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Example 11 with Vector2D

use of org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D in project graphysica by Graphysica.

the class RepereTest method testPositionsReelles.

public void testPositionsReelles() {
    assertEquals(new Vector2D(-2, -2), repere.positionReelle(new Vector2D(500 - 2 * 50, 500 + 2 * 50)));
    assertEquals(new Vector2D(-2, -1), repere.positionReelle(new Vector2D(500 - 2 * 50, 500 + 50)));
    assertEquals(new Vector2D(-1, -2), repere.positionReelle(new Vector2D(500 - 50, 500 + 2 * 50)));
    assertEquals(new Vector2D(-1, -1), repere.positionReelle(new Vector2D(500 - 50, 500 + 50)));
    assertEquals(new Vector2D(-1, 0), repere.positionReelle(new Vector2D(500 - 50, 500)));
    assertEquals(new Vector2D(0, -1), repere.positionReelle(new Vector2D(500, 500 + 50)));
    assertEquals(new Vector2D(0, 0), repere.positionReelle(new Vector2D(500, 500)));
    assertEquals(new Vector2D(0, 1), repere.positionReelle(new Vector2D(500, 500 - 50)));
    assertEquals(new Vector2D(1, 0), repere.positionReelle(new Vector2D(500 + 50, 500)));
    assertEquals(new Vector2D(1, 1), repere.positionReelle(new Vector2D(500 + 50, 500 - 50)));
    assertEquals(new Vector2D(1, 2), repere.positionReelle(new Vector2D(500 + 50, 500 - 2 * 50)));
    assertEquals(new Vector2D(2, 1), repere.positionReelle(new Vector2D(500 + 2 * 50, 500 - 50)));
    assertEquals(new Vector2D(2, 2), repere.positionReelle(new Vector2D(500 + 2 * 50, 500 - 2 * 50)));
Also used : Vector2D(org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 12 with Vector2D

use of org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D in project chordatlas by twak.

the class Prof method parameterize.

public static // all profs from a single profile-edge are in the same 2D space, with strange x-origin
Prof parameterize(// all profs from a single profile-edge are in the same 2D space, with strange x-origin
List<Prof> in) {
    // double toProfileEdge;
    // {
    // Prof eg = in.iterator().next();
    // Point3d p = Pointz.to3( profileEdge.start );
    // toProfileEdge = eg.to2d( p ).x;
    // }
    double avgMinY = -> p != null).mapToDouble(p -> p.get(0).y).average().getAsDouble();
    Set<Line> lines = new HashSet<>();
    for (Prof p : in) for (int i = 1; i < p.size(); i++) lines.add(new Line(p.get(i - 1), p.get(i)));
    SliceParameters P = new SliceParameters(5);
    P.FL_REGRESS = true;
    P.FL_BINS = 20;
    // double A = 0.4; // simple = 0.4
    // double B = 0.1; // simple = 1;
    // simple = 0.4
    double A = 0.2;
    // simple = 0.1;
    double B = 0.3;
    // simple = 0.1; rotate threshold, radians
    double C = 0.1;
    double firstFloorHeight = 2;
    P.MIN_LINES = Math.max(1, in.size() * A);
    lines = new FindLines(lines, P) {

        protected double nextAngle(Set<Line> remaining, int iteration) {
            double delta = Math.PI / P.FL_BINS;
            // angle bin
            Bin<Line> aBin = new Bin(-Math.PI - delta, Math.PI + delta, P.FL_BINS * 2, true);
            for (Line l : remaining) {
                double len = l.length();
                double angle = l.aTan2();
                aBin.add(angle, len, l);
            // return MUtils.PI2;
            if (iteration < 1 && aBin.getWeight(Mathz.PI2) >= 10)
                return Mathz.PI2;
            int aBinI = aBin.maxI();
            return aBin.val(aBinI);

        protected double getTolNearLine(Point2d p) {
            return P.FL_NEAR_LINE * (p.y < avgMinY + firstFloorHeight ? 5 : B);

        protected double getTolNearLine2(Point2d p) {
            return P.FL_NEAR_LINE_2 * (p.y < avgMinY + firstFloorHeight ? 10 : B);

