use of org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.DefinedCode in project kindling by HL7.
the class XSDBaseGenerator method genPrimitives.
private void genPrimitives() throws Exception {
for (DefinedCode cd : definitions.getPrimitives().values()) {
if (cd instanceof PrimitiveType) {
PrimitiveType pt = (PrimitiveType) cd;
// two very special cases due to schema weirdness
if (cd.getCode().equals("date")) {
write(" <xs:simpleType name=\"date-primitive\">\r\n");
write(" <xs:restriction>\r\n");
write(" <xs:simpleType>\r\n");
write(" <xs:union memberTypes=\"xs:gYear xs:gYearMonth xs:date\"/>\r\n");
write(" </xs:simpleType>\r\n");
write(" <xs:pattern value=\"([0-9]([0-9]([0-9][1-9]|[1-9]0)|[1-9]00)|[1-9]000)(-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(-(0[0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]))?)?\"/>\r\n");
write(" </xs:restriction>\r\n");
write(" </xs:simpleType>\r\n");
} else if (cd.getCode().equals("dateTime")) {
write(" <xs:simpleType name=\"dateTime-primitive\">\r\n");
write(" <xs:restriction>\r\n");
write(" <xs:simpleType>\r\n");
write(" <xs:union memberTypes=\"xs:gYear xs:gYearMonth xs:date xs:dateTime\"/>\r\n");
write(" </xs:simpleType>\r\n");
write(" <xs:pattern value=\"([0-9]([0-9]([0-9][1-9]|[1-9]0)|[1-9]00)|[1-9]000)(-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(-(0[0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])(T([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:([0-5][0-9]|60)(\\.[0-9]+)?(Z|(\\+|-)((0[0-9]|1[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]|14:00)))?)?)?\"/>\r\n");
write(" </xs:restriction>\r\n");
write(" </xs:simpleType>\r\n");
} else if (cd.getCode().equals("time")) {
write(" <xs:simpleType name=\"time-primitive\">\r\n");
write(" <xs:restriction base=\"xs:time\">\r\n");
write(" <xs:pattern value=\"([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:([0-5][0-9]|60)(\\.[0-9]+)?\"/>\r\n");
write(" </xs:restriction>\r\n");
write(" </xs:simpleType>\r\n");
} else {
write(" <xs:simpleType name=\"" + pt.getCode() + "-primitive\">\r\n");
if (pt.getSchemaType().contains(",")) {
write(" <xs:union memberTypes=\"" + pt.getSchemaType().replace(",", "") + "\"/>\r\n");
} else if (pt.getSchemaType().equals("string")) {
write(" <xs:restriction base=\"xs:" + pt.getSchemaType() + "\">\r\n");
write(" <xs:minLength value=\"1\"/>\r\n");
write(" </xs:restriction>\r\n");
} else if (!Utilities.noString(pt.getRegex())) {
write(" <xs:restriction base=\"xs:" + pt.getSchemaType() + "\">\r\n");
write(" <xs:pattern value=\"" + pt.getRegex() + "\"/>\r\n");
write(" </xs:restriction>\r\n");
} else {
write(" <xs:restriction base=\"xs:" + pt.getSchemaType() + "\"/>\r\n");
write(" </xs:simpleType>\r\n");
write(" <xs:complexType name=\"" + pt.getCode() + "\">\r\n");
write(" <xs:annotation>\r\n");
write(" <xs:documentation xml:lang=\"en\">" + Utilities.escapeXml(pt.getDefinition()) + "</xs:documentation>\r\n");
if (!Utilities.noString(pt.getComment()))
write(" <xs:documentation xml:lang=\"en\">" + Utilities.escapeXml(pt.getComment()) + "</xs:documentation>\r\n");
write(" <xs:documentation xml:lang=\"en\">If the element is present, it must have either a @value, an @id, or extensions</xs:documentation>\r\n");
write(" </xs:annotation>\r\n");
write(" <xs:complexContent>\r\n");
write(" <xs:extension base=\"Element\">\r\n");
write(" <xs:attribute name=\"value\" type=\"" + pt.getCode() + "-primitive\" use=\"optional\"/>\r\n");
write(" </xs:extension>\r\n");
write(" </xs:complexContent>\r\n");
write(" </xs:complexType>\r\n");
} else {
DefinedStringPattern sp = (DefinedStringPattern) cd;
write(" <xs:simpleType name=\"" + sp.getCode() + "-primitive\">\r\n");
