use of org.geotoolkit.image.interpolation.InterpolationCase in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.
the class ComputeVolumeProcess method execute.
* {@inheritDoc }.
protected void execute() throws ProcessException {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("inputParameters", inputParameters);
final GridCoverageResource gcReader = inputParameters.getValue(ComputeVolumeDescriptor.IN_GRIDCOVERAGE_READER);
final Geometry jtsGeom = inputParameters.getValue(ComputeVolumeDescriptor.IN_JTSGEOMETRY);
CoordinateReferenceSystem geomCRS = inputParameters.getValue(ComputeVolumeDescriptor.IN_GEOMETRY_CRS);
final Integer bIndex = inputParameters.getValue(ComputeVolumeDescriptor.IN_INDEX_BAND);
final Double zMinCeil = inputParameters.getValue(ComputeVolumeDescriptor.IN_GEOMETRY_ALTITUDE);
final double zMaxCeiling = inputParameters.getValue(ComputeVolumeDescriptor.IN_MAX_ALTITUDE_CEILING);
final int bandIndex = (bIndex == null) ? 0 : (int) bIndex;
final double zGroundCeiling = (zMinCeil == null) ? 0 : (double) zMinCeil;
final boolean positiveSens = zGroundCeiling < zMaxCeiling;
if (zGroundCeiling == zMaxCeiling) {
try {
* geomCRS attribut should be null, we looking for find another way to define geometry CoordinateReferenceSystem.
* It may be already stipulate in JTS geometry.
if (geomCRS == null) {
geomCRS = JTS.findCoordinateReferenceSystem(jtsGeom);
final GridGeometry covGridGeom = gcReader.getGridGeometry();
* If we have no CRS informations from geometry we consider that geometry is defined in same crs as Coverage.
final CoordinateReferenceSystem covCrs = covGridGeom.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
if (geomCRS == null) {
geomCRS = covCrs;
final MathTransform covToGeomCRS = CRS.findOperation(covCrs, geomCRS, null).getMathTransform();
// -- next read only interest area.
final Envelope envGeom = jtsGeom.getEnvelopeInternal();
final Envelope2D envGeom2D = new Envelope2D(geomCRS, envGeom.getMinX(), envGeom.getMinY(), envGeom.getWidth(), envGeom.getHeight());
final GridCoverage dem =;
final SampleDimension gsd = dem.getSampleDimensions().get(bandIndex);
final MathTransform1D zmt = gsd.getTransferFunction().orElse(null);
if (zmt == null) {
throw new ProcessException("you should stipulate MathTransform1D from sampleDimension to geophysic.", this, null);
final GridGeometry gg2d = dem.getGridGeometry();
InterpolationCase interpolationChoice;
// -- adapt interpolation in function of grid extend
final GridExtent gridEnv2D = gg2d.getExtent();
final int[] subSpace = gridEnv2D.getSubspaceDimensions(2);
final long gWidth = gridEnv2D.getSize(subSpace[0]);
final long gHeight = gridEnv2D.getSize(subSpace[1]);
if (gWidth < 1 || gHeight < 1) {
} else if (gWidth < 2 || gHeight < 2) {
interpolationChoice = InterpolationCase.NEIGHBOR;
} else if (gWidth < 4 || gHeight < 4) {
interpolationChoice = InterpolationCase.BILINEAR;
} else {
// -- paranoiac assert
assert gWidth >= 4 && gHeight >= 4;
interpolationChoice = InterpolationCase.BICUBIC;
final MathTransform gridToCrs = gg2d.getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER);
final CoordinateSystem destCS = covCrs.getCoordinateSystem();
final RenderedImage mnt = dem.render(null);
final Interpolation interpol = Interpolation.create(new PixelIterator.Builder().setIteratorOrder(SequenceType.LINEAR).create(mnt), interpolationChoice, 0, ResampleBorderComportement.EXTRAPOLATION, null);
final MathTransform gridToGeom = MathTransforms.concatenate(gridToCrs, covToGeomCRS);
final StepPixelAreaCalculator stePixCalculator;
if (covCrs instanceof GeographicCRS) {
stePixCalculator = new GeographicStepPixelAreaCalculator(PIXELSTEP, covCrs, gridToCrs);
} else {
if (destCS instanceof CartesianCS) {
// -- resolution
final double[] resolution;
try {
resolution = gg2d.getResolution(false);
