use of org.hl7.elm.r1.Interval in project labkit-ui by juglab.
the class ParallelUtils method applyOperationOnCells.
* Divides the given image into cells of size cellDimensions and executes the
* given the given operation on each chunk. Imglib2 {@link Parallelization} is
* used to parallelize this process. The {@link ProgressWriter} can be used to
* visualize the progress or cancel the operation.
public static <T> void applyOperationOnCells(RandomAccessibleInterval<T> image, int[] cellDimensions, Consumer<RandomAccessibleInterval<T>> operation, ProgressWriter progressWriter) {
List<Interval> cells = getCells(new CellGrid(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(image), cellDimensions));
AtomicInteger numStarted = new AtomicInteger(0);
AtomicInteger numFinished = new AtomicInteger(0);
int n = cells.size();
Parallelization.getTaskExecutor().forEach(cells, cell -> {
AtomicBoolean cancelled = new AtomicBoolean(false);
if (cancelled.get())
throw new CancellationException();
try {
progressWriter.out().println("Chunk " + numStarted.incrementAndGet() + " of " + n);
operation.accept(Views.interval(image, cell));
progressWriter.setProgress((double) numFinished.incrementAndGet() / n);
} catch (CancellationException e) {
throw e;
use of org.hl7.elm.r1.Interval in project labkit-ui by juglab.
the class EllipsoidTest method testBoundingBox.
public void testBoundingBox() {
Ellipsoid ellipsoid = new Ellipsoid(new double[] { 1, 1 }, new double[] { 0.5, 0.5 });
Interval boundingBox = ellipsoid.boundingBox();
assertEquals(Intervals.createMinMax(0, 0, 2, 2), boundingBox);
use of org.hl7.elm.r1.Interval in project bigwarp by saalfeldlab.
the class BigWarp method exportAsImagePlus.
public void exportAsImagePlus(boolean virtual, String path) {
if (ij == null)
final GenericDialogPlus gd = new GenericDialogPlus("Apply Big Warp transform");
gd.addMessage("Field of view and resolution:");
gd.addChoice("Resolution", new String[] { ApplyBigwarpPlugin.TARGET, ApplyBigwarpPlugin.MOVING, ApplyBigwarpPlugin.SPECIFIED }, ApplyBigwarpPlugin.TARGET);
gd.addChoice("Field of view", new String[] { ApplyBigwarpPlugin.TARGET, ApplyBigwarpPlugin.MOVING_WARPED, ApplyBigwarpPlugin.UNION_TARGET_MOVING, ApplyBigwarpPlugin.LANDMARK_POINTS, ApplyBigwarpPlugin.LANDMARK_POINT_CUBE_PIXEL, ApplyBigwarpPlugin.LANDMARK_POINT_CUBE_PHYSICAL, ApplyBigwarpPlugin.SPECIFIED_PIXEL, ApplyBigwarpPlugin.SPECIFIED_PHYSICAL }, ApplyBigwarpPlugin.TARGET);
gd.addStringField("point filter", "");
gd.addNumericField("x", 1.0, 4);
gd.addNumericField("y", 1.0, 4);
gd.addNumericField("z", 1.0, 4);
gd.addNumericField("x", 0.0, 4);
gd.addNumericField("y", 0.0, 4);
gd.addNumericField("z", 0.0, 4);
gd.addMessage("Field of view");
gd.addNumericField("x", -1, 0);
gd.addNumericField("y", -1, 0);
gd.addNumericField("z", -1, 0);
gd.addMessage("Other Output options");
gd.addChoice("Interpolation", new String[] { "Nearest Neighbor", "Linear" }, "Linear");
gd.addMessage("Virtual: fast to display,\n" + "low memory requirements,\nbut slow to navigate");
gd.addCheckbox("virtual?", false);
int defaultCores = (int) Math.ceil(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() / 4);
gd.addNumericField("threads", defaultCores, 0);
gd.addMessage("Writing options (leave empty to opena new image window)");
gd.addDirectoryOrFileField("File or n5 root", "");
