use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class InventoryView method handleClick.
private boolean handleClick(MouseButton mouseButton) {
// We assume a player has to be spawned in order to do items manipulation
Player player = gameWindow.getClient().getPlayer();
if (player == null) {
// this.mainScene.changeOverlay(parent);
selectedItem = null;
return true;
World world = player.getWorld();
for (int i = 0; i < drawers.length; i++) {
// Close button
if (drawers[i].isOverCloseButton()) {
selectedItem = null;
} else {
int[] c = drawers[i].getSelectedSlot();
if (c == null)
else {
int x = c[0];
int y = c[1];
if (selectedItem == null) {
if (mouseButton.equals("mouse.left")) {
selectedItem = inventories[i].getItemPileAt(x, y);
selectedItemAmount = selectedItem == null ? 0 : selectedItem.getAmount();
} else if (mouseButton.equals("mouse.right")) {
selectedItem = inventories[i].getItemPileAt(x, y);
selectedItemAmount = selectedItem == null ? 0 : 1;
} else if (mouseButton.equals("mouse.middle")) {
selectedItem = inventories[i].getItemPileAt(x, y);
selectedItemAmount = selectedItem == null ? 0 : (selectedItem.getAmount() > 1 ? selectedItem.getAmount() / 2 : 1);
// selectedItemInv = inventory;
} else if (mouseButton.equals("mouse.right")) {
if (selectedItem.equals(inventories[i].getItemPileAt(x, y))) {
if (selectedItemAmount < inventories[i].getItemPileAt(x, y).getAmount())
} else if (mouseButton.equals("mouse.left")) {
// Ignore null-sum games
if (selectedItem.getInventory() == inventories[i] && x == selectedItem.getX() && y == selectedItem.getY()) {
selectedItem = null;
return true;
if (world instanceof WorldMaster) {
PlayerMoveItemEvent moveItemEvent = new PlayerMoveItemEvent(player, selectedItem, selectedItem.getInventory(), inventories[i], selectedItem.getX(), selectedItem.getY(), x, y, selectedItemAmount);
// If move was successfull
if (!moveItemEvent.isCancelled())
selectedItem.moveItemPileTo(inventories[i], x, y, selectedItemAmount);
selectedItem = null;
} else if (world instanceof WorldClientNetworkedRemote) {
// When in a remote MP scenario, send a packet
PacketInventoryMoveItemPile packetMove = new PacketInventoryMoveItemPile(world, selectedItem, selectedItem.getInventory(), inventories[i], selectedItem.getX(), selectedItem.getY(), x, y, selectedItemAmount);
((WorldClientNetworkedRemote) world).getRemoteServer().pushPacket(packetMove);
// And unsellect item
selectedItem = null;
return true;
// Clicked outside of any other inventory (drop!)
if (selectedItem != null) {
// SP scenario, replicated logic in PacketInventoryMoveItemPile
if (world instanceof WorldMaster) {
// For local item drops, we need to make sure we have a sutiable entity
Entity playerEntity = player.getControlledEntity();
if (playerEntity != null) {
PlayerMoveItemEvent moveItemEvent = new PlayerMoveItemEvent(player, selectedItem, selectedItem.getInventory(), null, selectedItem.getX(), selectedItem.getY(), 0, 0, selectedItemAmount);
if (!moveItemEvent.isCancelled()) {
// If we're pulling this out of an inventory ( and not /dev/null ), we need to
// remove it from that
Inventory sourceInventory = selectedItem.getInventory();
Location loc = playerEntity.getLocation();
EventItemDroppedToWorld dropItemEvent = new EventItemDroppedToWorld(loc, sourceInventory, selectedItem);
if (!dropItemEvent.isCancelled()) {
if (sourceInventory != null)
sourceInventory.setItemPileAt(selectedItem.getX(), selectedItem.getY(), null);
if (dropItemEvent.getItemEntity() != null)
selectedItem = null;
} else // In MP scenario, move into /dev/null
if (world instanceof WorldClientNetworkedRemote) {
PacketInventoryMoveItemPile packetMove = new PacketInventoryMoveItemPile(world, selectedItem, selectedItem.getInventory(), null, selectedItem.getX(), selectedItem.getY(), 0, 0, selectedItemAmount);
((WorldClientNetworkedRemote) world).getRemoteServer().pushPacket(packetMove);
selectedItem = null;
return true;
use of in project chunkstories by Hugobros3.
