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Example 26 with PlayerList

use of mage.players.PlayerList in project mage by magefree.

the class TriskaidekaphobiaLoseLifeEffect method apply.

public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) {
    int life;
    PlayerList playerList = game.getState().getPlayersInRange(source.getControllerId(), game);
    for (UUID pid : playerList) {
        Player player = game.getPlayer(pid);
        if (player != null) {
            life = player.getLife();
            if (life == 13) {
    for (UUID pid : playerList) {
        Player player = game.getPlayer(pid);
        if (player != null) {
            player.gainLife(1, game, source);
    return true;
Also used : Player(mage.players.Player) PlayerList(mage.players.PlayerList) UUID(java.util.UUID)

Example 27 with PlayerList

use of mage.players.PlayerList in project mage by magefree.

the class TargetSecondPilePermanent method apply.

public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) {
    Player controller = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId());
    if (controller != null) {
        // Map of players and their piles (1,2,3) with values of UUID of the permanents
        Map<UUID, Map<Integer, Set<UUID>>> playerPermanents = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        PlayerList playerList = game.getState().getPlayerList().copy();
        while (!playerList.get().equals(source.getControllerId()) && controller.canRespond()) {
        Player currentPlayer = game.getPlayer(playerList.get());
        Player nextPlayer;
        UUID firstNextPlayer = null;
        while (!getNextPlayerInDirection(true, playerList, game).equals(firstNextPlayer) && controller.canRespond()) {
            nextPlayer = game.getPlayer(playerList.get());
            if (nextPlayer == null) {
                return false;
            if (firstNextPlayer == null) {
                firstNextPlayer = nextPlayer.getId();
            if (!nextPlayer.canRespond()) {
            // if player is in range of controller they choose 3 piles with all their permanents
            if (currentPlayer != null && game.getState().getPlayersInRange(controller.getId(), game).contains(currentPlayer.getId())) {
                Map<Integer, Set<UUID>> playerPiles = new HashMap<>();
                for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
                    playerPiles.put(i, new LinkedHashSet<>());
                playerPermanents.put(currentPlayer.getId(), playerPiles);
                for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
                    FilterPermanent filter = new FilterPermanent("the permanents for the " + (i == 1 ? "first " : "second ") + "pile");
                    filter.add(new ControllerIdPredicate(currentPlayer.getId()));
                    Target target;
                    if (i == 1) {
                        target = new TargetPermanent(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, filter, true);
                    } else {
                        target = new TargetSecondPilePermanent(playerPiles.get(1), filter);
                    currentPlayer.chooseTarget(outcome, target, source, game);
                    StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(currentPlayer.getLogName()).append(" pile ").append(i).append(": ");
                    if (target.getTargets().isEmpty()) {
                        message.append(" (empty)");
                    } else {
                        for (UUID permanentId : target.getTargets()) {
                            Permanent permanent = game.getPermanent(permanentId);
                            if (permanent != null) {
                                message.append(permanent.getName()).append(' ');
                // add all permanents not targeted yet to the third pile
                StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(currentPlayer.getLogName()).append(" pile 3: ");
                for (Permanent permanent : game.getState().getBattlefield().getAllActivePermanents(currentPlayer.getId())) {
                    if (!playerPiles.get(1).contains(permanent.getId()) && !playerPiles.get(2).contains(permanent.getId())) {
                        message.append(permanent.getName()).append(' ');
                if (playerPiles.get(3).isEmpty()) {
                    message.append(" (empty)");
            currentPlayer = nextPlayer;
        // Sacrifice all permanents from a pile randomly selected
        for (Map.Entry<UUID, Map<Integer, Set<UUID>>> playerPiles : playerPermanents.entrySet()) {
            Player player = game.getPlayer(playerPiles.getKey());
            if (player != null) {
                // decide which pile to sacrifice
                // random number from 1 - 3
                int sacrificePile = RandomUtil.nextInt(3) + 1;
                game.informPlayers(player.getLogName() + " sacrifices pile number " + sacrificePile);
                for (UUID permanentId : playerPiles.getValue().get(sacrificePile)) {
                    Permanent permanent = game.getPermanent(permanentId);
                    if (permanent != null) {
                        permanent.sacrifice(source, game);
        return true;
    return false;
Also used : Player(mage.players.Player) FilterPermanent(mage.filter.FilterPermanent) FilterPermanent(mage.filter.FilterPermanent) Permanent( TargetPermanent( PlayerList(mage.players.PlayerList) Target( ControllerIdPredicate(mage.filter.predicate.permanent.ControllerIdPredicate) TargetPermanent(

