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Example 36 with ConfiguredTarget

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class ExecutionTool method determineSuccessfulTargets.

   * Computes the result of the build. Sets the list of successful (up-to-date)
   * targets in the request object.
   * @param configuredTargets The configured targets whose artifacts are to be
   *                          built.
   * @param timer A timer that was started when the execution phase started.
private Collection<ConfiguredTarget> determineSuccessfulTargets(Collection<ConfiguredTarget> configuredTargets, Set<ConfiguredTarget> builtTargets, Stopwatch timer) {
    // Maintain the ordering by copying builtTargets into a LinkedHashSet in the same iteration
    // order as configuredTargets.
    Collection<ConfiguredTarget> successfulTargets = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    for (ConfiguredTarget target : configuredTargets) {
        if (builtTargets.contains(target)) {
    env.getEventBus().post(new ExecutionPhaseCompleteEvent(timer.stop().elapsed(MILLISECONDS)));
    return successfulTargets;
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) ExecutionPhaseCompleteEvent( ConfiguredTarget(

Example 37 with ConfiguredTarget

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class SkylarkRuleImplementationFunctionsTest method testDeclaredProvidersAliasTarget.

public void testDeclaredProvidersAliasTarget() throws Exception {
    scratch.file("test/foo.bzl", "foo_provider = provider()", "foobar_provider = provider()", "def _impl(ctx):", "    foo = foo_provider()", "    foobar = foobar_provider()", "    return [foo, foobar]", "foo_rule = rule(", "    implementation = _impl,", "    attrs = {", "       \"srcs\": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),", "    }", ")");
    scratch.file("test/bar.bzl", "load(':foo.bzl', 'foo_provider')", "def _impl(ctx):", "    dep = ctx.attr.deps[0]", // The goal is to test this object
    "    provider = dep[foo_provider]", // so we return it here
    "    return struct(proxy = provider)", "bar_rule = rule(", "    implementation = _impl,", "    attrs = {", "       'srcs': attr.label_list(allow_files=True),", "       'deps': attr.label_list(allow_files=True),", "    }", ")");
    scratch.file("test/BUILD", "load(':foo.bzl', 'foo_rule')", "load(':bar.bzl', 'bar_rule')", "foo_rule(name = 'foo_rule')", "alias(name = 'dep_rule', actual=':foo_rule')", "bar_rule(name = 'my_rule', deps = [':dep_rule'])");
    ConfiguredTarget configuredTarget = getConfiguredTarget("//test:my_rule");
    Object provider = configuredTarget.getProvider(SkylarkProviders.class).getValue("proxy");
    assertThat(((SkylarkClassObject) provider).getConstructor().getPrintableName()).isEqualTo("foo_provider");
Also used : SkylarkProviders( ConfiguredTarget( SkylarkClassObject( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 38 with ConfiguredTarget

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class SkylarkRuleImplementationFunctionsTest method testImplicitOutputsFromGlob.

public void testImplicitOutputsFromGlob() throws Exception {
    scratch.file("test/glob.bzl", "def _impl(ctx):", "  outs = ctx.outputs", "  for i in ctx.attr.srcs:", "    o = getattr(outs, 'foo_' +", "    ctx.file_action(", "      output = o,", "      content = 'hoho')", "", "def _foo(srcs):", "  outs = {}", "  for i in srcs:", "    outs['foo_' +] = + '.out'", "  return outs", "", "glob_rule = rule(", "    attrs = {", "        'srcs': attr.label_list(allow_files = True),", "    },", "    outputs = _foo,", "    implementation = _impl,", ")");
    scratch.file("test/", "a");
    scratch.file("test/", "b");
    scratch.file("test/BUILD", "load('/test/glob', 'glob_rule')", "glob_rule(name = 'my_glob', srcs = glob(['*.bar']))");
    ConfiguredTarget ct = getConfiguredTarget("//test:my_glob");
    assertThat(getGeneratingAction(getBinArtifact("", ct))).isNotNull();
    assertThat(getGeneratingAction(getBinArtifact("", ct))).isNotNull();
Also used : ConfiguredTarget( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 39 with ConfiguredTarget

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class SkyframeBuildView method configureTargets.