        protected double getTolRemoveAngle(Line l) {
            return l.start.y < avgMinY + firstFloorHeight ? Math.PI * 0.5 : Math.PI * 0.2;
    List<Line> llines = // is rubbish -> l.lengthSquared() > 0.001).filter(// is floor polygon
    l -> l.end.y > avgMinY + 1 || Math.abs(l.start.y - l.end.y) > 0.1).collect(Collectors.toList());
    Prof clean = new Prof(in.get(in.size() / 2));
    if (llines.isEmpty()) {
        clean.add(new Point2d(0, 0));
        clean.add(new Point2d(0, 1));
        return clean;
    for (int i = 0; i < llines.size(); i++) {
        Line l = llines.get(i);
        double angle = l.aTan2();
        if (angle < Mathz.PI2 + C && angle > Mathz.PI2 - C)
            llines.set(i, FindLines.rotateToAngle(l, l.fromPPram(0.5), Mathz.PI2));
    // l -> l.start.y > l.end.y ).forEach( l -> l.reverseLocal() );
    Collections.sort(llines, new Comparator<Line>() {

        public int compare(Line o1, Line o2) {
            return, o2.fromPPram(0.2).y);
    // for (Line l : llines)
    // PaintThing.debug( new Color(170,0,255), 2f, new Line( l.start.x+5, -l.start.y, l.end.x+5, -l.end.y ) );
    Line lastL = null;
    Point2d lastP = new Point2d(0, -Double.MAX_VALUE);
    for (Line l : llines) {
        // if (c >= 6)
        // continue;
        // if ( c== 5)
        // System.out.println("here");
        // c++;
        Point2d mid = l.fromPPram(0.5);
        if (!(lastL != null && !lastL.isOnLeft(mid) || (lastP.y == -Double.MAX_VALUE || (mid.y >= lastP.y - 0.5 && mid.x <= lastP.x + 0.5))))
        boolean startAbove = l.start.y >= lastP.y && l.start.x <= lastP.x, endAbove = l.end.y >= lastP.y && l.end.x <= lastP.x;
        if (l.end.y < l.start.y)
            l.end.y = l.start.y;
        if (startAbove && endAbove) {
        // okay
        } else {
            if (lastL != null && l.start.distanceSquared(lastP) < 9) {
                Point2d sec = lastL.intersects(l, false);
                if (sec != null && sec.distanceSquared(lastP) < 9 && sec.x <= lastL.start.x && sec.y >= lastL.start.y) {
                    clean.remove(clean.size() - 1);
                    lastP = sec;
                    l.start = sec;
                } else if (l.start.x < lastP.x) {
                    sec = new LinearForm(new Vector2d(1, 0)).findC(l.start).intersect(new LinearForm(lastL));
                    if (sec != null && sec.distanceSquared(lastP) < 9) {
                        clean.remove(clean.size() - 1);
                        lastP = sec;
            if (l.start.x > lastP.x + 0.01 || l.end.x > lastP.x + 0.01) {
                Point2d sec = new LinearForm(new Vector2d(0, 1)).findC(new Point2d(lastP.x, 0)).intersect(new LinearForm(l));
                if (sec != null && sec.distanceSquared(lastP) < 9 && sec.distanceSquared(l.start) < 9) {
                    if (l.start.x > lastP.x)
                        l.start = sec;
                        l.end = sec;
        if (lastL != null && l.start.distanceSquared(lastP) < 4) {
            Point2d sec = lastL.intersects(l, false);
            if (sec != null && (sec.distanceSquared(lastP) < 4 || Math.abs(sec.y - lastP.y) < 1) && sec.x <= lastL.start.x && sec.y >= lastL.start.y) {
                clean.remove(clean.size() - 1);
                lastP = sec;
                l.start = sec;
            } else if (l.start.x < lastP.x) {
                sec = new LinearForm(new Vector2d(1, 0)).findC(l.start).intersect(new LinearForm(lastL));
                if (sec != null && (sec.distanceSquared(lastP) < 4 || Math.abs(sec.y - lastP.y) < 1)) {
                    clean.remove(clean.size() - 1);
                    lastP = sec;
