Search in sources :

Example 31 with Percentile

use of org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile in project gatk by broadinstitute.

the class ReadCountCollectionUtilsUnitTest method readCountAndPercentileData.

@DataProvider(name = "readCountAndPercentileData")
public Object[][] readCountAndPercentileData() {
    final double[] percentiles = new double[] { 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0 };
    final List<Object[]> result = new ArrayList<>();
    final Random rdn = new Random(13);
    final int columnCount = 100;
    final int targetCount = 100;
    final List<String> columnNames = IntStream.range(0, columnCount).mapToObj(i -> "sample_" + (i + 1)).collect(Collectors.toList());
    final List<Target> targets = IntStream.range(0, targetCount).mapToObj(i -> new Target("target_" + (i + 1))).collect(Collectors.toList());
    for (final double percentile : percentiles) {
        final double[][] counts = new double[columnCount][targetCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < counts[0].length; j++) {
                counts[i][j] = rdn.nextDouble();
        final ReadCountCollection readCounts = new ReadCountCollection(targets, columnNames, new Array2DRowRealMatrix(counts, false));
        result.add(new Object[] { readCounts, percentile });
    return result.toArray(new Object[result.size()][]);
Also used : IntStream( Arrays(java.util.Arrays) DataProvider(org.testng.annotations.DataProvider) Level(org.apache.logging.log4j.Level) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test) Random(java.util.Random) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Message(org.apache.logging.log4j.message.Message) Assert(org.testng.Assert) Median(org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Median) Marker(org.apache.logging.log4j.Marker) AbstractLogger(org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.AbstractLogger) PrintWriter( Array2DRowRealMatrix(org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix) IOException( SimpleInterval(org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.SimpleInterval) Collectors( File( DoubleStream( List(java.util.List) Percentile(org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile) Logger(org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger) Stream( UserException(org.broadinstitute.hellbender.exceptions.UserException) RealMatrix(org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Random(java.util.Random) Array2DRowRealMatrix(org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix) DataProvider(org.testng.annotations.DataProvider)

Example 32 with Percentile

use of org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile in project knime-core by knime.

the class NumericOutliersNodeDialogPane method createSettingsDialog.

