use of com.jme3.math.Vector4f in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class MatParam method getValueAsString.
* Returns the material parameter value as it would appear in a J3M
* file. E.g.<br/>
* <code>
* MaterialParameters {<br/>
* ABC : 1 2 3 4<br/>
* }<br/>
* </code>
* Assuming "ABC" is a Vector4 parameter, then the value
* "1 2 3 4" would be returned by this method.
* <br/><br/>
* @return material parameter value as it would appear in a J3M file.
public String getValueAsString() {
switch(type) {
case Boolean:
case Float:
case Int:
return value.toString();
case Vector2:
Vector2f v2 = (Vector2f) value;
return v2.getX() + " " + v2.getY();
This may get used at a later point of time
When arrays can be inserted in J3M files
case Vector2Array:
Vector2f[] v2Arr = (Vector2f[]) value;
String v2str = "";
for (int i = 0; i < v2Arr.length ; i++) {
v2str += v2Arr[i].getX() + " " + v2Arr[i].getY() + "\n";
return v2str;
case Vector3:
Vector3f v3 = (Vector3f) value;
return v3.getX() + " " + v3.getY() + " " + v3.getZ();
case Vector3Array:
Vector3f[] v3Arr = (Vector3f[]) value;
String v3str = "";
for (int i = 0; i < v3Arr.length ; i++) {
v3str += v3Arr[i].getX() + " "
+ v3Arr[i].getY() + " "
+ v3Arr[i].getZ() + "\n";
return v3str;
case Vector4Array:
// can be either ColorRGBA, Vector4f or Quaternion
if (value instanceof Vector4f) {
Vector4f[] v4arr = (Vector4f[]) value;
String v4str = "";
for (int i = 0; i < v4arr.length ; i++) {
v4str += v4arr[i].getX() + " "
+ v4arr[i].getY() + " "
+ v4arr[i].getZ() + " "
+ v4arr[i].getW() + "\n";
return v4str;
} else if (value instanceof ColorRGBA) {
ColorRGBA[] colorArr = (ColorRGBA[]) value;
String colStr = "";
for (int i = 0; i < colorArr.length ; i++) {
colStr += colorArr[i].getRed() + " "
+ colorArr[i].getGreen() + " "
+ colorArr[i].getBlue() + " "
+ colorArr[i].getAlpha() + "\n";
return colStr;
} else if (value instanceof Quaternion) {
Quaternion[] quatArr = (Quaternion[]) value;
String quatStr = "";
for (int i = 0; i < quatArr.length ; i++) {
quatStr += quatArr[i].getX() + " "
+ quatArr[i].getY() + " "
+ quatArr[i].getZ() + " "
+ quatArr[i].getW() + "\n";
return quatStr;
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unexpected Vector4Array type: " + value);
case Vector4:
// can be either ColorRGBA, Vector4f or Quaternion
if (value instanceof Vector4f) {
Vector4f v4 = (Vector4f) value;
return v4.getX() + " " + v4.getY() + " " + v4.getZ() + " " + v4.getW();
} else if (value instanceof ColorRGBA) {
ColorRGBA color = (ColorRGBA) value;
return color.getRed() + " " + color.getGreen() + " " + color.getBlue() + " " + color.getAlpha();
} else if (value instanceof Quaternion) {
Quaternion quat = (Quaternion) value;
return quat.getX() + " " + quat.getY() + " " + quat.getZ() + " " + quat.getW();
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unexpected Vector4 type: " + value);
case Texture2D:
case Texture3D:
case TextureArray:
case TextureBuffer:
case TextureCubeMap:
Texture texVal = (Texture) value;
TextureKey texKey = (TextureKey) texVal.getKey();
if (texKey == null) {
// often does as well, even implicitly.