if (sp.getSchema().endsWith("+")) {
write(" <xs:restriction base=\"" + sp.getSchema().substring(0, sp.getSchema().length() - 1) + "\">\r\n");
write(" <xs:pattern value=\"" + sp.getRegex() + "\"/>\r\n");
write(" <xs:minLength value=\"1\"/>\r\n");
if (sp.getCode().equals("id"))
write(" <xs:maxLength value=\"64\"/>\r\n");
write(" </xs:restriction>\r\n");
write(" </xs:simpleType>\r\n");
} else {
write(" <xs:restriction base=\"" + sp.getSchema() + "\">\r\n");
if (!sp.getSchema().contains("Integer")) {
write(" <xs:minLength value=\"1\"/>\r\n");
if (!Utilities.noString(sp.getRegex())) {
write(" <xs:pattern value=\"" + sp.getRegex() + "\"/>\r\n");
write(" </xs:restriction>\r\n");
write(" </xs:simpleType>\r\n");
write(" <xs:complexType name=\"" + sp.getCode() + "\">\r\n");
write(" <xs:annotation>\r\n");
write(" <xs:documentation xml:lang=\"en\">" + Utilities.escapeXml(sp.getDefinition()) + "</xs:documentation>\r\n");
if (!Utilities.noString(sp.getComment()))
write(" <xs:documentation xml:lang=\"en\">" + Utilities.escapeXml(sp.getComment()) + "</xs:documentation>\r\n");
write(" <xs:documentation xml:lang=\"en\">If the element is present, it must have either a @value, an @id referenced from the Narrative, or extensions</xs:documentation>\r\n");
write(" </xs:annotation>\r\n");
write(" <xs:complexContent>\r\n");
write(" <xs:extension base=\"Element\">\r\n");
write(" <xs:attribute name=\"value\" type=\"" + sp.getCode() + "-primitive\"/>\r\n");
write(" </xs:extension>\r\n");
write(" </xs:complexContent>\r\n");
write(" </xs:complexType>\r\n");
use of org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.DefinedCode in project kindling by HL7.
the class SvgGenerator method determineMetrics.
private Point determineMetrics(ElementDefn e, ClassItem source, String path, boolean isRoot, DefinedCode primitive) throws Exception {
String t = e.getName();
if (isRoot) {
t = t + " {" + e.typeCodeNoParams() + ")";
if (definitions.getBaseResources().containsKey(e.getName()) && definitions.getBaseResources().get(e.getName()).isInterface()) {
t = t + " «Interface»";
double width = textWidth(t) * 1.8;
// double width = textWidth(e.getName()) * 1.8 + (isRoot ? textWidth(" (Resource)") : 0);
double height;
if (attributes) {
if (primitive != null) {
if (primitive instanceof PrimitiveType) {
width = textWidth("value : " + getXsi(primitive) + " 0..1");
} else
} else {
int i = 0;
for (ElementDefn c : e.getElements()) if (isAttribute(c)) {
String[] texts = textForAttribute(c);
i = i + texts.length;
double w = textWidth(texts[0]);
for (int j = 1; j < texts.length; j++) w = Math.max(w, textWidth(texts[j]));
if (w > width)
width = w;
} else
if (ini != null) {
String uml = ini.getStringProperty("directions", path);
if (!Utilities.noString(uml) && uml.contains(";")) {
String[] svg = uml.split("\\;");
} else if (!Utilities.noString(uml) && uml.contains(",")) {
String[] svg = uml.split("\\,");
} else {
Point p = new Point(e.getSvgLeft(), e.getSvgTop(), PointKind.unknown);
if (p.y == ElementDefn.MAX_NEG || p.x == ElementDefn.MAX_NEG) {
if ("left".equals(e.getUmlDir())) {
p.x = source.left - 120 - width;
p.y = source.centerV() - height / 2;
p = findEmptyPlace(p, width, height, 0, 80);
} else if ("right".equals(e.getUmlDir())) {
p.x = source.right() + 120;
p.y = source.centerV() - height / 2;
p = findEmptyPlace(p, width, height, 0, 80);
} else if ("up".equals(e.getUmlDir())) {
p.x = source.centerH() - width / 2;
p.y = - height - 80;
p = findEmptyPlace(p, width, height, 80, 0);
} else if ("down".equals(e.getUmlDir())) {
p.x = source.centerH() - width / 2;
p.y = source.bottom() + 80;
p = findEmptyPlace(p, width, height, +80, 0);
