use of net.imglib2.Dimensions in project imagej-ops by imagej.
the class IntegralVariance method compute.
public void compute(final RectangleNeighborhood<Composite<I>> input, final DoubleType output) {
// computation according to
final IntegralCursor<Composite<I>> cursorS1 = new IntegralCursor<>(input);
final int dimensions = input.numDimensions();
// Compute \sum (-1)^{dim - ||cornerVector||_{1}} * I(x^{cornerVector})
final DoubleType sum1 = new DoubleType();
// Convert from input to return type
final Converter<I, DoubleType> conv = new RealDoubleConverter<>();
// Compute \sum (-1)^{dim - ||cornerVector||_{1}} * I(x^{cornerVector})
final DoubleType sum2 = new DoubleType();
final DoubleType valueAsDoubleType = new DoubleType();
while (cursorS1.hasNext()) {
final Composite<I> compositeValue =;
final I value1 = compositeValue.get(0).copy();
conv.convert(value1, valueAsDoubleType);
// Obtain the cursor position encoded as corner vector
final int cornerInteger1 = cursorS1.getCornerRepresentation();
// Determine if the value has to be added (factor==1) or subtracted
// (factor==-1)
final DoubleType factor = new DoubleType(Math.pow(-1.0d, dimensions - IntegralMean.norm(cornerInteger1)));
final I value2 = compositeValue.get(1).copy();
conv.convert(value2, valueAsDoubleType);
// Determine if the value has to be added (factor==1) or subtracted
// (factor==-1)
final int area = (int) Intervals.numElements(Intervals.expand(input, -1l));
// NB: Reuse available DoubleType
// NB
// NB
valueAsDoubleType.sub(new DoubleType(1));
// NB
use of net.imglib2.Dimensions in project imagej-ops by imagej.
the class PartialDerivativeRAI method initialize.
public void initialize() {
RandomAccessibleInterval<T> kernel = ops().create().kernelSobel(Util.getTypeFromInterval(in()));
RandomAccessibleInterval<T> kernelA = Views.hyperSlice(Views.hyperSlice(kernel, 3, 0), 2, 0);
RandomAccessibleInterval<T> kernelB = Views.hyperSlice(Views.hyperSlice(kernel, 3, 0), 2, 1);
// add dimensions to kernel to rotate properly
if (in().numDimensions() > 2) {
RandomAccessible<T> expandedKernelA = Views.addDimension(kernelA);
RandomAccessible<T> expandedKernelB = Views.addDimension(kernelB);
for (int i = 0; i < in().numDimensions() - 3; i++) {
expandedKernelA = Views.addDimension(expandedKernelA);
expandedKernelB = Views.addDimension(expandedKernelB);
long[] dims = new long[in().numDimensions()];
for (int j = 0; j < in().numDimensions(); j++) {
dims[j] = 1;
dims[0] = 3;
Interval kernelInterval = new FinalInterval(dims);
kernelA = Views.interval(expandedKernelA, kernelInterval);
kernelB = Views.interval(expandedKernelB, kernelInterval);
long[] dims = new long[in().numDimensions()];
if (dimension == 0) {
// FIXME hack
kernelBConvolveOp =, Ops.Filter.Convolve.class, in(), new Object[] { kernelB });
} else {
// rotate kernel B to dimension
for (int j = 0; j < in().numDimensions(); j++) {
if (j == dimension) {
dims[j] = 3;
} else {
dims[j] = 1;
Img<DoubleType> kernelInterval = ops().create().img(dims);
RandomAccessibleInterval<T> rotatedKernelB = kernelB;
for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
rotatedKernelB = Views.rotate(rotatedKernelB, i, i + 1);
rotatedKernelB = Views.interval(rotatedKernelB, kernelInterval);
kernelBConvolveOp =, Ops.Filter.Convolve.class, in(), new Object[] { rotatedKernelB });
dims = null;
// rotate kernel A to all other dimensions
kernelAConvolveOps = new UnaryComputerOp[in().numDimensions()];
if (dimension != 0) {
kernelAConvolveOps[0] =, Ops.Filter.Convolve.class, in(), new Object[] { kernelA });
RandomAccessibleInterval<T> rotatedKernelA = kernelA;
for (int i = 1; i < in().numDimensions(); i++) {
if (i != dimension) {
dims = new long[in().numDimensions()];
for (int j = 0; j < in().numDimensions(); j++) {
if (i == j) {
dims[j] = 3;
} else {
dims[j] = 1;
Img<DoubleType> kernelInterval = ops().create().img(dims);
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
rotatedKernelA = Views.rotate(rotatedKernelA, j, j + 1);
kernelAConvolveOps[i] =, Ops.Filter.Convolve.class, in(), new Object[] { Views.interval(rotatedKernelA, kernelInterval) });
rotatedKernelA = kernelA;
addOp = RAIs.binaryComputer(ops(), Ops.Math.Add.class, in(), in());
createRAI = RAIs.function(ops(), Ops.Create.Img.class, in());
use of net.imglib2.Dimensions in project imagej-ops by imagej.