the class PlayerClientImplementation method setControlledEntity.
public boolean setControlledEntity(EntityControllable entity) {
if (entity instanceof EntityControllable) {
EntityControllable controllableEntity = (EntityControllable) entity;
// If a world master, directly set the entity's controller
if (world instanceof WorldMaster)
// In remote networked worlds, we need to subscribe the server to our player actions to the controlled entity so he gets updates
if (entity.getWorld() instanceof WorldClientNetworkedRemote) {
// When changing controlled entity, first unsubscribe the remote server from the one we no longer own
if (controlledEntity != null && controllableEntity != controlledEntity)
((WorldClientNetworkedRemote) controlledEntity.getWorld()).getRemoteServer().unsubscribe(controlledEntity);
// Let know the server of new changes
((WorldClientNetworkedRemote) controllableEntity.getWorld()).getRemoteServer().subscribe(controllableEntity);
controlledEntity = controllableEntity;
} else if (entity == null && getControlledEntity() != null) {
// Directly unset it
if (world instanceof WorldMaster)
// When loosing control over an entity, stop sending the server info about it
if (controlledEntity != null)
if (controlledEntity.getWorld() instanceof WorldClientNetworkedRemote)
((WorldClientNetworkedRemote) controlledEntity.getWorld()).getRemoteServer().unsubscribe(controlledEntity);
controlledEntity = null;
return true;
use of in project chunkstories-api by Hugobros3.
the class EntityComponentController method pull.
public void pull(StreamSource from, DataInputStream dis) throws IOException {
long controllerUUID = 0;
boolean isControllerNotNull = dis.readBoolean();
if (isControllerNotNull)
controllerUUID = dis.readLong();
// This is strictly illegal, only remotely connected client worlds will accept such requests
if (!(entity.getWorld() instanceof WorldClientNetworkedRemote)) {
// Terminate connections immediately
if (from instanceof Player)
((Player) from).disconnect("Illegal controller set attempt, terminating client connection for " + from);
LocalPlayer player = ((ClientInterface) entity.getWorld().getGameContext()).getPlayer();
assert player != null;
if (isControllerNotNull) {
// long controllerUUID = dis.readLong();
long clientUUID = player.getUUID();
System.out.println("Entity " + entity + " is now in control of " + controllerUUID + " me=" + clientUUID);
// This update tells us we are now in control of this entity
if (clientUUID == controllerUUID) {
EntityControllable controlledEntity = (EntityControllable) entity;
// TODO sort out local hosted worlds properly ?
// Client.getInstance().getServerConnection().subscribe(entity);
controller = player;
System.out.println("The client is now in control of entity " + controlledEntity);
} else {
// If we receive a different UUID than ours in a EntityComponent change, it means that we don't control it anymore and someone else does.
if (player.getControlledEntity() != null && player.getControlledEntity().equals(entity)) {
// Client.getInstance().getServerConnection().unsubscribe(entity);
controller = null;
System.out.println("Lost control of entity " + entity + " to " + controllerUUID);
} else {
// If we receive a different UUID than ours in a EntityComponent change, it means that we don't control it anymore and someone else does.
if (player.getControlledEntity() != null && player.getControlledEntity().equals(entity)) {
// Client.getInstance().getServerConnection().unsubscribe(entity);
controller = null;
System.out.println("Lost control of entity " + entity);