcollect', deps = [':r1', ':r2'])");
    AnalysisResult analysisResult = update("//test:rcollect");
    ConfiguredTarget target = Iterables.getOnlyElement(analysisResult.getTargetsToBuild());
    SkylarkList result = (SkylarkList) target.get("result");
    assertThat(result).containsExactly("//test:r0[\"//test:aspect.bzl%a1\", \"//test:aspect.bzl%a3\"]=a1p", "//test:r1[\"//test:aspect.bzl%a3\"]=", "//test:r0[\"//test:aspect.bzl%a2\", \"//test:aspect.bzl%a3\"]=a2p", "//test:r2[\"//test:aspect.bzl%a3\"]=");
Also used : SkylarkList( ConfiguredTarget( AnalysisResult( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 12 with ConfiguredTarget

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class SkylarkAspectsTest method aspectsFromSkylarkRules.

public void aspectsFromSkylarkRules() throws Exception {
    scratch.file("test/aspect.bzl", "def _aspect_impl(target, ctx):", "   s = depset([target.label])", "   for i in ctx.rule.attr.deps:", "       s += i.target_labels", "   return struct(target_labels = s)", "", "def _rule_impl(ctx):", "   s = depset([])", "   for i in ctx.attr.attr:", "       s += i.target_labels", "   return struct(rule_deps = s)", "", "MyAspect = aspect(", "   implementation=_aspect_impl,", "   attr_aspects=['deps'],", ")", "my_rule = rule(", "   implementation=_rule_impl,", "   attrs = { 'attr' : ", "             attr.label_list(mandatory=True, allow_files=True, aspects = [MyAspect]) },", ")");
    scratch.file("test/BUILD", "load('/test/aspect', 'my_rule')", "java_library(", "     name = 'yyy',", ")", "my_rule(", "     name = 'xxx',", "     attr = [':yyy'],", ")");
    AnalysisResult analysisResult = update("//test:xxx");
    ConfiguredTarget target = analysisResult.getTargetsToBuild().iterator().next();
    SkylarkProviders skylarkProviders = target.getProvider(SkylarkProviders.class);
    Object names = skylarkProviders.getValue("rule_deps");
    assertThat(transform(((SkylarkNestedSet) names).toCollection(), new Function<Object, String>() {

        public String apply(Object o) {
            return o.toString();
Also used : SkylarkProviders( Label( ConfiguredTarget( AnalysisResult( Nullable(javax.annotation.Nullable) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 13 with ConfiguredTarget

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class SkylarkIntegrationTest method testFilesToBuild.

public void testFilesToBuild() throws Exception {
    scratch.file("test/skylark/extension.bzl", "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):", "  attr1 = ctx.files.attr1", "  ftb = depset(attr1)", "  return struct(runfiles = ctx.runfiles(), files = ftb)", "", "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,", "  attrs = {'attr1': attr.label_list(mandatory=True, allow_files=True)})");
    scratch.file("test/skylark/BUILD", "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')", "", "custom_rule(name = 'cr', attr1 = [':a.txt'])");
    ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
    assertEquals("//test/skylark:cr", target.getLabel().toString());
Also used : RuleConfiguredTarget( ConfiguredTarget( FileConfiguredTarget( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 14 with ConfiguredTarget

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class SkylarkIntegrationTest method testOutputGroups.

public void testOutputGroups() throws Exception {
    scratch.file("test/skylark/extension.bzl", "def _impl(ctx):", "  f = ctx.attr.dep.output_group('_hidden_top_level" + INTERNAL_SUFFIX + "')", "  return struct(result = f, ", "               output_groups = { 'my_group' : f })", "my_rule = rule(implementation = _impl,", "    attrs = { 'dep' : attr.label() })");
    scratch.file("test/skylark/BUILD", "load('/test/skylark/extension',  'my_rule')", "cc_binary(name = 'lib', data = ['a.txt'])", "my_rule(name='my', dep = ':lib')");
    NestedSet<Artifact> hiddenTopLevelArtifacts = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:lib").getProvider(OutputGroupProvider.class).getOutputGroup(OutputGroupProvider.HIDDEN_TOP_LEVEL);
    ConfiguredTarget myTarget = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:my");
    SkylarkNestedSet result = (SkylarkNestedSet) myTarget.getProvider(SkylarkProviders.class).getValue("result");
Also used : OutputGroupProvider( RuleConfiguredTarget( ConfiguredTarget( FileConfiguredTarget( Artifact( SkylarkNestedSet( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 15 with ConfiguredTarget

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class SkylarkIntegrationTest method testRuleClassImplicitOutputFunctionAndDefaultValue.

public void testRuleClassImplicitOutputFunctionAndDefaultValue() throws Exception {
    scratch.file("test/skylark/extension.bzl", "def custom_rule_impl(ctx):", "  ctx.action(", "    outputs = [ctx.outputs.o],", "    command = 'echo')", "  return struct(runfiles = ctx.runfiles())", "", "def output_func(attr1):", "  return {'o': attr1 + '.txt'}", "", "custom_rule = rule(implementation = custom_rule_impl,", "  attrs = {'attr1': attr.string(default='bar')},", "  outputs = output_func)");
    scratch.file("test/skylark/BUILD", "load('/test/skylark/extension', 'custom_rule')", "", "custom_rule(name = 'cr', attr1 = None)");
    ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget("//test/skylark:cr");
Also used : RuleConfiguredTarget( ConfiguredTarget( FileConfiguredTarget( Test(org.junit.Test)


ConfiguredTarget ( Test (org.junit.Test)178 Artifact ( FileConfiguredTarget ( RuleConfiguredTarget ( Label ( SkylarkProviders ( BuildConfiguration ( AnalysisResult ( Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)10 SkylarkClassObject ( Variables ( MergedConfiguredTarget ( Map (java.util.Map)7 OutputGroupProvider ( TestAspects ( Attribute ( RunfilesProvider ( ConfigMatchingProvider ( TestFilteringCompleteEvent (