                // l.start = sec;
        if (lastP.y - l.end.y < 3 && l.end.x - lastP.x < 3) {
            for (Point2d pt : l.points()) {
                pt.x = Math.min(pt.x, lastP.x);
                pt.y = Math.max(pt.y, lastP.y);
            if (!l.start.equals(l.end))
                for (Point2d pt : l.points()) {
                    // if (c == 2)
                    // PaintThing.debug.put(1, new Point2d ( pt.x, -pt.y ) );
                    pt = new Point2d(pt);
                    pt.x = Math.min(pt.x, lastP.x);
                    pt.y = Mathz.max(0, pt.y, lastP.y);
                    if (clean.isEmpty() && pt.y > 0.2) {
                        clean.add(new Point2d(pt.x, 0));
                    if (lastP != null && pt.distanceSquared(lastP) > 0.02) {
                    lastP = clean.get(clean.size() - 1);
                    if (clean.size() >= 3) {
                        Point2d a = clean.get(clean.size() - 1), b = clean.get(clean.size() - 2), c = clean.get(clean.size() - 3);
                        if (Math.abs(Mathz.area(c, b, a)) < 0.1 || Mathz.absAngleBetween(a, b, c) < 0.1)
                            clean.remove(clean.size() - 2);
        if (clean.size() >= 2)
            lastL = new Line(clean.get(clean.size() - 2), clean.get(clean.size() - 1));
    return clean;
Also used : ConsecutivePairs(org.twak.utils.collections.ConsecutivePairs) Matrix4d(javax.vecmath.Matrix4d) ConsecutiveItPairs(org.twak.utils.collections.ConsecutiveItPairs) SliceParameters(org.twak.viewTrace.SliceParameters) Arrayz(org.twak.utils.collections.Arrayz) Node(com.jme3.scene.Node) ObjRead(org.twak.utils.geom.ObjRead) Map(java.util.Map) Cache(org.twak.utils.Cache) Material(com.jme3.material.Material) Point3d(javax.vecmath.Point3d) VertexBuffer(com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer) IdentityHashMap(java.util.IdentityHashMap) Collection(java.util.Collection) Line(org.twak.utils.Line) FindLines(org.twak.viewTrace.FindLines) Set(java.util.Set) Vector2d(javax.vecmath.Vector2d) LinearForm(org.twak.utils.geom.LinearForm) Collectors( List(java.util.List) Rainbow(org.twak.utils.ui.Rainbow) Line3d(org.twak.utils.geom.Line3d) Mesh(com.jme3.scene.Mesh) Geometry(com.jme3.scene.Geometry) DBSCANClusterer( LinearForm3D(org.twak.utils.geom.LinearForm3D) Bin(org.twak.viewTrace.Bin) Pair(org.twak.utils.Pair) Vector3d(javax.vecmath.Vector3d) Clusterable( Tweed(org.twak.tweed.Tweed) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TweedSettings(org.twak.tweed.TweedSettings) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) PanMouseAdaptor(org.twak.utils.PanMouseAdaptor) Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D) ICanPaintU(org.twak.utils.PaintThing.ICanPaintU) Mathz(org.twak.utils.Mathz) PaintThing(org.twak.utils.PaintThing) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Point2d(javax.vecmath.Point2d) SuperLine(org.twak.viewTrace.SuperLine) Cluster( ColorRGBA(com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA) Comparator(java.util.Comparator) InAxDoubleArray(org.twak.utils.streams.InAxDoubleArray) Collections(java.util.Collections) ObjSlice(org.twak.viewTrace.ObjSlice) FindLines(org.twak.viewTrace.FindLines) Bin(org.twak.viewTrace.Bin) LinearForm(org.twak.utils.geom.LinearForm) Line(org.twak.utils.Line) SuperLine(org.twak.viewTrace.SuperLine) Vector2d(javax.vecmath.Vector2d) SliceParameters(org.twak.viewTrace.SliceParameters) Point2d(javax.vecmath.Point2d) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 13 with Vector2D

use of org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D in project chordatlas by twak.

the class SkelFootprint method cleanFootprints.