return texVal + ":returned null key";
String ret = "";
if (texKey.isFlipY()) {
ret += "Flip ";
//Wrap mode
ret += getWrapMode(texVal, Texture.WrapAxis.S);
ret += getWrapMode(texVal, Texture.WrapAxis.T);
ret += getWrapMode(texVal, Texture.WrapAxis.R);
//Min and Mag filter
Texture.MinFilter def = Texture.MinFilter.BilinearNoMipMaps;
if (texVal.getImage().hasMipmaps() || texKey.isGenerateMips()) {
def = Texture.MinFilter.Trilinear;
if (texVal.getMinFilter() != def) {
ret += "Min" + texVal.getMinFilter().name() + " ";
if (texVal.getMagFilter() != Texture.MagFilter.Bilinear) {
ret += "Mag" + texVal.getMagFilter().name() + " ";
return ret + "\"" + texKey.getName() + "\"";
// parameter type not supported in J3M
return null;
use of com.jme3.math.Vector4f in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class PrefilteredEnvMapFaceGenerator method importanceSampleGGX.
public Vector3f importanceSampleGGX(Vector4f xi, float a2, Vector3f normal, Vector3f store) {
if (store == null) {
store = new Vector3f();
float cosTheta = sqrt((1f - xi.x) / (1f + (a2 - 1f) * xi.x));
float sinTheta = sqrt(1f - cosTheta * cosTheta);
//xi.z is cos(phi)
float sinThetaCosPhi = sinTheta * xi.z;
//xi.w is sin(phi)
float sinThetaSinPhi = sinTheta * xi.w;
Vector3f upVector = Vector3f.UNIT_X;
if (abs(normal.z) < 0.999) {
upVector = Vector3f.UNIT_Y;
Vector3f tangentX = tmp1.set(upVector).crossLocal(normal).normalizeLocal();
Vector3f tangentY = tmp2.set(normal).crossLocal(tangentX);
// Tangent to world space
// Tangent to world space
return store;
use of com.jme3.math.Vector4f in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class EnvMapUtils method getHammersleyPoint.
public static Vector4f getHammersleyPoint(int i, final int nbrSample, Vector4f store) {
if (store == null) {
store = new Vector4f();
float phi;
long ui = i;
store.setX((float) i / (float) nbrSample);
/* From
* Radical Inverse : Van der Corput */
ui = (ui << 16) | (ui >> 16);
ui = ((ui & 0x55555555) << 1) | ((ui & 0xAAAAAAAA) >>> 1);
ui = ((ui & 0x33333333) << 2) | ((ui & 0xCCCCCCCC) >>> 2);
ui = ((ui & 0x0F0F0F0F) << 4) | ((ui & 0xF0F0F0F0) >>> 4);
ui = ((ui & 0x00FF00FF) << 8) | ((ui & 0xFF00FF00) >>> 8);
ui = ui & 0xffffffff;
store.setY(2.3283064365386963e-10f * (float) (ui));
/* 0x100000000 */
phi = 2.0f * PI * store.y;
return store;
use of com.jme3.math.Vector4f in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class SinglePassAndImageBasedLightingLogic method updateLightListUniforms.
* Uploads the lights in the light list as two uniform arrays.<br/><br/> *
* <p>
* <code>uniform vec4 g_LightColor[numLights];</code><br/> //
* g_LightColor.rgb is the diffuse/specular color of the light.<br/> //
* g_Lightcolor.a is the type of light, 0 = Directional, 1 = Point, <br/> //
* 2 = Spot. <br/> <br/>
* <code>uniform vec4 g_LightPosition[numLights];</code><br/> //
* is the position of the light (for point lights)<br/>
* // or the direction of the light (for directional lights).<br/> //
* g_LightPosition.w is the inverse radius (1/r) of the light (for
* attenuation) <br/> </p>
protected int updateLightListUniforms(Shader shader, Geometry g, LightList lightList, int numLights, RenderManager rm, int startIndex, int lastTexUnit) {
if (numLights == 0) {
// this shader does not do lighting, ignore.