Example 28 with PlayerList

use of mage.players.PlayerList in project mage by magefree.

the class ClashEffect method apply.

public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) {
    Player controller = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId());
    MageObject sourceObject = source.getSourceObject(game);
    if (controller == null || sourceObject == null || game.replaceEvent(GameEvent.getEvent(GameEvent.EventType.CLASH, controller.getId(), source, controller.getId()))) {
        return false;
    // choose opponent
    Target target = new TargetOpponent(true);
    target.setTargetName("an opponent to clash with");
    if (!controller.choose(Outcome.Benefit, target, source.getSourceId(), game)) {
        return false;
    Player opponent = game.getPlayer(target.getFirstTarget());
    if (opponent == null) {
        return false;
    int cmcController = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    Card cardController = null;
    boolean topController = true;
    int cmcOpponent = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    Card cardOpponent = null;
    boolean topOpponent = true;
    // Reveal top cards of involved players
    StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("Clash: ");
    if (controller.getLibrary().hasCards()) {
        Cards cards = new CardsImpl();
        cardController = controller.getLibrary().getFromTop(game);
        controller.revealCards(sourceObject.getIdName() + ": Clash card of " + controller.getName(), cards, game);
        cmcController = cardController.getManaValue();
        message.append(" (").append(cmcController).append(')');
    } else {
        message.append(" no card");
    message.append(" vs. ").append(opponent.getLogName());
    if (opponent.getLibrary().hasCards()) {
        Cards cards = new CardsImpl();
        cardOpponent = opponent.getLibrary().getFromTop(game);
        opponent.revealCards(sourceObject.getIdName() + ": Clash card of " + opponent.getName(), cards, game);
        cmcOpponent = cardOpponent.getManaValue();
        message.append(" (").append(cmcOpponent).append(')');
    } else {
        message.append(" no card");
    message.append(" - ");
    if (!game.isSimulation()) {
        if (cmcController > cmcOpponent) {
            message.append(controller.getLogName()).append(" won the clash");
            game.informPlayer(controller, "You won the clash!");
        } else if (cmcController < cmcOpponent) {
            message.append(opponent.getLogName()).append(" won the clash");
            game.informPlayer(controller, opponent.getLogName() + " won the clash!");
        } else {
            message.append(" no winner ");
    // decide to put the cards on top or on the buttom of library in turn order beginning with the active player in turn order
    PlayerList playerList = game.getPlayerList().copy();
    Player nextPlayer;
    do {
        Player current = playerList.getCurrent(game);
        if (cardController != null && current.getId().equals(controller.getId())) {
            topController = current.chooseUse(Outcome.Detriment, "Put " + cardController.getLogName() + " back on top of your library? (otherwise it goes to bottom)", source, game);
        if (cardOpponent != null && current.getId().equals(opponent.getId())) {
            topOpponent = current.chooseUse(Outcome.Detriment, "Put " + cardOpponent.getLogName() + " back on top of your library? (otherwise it goes to bottom)", source, game);
        nextPlayer = playerList.getNext(game, false);
    } while (nextPlayer != null && !nextPlayer.getId().equals(game.getActivePlayerId()));
    // put the cards back to library
    if (cardController != null) {
        controller.moveCardToLibraryWithInfo(cardController, source, game, Zone.LIBRARY, topController, true);
    if (cardOpponent != null) {
        opponent.moveCardToLibraryWithInfo(cardOpponent, source, game, Zone.LIBRARY, topOpponent, true);
    // fire CLASHED event with info about who won
    game.fireEvent(new GameEvent(GameEvent.EventType.CLASHED, controller.getId(), source, opponent.getId(), 0, cmcController > cmcOpponent));
    game.fireEvent(new GameEvent(GameEvent.EventType.CLASHED, opponent.getId(), source, controller.getId(), 0, cmcOpponent > cmcController));
    // set opponent to DoIfClashWonEffect
    for (Effect effect : source.getEffects()) {
        if (effect instanceof DoIfClashWonEffect) {
            effect.setValue("clashOpponent", opponent);
    return cmcController > cmcOpponent;
Also used : Player(mage.players.Player) TargetOpponent( PlayerList(mage.players.PlayerList) MageObject(mage.MageObject) Card( Target( GameEvent( OneShotEffect(mage.abilities.effects.OneShotEffect) Effect(mage.abilities.effects.Effect) Cards( CardsImpl(