   * Analyzes the specified targets using Skyframe as the driving framework.
   * @return the configured targets that should be built along with a WalkableGraph of the analysis.
public SkyframeAnalysisResult configureTargets(ExtendedEventHandler eventHandler, List<ConfiguredTargetKey> values, List<AspectValueKey> aspectKeys, EventBus eventBus, boolean keepGoing, int numThreads) throws InterruptedException, ViewCreationFailedException {
    EvaluationResult<ActionLookupValue> result;
    try {
        result = skyframeExecutor.configureTargets(eventHandler, values, aspectKeys, keepGoing, numThreads);
    } finally {
    ImmutableMap<ActionAnalysisMetadata, ConflictException> badActions = skyframeExecutor.findArtifactConflicts();
    Collection<AspectValue> goodAspects = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(values.size());
    NestedSetBuilder<Package> packages = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder();
    for (AspectValueKey aspectKey : aspectKeys) {
        AspectValue value = (AspectValue) result.get(aspectKey.getSkyKey());
        if (value == null) {
            // Skip aspects that couldn't be applied to targets.
    // Filter out all CTs that have a bad action and convert to a list of configured targets. This
    // code ensures that the resulting list of configured targets has the same order as the incoming
    // list of values, i.e., that the order is deterministic.
    Collection<ConfiguredTarget> goodCts = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(values.size());
    for (ConfiguredTargetKey value : values) {
        ConfiguredTargetValue ctValue = (ConfiguredTargetValue) result.get(ConfiguredTargetValue.key(value));
        if (ctValue == null) {
    ImmutableMap<PackageIdentifier, Path> packageRoots = LoadingPhaseRunner.collectPackageRoots(;
    if (!result.hasError() && badActions.isEmpty()) {
        return new SkyframeAnalysisResult(/*hasLoadingError=*/
        false, /*hasAnalysisError=*/
        false, ImmutableList.copyOf(goodCts), result.getWalkableGraph(), ImmutableList.copyOf(goodAspects), packageRoots);
    // for keeping this code in parity with legacy we just report the first error for now.
    if (!keepGoing) {
        for (Map.Entry<ActionAnalysisMetadata, ConflictException> bad : badActions.entrySet()) {
            ConflictException ex = bad.getValue();
            try {
            } catch (MutableActionGraph.ActionConflictException ace) {
                String errorMsg = "Analysis of target '" + bad.getKey().getOwner().getLabel() + "' failed; build aborted";
                throw new ViewCreationFailedException(errorMsg);
            } catch (ArtifactPrefixConflictException apce) {
            throw new ViewCreationFailedException(ex.getMessage());
        Map.Entry<SkyKey, ErrorInfo> error = result.errorMap().entrySet().iterator().next();
        SkyKey topLevel = error.getKey();
        ErrorInfo errorInfo = error.getValue();
        assertSaneAnalysisError(errorInfo, topLevel);
        skyframeExecutor.getCyclesReporter().reportCycles(errorInfo.getCycleInfo(), topLevel, eventHandler);
        Throwable cause = errorInfo.getException();
        Preconditions.checkState(cause != null || !Iterables.isEmpty(errorInfo.getCycleInfo()), errorInfo);
        String errorMsg = null;
        if (topLevel.argument() instanceof ConfiguredTargetKey) {
            errorMsg = "Analysis of target '" + ConfiguredTargetValue.extractLabel(topLevel) + "' failed; build aborted";
        } else if (topLevel.argument() instanceof AspectValueKey) {
            AspectValueKey aspectKey = (AspectValueKey) topLevel.argument();
            errorMsg = "Analysis of aspect '" + aspectKey.getDescription() + "' failed; build aborted";
        } else {
            assert false;
        if (cause instanceof ActionConflictException) {
            ((ActionConflictException) cause).reportTo(eventHandler);
        throw new ViewCreationFailedException(errorMsg);
    boolean hasLoadingError = false;
    // --keep_going : We notify the error and return a ConfiguredTargetValue
    for (Map.Entry<SkyKey, ErrorInfo> errorEntry : result.errorMap().entrySet()) {
        // TODO(ulfjack): this is quadratic - if there are a lot of CTs, this could be rather slow.
        if (!values.contains(errorEntry.getKey().argument())) {
        SkyKey errorKey = errorEntry.getKey();
        ConfiguredTargetKey label = (ConfiguredTargetKey) errorKey.argument();
        Label topLevelLabel = label.getLabel();
        ErrorInfo errorInfo = errorEntry.getValue();
        assertSaneAnalysisError(errorInfo, errorKey);
        skyframeExecutor.getCyclesReporter().reportCycles(errorInfo.getCycleInfo(), errorKey, eventHandler);
        Exception cause = errorInfo.getException();
        Label analysisRootCause = null;
        if (cause instanceof ConfiguredValueCreationException) {
            ConfiguredValueCreationException ctCause = (ConfiguredValueCreationException) cause;
            for (Label rootCause : ctCause.getRootCauses()) {
                hasLoadingError = true;
       LoadingFailureEvent(topLevelLabel, rootCause));
            analysisRootCause = ctCause.getAnalysisRootCause();
        } else if (!Iterables.isEmpty(errorInfo.getCycleInfo())) {
            analysisRootCause = maybeGetConfiguredTargetCycleCulprit(topLevelLabel, errorInfo.getCycleInfo());
        } else if (cause instanceof ActionConflictException) {
            ((ActionConflictException) cause).reportTo(eventHandler);
        eventHandler.handle(Event.warn("errors encountered while analyzing target '" + topLevelLabel + "': it will not be built"));
        if (analysisRootCause != null) {
   AnalysisFailureEvent(LabelAndConfiguration.of(topLevelLabel, label.getConfiguration()), analysisRootCause));
    Collection<Exception> reportedExceptions = Sets.newHashSet();
    for (Map.Entry<ActionAnalysisMetadata, ConflictException> bad : badActions.entrySet()) {
        ConflictException ex = bad.getValue();
        try {
        } catch (MutableActionGraph.ActionConflictException ace) {
            eventHandler.handle(Event.warn("errors encountered while analyzing target '" + bad.getKey().getOwner().getLabel() + "': it will not be built"));
        } catch (ArtifactPrefixConflictException apce) {
            if (reportedExceptions.add(apce)) {
    if (!badActions.isEmpty()) {
        // In order to determine the set of configured targets transitively error free from action
        // conflict issues, we run a post-processing update() that uses the bad action map.
        EvaluationResult<PostConfiguredTargetValue> actionConflictResult = skyframeExecutor.postConfigureTargets(eventHandler, values, keepGoing, badActions);
        goodCts = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(values.size());
        for (ConfiguredTargetKey value : values) {
            PostConfiguredTargetValue postCt = actionConflictResult.get(PostConfiguredTargetValue.key(value));
            if (postCt != null) {
    return new SkyframeAnalysisResult(hasLoadingError, result.hasError() || !badActions.isEmpty(), ImmutableList.copyOf(goodCts), result.getWalkableGraph(), ImmutableList.copyOf(goodAspects), packageRoots);
Also used : ConflictException( ActionConflictException( ArtifactPrefixConflictException( Label( ArtifactPrefixConflictException( AspectValueKey( AnalysisFailureEvent( LoadingFailureEvent( Path( SkyKey( ActionConflictException( ErrorInfo( ConfiguredTarget( ActionAnalysisMetadata( ConfiguredValueCreationException( ActionConflictException( MutableActionGraph( ViewCreationFailedException( ConflictException( ActionConflictException( ConfiguredValueCreationException( NoSuchPackageException( AspectCreationException( NoSuchTargetException( SkylarkImportFailedException( ArtifactPrefixConflictException( ViewCreationFailedException( PackageIdentifier( Package( Map(java.util.Map) ImmutableMap(

