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Example 21 with ConfiguredTarget

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class BuildViewTestBase method runTestForMultiCpuAnalysisFailure.

protected void runTestForMultiCpuAnalysisFailure(String badCpu, String goodCpu) throws Exception {
    useConfiguration("--experimental_multi_cpu=" + badCpu + "," + goodCpu);
    scratch.file("multi/BUILD", "config_setting(", "    name = 'config',", "    values = {'cpu': '" + badCpu + "'})", "cc_library(", "    name = 'cpu',", "    deps = select({", "        ':config': [':fail'],", "        '//conditions:default': []}))", "genrule(", "    name = 'fail',", "    outs = ['file1', 'file2'],", "    executable = 1,", "    cmd = 'touch $@')");
    update(defaultFlags().with(Flag.KEEP_GOING), "//multi:cpu");
    AnalysisResult result = getAnalysisResult();
    ConfiguredTarget targetA = Iterables.get(result.getTargetsToBuild(), 0);
    assertEquals(goodCpu, targetA.getConfiguration().getCpu());
    // Unfortunately, we get the same error twice - we can't distinguish the configurations.
    assertContainsEvent("if genrules produce executables, they are allowed only one output");
Also used : ConfiguredTarget( AnalysisResult(

Example 22 with ConfiguredTarget

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class BuildViewTestCase method checkWarning.

   * Check that configuration of the target named 'ruleName' in the
   * specified BUILD file reports a warning message ending in
   * 'expectedWarningMessage', and that no errors were reported.
   * @param packageName the package name of the generated BUILD file
   * @param ruleName the rule name for the rule in the generated BUILD file
   * @param expectedWarningMessage the expected warning message.
   * @param lines the text of the rule.
   * @return the found error.
protected Event checkWarning(String packageName, String ruleName, String expectedWarningMessage, String... lines) throws Exception {
    ConfiguredTarget target = scratchConfiguredTarget(packageName, ruleName, lines);
    assertFalse("Rule '" + "//" + packageName + ":" + ruleName + "' did contain an error", view.hasErrors(target));
    return assertContainsEvent(expectedWarningMessage);
Also used : ConfiguredTarget( RuleConfiguredTarget( FileConfiguredTarget(

Example 23 with ConfiguredTarget

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class BuildViewTestCase method getPseudoActionViaExtraAction.

   * Retrieves an instance of {@code PseudoAction} that is shadowed by an extra action
   * @param targetLabel Label of the target with an extra action
   * @param actionListenerLabel Label of the action listener
protected PseudoAction<?> getPseudoActionViaExtraAction(String targetLabel, String actionListenerLabel) throws Exception {
    useConfiguration(String.format("--experimental_action_listener=%s", actionListenerLabel));
    ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget(targetLabel);
    List<Action> actions = getExtraActionActions(target);
    ExtraAction extraAction = null;
    for (Action action : actions) {
        if (action instanceof ExtraAction) {
            extraAction = (ExtraAction) action;
    assertNotNull(actions.toString(), extraAction);
    Action pseudoAction = extraAction.getShadowedAction();
    assertEquals(String.format("%s%s.extra_action_dummy", targetConfig.getGenfilesFragment(), convertLabelToPath(targetLabel)), pseudoAction.getPrimaryOutput().getExecPathString());
    return (PseudoAction<?>) pseudoAction;
Also used : Action( SourceManifestAction( ExtraAction( PseudoAction( SpawnAction( SymlinkTreeAction( WorkspaceStatusAction( BaselineCoverageAction( PseudoAction( ConfiguredTarget( RuleConfiguredTarget( FileConfiguredTarget( ExtraAction(

Example 24 with ConfiguredTarget

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class BuildConfigurationSkylarkTest method testSkylarkWithTestEnvOptions.

public void testSkylarkWithTestEnvOptions() throws Exception {
    scratch.file("examples/rule/config_test.bzl", "def _test_rule_impl(ctx):", "   return struct(test_env = ctx.configuration.test_env)", "test_rule = rule(implementation = _test_rule_impl,", "   attrs = {},", ")");
    scratch.file("examples/config_skylark/BUILD", "package(default_visibility = ['//visibility:public'])", "load('/examples/rule/config_test', 'test_rule')", "test_rule(", "    name = 'my_target',", ")");
    ConfiguredTarget skylarkTarget = getConfiguredTarget("//examples/config_skylark:my_target");
    SkylarkProviders skylarkProviders = skylarkTarget.getProvider(SkylarkProviders.class);
    assertThat(skylarkProviders.getValue("test_env", SkylarkDict.class).get("TEST_ENV_VAR")).isEqualTo("my_value");
Also used : SkylarkProviders( ConfiguredTarget( SkylarkDict( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 25 with ConfiguredTarget

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class BuildViewTestCase method assertSrcsValidity.

protected void assertSrcsValidity(String ruleType, String targetName, boolean expectedError, String... expectedMessages) throws Exception {
    ConfiguredTarget target = getConfiguredTarget(targetName);
    if (expectedError) {
        for (String expectedMessage : expectedMessages) {
            String message = "in srcs attribute of " + ruleType + " rule " + targetName + ": " + expectedMessage;
    } else {
        for (String expectedMessage : expectedMessages) {
            String message = "in srcs attribute of " + ruleType + " rule " + target.getLabel() + ": " + expectedMessage;
Also used : ConfiguredTarget( RuleConfiguredTarget( FileConfiguredTarget(


ConfiguredTarget ( Test (org.junit.Test)178 Artifact ( FileConfiguredTarget ( RuleConfiguredTarget ( Label ( SkylarkProviders ( BuildConfiguration ( AnalysisResult ( Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)10 SkylarkClassObject ( Variables ( MergedConfiguredTarget ( Map (java.util.Map)7 OutputGroupProvider ( TestAspects ( Attribute ( RunfilesProvider ( ConfigMatchingProvider ( TestFilteringCompleteEvent (