private static void cleanFootprints(HalfMesh2 mesh) {
    for (HalfFace hf : mesh.faces) for (HalfEdge e : hf.edges()) if (e.over != null && e.over.face != e.face)
        e.over = null;
    Map<HalfEdge, Double> mergePoint = new HashMap();
    Predicate<HalfEdge> badEdges = new Predicate<HalfMesh2.HalfEdge>() {

        public boolean test(HalfEdge t) {
            if (// is edge within a single face
            t.over != null)
                // preserve as hole-marker
                return false;
            double len = t.length();
            if (t.length() < 0.2) {
                mergePoint.put(t, 0.5);
                return true;
            double angleNext = t.line().absAngle(;
            final double tol = 0.1;
            if ( == null && len < && angleNext > Math.PI - tol) {
                mergePoint.put(t, 0.);
                return true;
            if ( == null && angleNext < tol) {
                mergePoint.put(t, 0.);
                return true;
            HalfEdge prev = t.findBefore();
            double anglePrev = t.line().absAngle(prev.line());
            if (prev.over == null && len <= prev.length() && anglePrev > Math.PI - tol) {
                mergePoint.put(t, 1.);
                return true;
            if (prev.over == null && anglePrev < tol) {
                mergePoint.put(t, 1.);
                return true;
            return false;
    f: for (HalfFace f : new ArrayList<>(mesh.faces)) {
        Set<HalfEdge> togo =;
        while (!togo.isEmpty()) {
            HalfEdge g = togo.iterator().next(), p = g.findBefore(), n =;
            if (g.replaceByPoint(mesh, g.line().fromPPram(mergePoint.get(g))))
                continue f;
            HalfEdge pp = p.findBefore();
  , p, n, -> togo.remove(o));
  , p, n, -> togo.add(e));
    for (HalfFace f : mesh.faces) {
        Set<Point2d> seen = new HashSet<>();
        for (HalfEdge e : f) {
            if (seen.contains(e.end) && e.over == null && == null) {
                HalfEdge n =;
                Point2d edited;
                Vector2d b4 = e.line().dir(), af = n.line().dir();
                b4.set(b4.y, -b4.x);
                af.set(af.y, -af.x);
                b4.scale(1 / b4.length());
                edited = new Point2d(b4);
                n.start = edited;
                e.end = new Point2d(edited);
Also used : Color(java.awt.Color) XStream(com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream) Arrays(java.util.Arrays) FloatBuffer(java.nio.FloatBuffer) HalfFace(org.twak.utils.geom.HalfMesh2.HalfFace) Type(com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer.Type) Arrayz(org.twak.utils.collections.Arrayz) Loop(org.twak.utils.collections.Loop) Node(com.jme3.scene.Node) SkelGen(org.twak.tweed.gen.skel.SkelGen) MutableDouble(org.twak.utils.MutableDouble) ColorRGBAPainter(org.twak.viewTrace.ColorRGBAPainter) Map(java.util.Map) Cache(org.twak.utils.Cache) Material(com.jme3.material.Material) ChangeListener(javax.swing.event.ChangeListener) Streamz(org.twak.utils.collections.Streamz) Point3d(javax.vecmath.Point3d) ChangeEvent(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent) VertexBuffer(com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer) LoopL(org.twak.utils.collections.LoopL) Predicate(java.util.function.Predicate) Line(org.twak.utils.Line) HalfEdge(org.twak.utils.geom.HalfMesh2.HalfEdge) Set(java.util.Set) HalfMesh2(org.twak.utils.geom.HalfMesh2) CollisionResult(com.jme3.collision.CollisionResult) Vector2d(javax.vecmath.Vector2d) Collectors( FileNotFoundException( MFPoint(org.twak.tweed.gen.FeatureCache.MFPoint) List(java.util.List) JSlider(javax.swing.JSlider) Optional(java.util.Optional) Rainbow(org.twak.utils.ui.Rainbow) CollisionResults(com.jme3.collision.CollisionResults) Mesh(com.jme3.scene.Mesh) Geometry(com.jme3.scene.Geometry) IntStream( ActionListener(java.awt.event.ActionListener) DBSCANClusterer( Vector2f(com.jme3.math.Vector2f) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) MiniFacade(org.twak.viewTrace.facades.MiniFacade) Cach(org.twak.utils.Cach) Plot(org.twak.utils.ui.Plot) SwingConstants(javax.swing.SwingConstants) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) Clusterable( Tweed(org.twak.tweed.Tweed) IndexBuffer(com.jme3.scene.mesh.IndexBuffer) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TweedSettings(org.twak.tweed.TweedSettings) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Mathz(org.twak.utils.Mathz) PaintThing(org.twak.utils.PaintThing) NoSuchElementException(java.util.NoSuchElementException) ProgressMonitor(javax.swing.ProgressMonitor) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) MatParam(com.jme3.material.MatParam) JButton(javax.swing.JButton) Texture2D(com.jme3.texture.Texture2D) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) MultiMap(org.twak.utils.collections.MultiMap) BufferUtils(com.jme3.util.BufferUtils) Vector3f(com.jme3.math.Vector3f) MeshBuilder(org.twak.siteplan.jme.MeshBuilder) MegaFacade(org.twak.tweed.gen.ProfileGen.MegaFacade) ModeCollector(org.twak.viewTrace.ModeCollector) JOptionPane(javax.swing.JOptionPane) MegaFeatures(org.twak.tweed.gen.FeatureCache.MegaFeatures) ActionEvent(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) File( Loopz(org.twak.utils.collections.Loopz) Point2d(javax.vecmath.Point2d) Jme3z(org.twak.siteplan.jme.Jme3z) Ray(com.jme3.math.Ray) SuperLine(org.twak.viewTrace.SuperLine) LineHeight(org.twak.viewTrace.facades.LineHeight) Format(com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer.Format) Cluster( ColorRGBA(com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA) FileReader( ImageRaster(com.jme3.texture.image.ImageRaster) Comparator(java.util.Comparator) Collections(java.util.Collections) Set(java.util.Set) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) HalfEdge(org.twak.utils.geom.HalfMesh2.HalfEdge) HalfFace(org.twak.utils.geom.HalfMesh2.HalfFace) MutableDouble(org.twak.utils.MutableDouble) Predicate(java.util.function.Predicate) Vector2d(javax.vecmath.Vector2d) Point2d(javax.vecmath.Point2d) HalfMesh2(org.twak.utils.geom.HalfMesh2) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet)