} else {
p.y = 0;
p.x = 0;
p = findEmptyPlace(p, width, height, 80, 0);
miny = Math.min(miny, p.y);
minx = Math.min(minx, p.x);
ClassItem item = new ClassItem(p.x, p.y, width, height, e.getPath());
classes.put(e, item);
double x = item.right() + MARGIN_X;
double y = item.bottom() + MARGIN_Y;
if (attributes) {
for (ElementDefn c : e.getElements()) {
if (!isAttribute(c) && (Utilities.noString(c.typeCode()) || !c.typeCode().startsWith("@"))) {
p = determineMetrics(c, item, path + "." + c.getName(), false, null);
x = Math.max(x, p.x + MARGIN_X);
y = Math.max(y, p.y + MARGIN_Y);
return new Point(x, y, PointKind.unknown);
use of org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.DefinedCode in project kindling by HL7.
the class JsonGenerator method generateElement.
private void generateElement(ElementDefn root, ElementDefn e, Set<String> required, JsonObject props, boolean relative) throws Exception {
if (e.getTypes().size() > 1 || (e.getTypes().size() == 1 && e.getTypes().get(0).isWildcardType())) {
if (!e.getName().contains("[x]"))
throw new Exception("Element " + e.getName() + " in " + root.getName() + " has multiple types as a choice doesn't have a [x] in the element name");
if (e.getTypes().size() == 1)
generateAny(root, e, e.getName().replace("[x]", ""), props, relative);
else {
for (TypeRef t : e.getTypes()) {
JsonObject property = new JsonObject();
JsonObject property_ = null;
TypeDefn td = null;
if (definitions.getConstraints().containsKey(t.getName()))
td = definitions.getElementDefn(definitions.getConstraints().get(t.getName()).getBaseType());
else if (definitions.hasElementDefn(t.getName()))
td = definitions.getElementDefn(t.getName());
String en = e.getName().replace("[x]", "");
props.add(en + upFirst(td == null ? t.getName() : td.getName()), property);
property.addProperty("description", e.getDefinition());
String tref = null;
String type = null;
String pattern = null;
if (definitions.getPrimitives().containsKey(t.getName())) {
DefinedCode def = definitions.getPrimitives().get(t.getName());
type = def.getJsonType();
pattern = def.getRegex();
if (!Utilities.noString(pattern))
property.addProperty("pattern", "^" + pattern + "$");
property.addProperty("type", type);
property_ = new JsonObject();
props.add("_" + en + upFirst(t.getName()), property_);
property_.addProperty("description", "Extensions for " + en + upFirst(t.getName()));
tref = (relative ? "#" : "Element.schema.json#") + "/definitions/Element";
property_.addProperty("$ref", tref);
} else {
String tn = encodeType(e, t, true);
tref = (relative ? "#" : tn.replace(".", "_") + ".schema.json#") + "/definitions/" + tn.replace(".", "_");
property.addProperty("$ref", tref);
} else {
JsonObject property = new JsonObject();
JsonObject property_ = null;
props.add(e.getName(), property);
property.addProperty("description", e.getDefinition());
String tref = null;
String type = null;
String pattern = null;
if (e.usesCompositeType()) /* && types.containsKey(root.getElementByName(e.typeCode().substring(1)))*/
ElementDefn ref = root.getElementByName(definitions, e.typeCode().substring(1), true, false, null);
String rtn = types.get(ref);
if (rtn == null)
throw new Exception("logic error in schema generator (null composite reference in " + types.toString() + ")");
if (rtn == "Type")
rtn = "Element";
type = rtn;
tref = "#/definitions/" + rtn.replace(".", "_");
} else if (e.getTypes().size() == 0 && e.getElements().size() > 0) {
tref = "#/definitions/" + types.get(e).replace(".", "_");
type = types.get(e).replace(".", "_");
} else if (e.getTypes().size() == 1) {
String tn = encodeType(e, e.getTypes().get(0), true);
tref = "#/definitions/" + tn;