 * Creates the settings panel.
 * @return the settings panel
private JPanel createSettingsDialog() {
    final JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
    final GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
    gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.LINE_START;
    gbc.gridx = 0;
    gbc.gridy = 0;
    gbc.weightx = 1;
    gbc.weighty = 0;
    // add panel border
    panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(), SETTINGS_BORDER_TITLE));
    // add IQR scale dialog
    m_scalarDialog = new DialogComponentNumberEdit(NumericOutliersNodeModel.createScalarModel(), QUARTILE_RANGE_MULT);
    panel.add(m_scalarDialog.getComponentPanel(), gbc);
    // add the update domain dialog
    m_updateDomainDialog = new DialogComponentBoolean(NumericOutliersNodeModel.createDomainModel(), DOMAIN_POLICY);
    panel.add(m_updateDomainDialog.getComponentPanel(), gbc);
    // add the heuristic dialog
    m_heuristicDialog = new DialogComponentBoolean(NumericOutliersNodeModel.createHeuristicModel(), HEURISTIC_LABEL);
    panel.add(m_heuristicDialog.getComponentPanel(), gbc);
    // add a component to select the percentile estimation type
    List<String> eTypes = -> val.toString()).collect(Collectors.toList());
    m_estimationDialog = new DialogComponentStringSelection(NumericOutliersNodeModel.createEstimationModel(), ESTIMATION_TYPE, eTypes);
    panel.add(m_estimationDialog.getComponentPanel(), gbc);
    return panel;
Also used : Insets(java.awt.Insets) Arrays(java.util.Arrays) NodeSettingsRO(org.knime.core.node.NodeSettingsRO) NumericOutliersReplacementStrategy(org.knime.base.algorithms.outlier.options.NumericOutliersReplacementStrategy) InvalidSettingsException(org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException) DialogComponent(org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.DialogComponent) NodeDialogPane(org.knime.core.node.NodeDialogPane) NotConfigurableException(org.knime.core.node.NotConfigurableException) NumericOutliersDetectionOption(org.knime.base.algorithms.outlier.options.NumericOutliersDetectionOption) DialogComponentStringSelection(org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.DialogComponentStringSelection) EstimationType(org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile.EstimationType) ChangeListener(javax.swing.event.ChangeListener) DialogComponentBoolean(org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.DialogComponentBoolean) ChangeEvent(javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent) NumericOutliersTreatmentOption(org.knime.base.algorithms.outlier.options.NumericOutliersTreatmentOption) DialogComponentColumnFilter2(org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.DialogComponentColumnFilter2) PortObjectSpec(org.knime.core.node.port.PortObjectSpec) BorderFactory(javax.swing.BorderFactory) GridBagConstraints(java.awt.GridBagConstraints) Component(java.awt.Component) Collectors( SettingsModelString(org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.SettingsModelString) NodeSettingsWO(org.knime.core.node.NodeSettingsWO) Dimension(java.awt.Dimension) List(java.util.List) GridBagLayout(java.awt.GridBagLayout) JPanel(javax.swing.JPanel) DialogComponentNumberEdit(org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.DialogComponentNumberEdit) JPanel(javax.swing.JPanel) GridBagConstraints(java.awt.GridBagConstraints) GridBagLayout(java.awt.GridBagLayout) DialogComponentNumberEdit(org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.DialogComponentNumberEdit) DialogComponentStringSelection(org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.DialogComponentStringSelection) DialogComponentBoolean(org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.DialogComponentBoolean) SettingsModelString(org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.SettingsModelString)

Example 33 with Percentile

use of org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile in project nd4j by deeplearning4j.

the class Nd4jTestsC method testTadPercentile1.

public void testTadPercentile1() throws Exception {
    INDArray array = Nd4j.linspace(1, 10, 10);
    Transforms.reverse(array, false);
    Percentile percentile = new Percentile(75);
    double exp = percentile.evaluate(;
    INDArray matrix = Nd4j.create(10, 10);
    for (int i = 0; i < matrix.rows(); i++) matrix.getRow(i).assign(array);
    INDArray res = matrix.percentile(75, 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < matrix.rows(); i++) assertEquals(exp, res.getDouble(i), 1e-5);
Also used : Percentile(org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile) INDArray(org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 34 with Percentile

use of org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile in project nd4j by deeplearning4j.

the class Nd4jTestsC method testPercentile1.

public void testPercentile1() throws Exception {
    INDArray array = Nd4j.linspace(1, 10, 10);
    Percentile percentile = new Percentile(50);
    double exp = percentile.evaluate(;
    assertEquals(exp, array.percentileNumber(50));
Also used : Percentile(org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile) INDArray(org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 35 with Percentile

use of org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile in project polyGembler by c-zhou.

the class Anchor1 method run.

