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Example 31 with PlayerList

use of mage.players.PlayerList in project mage by magefree.

the class AetherspoutsEffect method apply.

public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) {
    Player controller = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId());
    if (controller != null) {
        PlayerList playerList = game.getPlayerList().copy();
        Player player = game.getPlayer(game.getActivePlayerId());
        Player activePlayer = player;
        do {
            List<Permanent> permanentsToTop = new ArrayList<>();
            List<Permanent> permanentsToBottom = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Permanent permanent : game.getState().getBattlefield().getActivePermanents(new FilterAttackingCreature(), player.getId(), source.getSourceId(), game)) {
                if (permanent.isOwnedBy(player.getId())) {
                    if (player.chooseUse(outcome, "Put " + permanent.getLogName() + " to the top? (else it goes to bottom)", source, game)) {
                        game.informPlayers(permanent.getLogName() + " goes to the top of " + player.getLogName() + "'s library");
                    } else {
                        game.informPlayers(permanent.getLogName() + " goes to the bottom of " + player.getLogName() + "'s library");
            // cards to top
            Cards cards = new CardsImpl();
            List<Permanent> toLibrary = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Permanent permanent : permanentsToTop) {
                if (permanent instanceof PermanentToken) {
                } else {
                    Card card = game.getCard(permanent.getId());
                    if (card != null) {
            TargetCard target = new TargetCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, new FilterCard("order to put on the top of library (last choosen will be the top most)"));
            while (cards.size() > 1) {
                if (!player.canRespond()) {
                    return false;
                player.choose(Outcome.Neutral, cards, target, game);
                Card card = cards.get(target.getFirstTarget(), game);
                if (card != null) {
                    Permanent permanent = game.getPermanent(card.getId());
                    if (permanent != null) {
            if (cards.size() == 1) {
                Card card = cards.get(cards.iterator().next(), game);
                Permanent permanent = game.getPermanent(card.getId());
                if (permanent != null) {
            // move all permanents to lib at the same time
            for (Permanent permanent : toLibrary) {
                player.moveCardToLibraryWithInfo(permanent, source, game, Zone.BATTLEFIELD, true, false);
            // cards to bottom
            for (Permanent permanent : permanentsToBottom) {
                if (permanent instanceof PermanentToken) {
                } else {
                    Card card = game.getCard(permanent.getId());
                    if (card != null) {
            target = new TargetCard(Zone.BATTLEFIELD, new FilterCard("order to put on bottom of library (last choosen will be bottommost card)"));
            while (player.canRespond() && cards.size() > 1) {
                player.choose(Outcome.Neutral, cards, target, game);
                Card card = cards.get(target.getFirstTarget(), game);
                if (card != null) {
                    Permanent permanent = game.getPermanent(card.getId());
                    if (permanent != null) {
            if (cards.size() == 1) {
                Card card = cards.get(cards.iterator().next(), game);
                Permanent permanent = game.getPermanent(card.getId());
                if (permanent != null) {
            // move all permanents to lib at the same time
            for (Permanent permanent : toLibrary) {
                player.moveCardToLibraryWithInfo(permanent, source, game, Zone.BATTLEFIELD, false, false);
            player = playerList.getNext(game, false);
        } while (player != null && !player.getId().equals(game.getActivePlayerId()) && activePlayer.canRespond());
        return true;
    return false;
Also used : FilterAttackingCreature(mage.filter.common.FilterAttackingCreature) FilterCard(mage.filter.FilterCard) Player(mage.players.Player) Permanent( PlayerList(mage.players.PlayerList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PermanentToken( TargetCard( FilterCard(mage.filter.FilterCard) TargetCard(

Example 32 with PlayerList

use of mage.players.PlayerList in project mage by magefree.

the class AminatouUltimateEffect method apply.

public boolean apply(Game game, Ability source) {
    Player controller = game.getPlayer(source.getControllerId());
    if (controller != null) {
        Choice choice = new ChoiceLeftOrRight();
        if (!controller.choose(Outcome.Neutral, choice, game)) {
            return false;
        boolean left = choice.getChoice().equals("Left");
        PlayerList playerList = game.getState().getPlayerList().copy();
        // set playerlist to controller
        while (!playerList.get().equals(source.getControllerId())) {
        UUID currentPlayer = playerList.get();
        UUID nextPlayer;
        UUID firstNextPlayer = null;
        while (!getNextPlayerInDirection(left, playerList, game).equals(firstNextPlayer)) {
            nextPlayer = playerList.get();
            if (nextPlayer == null) {
                return false;
            // skip players out of range
            if (!game.getState().getPlayersInRange(controller.getId(), game).contains(nextPlayer)) {
            // save first next player to check for iteration stop
            if (firstNextPlayer == null) {
                firstNextPlayer = nextPlayer;
            FilterNonlandPermanent nextPlayerNonlandPermanentsFilter = new FilterNonlandPermanent();
            nextPlayerNonlandPermanentsFilter.add(new ControllerIdPredicate(nextPlayer));
            for (Permanent permanent : game.getBattlefield().getAllActivePermanents(nextPlayerNonlandPermanentsFilter, game)) {
                if (permanent.getId().equals(source.getSourceId())) {
                ContinuousEffect effect = new GainControlTargetEffect(Duration.EndOfGame, currentPlayer);
                effect.setTargetPointer(new FixedTarget(permanent, game));
                game.addEffect(effect, source);
            currentPlayer = nextPlayer;
        return true;
    return false;
Also used : FixedTarget( Player(mage.players.Player) Choice(mage.choices.Choice) FilterNonlandPermanent(mage.filter.common.FilterNonlandPermanent) FilterPermanent(mage.filter.FilterPermanent) Permanent( TargetPermanent( PlayerList(mage.players.PlayerList) ControllerIdPredicate(mage.filter.predicate.permanent.ControllerIdPredicate) ChoiceLeftOrRight(mage.choices.ChoiceLeftOrRight) ContinuousEffect(mage.abilities.effects.ContinuousEffect) UUID(java.util.UUID) FilterNonlandPermanent(mage.filter.common.FilterNonlandPermanent) GainControlTargetEffect(mage.abilities.effects.common.continuous.GainControlTargetEffect)