} catch (IncompleteGridGeometryException ex) {
throw new ProcessException("Cannot estimate resolution", this, ex);
final int dimDestCS = destCS.getDimension();
final int destDim = destCS.getDimension();
final UnitConverter[] unitConverters = new UnitConverter[dimDestCS];
for (int d = 0; d < destDim; d++) {
final CoordinateSystemAxis csA = destCS.getAxis(d);
unitConverters[d] = csA.getUnit().getConverterToAny(METER);
// -- pixel step computing in m²
stePixCalculator = new CartesianStepPixelAreaCalculator(PIXELSTEP, unitConverters, resolution);
} else {
throw new ProcessException("Coordinate reference system configuration not supported. CRS should be instance of geographic crs or has a cartesian coordinate system.", this, null);
// -- geometry factory to create point at n step to test if it is within geometry
final GeometryFactory gf = JTS.getFactory();
// -- coordinate to test if point is within geom
final Coordinate coords = new Coordinate();
// -- image attributs
final double minx = mnt.getMinX() - 0.5;
final double miny = mnt.getMinY() - 0.5;
final double maxx = minx + mnt.getWidth();
final double maxy = miny + mnt.getHeight();
final double debx = minx + PIXELSTEP / 2.0;
final double[] pixPoint = new double[] { debx, miny + PIXELSTEP / 2.0 };
final double[] geomPoint = new double[2];
double volume = 0;
final UnitConverter hconverter;
if (!gsd.getUnits().isPresent() || Units.UNITY.equals(gsd.getUnits().get())) {
// -- unit unknowed, assume it's meters already
hconverter = METER.getConverterTo(METER);
} else {
hconverter = gsd.getUnits().get().getConverterToAny(METER);
while (pixPoint[1] < maxy) {
pixPoint[0] = debx;
while (pixPoint[0] < maxx) {
// -- project point in geomtry CRS
gridToGeom.transform(pixPoint, 0, geomPoint, 0, 1);
// -- test if point is within geometry.
coords.setOrdinate(0, geomPoint[0]);
coords.setOrdinate(1, geomPoint[1]);
if (jtsGeom.contains(gf.createPoint(coords))) {
// -- get interpolate value
double h = interpol.interpolate(pixPoint[0], pixPoint[1], bandIndex);
// -- projet h in geophysic value
h = zmt.transform(h);
// -- convert in meter
h = hconverter.convert(h);
// -- Verify that h value found is in appropriate interval.
if ((positiveSens && h > zGroundCeiling) || (!positiveSens && h < zGroundCeiling)) {
// -- add in volum
volume += (Math.min(Math.abs(h - zGroundCeiling), Math.abs(zMaxCeiling - zGroundCeiling))) * stePixCalculator.computeStepPixelArea(pixPoint);
pixPoint[0] += PIXELSTEP;
pixPoint[1] += PIXELSTEP;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new ProcessException(ex.getMessage(), this, ex);
use of org.geotoolkit.image.interpolation.InterpolationCase in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.
the class AbstractCoverageSymbolizerRenderer method getObjectiveCoverage.
* Returns expected {@linkplain GridCoverage elevation coverage} or {@linkplain GridCoverage coverage}
* from given {@link ProjectedCoverage}.
* TODO: add a margin or interpolation parameter. To properly interpolate border on output canvas, we need extra
* lines/columns on source image. Their number depends on applied interpolation (bilinear, bicubic, etc.).
* @param ref coverage resource
* @param canvasGrid Rendering canvas grid geometry
* @param isElevation {@code true} if we want elevation coverage, else ({@code false}) for features coverage.
* @param sourceBands coverage source bands to features
* @return expected {@linkplain GridCoverage elevation coverage} or {@linkplain GridCoverage coverage}
* @throws if problem during coverage reading.
* @throws org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException if problem during {@link Envelope} transformation.
* @throws org.opengis.util.FactoryException if problem during {@link Envelope} study.
* @throws org.geotoolkit.process.ProcessException if problem during resampling processing.