// private static DijkstraShortestPath<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge> dijkstra_paths;
public void run() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    long tic = System.nanoTime();
    sub_seqs = Sequence.parseFastaFileAsMap(subject_file);
    qry_seqs = Sequence.parseFastaFileWithRevCmpAsMap(query_file);
    // this.makeAssemblyGraph(query_file);
    bfs = new BFSShortestPath<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge>(assembly_graph);
    // dijkstra_paths = new DijkstraShortestPath<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge>(assembly_graph);
    // find 'N/n's in subject/reference sequences
    // which could have impact on parsing the blast records
    final Map<String, TreeRangeSet<Integer>> sub_gaps = new HashMap<String, TreeRangeSet<Integer>>();
    final Map<String, List<Blast6Segment>> anchored_records = new HashMap<String, List<Blast6Segment>>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, Sequence> entry : sub_seqs.entrySet()) {
        String seq_sn = entry.getKey();
        String seq_str = entry.getValue().seq_str();
        final TreeRangeSet<Integer> tmp_rangeSet = TreeRangeSet.create();
        for (int j = 0; j < seq_str.length(); j++) {
            if (seq_str.charAt(j) == 'N' || seq_str.charAt(j) == 'n')
                // blast record is 1-based closed coordination
                tmp_rangeSet.add(Range.closed(j + 1, j + 1).canonical(DiscreteDomain.integers()));
        int seq_ln = seq_str.length();
        final TreeRangeSet<Integer> range_set = TreeRangeSet.create();
        for (Range<Integer> range : tmp_rangeSet.asRanges()) {
            int lowerend = range.hasLowerBound() ? Math.max(0, range.lowerEndpoint() - gap_buff) : 0;
            int upperend = range.hasUpperBound() ? Math.min(seq_ln, range.upperEndpoint() + gap_buff - 1) : seq_ln;
            range_set.add(Range.closed(lowerend, upperend).canonical(DiscreteDomain.integers()));
        sub_gaps.put(seq_sn, range_set);
        // initialise an array list for each reference chromosome
        anchored_records.put(seq_sn, new ArrayList<Blast6Segment>());
    // parse blast records
    // blast records buffer
    final List<Blast6Segment> buff = new ArrayList<Blast6Segment>();
    // selected blast records
    final List<Blast6Segment> sel_recs = new ArrayList<Blast6Segment>();
    // temp list
    final List<Blast6Segment> tmp_records = new ArrayList<Blast6Segment>();
    try {
        BufferedReader br_blast = Utils.getBufferedReader(blast_out);
        Blast6Segment tmp_record = Blast6Segment.blast6Segment(br_blast.readLine());
        Blast6Segment primary_record, secondary_record;
        String qry;
        double qry_ln, aln_frac;
        while (tmp_record != null) {
            qry = tmp_record.qseqid();
            qry_ln = qry_seqs.get(qry).seq_ln();
            while ((tmp_record = Blast6Segment.blast6Segment(br_blast.readLine())) != null && tmp_record.qseqid().equals(qry)) {
                // filter by identity
                if (tmp_record.pident() >= this.min_ident)
            // merge collinear records
            for (String sub : sub_seqs.keySet()) {
                // get all records for subject/reference sequence sub_seq
                for (Blast6Segment record : buff) if (record.sseqid().equals(sub))
                if (tmp_records.isEmpty())
                // find alignment segments that can be deleted
                // those that are subsets of larger alignment segments
                // (Sstart, (sstart, send), Send) and (Qstart, (qstart, qend), Qend)
                Collections.sort(tmp_records, new Blast6Segment.SegmentSizeComparator());
                final Set<int[][]> ranges = new HashSet<int[][]>();
                outerloop: for (int i = 0; i < tmp_records.size(); i++) {
                    primary_record = tmp_records.get(i);
                    int[][] range = new int[2][2];
                    if (primary_record.sstart() < primary_record.send()) {
                        range[0][0] = primary_record.sstart();
                        range[0][1] = primary_record.send();
                    } else {
                        range[0][0] = primary_record.send();
                        range[0][1] = primary_record.sstart();
                    if (primary_record.qstart() < primary_record.qend()) {
                        range[1][0] = primary_record.qstart();
                        range[1][1] = primary_record.qend();
                    } else {
                        range[1][0] = primary_record.qend();
                        range[1][1] = primary_record.qstart();
                    for (int[][] r : ranges) {
                        if (r[0][0] <= range[0][0] && r[0][1] >= range[0][1] && r[1][0] <= range[1][0] && r[1][1] >= range[1][1]) {
                            continue outerloop;
                // TODO rewrite this part