Example 40 with ConfiguredTarget

use of in project bazel by bazelbuild.

the class TestCompletionFunction method compute.

public SkyValue compute(SkyKey skyKey, Environment env) throws InterruptedException {
    TestCompletionValue.TestCompletionKey key = (TestCompletionValue.TestCompletionKey) skyKey.argument();
    LabelAndConfiguration lac = key.labelAndConfiguration();
    TopLevelArtifactContext ctx = key.topLevelArtifactContext();
    if (env.getValue(TargetCompletionValue.key(lac, ctx)) == null) {
        return null;
    ConfiguredTargetValue ctValue = (ConfiguredTargetValue) env.getValue(ConfiguredTargetValue.key(lac.getLabel(), lac.getConfiguration()));
    if (ctValue == null) {
        return null;
    ConfiguredTarget ct = ctValue.getConfiguredTarget();
    if (key.exclusiveTesting()) {
        // Request test artifacts iteratively if testing exclusively.
        for (Artifact testArtifact : TestProvider.getTestStatusArtifacts(ct)) {
            if (env.getValue(ArtifactSkyKey.key(testArtifact, /*isMandatory=*/
            true)) == null) {
                return null;
    } else {
        if (env.valuesMissing()) {
            return null;
    return TestCompletionValue.TEST_COMPLETION_MARKER;
Also used : LabelAndConfiguration( ConfiguredTarget( TopLevelArtifactContext( Artifact(


ConfiguredTarget ( Test (org.junit.Test)178 Artifact ( FileConfiguredTarget ( RuleConfiguredTarget ( Label ( SkylarkProviders ( BuildConfiguration ( AnalysisResult ( Nullable (javax.annotation.Nullable)10 SkylarkClassObject ( Variables ( MergedConfiguredTarget ( Map (java.util.Map)7 OutputGroupProvider ( TestAspects ( Attribute ( RunfilesProvider ( ConfigMatchingProvider ( TestFilteringCompleteEvent (