* @see ProjectedCoverage#getElevationCoverage(
* @see ProjectedCoverage#getCoverage(
protected GridCoverage getObjectiveCoverage(final GridCoverageResource ref, GridGeometry canvasGrid, final boolean isElevation, int[] sourceBands) throws DataStoreException, TransformException, FactoryException, ProcessException {
ArgumentChecks.ensureNonNull("projectedCoverage", ref);
final InterpolationCase interpolation = InterpolationCase.BILINEAR;
final GridGeometry refGG = ref.getGridGeometry();
// fast envelope intersection in 2D
if (refGG.isDefined(GridGeometry.ENVELOPE)) {
Envelope bbox = renderingContext.getCanvasObjectiveBounds2D();
Envelope refEnv = Envelopes.transform(refGG.getEnvelope(), bbox.getCoordinateReferenceSystem());
if (!AbstractEnvelope.castOrCopy(bbox).intersects(refEnv, true)) {
throw new DisjointExtentException("Coverage resource envelope do not intersect canvas");
final GridGeometry baseGG = trySubGrid(refGG, canvasGrid);
final GridGeometry slice = extractSlice(baseGG, canvasGrid, computeMargin2D(interpolation), true);
if (sourceBands != null && sourceBands.length < 1)
sourceBands = null;
GridCoverage coverage =, sourceBands);
if (coverage instanceof GridCoverageStack) {
Logger.getLogger("org.geotoolkit.display2d.primitive").log(Level.WARNING, "Coverage reader return more than one slice.");
while (coverage instanceof GridCoverageStack) {
// pick the first slice
coverage = ((GridCoverageStack) coverage).coverageAtIndex(0);
// we remove all other dimension to simplify any following operation
if (coverage.getCoordinateReferenceSystem().getCoordinateSystem().getDimension() > 2) {
coverage = new ReducedGridCoverage(coverage, 0, 1);
final CoordinateReferenceSystem crs2d = CRS.getHorizontalComponent(canvasGrid.getCoordinateReferenceSystem());
if (Utilities.equalsIgnoreMetadata(crs2d, coverage.getCoordinateReferenceSystem())) {
return coverage;
} else {
coverage = prepareCoverageToResampling(coverage, symbol);
// resample
final double[] fill = new double[coverage.getSampleDimensions().size()];
Arrays.fill(fill, Double.NaN);
// ///// HACK FOR 0/360 /////////////////////////////////////////
GeneralEnvelope ge = new GeneralEnvelope(coverage.getGridGeometry().getEnvelope());
try {
GeneralEnvelope cdt = GeneralEnvelope.castOrCopy(Envelopes.transform(coverage.getGridGeometry().getEnvelope(), CommonCRS.WGS84.normalizedGeographic()));
if (!cdt.isEmpty()) {
ge = cdt;
} catch (ProjectionException ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, ex.getMessage(), ex);
GridGeometry resampleGrid = canvasGrid;
try {
resampleGrid = resampleGrid.derive().rounding(GridRoundingMode.ENCLOSING).subgrid(ge).build().reduce(0, 1);
} catch (DisjointExtentException ex) {
// don't log, still continue
} catch (IllegalGridGeometryException ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, ex.getMessage(), ex);
resampleGrid = CoverageUtilities.forceLowerToZero(resampleGrid);
// ///// HACK FOR 0/360 /////////////////////////////////////////
final MathTransform gridToCRS = coverage.getGridGeometry().getGridToCRS(PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER);
if (isNonLinear(gridToCRS)) {
final GridGeometry slice2 = extractSlice(refGG, canvasGrid, computeMargin2D(interpolation), false);
coverage =, sourceBands);
// we remove all other dimension to simplify any following operation
if (coverage.getCoordinateReferenceSystem().getCoordinateSystem().getDimension() > 2) {
coverage = new ReducedGridCoverage(coverage, 0, 1);
return forwardResample(coverage, resampleGrid);
} else {
ResampleProcess process = new ResampleProcess(coverage, crs2d, resampleGrid, interpolation, fill);
// do not extrapolate values, can cause large areas of incorrect values
return process.executeNow();
use of org.geotoolkit.image.interpolation.InterpolationCase in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.
the class ResampleProcess method execute.
* Resamples a grid coverage.
protected void execute() throws ProcessException {
final GridCoverage source = inputParameters.getValue(IN_COVERAGE);
final double[] background = inputParameters.getValue(IN_BACKGROUND);
InterpolationCase interpolation = inputParameters.getValue(IN_INTERPOLATION_TYPE);
final ResampleBorderComportement border = inputParameters.getValue(IN_BORDER_COMPORTEMENT_TYPE);
CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = (CoordinateReferenceSystem) inputParameters.parameter("CoordinateReferenceSystem").getValue();
final GridGeometry targetGG = inputParameters.getValue(IN_GRID_GEOMETRY);
final GridCoverage target;
try {
target = reproject(source, targetCRS, targetGG, interpolation, border, background);
} catch (FactoryException exception) {
throw new CannotReprojectException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.CantReprojectCoverage_1, CoverageUtilities.getName(source)), exception);
} catch (TransformException exception) {
throw new CannotReprojectException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.CantReprojectCoverage_1, CoverageUtilities.getName(source)), exception);
use of org.geotoolkit.image.interpolation.InterpolationCase in project geotoolkit by Geomatys.