return 0;
Uniform lightData = shader.getUniform("g_LightData");
//8 lights * max 3
lightData.setVector4Length(numLights * 3);
Uniform ambientColor = shader.getUniform("g_AmbientLightColor");
Uniform lightProbeData = shader.getUniform("g_LightProbeData");
Uniform lightProbeIrrMap = shader.getUniform("g_IrradianceMap");
Uniform lightProbePemMap = shader.getUniform("g_PrefEnvMap");
lightProbe = null;
if (startIndex != 0) {
// apply additive blending for 2nd and future passes
ambientColor.setValue(VarType.Vector4, ColorRGBA.Black);
} else {
lightProbe = extractIndirectLights(lightList, true);
ambientColor.setValue(VarType.Vector4, ambientLightColor);
//If there is a lightProbe in the list we force it's render on the first pass
if (lightProbe != null) {
BoundingSphere s = (BoundingSphere) lightProbe.getBounds();
lightProbeData.setVector4InArray(lightProbe.getPosition().x, lightProbe.getPosition().y, lightProbe.getPosition().z, 1f / s.getRadius(), 0);
//assigning new texture indexes
int irrUnit = lastTexUnit++;
int pemUnit = lastTexUnit++;
rm.getRenderer().setTexture(irrUnit, lightProbe.getIrradianceMap());
lightProbeIrrMap.setValue(VarType.Int, irrUnit);
rm.getRenderer().setTexture(pemUnit, lightProbe.getPrefilteredEnvMap());
lightProbePemMap.setValue(VarType.Int, pemUnit);
} else {
//Disable IBL for this pass
lightProbeData.setVector4InArray(0, 0, 0, -1, 0);
int lightDataIndex = 0;
TempVars vars = TempVars.get();
Vector4f tmpVec = vars.vect4f1;
int curIndex;
int endIndex = numLights + startIndex;
for (curIndex = startIndex; curIndex < endIndex && curIndex < lightList.size(); curIndex++) {
Light l = lightList.get(curIndex);
if (l.getType() == Light.Type.Ambient) {
ColorRGBA color = l.getColor();
if (l.getType() != Light.Type.Probe) {
lightData.setVector4InArray(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), l.getType().getId(), lightDataIndex);
switch(l.getType()) {
case Directional:
DirectionalLight dl = (DirectionalLight) l;
Vector3f dir = dl.getDirection();
//Data directly sent in view space to avoid a matrix mult for each pixel
tmpVec.set(dir.getX(), dir.getY(), dir.getZ(), 0.0f);
lightData.setVector4InArray(tmpVec.getX(), tmpVec.getY(), tmpVec.getZ(), -1, lightDataIndex);
lightData.setVector4InArray(0, 0, 0, 0, lightDataIndex);
case Point:
PointLight pl = (PointLight) l;
Vector3f pos = pl.getPosition();
float invRadius = pl.getInvRadius();
tmpVec.set(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), 1.0f);
lightData.setVector4InArray(tmpVec.getX(), tmpVec.getY(), tmpVec.getZ(), invRadius, lightDataIndex);
lightData.setVector4InArray(0, 0, 0, 0, lightDataIndex);
case Spot:
SpotLight sl = (SpotLight) l;
Vector3f pos2 = sl.getPosition();
Vector3f dir2 = sl.getDirection();
float invRange = sl.getInvSpotRange();
float spotAngleCos = sl.getPackedAngleCos();
tmpVec.set(pos2.getX(), pos2.getY(), pos2.getZ(), 1.0f);
lightData.setVector4InArray(tmpVec.getX(), tmpVec.getY(), tmpVec.getZ(), invRange, lightDataIndex);
tmpVec.set(dir2.getX(), dir2.getY(), dir2.getZ(), 0.0f);
lightData.setVector4InArray(tmpVec.getX(), tmpVec.getY(), tmpVec.getZ(), spotAngleCos, lightDataIndex);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown type of light: " + l.getType());
//Padding of unsued buffer space
while (lightDataIndex < numLights * 3) {
lightData.setVector4InArray(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, lightDataIndex);
return curIndex;
use of com.jme3.math.Vector4f in project jmonkeyengine by jMonkeyEngine.
the class SinglePassLightingLogic method updateLightListUniforms.