gd.addStringField("n5 dataset", "");
gd.addStringField("n5 block size", "32");
gd.addChoice("n5 compression", new String[] { N5Exporter.GZIP_COMPRESSION, N5Exporter.RAW_COMPRESSION, N5Exporter.LZ4_COMPRESSION, N5Exporter.XZ_COMPRESSION, N5Exporter.BLOSC_COMPRESSION }, N5Exporter.GZIP_COMPRESSION);
if (gd.wasCanceled())
final String resolutionOption = gd.getNextChoice();
final String fieldOfViewOption = gd.getNextChoice();
final String fieldOfViewPointFilter = gd.getNextString();
final double[] resolutionSpec = new double[3];
resolutionSpec[0] = gd.getNextNumber();
resolutionSpec[1] = gd.getNextNumber();
resolutionSpec[2] = gd.getNextNumber();
final double[] offsetSpec = new double[3];
offsetSpec[0] = gd.getNextNumber();
offsetSpec[1] = gd.getNextNumber();
offsetSpec[2] = gd.getNextNumber();
final double[] fovSpec = new double[3];
fovSpec[0] = gd.getNextNumber();
fovSpec[1] = gd.getNextNumber();
fovSpec[2] = gd.getNextNumber();
final String interpType = gd.getNextChoice();
final boolean isVirtual = gd.getNextBoolean();
final int nThreads = (int) gd.getNextNumber();
final String fileOrN5Root = gd.getNextString();
final String n5Dataset = gd.getNextString();
final String blockSizeString = gd.getNextString();
final String compressionString = gd.getNextChoice();
final int[] blockSize = ApplyBigwarpPlugin.parseBlockSize(blockSizeString, this.ndims);
final Compression compression = ApplyBigwarpPlugin.getCompression(compressionString);
final WriteDestinationOptions writeOpts = new ApplyBigwarpPlugin.WriteDestinationOptions(fileOrN5Root, n5Dataset, blockSize, compression);
final Interpolation interp;
if (interpType.equals("Nearest Neighbor"))
interp = Interpolation.NEARESTNEIGHBOR;
interp = Interpolation.NLINEAR;
double[] res = ApplyBigwarpPlugin.getResolution(, resolutionOption, resolutionSpec);
List<Interval> outputIntervalList = ApplyBigwarpPlugin.getPixelInterval(, this.landmarkModel, this.currentTransform, fieldOfViewOption, fieldOfViewPointFilter, fovSpec, offsetSpec, res);
final List<String> matchedPtNames = new ArrayList<>();
if (outputIntervalList.size() > 1)
ApplyBigwarpPlugin.fillMatchedPointNames(matchedPtNames, getLandmarkPanel().getTableModel(), fieldOfViewPointFilter);
// landmark centers (because multiple images can be exported this way )
if (matchedPtNames.size() > 0) {
BigwarpLandmarkSelectionPanel<T> selection = new BigwarpLandmarkSelectionPanel<>(data, sources, fieldOfViewOption, outputIntervalList, matchedPtNames, interp, offsetSpec, res, isVirtual, nThreads, progressWriter);
} else {
if (writeOpts.n5Dataset != null && !writeOpts.n5Dataset.isEmpty()) {
final String unit = ApplyBigwarpPlugin.getUnit(data, resolutionOption);
// export async
new Thread() {
public void run() {
ApplyBigwarpPlugin.runN5Export(data, sources, fieldOfViewOption, outputIntervalList.get(0), interp, offsetSpec, res, unit, progressWriter, writeOpts, Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nThreads));
} else {
// export
final boolean show = (writeOpts.pathOrN5Root == null || writeOpts.pathOrN5Root.isEmpty());
ApplyBigwarpPlugin.runExport(data, sources, fieldOfViewOption, outputIntervalList, matchedPtNames, interp, offsetSpec, res, isVirtual, nThreads, progressWriter, show, false, writeOpts);
use of org.hl7.elm.r1.Interval in project bigwarp by saalfeldlab.
the class LandmarkGridGenerator method fillFromDialog.
