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Example 1 with Dimensions

use of net.imglib2.Dimensions in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class DeconstructGeometryCommand method run.

public void run() {
    // Crop to get a z-stack over time (remove channel dimension)
    long maxX = fluorData.max(fluorData.dimensionIndex(Axes.X));
    long maxY = fluorData.max(fluorData.dimensionIndex(Axes.Y));
    long maxZ = fluorData.max(fluorData.dimensionIndex(Axes.Z));
    long maxTime = fluorData.max(fluorData.dimensionIndex(Axes.TIME));
    Img fluorImg = fluorData.getImgPlus().getImg();
    FinalInterval intervals = Intervals.createMinMax(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, maxX, maxY, maxZ, 0, maxTime);
    RandomAccessibleInterval fluorImgCropped = ops.transform().crop(fluorImg, intervals, true);
    // Calculate scale factors
    double[] scaleFactors = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
    for (int i = 0; i < geomData.numDimensions(); i++) {
        scaleFactors[i] = geomData.dimension(i) / (double) fluorImgCropped.dimension(i);
    // Scale the fluorescence dataset to match the geometry
    NLinearInterpolatorFactory interpolatorFactory = new NLinearInterpolatorFactory();
    RandomAccessibleInterval fluorScaled = ops.transform().scale(fluorImgCropped, scaleFactors, interpolatorFactory);
    // Crop out the first slice of each z-stack in time series
    intervals = Intervals.createMinMax(0, 0, 0, 0, fluorScaled.dimension(0) - 1, fluorScaled.dimension(1) - 1, 0, fluorScaled.dimension(3) - 1);
    IntervalView fluorXYT = (IntervalView) ops.transform().crop(fluorScaled, intervals, true);
    // Create a blank image of the same X-Y-Time dimensions
    long[] dimensions = { fluorXYT.dimension(0), fluorXYT.dimension(1), fluorXYT.dimension(2) };
    Img<DoubleType> result = ops.create().img(dimensions);
    // Calculate constant d in TIRF exponential decay function
    theta = theta * 2 * Math.PI / 360;
    double n1 = 1.52;
    double n2 = 1.38;
    double d = lambda * Math.pow((Math.pow(n1, 2) * Math.pow(Math.sin(theta), 2) - Math.pow(n2, 2)), -0.5) / (4 * Math.PI);
    // Iterate through each time point, using 3D geometry to generate 2D intensities
    Cursor<DoubleType> cursor = fluorXYT.localizingCursor();
    RandomAccess fluorRA = fluorScaled.randomAccess();
    RandomAccess<RealType<?>> geomRA = geomData.randomAccess();
    RandomAccess<DoubleType> resultRA = result.randomAccess();
    maxZ = geomData.dimension(2) - 1;
    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        int[] positionXYZ = { cursor.getIntPosition(0), cursor.getIntPosition(1), (int) maxZ - 1 };
        int[] positionXYZT = { cursor.getIntPosition(0), cursor.getIntPosition(1), (int) maxZ - 1, cursor.getIntPosition(2) };
        double sum = 0.0;
        while (positionXYZ[2] >= 0 && geomRA.get().getRealDouble() != 0.0) {
            sum += geomRA.get().getRealDouble() * Math.exp(-zSpacing * positionXYZ[2] / d);
Also used : Img(net.imglib2.img.Img) NLinearInterpolatorFactory(net.imglib2.interpolation.randomaccess.NLinearInterpolatorFactory) RandomAccess(net.imglib2.RandomAccess) RealType(net.imglib2.type.numeric.RealType) IntervalView(net.imglib2.view.IntervalView) RandomAccessibleInterval(net.imglib2.RandomAccessibleInterval) DoubleType(net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.DoubleType) FinalInterval(net.imglib2.FinalInterval)

Example 2 with Dimensions

use of net.imglib2.Dimensions in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class VCellResultService method importCsv.

public Dataset importCsv(File directory) throws FileNotFoundException {
    File[] files = directory.listFiles();
    // TODO: Better handling
    if (files == null)
        return null;
    ArrayList<ArrayList<Float>> timeSeries = new ArrayList<>(files.length);
    Scanner scanner;
    int dataSize = 0;
    for (File file : files) {
        scanner = new Scanner(file);
        while (scanner.hasNext() && !scanner.hasNextDouble()) {
        if (!scanner.hasNextDouble()) {
            return null;
        ArrayList<Float> data = new ArrayList<>();
        while (scanner.hasNextDouble()) {
        dataSize = data.size();
    int[] dimensions = { dataSize, timeSeries.size() };
    Img<FloatType> img = new ArrayImgFactory<FloatType>().create(dimensions, new FloatType());
    Cursor<FloatType> cursor = img.localizingCursor();
    while (cursor.hasNext()) {;
        int xPos = cursor.getIntPosition(0);
        int tPos = cursor.getIntPosition(1);
        Float val = timeSeries.get(tPos).get(xPos);
    Dataset dataset = datasetService.create(img);
    // Drop single dimensions
    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ImgPlus<FloatType> imgPlus = (ImgPlus<FloatType>) dataset.getImgPlus();
    FinalInterval interval = Intervals.createMinMax(0, 0, imgPlus.dimension(0) - 1, imgPlus.dimension(1) - 1);
    ImgPlus<FloatType> cropped = ops.transform().crop(imgPlus, interval, true);
    return dataset;
Also used : Scanner(java.util.Scanner) ImgPlus(net.imagej.ImgPlus) Dataset(net.imagej.Dataset) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FloatType(net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.FloatType) FinalInterval(net.imglib2.FinalInterval) File(

Example 3 with Dimensions

use of net.imglib2.Dimensions in project imagej-ops by imagej.

the class DefaultCreateKernelGabor method calculate.