* Uploads the lights in the light list as two uniform arrays.<br/><br/> *
* <p>
* <code>uniform vec4 g_LightColor[numLights];</code><br/> //
* g_LightColor.rgb is the diffuse/specular color of the light.<br/> //
* g_Lightcolor.a is the type of light, 0 = Directional, 1 = Point, <br/> //
* 2 = Spot. <br/> <br/>
* <code>uniform vec4 g_LightPosition[numLights];</code><br/> //
* is the position of the light (for point lights)<br/>
* // or the direction of the light (for directional lights).<br/> //
* g_LightPosition.w is the inverse radius (1/r) of the light (for
* attenuation) <br/> </p>
protected int updateLightListUniforms(Shader shader, Geometry g, LightList lightList, int numLights, RenderManager rm, int startIndex) {
if (numLights == 0) {
// this shader does not do lighting, ignore.
return 0;
Uniform lightData = shader.getUniform("g_LightData");
//8 lights * max 3
lightData.setVector4Length(numLights * 3);
Uniform ambientColor = shader.getUniform("g_AmbientLightColor");
if (startIndex != 0) {
// apply additive blending for 2nd and future passes
ambientColor.setValue(VarType.Vector4, ColorRGBA.Black);
} else {
ambientColor.setValue(VarType.Vector4, getAmbientColor(lightList, true, ambientLightColor));
int lightDataIndex = 0;
TempVars vars = TempVars.get();
Vector4f tmpVec = vars.vect4f1;
int curIndex;
int endIndex = numLights + startIndex;
for (curIndex = startIndex; curIndex < endIndex && curIndex < lightList.size(); curIndex++) {
Light l = lightList.get(curIndex);
if (l.getType() == Light.Type.Ambient) {
ColorRGBA color = l.getColor();
lightData.setVector4InArray(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue(), l.getType().getId(), lightDataIndex);
switch(l.getType()) {
case Directional:
DirectionalLight dl = (DirectionalLight) l;
Vector3f dir = dl.getDirection();
//Data directly sent in view space to avoid a matrix mult for each pixel
tmpVec.set(dir.getX(), dir.getY(), dir.getZ(), 0.0f);
rm.getCurrentCamera().getViewMatrix().mult(tmpVec, tmpVec);
// tmpVec.divideLocal(tmpVec.w);
// tmpVec.normalizeLocal();
lightData.setVector4InArray(tmpVec.getX(), tmpVec.getY(), tmpVec.getZ(), -1, lightDataIndex);
lightData.setVector4InArray(0, 0, 0, 0, lightDataIndex);
case Point:
PointLight pl = (PointLight) l;
Vector3f pos = pl.getPosition();
float invRadius = pl.getInvRadius();
tmpVec.set(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ(), 1.0f);
rm.getCurrentCamera().getViewMatrix().mult(tmpVec, tmpVec);
lightData.setVector4InArray(tmpVec.getX(), tmpVec.getY(), tmpVec.getZ(), invRadius, lightDataIndex);
lightData.setVector4InArray(0, 0, 0, 0, lightDataIndex);
case Spot:
SpotLight sl = (SpotLight) l;
Vector3f pos2 = sl.getPosition();
Vector3f dir2 = sl.getDirection();
float invRange = sl.getInvSpotRange();
float spotAngleCos = sl.getPackedAngleCos();
tmpVec.set(pos2.getX(), pos2.getY(), pos2.getZ(), 1.0f);
rm.getCurrentCamera().getViewMatrix().mult(tmpVec, tmpVec);
// tmpVec.divideLocal(tmpVec.w);
lightData.setVector4InArray(tmpVec.getX(), tmpVec.getY(), tmpVec.getZ(), invRange, lightDataIndex);
//We transform the spot direction in view space here to save 5 varying later in the lighting shader
//one vec4 less and a vec4 that becomes a vec3
//the downside is that spotAngleCos decoding happens now in the frag shader.
tmpVec.set(dir2.getX(), dir2.getY(), dir2.getZ(), 0.0f);
rm.getCurrentCamera().getViewMatrix().mult(tmpVec, tmpVec);
lightData.setVector4InArray(tmpVec.getX(), tmpVec.getY(), tmpVec.getZ(), spotAngleCos, lightDataIndex);
case Probe:
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown type of light: " + l.getType());
//Padding of unsued buffer space
while (lightDataIndex < numLights * 3) {
lightData.setVector4InArray(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f, lightDataIndex);
return curIndex;