the class DefaultTubeness method compute.
public void compute(final RandomAccessibleInterval<T> input, final IterableInterval<DoubleType> tubeness) {
cancelReason = null;
final int numDimensions = input.numDimensions();
// Sigmas in pixel units.
final double[] sigmas = new double[numDimensions];
for (int d = 0; d < sigmas.length; d++) {
final double cal = d < calibration.length ? calibration[d] : 1;
sigmas[d] = sigma / cal;
* Hessian.
// Get a suitable image factory.
final long[] gradientDims = new long[numDimensions + 1];
final long[] hessianDims = new long[numDimensions + 1];
for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++) {
hessianDims[d] = input.dimension(d);
gradientDims[d] = input.dimension(d);
hessianDims[numDimensions] = numDimensions * (numDimensions + 1) / 2;
gradientDims[numDimensions] = numDimensions;
final Dimensions hessianDimensions = FinalDimensions.wrap(hessianDims);
final FinalDimensions gradientDimensions = FinalDimensions.wrap(gradientDims);
final ImgFactory<DoubleType> factory = ops().create().imgFactory(hessianDimensions);
final Img<DoubleType> hessian = factory.create(hessianDimensions, new DoubleType());
final Img<DoubleType> gradient = factory.create(gradientDimensions, new DoubleType());
final Img<DoubleType> gaussian = factory.create(input, new DoubleType());
// Handle multithreading.
final int nThreads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
final ExecutorService es = threadService.getExecutorService();
try {
// Hessian calculation.
HessianMatrix.calculateMatrix(Views.extendBorder(input), gaussian, gradient, hessian, new OutOfBoundsBorderFactory<>(), nThreads, es, sigma);
statusService.showProgress(1, 3);
if (isCanceled())
// Hessian eigenvalues.
final RandomAccessibleInterval<DoubleType> evs = TensorEigenValues.calculateEigenValuesSymmetric(hessian, TensorEigenValues.createAppropriateResultImg(hessian, factory, new DoubleType()), nThreads, es);
statusService.showProgress(2, 3);
if (isCanceled())
final AbstractUnaryComputerOp<Iterable<DoubleType>, DoubleType> method;
switch(numDimensions) {
case 2:
method = new Tubeness2D(sigma);
case 3:
method = new Tubeness3D(sigma);
System.err.println("Cannot compute tubeness for " + numDimensions + "D images.");
ops().transform().project(tubeness, evs, method, numDimensions);
statusService.showProgress(3, 3);
} catch (final IncompatibleTypeException | InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
use of net.imglib2.Dimensions in project imagej-ops by imagej.
the class FFTMethodsOpF method calculate.
public RandomAccessibleInterval<C> calculate(final RandomAccessibleInterval<T> input) {
// calculate the padded size
long[] paddedSize = new long[in().numDimensions()];
for (int d = 0; d < in().numDimensions(); d++) {
paddedSize[d] = in().dimension(d);
if (borderSize != null) {
paddedSize[d] += borderSize[d];
Dimensions paddedDimensions = new FinalDimensions(paddedSize);
// create the complex output
RandomAccessibleInterval<C> output = createOp.calculate(paddedDimensions);
// pad the input
RandomAccessibleInterval<T> paddedInput = padOp.calculate(input, paddedDimensions);
// compute and return fft
fftMethodsOp.compute(paddedInput, output);
return output;
use of net.imglib2.Dimensions in project imagej-ops by imagej.
the class AbstractThresholdTest method initialize.
public void initialize() {
final long[] dimensions = new long[] { xSize, ySize };
final Random r = new Random(0xdeadbeef);
// create image and output
in = ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts(dimensions);
final RandomAccess<UnsignedShortType> ra = in.randomAccess();
// populate pixel values with a ramp function + a constant
for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < ySize; y++) {
ra.setPosition(new int[] { x, y });