                 *					// find collinear alignment segments that can be merged
                 *					Collections.sort(tmp_records, new BlastRecord.SInterceptComparator());
                 *					collinear_merged.clear();
                 *					final List<Blast6Record> temp = new ArrayList<Blast6Record>();
                 *					for(int i=0; i<tmp_records.size(); ) {
                 *						Blast6Record record = tmp_records.get(i);
                 *						double max_shift;
                 *						temp.clear();
                 *						temp.add(record);
                 *						// find collinear alignment segments
                 *						outerloop:
                 *							while( (++i)<tmp_records.size() ) {
                 *								record = tmp_records.get(i);
                 *								// check if is collinear with other alignment segments
                 *								for(Blast6Record r : temp) {
                 *									max_shift = collinear_shift*
                 *											Math.min(r.length(), record.length());
                 *									if(BlastRecord.sdistance(r, record)<=max_shift &&
                 *											BlastRecord.qdistance(r, record)<=max_shift &&
                 *											BlastRecord.pdistance(r, record)<=max_shift) {
                 *										temp.add(record);
                 *										continue outerloop;
                 *									}
                 *								}
                 *								break;
                 *							}
                 *						// merge collinear alignment segments
                 *						int qstart = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                 *						int qend = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                 *						int sstart = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                 *						int send = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
                 *						double pident = 0;
                 *						int length = 0;
                 *						// qstart is always smaller than qend
                 *						for(int j=0; j<temp.size(); j++) {
                 *							record = temp.get(j);
                 *							if(record.qstart()<qstart) {
                 *								qstart = record.qstart();
                 *								sstart = record.sstart();
                 *							}
                 *							if(record.qend()>qend) {
                 *								qend = record.qend();
                 *								send = record.send();
                 *							}
                 *							if(record.pident()>pident)
                 *								pident = record.pident();
                 *							length += record.length();
                 *						}
                 *						collinear_merged.add(new Blast6Record(qry,sub,pident,length,-1,-1,qstart,qend,sstart,send,-1,-1));
                 *					}
                // find collinear alignment segments that can be merged
                // more accurate but slower
                Collections.sort(tmp_records, new AlignmentSegment.SubjectCoordinationComparator());
                Blast6Segment record;
                for (int i = 0; i < tmp_records.size(); i++) {
                    primary_record = tmp_records.get(i);
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < tmp_records.size(); j++) {
                        secondary_record = tmp_records.get(j);
                        double max_shift = collinear_shift * Math.min(primary_record.length(), secondary_record.length());
                        if ((record = Blast6Segment.collinear(primary_record, secondary_record, max_shift)) != null) {
                            tmp_records.set(i, record);
                // process blast records that clipped by gaps
                // (sstart, send)---(start2, send2)
                // (sstart  ...  ---  ...    send2)
                TreeRangeSet<Integer> sub_gap = sub_gaps.get(sub);
                Collections.sort(tmp_records, new AlignmentSegment.SubjectCoordinationComparator());
                for (int i = 0; i < tmp_records.size(); i++) {
                    primary_record = tmp_records.get(i);
                    if (sub_gap.contains(primary_record.true_send())) {
                        secondary_record = null;
                        int sec_j = -1;
                        for (int j = i + 1; j < tmp_records.size(); j++) {
                            if (tmp_records.get(j).true_sstart() >= primary_record.true_send()) {
                                secondary_record = tmp_records.get(j);
                                sec_j = j;
                        if (secondary_record == null || AlignmentSegment.reverse(primary_record, secondary_record)) {
                            // reverse alignment segments
                        if (sub_gap.contains(secondary_record.true_sstart()) && sub_gap.rangeContaining(primary_record.true_send()).equals(sub_gap.rangeContaining(secondary_record.true_sstart()))) {