public static boolean fillFromDialog(final BigWarp bw) {
LandmarkTableModel ltm = bw.getLandmarkPanel().getTableModel();
int nd = ltm.ndims;
final GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Generate landmark grid.");
gd.addMessage("Field of view and resolution:");
gd.addMessage("Number of points per dimension (default)");
gd.addNumericField("nx", 5.0, 2);
gd.addNumericField("ny", 5.0, 2);
if (nd > 2)
gd.addNumericField("nz", 5.0, 2);
gd.addNumericField("sx", -1.0, 4);
gd.addNumericField("sy", -1.0, 4);
if (nd > 2)
gd.addNumericField("sz", -1.0, 4);
if (gd.wasCanceled())
return false;
double nx = gd.getNextNumber();
double ny = gd.getNextNumber();
double nz = -1;
if (nd > 2)
nz = gd.getNextNumber();
double sx = gd.getNextNumber();
double sy = gd.getNextNumber();
double sz = 1;
if (nd > 2)
sz = gd.getNextNumber();
double[] res = ApplyBigwarpPlugin.getResolution(bw.getData(), ApplyBigwarpPlugin.TARGET, null);
List<Interval> outputIntervalList = ApplyBigwarpPlugin.getPixelInterval(bw.getData(), bw.getLandmarkPanel().getTableModel(), null, ApplyBigwarpPlugin.TARGET, null, null, null, res);
Interval pixelInterval = outputIntervalList.get(0);
double[] max = new double[nd];
for (int i = 0; i < nd; i++) {
max[i] = res[i] * pixelInterval.dimension(i);
FinalRealInterval interval = new FinalRealInterval(new double[nd], max);
LandmarkGridGenerator gen;
if (sx > 0 || sy > 0 || sz > 0) {
gen = new LandmarkGridGenerator(interval, new double[] { sx, sy, sz });
} else {
gen = new LandmarkGridGenerator(interval, new long[] { (long) nx, (long) ny, (long) nz });
double N = gen.approxNumberOfPoints();
System.out.println("N : " + N);
if (N > 1) {
final GenericDialog warningDialog = new GenericDialog("Warning");
warningDialog.addMessage("You are about to add approximately\n" + Math.round(N) + "\npoints.");
warningDialog.addMessage("This could cause Bigwarp to be slow or crash.");
if (warningDialog.wasCanceled())
return false;
return true;
use of org.hl7.elm.r1.Interval in project bigwarp by saalfeldlab.
the class ApplyBigwarpPlugin method getPixelInterval.
public static Interval getPixelInterval(final Source<?> source, final LandmarkTableModel landmarks, final InvertibleRealTransform transform, final String fieldOfViewOption, final double[] outputResolution) {
RandomAccessibleInterval<?> rai = source.getSource(0, 0);
if (fieldOfViewOption.equals(TARGET)) {
double[] inputres = resolutionFromSource(source);
long[] max = new long[rai.numDimensions()];
for (int d = 0; d < rai.numDimensions(); d++) {
max[d] = (long) Math.ceil((inputres[d] * rai.dimension(d)) / outputResolution[d]);
return new FinalInterval(max);
} else if (fieldOfViewOption.equals(MOVING_WARPED)) {
double[] movingRes = resolutionFromSource(source);
int ndims = transform.numSourceDimensions();
AffineTransform movingPixelToPhysical = new AffineTransform(ndims);
movingPixelToPhysical.set(movingRes[0], 0, 0);
movingPixelToPhysical.set(movingRes[1], 1, 1);
if (ndims > 2)
movingPixelToPhysical.set(movingRes[2], 2, 2);
AffineTransform outputResolution2Pixel = new AffineTransform(ndims);
outputResolution2Pixel.set(outputResolution[0], 0, 0);
outputResolution2Pixel.set(outputResolution[1], 1, 1);
if (ndims > 2)
outputResolution2Pixel.set(outputResolution[2], 2, 2);
RealTransformSequence seq = new RealTransformSequence();
FinalInterval interval = new FinalInterval(Intervals.minAsLongArray(rai), Intervals.maxAsLongArray(rai));
return BigWarpExporter.estimateBounds(seq, interval);
} else if (fieldOfViewOption.equals(UNION_TARGET_MOVING)) {
final Interval movingWarpedInterval = getPixelInterval(source, landmarks, transform, MOVING_WARPED, outputResolution);
final Interval targetInterval = getPixelInterval(source, landmarks, transform, TARGET, outputResolution);
return Intervals.union(movingWarpedInterval, targetInterval);
return null;