Example 33 with PlayerList

use of mage.players.PlayerList in project mage by magefree.

the class HumanPlayer method priority.

public boolean priority(Game game) {
    passed = false;
    // TODO: use controlling player in all choose dialogs (and canRespond too, what's with take control of player AI?!)
    if (canRespond()) {
        HumanPlayer controllingPlayer = this;
        if (isGameUnderControl()) {
            // TODO: must be ! to get real controlling player
            Player player = game.getPlayer(getTurnControlledBy());
            if (player instanceof HumanPlayer) {
                controllingPlayer = (HumanPlayer) player;
        if (getJustActivatedType() != null && !holdingPriority) {
            if (controllingPlayer.getUserData().isPassPriorityCast() && getJustActivatedType() == AbilityType.SPELL) {
                return false;
            if (controllingPlayer.getUserData().isPassPriorityActivation() && getJustActivatedType() == AbilityType.ACTIVATED) {
                return false;
        // STOP conditions (temporary stop without skip reset)
        boolean quickStop = false;
        if (isGameUnderControl()) {
            // if was attacked - always stop BEFORE blocker step (to cast extra spells)
            if (game.getTurn().getStepType() == PhaseStep.DECLARE_ATTACKERS && game.getCombat().getPlayerDefenders(game).contains(playerId)) {
                FilterCreatureForCombatBlock filter = filterCreatureForCombatBlock.copy();
                filter.add(new ControllerIdPredicate(playerId));
                // stop skip on any/zero permanents available
                int possibleBlockersCount = game.getBattlefield().count(filter, null, playerId, game);
                boolean canStopOnAny = possibleBlockersCount != 0 && getControllingPlayersUserData(game).getUserSkipPrioritySteps().isStopOnDeclareBlockersWithAnyPermanents();
                boolean canStopOnZero = possibleBlockersCount == 0 && getControllingPlayersUserData(game).getUserSkipPrioritySteps().isStopOnDeclareBlockersWithZeroPermanents();
                quickStop = canStopOnAny || canStopOnZero;
        // SKIP - use the skip actions only if the player itself controls its turn
        if (!quickStop && isGameUnderControl()) {
            if (passedAllTurns || passedTurnSkipStack) {
                if (passWithManaPoolCheck(game)) {
                    return false;
            if (passedUntilEndStepBeforeMyTurn) {
                if (game.getTurn().getStepType() != PhaseStep.END_TURN) {
                    // other step
                    if (passWithManaPoolCheck(game)) {
                        return false;
                } else {
                    // end step - search yourself
                    PlayerList playerList = game.getState().getPlayerList(playerId);
                    if (!playerList.getPrevious().equals(game.getActivePlayerId())) {
                        if (passWithManaPoolCheck(game)) {
                            return false;
                    } else {
                        // stop
                        passedUntilEndStepBeforeMyTurn = false;
            if (game.getStack().isEmpty()) {
                // empty stack
                boolean dontCheckPassStep = false;
                if (passedUntilStackResolved) {
                    // Don't skip to next step with this action. It always only resolves a stack. If stack is empty it does nothing.
                    passedUntilStackResolved = false;
                    dontCheckPassStep = true;
                if (passedTurn || passedTurnSkipStack) {
                    if (passWithManaPoolCheck(game)) {
                        return false;
                if (passedUntilNextMain) {
                    if (game.getTurn().getStepType() == PhaseStep.POSTCOMBAT_MAIN || game.getTurn().getStepType() == PhaseStep.PRECOMBAT_MAIN) {
                        // it's main step
                        if (!skippedAtLeastOnce || (!playerId.equals(game.getActivePlayerId()) && !controllingPlayer.getUserData().getUserSkipPrioritySteps().isStopOnAllMainPhases())) {
                            skippedAtLeastOnce = true;
                            if (passWithManaPoolCheck(game)) {
                                return false;
                        } else {
                            dontCheckPassStep = true;
                            // reset skip action
                            passedUntilNextMain = false;
                    } else {
                        skippedAtLeastOnce = true;
                        if (passWithManaPoolCheck(game)) {
                            return false;
                if (passedUntilEndOfTurn) {
                    if (game.getTurn().getStepType() == PhaseStep.END_TURN) {
                        // it's end of turn step
                        if (!skippedAtLeastOnce || (playerId.equals(game.getActivePlayerId()) && !controllingPlayer.getUserData().getUserSkipPrioritySteps().isStopOnAllEndPhases())) {
                            skippedAtLeastOnce = true;
                            if (passWithManaPoolCheck(game)) {
                                return false;
                        } else {