                            // clipping
                            // merge two alignment segments
                            double pident = Math.max(primary_record.pident(), secondary_record.pident());
                            int qstart = Math.min(primary_record.true_qstart(), secondary_record.true_qstart());
                            int qend = Math.max(primary_record.true_qend(), secondary_record.true_qend());
                            int sstart = Math.min(primary_record.true_sstart(), secondary_record.true_sstart());
                            int send = Math.max(primary_record.true_send(), secondary_record.true_send());
                            int length = qend - qstart + 1;
                            // replace primary record with merged record
                            // delete secondary record
                            Blast6Segment merged_record = primary_record.forward() ? new Blast6Segment(qry, sub, pident, length, -1, -1, qstart, qend, sstart, send, -1, -1) : new Blast6Segment(qry, sub, pident, length, -1, -1, qstart, qend, send, sstart, -1, -1);
                            tmp_records.set(i, merged_record);
                            // the merged records need to be processed
                // add to sel_recs
            // filter by alignment fraction
            for (Blast6Segment record : buff) {
                if (record.length() / qry_ln >= this.min_frac)
            if (sel_recs.isEmpty()) {
                // continue
            // filter blast records
            Collections.sort(sel_recs, new Blast6Segment.MatchIndentityComparator());
            // process primary alignment
            primary_record = sel_recs.get(0);
            aln_frac = primary_record.length() / qry_ln;
            // and process
            for (int i = 1; i < sel_recs.size(); i++) {
                secondary_record = sel_recs.get(i);
                if (secondary_record.pident() + this.diff_ident < primary_record.pident() || secondary_record.length() / qry_ln + this.diff_frac < aln_frac) {
                } else {
        for (Map.Entry<String, List<Blast6Segment>> entry : anchored_records.entrySet()) {
            System.out.println(entry.getKey() + ": " + entry.getValue().size());
        final BufferedWriter bw_map = Utils.getBufferedWriter(out_prefix + ".map");
        final BufferedWriter bw_fa = Utils.getBufferedWriter(out_prefix + ".fa");
        final Set<String> anchored_seqs = new HashSet<String>();
        final List<String> sub_list = Sequence.parseSeqList(subject_file);
        final List<GraphPath<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge>> paths = new ArrayList<GraphPath<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge>>();
        for (String sub_sn : sub_list) {
            blast6_records = anchored_records.get(sub_sn);
            int nV = blast6_records.size(), count = 0;
            // sort blast records
            Collections.sort(blast6_records, new Blast6Segment.SubjectCoordinationComparator());
            // consensus
            int posUpto = 0, send_clip = 0;
            int sstart, send, qstart, qend, qlen, tmp_int, qstart_clip, qend_clip, gap_size;
            // distance to last 'N', start from next position to find longest common suffix-prefix
            int prev_n = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            int mol_len = 0;
            int bfs_dist;
            String qseq;
            int nS, nQ;
            // first step: construct super scaffold
            // will form a tree graph indicating the path through the contigs
            // convert contig names to integer indices
            // one contig could end up with multiple indices due to repeats
            Map<Integer, String> ss_coordinate = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
            int index = 0;
            for (Blast6Segment record : blast6_records) ss_coordinate.put(index++, record.qseqid() + (record.forward() ? "" : "'"));
            int qseqid1, qseqid2;
            String os;
            List<Double> dist_stats = new ArrayList<Double>();
            for (int i = 0; i != nV; i++) {
                qseqid1 = contig_coordinate.getKey(ss_coordinate.get(i));
                os = blast6_records.get(i).qseqid() + (blast6_records.get(i).forward() ? "" : "'");
                System.out.print(Utils.fixedLengthPaddingString(os, 40) + "\t");
                double distance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
                for (int j = 1; j <= window_size; j++) {
                    if (i + j >= nV) {
                        System.out.print(Utils.fixedLengthPaddingString("", 10) + ",\t");
                    qseqid2 = contig_coordinate.getKey(ss_coordinate.get(i + j));
                    GraphPath<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge> e = bfs.getPath(qseqid1, qseqid2);