Example 29 with PlayerList

use of mage.players.PlayerList in project mage by magefree.

the class Combat method getAttackablePlayers.

public List<UUID> getAttackablePlayers(Game game) {
    List<UUID> attackablePlayers = new ArrayList<>();
    Player attackingPlayer = game.getPlayer(attackingPlayerId);
    if (attackingPlayer != null) {
        PlayerList players;
        Player opponent;
        switch(game.getAttackOption()) {
            case LEFT:
                players = game.getState().getPlayerList(attackingPlayerId);
                opponent = players.getNext(game, false);
                while (opponent != null && attackingPlayer.isInGame()) {
                    if (attackingPlayer.hasOpponent(opponent.getId(), game)) {
                    opponent = players.getNext(game, false);
            case RIGHT:
                players = game.getState().getPlayerList(attackingPlayerId);
                opponent = players.getPrevious(game);
                while (opponent != null && attackingPlayer.isInGame()) {
                    if (attackingPlayer.hasOpponent(opponent.getId(), game)) {
                    opponent = players.getPrevious(game);
            case MULTIPLE:
    return attackablePlayers;
Also used : Player(mage.players.Player) PlayerList(mage.players.PlayerList)

Example 30 with PlayerList

use of mage.players.PlayerList in project mage by magefree.

the class BendOrBreakEffect method apply.