the class RasterPresentation method renderCoverage.
private boolean renderCoverage(RenderingContext2D renderingContext, org.apache.sis.coverage.grid.GridCoverage coverage, MathTransform trs2D) throws PortrayalException {
final Graphics2D g2d = renderingContext.getGraphics();
final CanvasMonitor monitor = renderingContext.getMonitor();
boolean dataRendered = false;
RenderedImage img = coverage.render(null);
* Try to prefetch image before rendering
* resampled image or mosaic have deferred tiles
* java2d render tiles one by one which can be slow when working with
* computed coverages or distant services like WMTS or TMS
if ((img.getWidth() * img.getHeight()) < 5000 * 5000) {
ImageProcessor processor = new ImageProcessor();
img = processor.prefetch(img, null);
final InterpolationCase interpolationCase = (InterpolationCase) renderingContext.getRenderingHints().get(GO2Hints.KEY_INTERPOLATION);
if (interpolationCase != null) {
switch(interpolationCase) {
g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR);
g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC);
// resample image ourself
try {
GridCoverage cov = new ResampleProcess(coverage, renderingContext.getGridGeometry().getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), renderingContext.getGridGeometry2D(), interpolationCase, null).executeNow();
trs2D = renderingTransform(cov.getGridGeometry());
img = cov.render(null);
} catch (ProcessException ex) {
throw new PortrayalException(ex);
if (trs2D instanceof AffineTransform) {
try {
g2d.drawRenderedImage(RenderingWorkaround.wrap(img), (AffineTransform) trs2D);
dataRendered = true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
if (ex instanceof ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException) {
// we can recover when it's an inapropriate componentcolormodel
final StackTraceElement[] eles = ex.getStackTrace();
if (eles.length > 0 && ComponentColorModel.class.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(eles[0].getClassName())) {
try {
final Map<String, Object> analyze = StatisticOp.analyze(img);
final double[] minArray = (double[]) analyze.get(StatisticOp.MINIMUM);
final double[] maxArray = (double[]) analyze.get(StatisticOp.MAXIMUM);
final double min = findExtremum(minArray, true);
final double max = findExtremum(maxArray, false);
final List<InterpolationPoint> values = new ArrayList<>();
values.add(new DefaultInterpolationPoint(Double.NaN, GO2Utilities.STYLE_FACTORY.literal(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0))));
values.add(new DefaultInterpolationPoint(min, GO2Utilities.STYLE_FACTORY.literal(Color.BLACK)));
values.add(new DefaultInterpolationPoint(max, GO2Utilities.STYLE_FACTORY.literal(Color.WHITE)));
final Literal lookup = StyleConstants.DEFAULT_CATEGORIZE_LOOKUP;
final Literal fallback = StyleConstants.DEFAULT_FALLBACK;
final Expression function = GO2Utilities.STYLE_FACTORY.interpolateFunction(lookup, values, Method.COLOR, Mode.LINEAR, fallback);
final CompatibleColorModel model = new CompatibleColorModel(img.getColorModel().getPixelSize(), function);
final ImageLayout layout = new ImageLayout().setColorModel(model);
img = new NullOpImage(img, layout, null, OpImage.OP_COMPUTE_BOUND);
g2d.drawRenderedImage(RenderingWorkaround.wrap(img), (AffineTransform) trs2D);
dataRendered = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
// plenty of errors can happen when painting an image
monitor.exceptionOccured(e, Level.WARNING);
// raise the original error
monitor.exceptionOccured(ex, Level.WARNING);
} else {
// plenty of errors can happen when painting an image
monitor.exceptionOccured(ex, Level.WARNING);
} else {
// plenty of errors can happen when painting an image
monitor.exceptionOccured(ex, Level.WARNING);
} else if (trs2D instanceof LinearTransform) {
final LinearTransform lt = (LinearTransform) trs2D;
final int col = lt.getMatrix().getNumCol();
final int row = lt.getMatrix().getNumRow();
// TODO using only the first parameters of the linear transform
throw new PortrayalException("Could not render image, GridToCRS is a not an AffineTransform, found a " + trs2D.getClass());
} else {
throw new PortrayalException("Could not render image, GridToCRS is a not an AffineTransform, found a " + trs2D.getClass());
return dataRendered;