use of org.apache.commons.math3.exception.TooManyEvaluationsException in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class PCPALMFitting method runBoundedOptimiser.
private PointValuePair runBoundedOptimiser(double[][] gr, double[] initialSolution, double[] lB, double[] uB, SumOfSquaresModelFunction function) {
// Create the functions to optimise
ObjectiveFunction objective = new ObjectiveFunction(new SumOfSquaresMultivariateFunction(function));
ObjectiveFunctionGradient gradient = new ObjectiveFunctionGradient(new SumOfSquaresMultivariateVectorFunction(function));
final boolean debug = false;
// Try a BFGS optimiser since this will produce a deterministic solution and can respect bounds.
PointValuePair optimum = null;
boundedEvaluations = 0;
final MaxEval maxEvaluations = new MaxEval(2000);
MultivariateOptimizer opt = null;
for (int iteration = 0; iteration <= fitRestarts; iteration++) {
try {
opt = new BFGSOptimizer();
final double relativeThreshold = 1e-6;
// Configure maximum step length for each dimension using the bounds
double[] stepLength = new double[lB.length];
for (int i = 0; i < stepLength.length; i++) stepLength[i] = (uB[i] - lB[i]) * 0.3333333;
// The GoalType is always minimise so no need to pass this in
optimum = opt.optimize(maxEvaluations, gradient, objective, new InitialGuess((optimum == null) ? initialSolution : optimum.getPointRef()), new SimpleBounds(lB, uB), new BFGSOptimizer.GradientTolerance(relativeThreshold), new BFGSOptimizer.StepLength(stepLength));
if (debug)
System.out.printf("BFGS Iter %d = %g (%d)\n", iteration, optimum.getValue(), opt.getEvaluations());
} catch (TooManyEvaluationsException e) {
// No need to restart
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// No need to restart
} finally {
boundedEvaluations += opt.getEvaluations();
// Try a CMAES optimiser which is non-deterministic. To overcome this we perform restarts.
// CMAESOptimiser based on Matlab code:
// Take the defaults from the Matlab documentation
double stopFitness = 0;
boolean isActiveCMA = true;
int diagonalOnly = 0;
int checkFeasableCount = 1;
RandomGenerator random = new Well44497b();
boolean generateStatistics = false;
ConvergenceChecker<PointValuePair> checker = new SimpleValueChecker(1e-6, 1e-10);
// The sigma determines the search range for the variables. It should be 1/3 of the initial search region.
double[] range = new double[lB.length];
for (int i = 0; i < lB.length; i++) range[i] = (uB[i] - lB[i]) / 3;
OptimizationData sigma = new CMAESOptimizer.Sigma(range);
OptimizationData popSize = new CMAESOptimizer.PopulationSize((int) (4 + Math.floor(3 * Math.log(initialSolution.length))));
SimpleBounds bounds = new SimpleBounds(lB, uB);
opt = new CMAESOptimizer(maxEvaluations.getMaxEval(), stopFitness, isActiveCMA, diagonalOnly, checkFeasableCount, random, generateStatistics, checker);
// Restart the optimiser several times and take the best answer.
for (int iteration = 0; iteration <= fitRestarts; iteration++) {
try {
// Start from the initial solution
PointValuePair constrainedSolution = opt.optimize(new InitialGuess(initialSolution), objective, GoalType.MINIMIZE, bounds, sigma, popSize, maxEvaluations);
if (debug)
System.out.printf("CMAES Iter %d initial = %g (%d)\n", iteration, constrainedSolution.getValue(), opt.getEvaluations());
boundedEvaluations += opt.getEvaluations();
if (optimum == null || constrainedSolution.getValue() < optimum.getValue()) {
optimum = constrainedSolution;
} catch (TooManyEvaluationsException e) {
} catch (TooManyIterationsException e) {
} finally {
boundedEvaluations += maxEvaluations.getMaxEval();
if (optimum == null)
try {
// Also restart from the current optimum
PointValuePair constrainedSolution = opt.optimize(new InitialGuess(optimum.getPointRef()), objective, GoalType.MINIMIZE, bounds, sigma, popSize, maxEvaluations);
if (debug)
System.out.printf("CMAES Iter %d restart = %g (%d)\n", iteration, constrainedSolution.getValue(), opt.getEvaluations());
if (constrainedSolution.getValue() < optimum.getValue()) {
optimum = constrainedSolution;
} catch (TooManyEvaluationsException e) {
} catch (TooManyIterationsException e) {
} finally {
boundedEvaluations += maxEvaluations.getMaxEval();
return optimum;
use of org.apache.commons.math3.exception.TooManyEvaluationsException in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class PoissonFunctionTest method cumulativeProbabilityIsOneWithRealAbove4.
private void cumulativeProbabilityIsOneWithRealAbove4(final double gain, final double mu, int min, int max) {
final double o = mu * gain;
final PoissonFunction f = new PoissonFunction(1.0 / gain, true);
double p = 0;
SimpsonIntegrator in = new SimpsonIntegrator(3, 30);
try {
p = in.integrate(Integer.MAX_VALUE, new UnivariateFunction() {
public double value(double x) {
return f.likelihood(x, o);
}, min, max);
System.out.printf("g=%f, mu=%f, o=%f, p=%f\n", gain, mu, o, p);
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("g=%f, mu=%f", gain, mu), 1, p, 0.02);
} catch (TooManyEvaluationsException e) {
//double inc = max / 20000.0;
//for (double x = 0; x <= max; x += inc)
// final double pp = f.likelihood(x, o);
// //System.out.printf("g=%f, mu=%f, o=%f, p=%f\n", gain, mu, o, pp);
// p += pp;
//System.out.printf("g=%f, mu=%f, o=%f, p=%f\n", gain, mu, o, p);
Assert.assertFalse(e.getMessage(), true);
use of org.apache.commons.math3.exception.TooManyEvaluationsException in project GDSC-SMLM by aherbert.
the class PCPALMMolecules method fitGaussian.
private double[] fitGaussian(float[] x, float[] y) {
WeightedObservedPoints obs = new WeightedObservedPoints();
for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) obs.add(x[i], y[i]);
Collection<WeightedObservedPoint> observations = obs.toList();
GaussianCurveFitter fitter = GaussianCurveFitter.create().withMaxIterations(2000);
GaussianCurveFitter.ParameterGuesser guess = new GaussianCurveFitter.ParameterGuesser(observations);
double[] initialGuess = null;
try {
initialGuess = guess.guess();
return fitter.withStartPoint(initialGuess).fit(observations);
} catch (TooManyEvaluationsException e) {
// Use the initial estimate
return initialGuess;
} catch (Exception e) {
// Just in case there is another exception type, or the initial estimate failed
return null;