use of org.geotoolkit.image.interpolation.Interpolation in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.
the class ComputeVolumeProcess method execute.
* {@inheritDoc }.
protected void execute() throws ProcessException {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("inputParameters", inputParameters);
final GridCoverageResource gcReader = inputParameters.getValue(ComputeVolumeDescriptor.IN_GRIDCOVERAGE_READER);
final Geometry jtsGeom = inputParameters.getValue(ComputeVolumeDescriptor.IN_JTSGEOMETRY);
CoordinateReferenceSystem geomCRS = inputParameters.getValue(ComputeVolumeDescriptor.IN_GEOMETRY_CRS);
final Integer bIndex = inputParameters.getValue(ComputeVolumeDescriptor.IN_INDEX_BAND);
final Double zMinCeil = inputParameters.getValue(ComputeVolumeDescriptor.IN_GEOMETRY_ALTITUDE);
final double zMaxCeiling = inputParameters.getValue(ComputeVolumeDescriptor.IN_MAX_ALTITUDE_CEILING);
final int bandIndex = (bIndex == null) ? 0 : (int) bIndex;
final double zGroundCeiling = (zMinCeil == null) ? 0 : (double) zMinCeil;
final boolean positiveSens = zGroundCeiling < zMaxCeiling;
if (zGroundCeiling == zMaxCeiling) {
try {
* geomCRS attribut should be null, we looking for find another way to define geometry CoordinateReferenceSystem.
* It may be already stipulate in JTS geometry.
if (geomCRS == null) {
geomCRS = JTS.findCoordinateReferenceSystem(jtsGeom);
final GridGeometry covGridGeom = gcReader.getGridGeometry();
* If we have no CRS informations from geometry we consider that geometry is defined in same crs as Coverage.
final CoordinateReferenceSystem covCrs = covGridGeom.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
if (geomCRS == null) {
geomCRS = covCrs;
final MathTransform covToGeomCRS = CRS.findOperation(covCrs, geomCRS, null).getMathTransform();
// -- next read only interest area.
final Envelope envGeom = jtsGeom.getEnvelopeInternal();
final Envelope2D envGeom2D = new Envelope2D(geomCRS, envGeom.getMinX(), envGeom.getMinY(), envGeom.getWidth(), envGeom.getHeight());
final GridCoverage dem =;
final SampleDimension gsd = dem.getSampleDimensions().get(bandIndex);
final MathTransform1D zmt = gsd.getTransferFunction().orElse(null);
if (zmt == null) {
throw new ProcessException("you should stipulate MathTransform1D from sampleDimension to geophysic.", this, null);
final GridGeometry gg2d = dem.getGridGeometry();
InterpolationCase interpolationChoice;
// -- adapt interpolation in function of grid extend
final GridExtent gridEnv2D = gg2d.getExtent();
final int[] subSpace = gridEnv2D.getSubspaceDimensions(2);
final long gWidth = gridEnv2D.getSize(subSpace[0]);
final long gHeight = gridEnv2D.getSize(subSpace[1]);
if (gWidth < 1 || gHeight < 1) {
} else if (gWidth < 2 || gHeight < 2) {
interpolationChoice = InterpolationCase.NEIGHBOR;
} else if (gWidth < 4 || gHeight < 4) {
interpolationChoice = InterpolationCase.BILINEAR;
} else {
// -- paranoiac assert
assert gWidth >= 4 && gHeight >= 4;
interpolationChoice = InterpolationCase.BICUBIC;
final MathTransform gridToCrs = gg2d.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER);
final CoordinateSystem destCS = covCrs.getCoordinateSystem();
final RenderedImage mnt = dem.render(null);
final Interpolation interpol = Interpolation.create(new PixelIterator.Builder().setIteratorOrder(SequenceType.LINEAR).create(mnt), interpolationChoice, 0, ResampleBorderComportement.EXTRAPOLATION, null);
final MathTransform gridToGeom = MathTransforms.concatenate(gridToCrs, covToGeomCRS);
final StepPixelAreaCalculator stePixCalculator;
if (covCrs instanceof GeographicCRS) {
stePixCalculator = new GeographicStepPixelAreaCalculator(PIXELSTEP, covCrs, gridToCrs);
} else {
if (destCS instanceof CartesianCS) {
// -- resolution
final double[] resolution;
try {
resolution = gg2d.getResolution(false);
} catch (IncompleteGridGeometryException ex) {
throw new ProcessException("Cannot estimate resolution", this, ex);
final int dimDestCS = destCS.getDimension();
final int destDim = destCS.getDimension();
final UnitConverter[] unitConverters = new UnitConverter[dimDestCS];
for (int d = 0; d < destDim; d++) {
final CoordinateSystemAxis csA = destCS.getAxis(d);
unitConverters[d] = csA.getUnit().getConverterToAny(METER);
// -- pixel step computing in m²
stePixCalculator = new CartesianStepPixelAreaCalculator(PIXELSTEP, unitConverters, resolution);
} else {
throw new ProcessException("Coordinate reference system configuration not supported. CRS should be instance of geographic crs or has a cartesian coordinate system.", this, null);
// -- geometry factory to create point at n step to test if it is within geometry
final GeometryFactory gf = JTS.getFactory();
// -- coordinate to test if point is within geom
final Coordinate coords = new Coordinate();
// -- image attributs
final double minx = mnt.getMinX() - 0.5;
final double miny = mnt.getMinY() - 0.5;
final double maxx = minx + mnt.getWidth();
final double maxy = miny + mnt.getHeight();
final double debx = minx + PIXELSTEP / 2.0;
final double[] pixPoint = new double[] { debx, miny + PIXELSTEP / 2.0 };
final double[] geomPoint = new double[2];
double volume = 0;
final UnitConverter hconverter;
if (!gsd.getUnits().isPresent() || Units.UNITY.equals(gsd.getUnits().get())) {
// -- unit unknowed, assume it's meters already
hconverter = METER.getConverterTo(METER);
} else {
hconverter = gsd.getUnits().get().getConverterToAny(METER);
while (pixPoint[1] < maxy) {
pixPoint[0] = debx;
while (pixPoint[0] < maxx) {
// -- project point in geomtry CRS
gridToGeom.transform(pixPoint, 0, geomPoint, 0, 1);
// -- test if point is within geometry.
coords.setOrdinate(0, geomPoint[0]);
coords.setOrdinate(1, geomPoint[1]);
if (jtsGeom.contains(gf.createPoint(coords))) {
// -- get interpolate value
double h = interpol.interpolate(pixPoint[0], pixPoint[1], bandIndex);
// -- projet h in geophysic value
h = zmt.transform(h);
// -- convert in meter
h = hconverter.convert(h);
// -- Verify that h value found is in appropriate interval.
if ((positiveSens && h > zGroundCeiling) || (!positiveSens && h < zGroundCeiling)) {
// -- add in volum
volume += (Math.min(Math.abs(h - zGroundCeiling), Math.abs(zMaxCeiling - zGroundCeiling))) * stePixCalculator.computeStepPixelArea(pixPoint);
pixPoint[0] += PIXELSTEP;
pixPoint[1] += PIXELSTEP;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new ProcessException(ex.getMessage(), this, ex);