if (definitions.getPrimitives().containsKey(e.typeCode())) {
DefinedCode def = definitions.getPrimitives().get(e.typeCode());
if (e.getName().equals("id")) {
tref = (relative ? "#" : tn.replace(".", "_") + ".schema.json#") + "/definitions/" + tn.replace(".", "_");
property.addProperty("$ref", tref);
} else {
property_ = new JsonObject();
props.add("_" + e.getName(), property_);
property_.addProperty("description", "Extensions for " + e.getName());
BindingSpecification cd = e.getBinding();
if (cd != null && (cd.getBinding() == BindingSpecification.BindingMethod.CodeList)) {
ValueSet vs = cd.getValueSet();
if (vs != null) {
ValueSet ex = workerContext.expandVS(vs, true, false).getValueset();
JsonArray enums = new JsonArray();
for (ValueSetExpansionContainsComponent cc : ex.getExpansion().getContains()) {
enums.add(new JsonPrimitive(cc.getCode()));
property.add("enum", enums);
pattern = null;
} else {
property.addProperty("$ref", tref);
tref = (relative ? "#" : "Element.schema.json#") + "/definitions/Element";
} else {
tref = (relative ? "#" : tn.replace(".", "_") + ".schema.json#") + "/definitions/" + tn.replace(".", "_");
} else
throw new Exception("how do we get here? " + e.getName() + " in " + root.getName() + " " + Integer.toString(e.getTypes().size()));
if (property_ != null) {
if (!Utilities.noString(type))
property.addProperty("type", type);
if (!Utilities.noString(pattern))
property.addProperty("pattern", "^" + pattern + "$");
if (!Utilities.noString(tref))
property_.addProperty("$ref", tref);
} else if ("div".equals(e.getName()) && "xhtml".equals(type)) {
// Is there a better type, or ref for html?
property.addProperty("type", "string");
} else {
property.addProperty("$ref", tref);
if (e.unbounded()) {
if (property_ != null)
if (e.getMinCardinality() > 0 && property_ == null)
use of org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.DefinedCode in project kindling by HL7.
the class JsonGenerator method generateAny.
private void generateAny(ElementDefn root, ElementDefn e, String prefix, JsonObject props, boolean relative) throws Exception {
List<String> allTypes = TypesUtilities.wildcardTypes(version);
for (String s : allTypes) {
JsonObject property = new JsonObject();
JsonObject property_ = null;
String en = e.getName().replace("[x]", "");
props.add(en + upFirst(s), property);
property.addProperty("description", e.getDefinition());
String tref = null;
String type = null;
String pattern = null;
if (definitions.getPrimitives().containsKey(s)) {
DefinedCode def = definitions.getPrimitives().get(s);
type = def.getJsonType();
pattern = def.getRegex();
if (!Utilities.noString(pattern))
property.addProperty("pattern", "^" + pattern + "$");
property.addProperty("type", type);
property_ = new JsonObject();
props.add("_" + en + upFirst(s), property_);
property_.addProperty("description", "Extensions for " + en + upFirst(s));
tref = (relative ? "#" : "Element.schema.json#") + "/definitions/Element";
property_.addProperty("$ref", tref);
} else {
String tn = encodeType(e, datatypes.get(s), true);
tref = (relative ? "#" : tn.replace(".", "_") + ".schema.json#") + "/definitions/" + tn.replace(".", "_");
property.addProperty("$ref", tref);
use of org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.DefinedCode in project kindling by HL7.
the class BindingSpecification method processCode.
private void processCode(CodeSystem cs, ConceptDefinitionComponent c, String system, String parent) {
DefinedCode code = new DefinedCode();
code.setAbstract(CodeSystemUtilities.isNotSelectable(cs, c));
for (ConceptDefinitionComponent cc : c.getConcept()) processCode(cs, cc, system, c.getCode());