public RandomAccessibleInterval<T> calculate(final double[] sigmas, final double[] period) {
    // both input arrays must be of the same length
    if (sigmas.length != period.length)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Params length mismatch: The number " + "of sigmas must match the dimensionality of the period vector.");
    // NB: sigma==0 indicates no filtering along its axis
    for (final double s : sigmas) if (s < 0.0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input sigma must be non-negative.");
    // the size and center of the output image
    final long[] dims = new long[sigmas.length];
    final long[] centre = new long[sigmas.length];
    for (int d = 0; d < dims.length; d++) {
        dims[d] = Math.max(3, (2 * (int) (3 * sigmas[d] + 0.5) + 1));
        centre[d] = (int) (dims[d] / 2);
    // prepare the output image
    final RandomAccessibleInterval<T> out = createImgOp.calculate(new FinalInterval(dims));
    // calculate the squared length of the period vector
    double perLengthSq = 0.0;
    for (int d = 0; d < period.length; d++) perLengthSq += period[d] * period[d];
    // fill the output image
    final Cursor<T> cursor = Views.iterable(out).cursor();
    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        // obtain the current coordinate (use dims to store it)
        // to calculate current Gabor kernel value
        double GaussExp = 0.0;
        double freqPart = 0.0;
        // but produce no Gaussian envelope for axes for which sigma==0
        // no blocking by default
        double blockingExp = 1.0;
        // sweep over all dimensions to determine voxel value
        for (int d = 0; d < dims.length; d++) {
            final double dx = dims[d] - centre[d];
            if (sigmas[d] > 0.)
                // normal case: cummulate exp's argument
                GaussExp += (dx * dx) / (sigmas[d] * sigmas[d]);
            else if (dx != 0.)
                // sigmas[d] == 0 && we are off the blocking axis
                blockingExp = 0.f;
            // cummulates scalar product...
            freqPart += dx * period[d];
        GaussExp = Math.exp(-0.5 * GaussExp) * blockingExp;
        freqPart = 6.28318 * freqPart / perLengthSq;
        // compose the real value finally
        cursor.get().setReal(GaussExp * Math.cos(freqPart));
        // TODO NB: is it faster to determine type or calculate the math (possible uselessly)
        if (!(typeVar instanceof RealType<?>))
            // set then the imaginary part of the kernel too
            cursor.get().setImaginary(GaussExp * Math.sin(freqPart));
    return out;
Also used : FinalInterval(net.imglib2.FinalInterval) RealType(net.imglib2.type.numeric.RealType)

Example 4 with Dimensions

use of net.imglib2.Dimensions in project imagej-ops by imagej.

the class Convolve method run.

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public void run() {
    // TODO: get the dimension indices from the image dependent on the
    // selected
    // axes -> OR: just map the kernel dimension labels to the image
    // dimension
    // labels
    final int[] axisIndices = new int[] { 0, 1 };
    // number of indicies must be conform with the dimensionality of axes
    if (axes.length != axisIndices.length) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of selected dimension doesn't conforms with the kernel size.");
    if (asFloat) {
        try {
            out = (ImgPlus) in.factory().imgFactory(new FloatType()).create(in, new FloatType());
        } catch (final IncompatibleTypeException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
    } else {
        out = (ImgPlus<O>) in.factory().create(in, in.firstElement().createVariable());
    final Op op = ops.op(Ops.Filter.Convolve.class, out, in, kernel);
    if (in.numDimensions() > kernel.numDimensions()) {
        if (op instanceof UnaryComputerOp) {
            // if the selected convolve op is a function and the kernel dimensions
            // doesn't match the input image dimensions, than we can still convolve
            // each slice individually
  , out, in, op, axisIndices);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The input image has more dimensions than the kernel!");
    } else if (in.numDimensions() == kernel.numDimensions()) {
        // no 'slicing' necessary, out, in, kernel);
Also used : Op(net.imagej.ops.Op) UnaryComputerOp( UnaryComputerOp( Ops(net.imagej.ops.Ops) IncompatibleTypeException(net.imglib2.exception.IncompatibleTypeException) FloatType(net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.FloatType) ItemIO(org.scijava.ItemIO)

Example 5 with Dimensions

use of net.imglib2.Dimensions in project imagej-ops by imagej.

the class AbstractThin method createOutput.

public RandomAccessibleInterval<BitType> createOutput(final RandomAccessibleInterval<BitType> input) {
    final long[] dims = new long[input.numDimensions()];
    final FinalDimensions dimensions = new FinalDimensions(dims);
    return ops().create().img(dimensions, new BitType());
Also used : FinalDimensions(net.imglib2.FinalDimensions) BitType(net.imglib2.type.logic.BitType)


AbstractOpTest (net.imagej.ops.AbstractOpTest)14 Img (net.imglib2.img.Img)14 Test (org.junit.Test)14 DoubleType (net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.DoubleType)13 FinalDimensions (net.imglib2.FinalDimensions)12 Dimensions (net.imglib2.Dimensions)10 RandomAccessibleInterval (net.imglib2.RandomAccessibleInterval)9 FinalInterval (net.imglib2.FinalInterval)8 FloatType (net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.FloatType)8 Ops (net.imagej.ops.Ops)6 CreateImgFromImg (net.imagej.ops.create.img.CreateImgFromImg)5 BitType (net.imglib2.type.logic.BitType)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Random (java.util.Random)4 CreateImgFromDimsAndType (net.imagej.ops.create.img.CreateImgFromDimsAndType)4 File ( Dataset (net.imagej.Dataset)3 IntegralCursor (net.imagej.ops.image.integral.IntegralCursor)3 ByteType (net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.ByteType)3 UnsignedByteType (net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.UnsignedByteType)3