                    // GraphPath<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge> e = dijkstra_paths.getPath( qseqid1, qseqid2 );
                    if (e != null) {
                        double d = e.getLength();
                        if (distance > d)
                            distance = d;
                    int l = 0;
                    if (e != null) {
                        List<Integer> vertices = e.getVertexList();
                        for (int k = 1; k < vertices.size() - 1; k++) l += qry_seqs.get(contig_coordinate.get(vertices.get(k))).seq_ln();
                        l -= (vertices.size() - 2) * this.kmer_size;
                    System.out.print((e == null ? Utils.fixedLengthPaddingString("Inf " + l, 10) + ",\t" : Utils.fixedLengthPaddingString(e.getLength() + " " + l, 10) + ",\t"));
            double[] dist_arr = ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(dist_stats.toArray(new Double[dist_stats.size()]));
            Percentile percentile = new Percentile();
            double q1 = percentile.evaluate(dist_arr, 25);
            double q3 = percentile.evaluate(dist_arr, 75);
            // upper bound for outliers
            // q3+1.5*IQR
            double outlier = q3 + 1.5 * (q3 - q1);
            System.out.println("Outlier upper bound: " + outlier);
            // construct a tree graph
            pseudo_tree = new DirectedWeightedPseudograph<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge>(DefaultWeightedEdge.class);
            for (int i : ss_coordinate.keySet()) pseudo_tree.addVertex(i);
            Blast6Segment record1, record2;
            // select the nearest neighbour(s)
            for (int i = 0; i != nV; i++) {
                record1 = blast6_records.get(i);
                send = record1.true_send();
                qseqid1 = contig_coordinate.getKey(ss_coordinate.get(i));
                bfs_dist = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                for (int j = i + 1; j < nV; j++) {
                    record2 = blast6_records.get(j);
                    sstart = record2.true_sstart();
                    if (send < sstart)
                    qseqid2 = contig_coordinate.getKey(ss_coordinate.get(j));
                    GraphPath<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge> e = bfs.getPath(qseqid1, qseqid2);
                    // GraphPath<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge> e = dijkstra_paths.getPath( qseqid1, qseqid2 );
                    if (e != null) {
                        tmp_int = e.getLength();
                        if (tmp_int == 0)
                        if (tmp_int < bfs_dist)
                        bfs_dist = tmp_int;
                if (paths.isEmpty())
                for (GraphPath<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge> path : paths) pseudo_tree.setEdgeWeight(pseudo_tree.addEdge(path.getStartVertex(), path.getEndVertex()), 1d);
            // secondly fill gaps
            long toc = System.nanoTime();
            System.out.println(toc - tic + " nano secs.");
            if (true)
                throw new RuntimeException("!!!");
            // second step: construct pseudo chromosomes
            // 1. choose the first contig
            int firstv = 0;
            while (true) {
                // int v2 = next(firstv+1);
                if (true)
            // 2. extend pseudo chromosomes
            StringBuilder seq_str = new StringBuilder();
            for (int v = firstv; v < nV - 1; v++) {
                if (++count % 10000 == 0)
           + " " + count + "/" + nV + " done.");
                Blast6Segment record = blast6_records.get(v);
                qlen = qry_seqs.get(record.qseqid()).seq_ln();
                sstart = record.sstart();
                send = record.send();
                qstart = record.qstart();
                qend = record.qend();
                if (sstart > send) {
                    // make sure sstart<send
                    tmp_int = sstart;
                    sstart = send;
                    send = tmp_int;
                    tmp_int = qstart;
                    qstart = qend;
                    qend = tmp_int;
                if (qstart > qend) {
                    qstart_clip = qlen - qstart;
                    qend_clip = qend - 1;
                    qseq = Sequence.revCompSeq(qry_seqs.get(record.qseqid()).seq_str());
                } else {
                    qstart_clip = qstart - 1;
                    qend_clip = qlen - qend;
                    qseq = qry_seqs.get(record.qseqid()).seq_str();
                if (send < posUpto || sstart < posUpto && qstart_clip > max_clip) {
                    // TODO process
                // find longest suffix-prefix
                nS = seq_str.length();
                nQ = qseq.length();
                int nO = Math.min(prev_n, Math.min(nS, nQ));