                            dontCheckPassStep = true;
                            // reset skip action
                            passedUntilEndOfTurn = false;
                    } else {
                        skippedAtLeastOnce = true;
                        if (passWithManaPoolCheck(game)) {
                            return false;
                if (!dontCheckPassStep && checkPassStep(game, controllingPlayer)) {
                    if (passWithManaPoolCheck(game)) {
                        return false;
            } else {
                // non empty stack
                boolean haveNewObjectsOnStack = !Objects.equals(dateLastAddedToStack, game.getStack().getDateLastAdded());
                dateLastAddedToStack = game.getStack().getDateLastAdded();
                if (passedUntilStackResolved) {
                    if (haveNewObjectsOnStack && (playerId.equals(game.getActivePlayerId()) && controllingPlayer.getUserData().getUserSkipPrioritySteps().isStopOnStackNewObjects())) {
                        // new objects on stack -- disable "pass until stack resolved"
                        passedUntilStackResolved = false;
                    } else {
                    // no new objects on stack -- go to next priority
                if (passedUntilStackResolved) {
                    if (passWithManaPoolCheck(game)) {
                        return false;
        while (canRespond()) {
            holdingPriority = false;
            updateGameStatePriority("priority", game);
            if (!isExecutingMacro()) {
            if (game.executingRollback()) {
                return true;
            if (response.getBoolean() != null || response.getInteger() != null) {
                if (!activatingMacro && passWithManaPoolCheck(game)) {
                    return false;
                } else {
                    if (activatingMacro) {
                        synchronized (actionQueue) {
        UUID responseId = getFixedResponseUUID(game);
        if (response.getString() != null && response.getString().equals("special")) {
            activateSpecialAction(game, null);
        } else if (responseId != null) {
            boolean result = false;
            MageObject object = game.getObject(responseId);
            if (object != null) {
                Zone zone = game.getState().getZone(object.getId());
                if (zone != null) {
                    // look at card or try to cast/activate abilities
                    LinkedHashMap<UUID, ActivatedAbility> useableAbilities = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                    Player actingPlayer = null;
                    if (playerId.equals(game.getPriorityPlayerId())) {
                        actingPlayer = this;
                    } else if (getPlayersUnderYourControl().contains(game.getPriorityPlayerId())) {
                        actingPlayer = game.getPlayer(game.getPriorityPlayerId());
                    if (actingPlayer != null) {
                        useableAbilities = actingPlayer.getPlayableActivatedAbilities(object, zone, game);
                        // Enable it on massive broken cards/abilities only or for manual tests
                            if (object instanceof Card) {
                                for (Ability ability : ((Card) object).getAbilities(game)) {
                                    if (ability instanceof SpellAbility && ((SpellAbility) ability).canActivate(actingPlayer.getId(), game).canActivate() || ability instanceof PlayLandAbility) {
                                        useableAbilities.putIfAbsent(ability.getId(), (ActivatedAbility) ability);
                    if (object instanceof Card && ((Card) object).isFaceDown(game) && lookAtFaceDownCard((Card) object, game, useableAbilities.size())) {
                        result = true;
                    } else {
                        if (!useableAbilities.isEmpty()) {
                            activateAbility(useableAbilities, object, game);
                            result = true;
            return result;
        } else {
            return response.getManaType() == null;
        return true;
    return false;
Also used : ManaAbility(mage.abilities.mana.ManaAbility) Player(mage.players.Player) PlayerList(mage.players.PlayerList) MageObject(mage.MageObject) TargetCard( FilterCreatureForCombatBlock(mage.filter.common.FilterCreatureForCombatBlock) ControllerIdPredicate(mage.filter.predicate.permanent.ControllerIdPredicate)


PlayerList (mage.players.PlayerList)33 Player (mage.players.Player)30 UUID (java.util.UUID)13 Permanent ( Target ( Card ( FilterCard (mage.filter.FilterCard)5 FilterPermanent (mage.filter.FilterPermanent)5 ContinuousEffect (mage.abilities.effects.ContinuousEffect)4 ControllerIdPredicate (mage.filter.predicate.permanent.ControllerIdPredicate)4 TargetCard ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 MageObject (mage.MageObject)3 Effect (mage.abilities.effects.Effect)3 GainControlTargetEffect (mage.abilities.effects.common.continuous.GainControlTargetEffect)3 Choice (mage.choices.Choice)3 TargetPermanent ( FixedTarget ( Serializable ( java.util (java.util)2