public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) {
    Player controller = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId());
    if (controller != null) {
        // Map of players and their piles
        Map<UUID, List<List<Permanent>>> playerPermanents = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        PlayerList playerList = game.getState().getPlayerList().copy();
        while (!playerList.get().equals(source.getControllerId()) && controller.canRespond()) {
        Player currentPlayer = game.getPlayer(playerList.get());
        Player nextPlayer;
        UUID firstNextPlayer = null;
        while (!getNextPlayerInDirection(true, playerList).equals(firstNextPlayer) && controller.canRespond()) {
            nextPlayer = game.getPlayer(playerList.get());
            if (nextPlayer == null) {
                return false;
            if (firstNextPlayer == null) {
                firstNextPlayer = nextPlayer.getId();
            if (!nextPlayer.canRespond()) {
            // Each player separates all nontoken lands they control into two piles
            if (currentPlayer != null && game.getState().getPlayersInRange(controller.getId(), game).contains(currentPlayer.getId())) {
                List<Permanent> firstPile = new ArrayList<>();
                List<Permanent> secondPile = new ArrayList<>();
                FilterControlledLandPermanent filter = new FilterControlledLandPermanent("lands you control to assign to the first pile (lands not chosen will be assigned to the second pile)");
                TargetPermanent target = new TargetControlledPermanent(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, filter, true);
                if (target.canChoose(source.getSourceId(), currentPlayer.getId(), game)) {
                    // TODO: add support for AI (50/50), need AI hints mechanic here
                    currentPlayer.chooseTarget(Outcome.Neutral, target, source, game);
                    for (Permanent permanent : game.getBattlefield().getAllActivePermanents(filter, currentPlayer.getId(), game)) {
                        if (target.getTargets().contains(permanent.getId())) {
                        } else {
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("First pile of ").append(currentPlayer.getLogName()).append(": ");
                    sb.append(", ")));
                    sb = new StringBuilder("Second pile of ").append(currentPlayer.getLogName()).append(": ");
                    sb.append(", ")));
                List<List<Permanent>> playerPiles = new ArrayList<>();
                playerPermanents.put(currentPlayer.getId(), playerPiles);
            currentPlayer = nextPlayer;
        // For each player, one of their piles is chosen by one of their opponents of their choice
        for (Map.Entry<UUID, List<List<Permanent>>> playerPiles : playerPermanents.entrySet()) {
            Player player = game.getPlayer(playerPiles.getKey());
            if (player != null) {
                FilterPlayer filter = new FilterPlayer("opponent");
                List<PlayerIdPredicate> opponentPredicates = new ArrayList<>();
                for (UUID opponentId : game.getOpponents(player.getId())) {
                    opponentPredicates.add(new PlayerIdPredicate(opponentId));
                Target target = new TargetPlayer(1, 1, true, filter);
                if (player.chooseTarget(outcome, target, source, game)) {
                    Player chosenOpponent = game.getPlayer(target.getFirstTarget());
                    if (chosenOpponent != null) {
                        List<Permanent> firstPile = playerPiles.getValue().get(0);
                        List<Permanent> secondPile = playerPiles.getValue().get(1);
                        game.informPlayers(player.getLogName() + " chose " + chosenOpponent.getLogName() + " to choose their pile");
                        if (chosenOpponent.choosePile(outcome, "Piles of " + player.getName(), firstPile, secondPile, game)) {
                            List<List<Permanent>> lists = playerPiles.getValue();
                            game.informPlayers(player.getLogName() + " will have their first pile destroyed");
                        } else {
                            List<List<Permanent>> lists = playerPiles.getValue();
                            game.informPlayers(player.getLogName() + " will have their second pile destroyed");
        // Destroy all lands in the chosen piles. Tap all lands in the other piles
        for (Map.Entry<UUID, List<List<Permanent>>> playerPiles : playerPermanents.entrySet()) {
            Player player = game.getPlayer(playerPiles.getKey());
            if (player != null) {
                List<Permanent> pileToSac = playerPiles.getValue().get(0);
                List<Permanent> pileToTap = playerPiles.getValue().get(1);
                for (Permanent permanent : pileToSac) {
                    if (permanent != null) {
                        permanent.destroy(source, game, false);
                for (Permanent permanent : pileToTap) {
                    if (permanent != null) {
                        permanent.tap(source, game);
        return true;
    return false;
Also used : TargetPlayer( Player(mage.players.Player) FilterPlayer(mage.filter.FilterPlayer) Permanent( TargetControlledPermanent( FilterControlledLandPermanent(mage.filter.common.FilterControlledLandPermanent) TargetPermanent( PlayerList(mage.players.PlayerList) FilterPlayer(mage.filter.FilterPlayer) TargetPlayer( TargetControlledPermanent( Target( PlayerIdPredicate(mage.filter.predicate.other.PlayerIdPredicate) PlayerList(mage.players.PlayerList) TargetPermanent( FilterControlledLandPermanent(mage.filter.common.FilterControlledLandPermanent)


PlayerList (mage.players.PlayerList)33 Player (mage.players.Player)30 UUID (java.util.UUID)13 Permanent ( Target ( Card ( FilterCard (mage.filter.FilterCard)5 FilterPermanent (mage.filter.FilterPermanent)5 ContinuousEffect (mage.abilities.effects.ContinuousEffect)4 ControllerIdPredicate (mage.filter.predicate.permanent.ControllerIdPredicate)4 TargetCard ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 MageObject (mage.MageObject)3 Effect (mage.abilities.effects.Effect)3 GainControlTargetEffect (mage.abilities.effects.common.continuous.GainControlTargetEffect)3 Choice (mage.choices.Choice)3 TargetPermanent ( FixedTarget ( Serializable ( java.util (java.util)2