                outerloop: for (; nO >= min_overlap; nO--) {
                    int nS_i = nS - nO;
                    for (int i = 0; i < nO; i++) {
                        if (seq_str.charAt(nS_i + i) != qseq.charAt(i))
                            continue outerloop;
                    break outerloop;
                if (nO < min_overlap) {
                    // otherwise will insert a large GAP max(pseduo_distance, max_gap)
                    if (posUpto > 0) {
                        if (sstart <= posUpto) {
                            // if too much overlap, then treat it as a contradiction
                            if (posUpto - sstart > min_overlap) {
                                // discard
                            } else {
                                // insert a min_gap
                                gap_size = min_gap;
                        } else {
                            // estimate gap size
                            gap_size = (sstart - posUpto) - (send_clip + qstart_clip);
                            if (gap_size < max_gap)
                                gap_size = max_gap;
                        bw_map.write("GAP\t" + gap_size + "\t0\t" + gap_size + "\t+\t" + sub_sn + "\t" + mol_len + "\t" + (mol_len + gap_size) + "\n");
                        mol_len += gap_size;
                    bw_map.write(record.qseqid() + "\t" + qlen + "\t");
                    if (qstart > qend) {
                        // reverse
                        bw_map.write("0\t" + qlen + "\t-\t");
                    } else {
                        // forward
                        bw_map.write("0\t" + qlen + "\t+\t");
                    bw_map.write(sub_sn + "\t" + mol_len + "\t" + (mol_len + qlen) + "\n");
                    mol_len += qlen;
                    prev_n = qlen;
                } else {
                    // overlap found
                    // will not insert gap
                    // ====================
                    // /-------\
                    // /----\
                    // calculate overlaps
                    // process overlap
                    qstart = nO;
                    if (qstart == qlen)
                    bw_map.write(record.qseqid() + "\t" + (qlen - qstart) + "\t");
                    if (qstart > qend) {
                        // reverse
                        bw_map.write(0 + "\t" + (qlen - qstart) + "\t-\t");
                    } else {
                        // forward
                        bw_map.write(qstart + "\t" + qlen + "\t+\t");
                    bw_map.write(sub_sn + "\t" + mol_len + "\t" + (mol_len + qlen - qstart) + "\n");
                    mol_len += qlen - qstart;
                    prev_n += qlen - qstart;
                posUpto = send;
                send_clip = qend_clip;
            if (seq_str.length() > 0)
                bw_fa.write(Sequence.formatOutput(sub_sn, seq_str.toString()));
        final BufferedWriter bw_ufa = Utils.getBufferedWriter(out_prefix + "_unplaced.fa");
        for (String seq : qry_seqs.keySet()) if (!anchored_seqs.contains(seq))
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
Also used : Percentile(org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile) TreeRangeSet( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Blast6Segment(cz1.ngs.model.Blast6Segment) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) GraphPath(org.jgrapht.GraphPath) BufferedWriter( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Sequence(cz1.ngs.model.Sequence) IOException( DefaultWeightedEdge(org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultWeightedEdge) AlignmentSegment(cz1.ngs.model.AlignmentSegment) BufferedReader( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) BidiMap(org.apache.commons.collections4.BidiMap) DualHashBidiMap(org.apache.commons.collections4.bidimap.DualHashBidiMap)


Percentile (org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile)31 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)16 RealMatrix (org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix)16 Array2DRowRealMatrix (org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix)14 List (java.util.List)11 Collectors ( IntStream ( File ( DoubleStream ( Median (org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Median)10 Logger (org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger)10 Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)10 Random (java.util.Random)9 Stream ( DescriptiveStatistics (org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics)9 Level (org.apache.logging.log4j.Level)8 Marker (org.apache.logging.log4j.Marker)8 Message (org.apache.logging.log4j.message.Message)8 AbstractLogger (org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.AbstractLogger)8 SimpleInterval (org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.SimpleInterval)8