Example 14 with Vector2D

use of org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D in project graphysica by Graphysica.

the class MainApp method ajouterObjetsEspace.

private void ajouterObjetsEspace() {
    espace.ajouter(new Point(Vector2D.ZERO));
    espace.ajouter(new Point(new Vector2D(4, 8)));
    espace.ajouter(new SegmentDroite(new Point(Vector2D.ZERO), new Point(new Vector2D(4, 8))));
Also used : Vector2D(org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D) Point(org.graphysica.espace2d.forme.Point) SegmentDroite(org.graphysica.espace2d.forme.SegmentDroite)

Example 15 with Vector2D

use of org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D in project graphysica by Graphysica.

the class EspaceInteractif method zoomer.

 * Zoome l'espace de la toile vers la position définie du curseur. Un zoom a
 * lieu si le défilement vertical est positif, un dézoom a lieu si le
 * défilement vertical est négatif, et aucun zoom n'a lieu si le défilement
 * vertical est nul.
 * @param defilementVertical le défilement vertical du zoom.
 * @param positionCurseur la position virtuelle du curseur sur la toile.
private void zoomer(final double defilementVertical, @NotNull final Vector2D positionCurseur) {
    if (defilementVertical != 0) {
        final Vector2D translationOrigine = positionCurseur.subtract(repere.getOrigineVirtuelle());
        double facteurZoom = FACTEUR_ZOOM;
        if (defilementVertical < 0) {
            facteurZoom = 1 / FACTEUR_ZOOM;
        final Vector2D nouvelleOrigine = repere.getOrigineVirtuelle().subtract(translationOrigine.scalarMultiply(facteurZoom));
        repere.setOrigineVirtuelle(new Vector2D((int) nouvelleOrigine.getX(), (int) nouvelleOrigine.getY()));
Also used : Vector2D(org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D)


Vector2D (org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.twod.Vector2D)26 Map (java.util.Map)6 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)4 List (java.util.List)4 Set (java.util.Set)4 Collectors ( Point2d (javax.vecmath.Point2d)4 Point3d (javax.vecmath.Point3d)4 Tweed (org.twak.tweed.Tweed)4 TweedSettings (org.twak.tweed.TweedSettings)4 Line (org.twak.utils.Line)4 Material (com.jme3.material.Material)3 ColorRGBA (com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA)3 Geometry (com.jme3.scene.Geometry)3 Mesh (com.jme3.scene.Mesh)3 Node (com.jme3.scene.Node)3 VertexBuffer (com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer)3 Collections (java.util.Collections)3 Comparator (java.util.Comparator)3