use of me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder2.robot.Robot in project Pathfinder2 by Wobblyyyy.
the class TestGenericFollowerGenerator method testGeneration.
public void testGeneration() {
Robot robot = new Robot(new SimulatedDrive(), new SimulatedOdometry());
Controller controller = new GenericTurnController(0.1);
Trajectory trajectory = new LinearTrajectory(new PointXYZ(10, 10, 10), 0.5, 0.1, Angle.fromDeg(3));
GenericFollowerGenerator generator = new GenericFollowerGenerator(controller);
Follower follower = generator.generate(robot, trajectory);
Assertions.assertEquals(trajectory, follower.getTrajectory());
use of me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder2.robot.Robot in project Pathfinder2 by Wobblyyyy.
the class Pathfinder method multiSplineTo.
* Use a {@link MultiSplineBuilder} to construct a spline trajectory.
* @param speed the speed at which the robot should move. This
* is a constant value.
* @param tolerance the tolerance used for determining whether the
* robot is at the target point.
* @param angleTolerance same thing as {@code tolerance}, but for the
* robot's angle.
* @param points a set of control points for the spline. This
* will automatically insert the robot's current
* position into this array. This array must have
* AT LEAST two points.
* @return {@code this}, used for method chaining.
public Pathfinder multiSplineTo(double speed, double tolerance, Angle angleTolerance, PointXYZ... points) {
if (points.length < 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least two control points are required to use the " + "splineTo method.");
InvalidSpeedException.throwIfInvalid("Invalid speed value provided! Speed must be between 0 and 1.", speed);
InvalidToleranceException.throwIfInvalid("Invalid tolerance! Tolerance must be a positive number.", tolerance);
if (angleTolerance.deg() < 0)
throw new InvalidToleranceException("Invalid angle tolerance! " + "Angle tolerance must be greater than 0 degrees.");
if (!Spline.areMonotonicX(points))
throw new SplineException("Cannot create a spline with non-" + "monotonic X values! X values can only be either " + "increasing or decreasing, but not a combination of both.");
double totalDistanceX = points[points.length - 1].distanceX(points[0]);
double step = totalDistanceX / (points.length * Core.pathfinderSplineStepCoefficient);
MultiSplineBuilder builder = new MultiSplineBuilder().setDefaultSpeed(speed).setDefaultTolerance(tolerance).setDefaultAngleTolerance(angleTolerance).setDefaultStep(step);
for (PointXYZ point : points) builder.add(point, speed, step);
Trajectory trajectory =;
return this;
use of me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder2.robot.Robot in project Pathfinder2 by Wobblyyyy.
the class Pathfinder method splineTo.
* Create a spline trajectory to a certain target point, and then follow
* that aforementioned trajectory.
* <p>
* If this method is called on a set of points with non-monotonic Y
* values, this will instead invoke
* {@link #multiSplineTo(double, double, Angle, PointXYZ...)}, which
* supports non-monotonic Y values.
* </p>
* @param speed the speed at which the robot should move. This
* is a constant value.
* @param tolerance the tolerance used for determining whether the
* robot is at the target point.
* @param angleTolerance same thing as {@code tolerance}, but for the
* robot's angle.
* @param points a set of control points for the spline. This
* will automatically insert the robot's current
* position into this array. This array must have
* AT LEAST two points.
* @return {@code this}, used for method chaining.
public Pathfinder splineTo(double speed, double tolerance, Angle angleTolerance, PointXYZ... points) {
if (points.length < 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least two control points are required to use the " + "splineTo method.");
InvalidSpeedException.throwIfInvalid("Invalid speed value provided! Speed must be between 0 and 1.", speed);
InvalidToleranceException.throwIfInvalid("Invalid tolerance! Tolerance must be a positive number.", tolerance);
if (angleTolerance.deg() < 0)
throw new InvalidToleranceException("Invalid angle tolerance! " + "Angle tolerance must be greater than 0 degrees.");
NotNull.throwExceptionIfNull("One or more points provided to splineTo was null!", (Object[]) points);
// non-monotonic Y values means we need to use a multi spline instead
if (!Spline.areMonotonicY(points))
return multiSplineTo(speed, tolerance, angleTolerance, points);
// length is the total distance of the spline (NOT all control points)
double length = PointXY.distance(points[0], points[points.length - 1]);
// step should be relatively small - by default, it's 1/20th of
// the spline's length.
double step = length / Core.pathfinderStepDivisor;
AdvancedSplineTrajectoryBuilder builder = new AdvancedSplineTrajectoryBuilder().setSpeed(speed).setTolerance(tolerance).setAngleTolerance(angleTolerance).setStep(step);
PointXYZ robotPosition = getPosition();
// to the trajectory
if (!robotPosition.equals(points[0]))
PointXYZ lastPoint = points[0];
for (int i = 1; i < points.length; i++) {
PointXYZ point = points[i];
if (point == null)
throw new NullPointException("Cannot use the splineTo method with a null " + "control point!");
if (!point.equals(lastPoint)) {
lastPoint = point;
} else {
throw new SplineException("There were duplicate adjacent points in the set " + "of control points! This means there's the same " + "point, twice in a row. The points were: " + Arrays.toString(points));
Trajectory trajectory =;
return followTrajectory(trajectory);
use of me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder2.robot.Robot in project Pathfinder2 by Wobblyyyy.
the class MecanumDrive method setTranslation.
* Set a translation to the drivetrain. This translation should
* always be relative to the robot, not relative to the field,
* yourself, or any other stationary object.
* @param translation a translation the robot should act upon. This
* translation should always be <em>relative</em>,
* meaning whatever the translation says should make
* the robot act accordingly according to the robot's
* position and the robot's current heading.
public void setTranslation(Translation translation) {
this.translation = getDriveModifier().apply(translation);
MecanumState state = kinematics.calculate(this.translation);
use of me.wobblyyyy.pathfinder2.robot.Robot in project Pathfinder2 by Wobblyyyy.
the class CircleSurround method closestPoint.
* Get the point along a circle closest to the robot.
* @param robotPosition the robot's current position.
* @param center the circle's center point.
* @param radius the radius of the circle.
* @return the point along a circle closest to the robot. This point's
* heading will be facing towards the center of the circle.
public static PointXYZ closestPoint(PointXYZ robotPosition, PointXY center, double radius) {
if (robotPosition == null)
throw new NullPointException("Robot position may not be null!");
if (center == null)
throw new NullPointException("Center point may not be null!");
if (radius < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Radius values must be greater than 0!");
Angle centerToRobot = center.angleTo(robotPosition);
Angle robotToCenter = robotPosition.angleTo(center);
return center.inDirection(radius, centerToRobot).withHeading(robotToCenter);