Search in sources :

Example 26 with ProfiledType

use of org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ProfiledType in project org.hl7.fhir.core by hapifhir.

the class StructureMapUtilities method analyseTransform.

private TypeDetails analyseTransform(TransformContext context, StructureMap map, StructureMapGroupRuleTargetComponent tgt, VariableForProfiling var, VariablesForProfiling vars) throws FHIRException {
    switch(tgt.getTransform()) {
        case CREATE:
            String p = getParamString(vars, tgt.getParameter().get(0));
            return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, p);
        case COPY:
            return getParam(vars, tgt.getParameter().get(0));
        case EVALUATE:
            ExpressionNode expr = (ExpressionNode) tgt.getUserData(MAP_EXPRESSION);
            if (expr == null) {
                expr = fpe.parse(getParamString(vars, tgt.getParameter().get(tgt.getParameter().size() - 1)));
                tgt.setUserData(MAP_WHERE_EXPRESSION, expr);
            return fpe.check(vars, null, expr);
        case TRANSLATE:
            return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "CodeableConcept");
        case CC:
            ProfiledType res = new ProfiledType("CodeableConcept");
            if (tgt.getParameter().size() >= 2 && isParamId(vars, tgt.getParameter().get(1))) {
                TypeDetails td = vars.get(null, getParamId(vars, tgt.getParameter().get(1))).getProperty().getTypes();
                if (td != null && td.hasBinding())
                    // todo: do we need to check that there's no implicit translation her? I don't think we do...
            return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, res);
        case C:
            return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "Coding");
        case QTY:
            return new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON, "Quantity");
        case REFERENCE:
            VariableForProfiling vrs = vars.get(VariableMode.OUTPUT, getParamId(vars, tgt.getParameterFirstRep()));
            if (vrs == null)
                throw new FHIRException("Unable to resolve variable \"" + getParamId(vars, tgt.getParameterFirstRep()) + "\"");
            String profile = vrs.getProperty().getProfileProperty().getStructure().getUrl();
            TypeDetails td = new TypeDetails(CollectionStatus.SINGLETON);
            td.addType("Reference", profile);
            return td;
            throw new Error("Transform Unknown or not handled yet: " + tgt.getTransform().toCode());
Also used : ProfiledType(org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.TypeDetails.ProfiledType) FHIRFormatError(org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRFormatError) FHIRException(org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException)

Example 27 with ProfiledType

use of org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ProfiledType in project kindling by HL7.

the class ProfileGenerator method defineElement.

 * note: snapshot implies that we are generating a resource or a data type; for other profiles, the snapshot is generated elsewhere
 * @param isInterface
private ElementDefinition defineElement(Profile ap, StructureDefinition p, List<ElementDefinition> elements, ElementDefn e, String path, Set<String> slices, List<SliceHandle> parentSlices, SnapShotMode snapshot, boolean root, String defType, String inheritedType, boolean defaults) throws Exception {
    boolean handleDiscriminator = true;
    if (!Utilities.noString(e.getProfileName()) && !e.getDiscriminator().isEmpty() && !slices.contains(path)) {
        handleDiscriminator = false;
        // hey, we jumped straight into the slices with setting up the slicing (allowed in the spreadsheets, but not otherwise)
        ElementDefinition slicer = new ElementDefinition();
        processDiscriminator(e, path, slicer);
        if (e.getMaxCardinality() != null)
            slicer.setMax(e.getMaxCardinality() == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? "*" : e.getMaxCardinality().toString());
    // todo for task 12259
    // if (ap != null) {
    // String base = isImplicitTypeConstraint(path);
    // if (base != null) {
    // ElementDefinition typeConstrainer = new ElementDefinition(ElementDefinition.NOT_MODIFIER, ElementDefinition.NOT_IN_SUMMARY);
    // elements.add(typeConstrainer);
    // typeConstrainer.setId(base);
    // typeConstrainer.setPath(base);
    // String type = path.substring(base.length()-3);
    // if (definitions.hasPrimitiveType(Utilities.uncapitalize(type)))
    // type = Utilities.uncapitalize(type);
    // typeConstrainer.addType().setCode(type);
    // }
    // }
    ElementDefinition ce = new ElementDefinition(defaults, ElementDefinition.NOT_MODIFIER, ElementDefinition.NOT_IN_SUMMARY);
    if (e.getStandardsStatus() != null)
        ToolingExtensions.setStandardsStatus(ce, e.getStandardsStatus(), e.getNormativeVersion());
    if (e.isXmlAttribute())
    List<SliceHandle> myParents = new ArrayList<ProfileGenerator.SliceHandle>();
    // which holds Slicing information)
    if (e.hasDescriminator() || !Utilities.noString(e.getProfileName())) {
        if (e.getDiscriminator().size() > 0 && !slices.contains(path) && handleDiscriminator) {
            processDiscriminator(e, path, ce);
        if (!Utilities.noString(e.getProfileName())) {
            SliceHandle hnd = new SliceHandle();
            // though this it not used?
   = path;
            if (path.contains(".")) {
                // We don't want a slice name on the root
                ce.setId(ce.getId() + ":" + e.getProfileName());
    if (e.isTranslatable()) {
        ce.addExtension(BuildExtensions.EXT_TRANSLATABLE, new BooleanType(true));
    if (Utilities.existsInList(ce.getPath(), "Element.extension", "DomainResource.extension", "DomainResource.modifierExtension") && !ce.hasSlicing() && !ce.hasSliceName()) {
        ce.getSlicing().setDescription("Extensions are always sliced by (at least) url").setRules(SlicingRules.OPEN).addDiscriminator().setType(DiscriminatorType.VALUE).setPath("url");
    if (!Utilities.noString(inheritedType) && snapshot != SnapShotMode.None) {
        ElementDefn inh = definitions.getElementDefn(inheritedType);
        buildDefinitionFromElement(path, ce, inh, ap, p, inheritedType, definitions.getBaseResources().containsKey(inheritedType) && definitions.getBaseResources().get(inheritedType).isInterface());
    } else if (path.contains(".") && Utilities.noString(e.typeCode()) && snapshot != SnapShotMode.None) {
        addElementConstraints(defType, ce);
    buildDefinitionFromElement(path, ce, e, ap, p, null, false);
    if (!Utilities.noString(e.getStatedType())) {
        ToolingExtensions.addStringExtension(ce, "", e.getStatedType());
    if (e.isNoBindingAllowed()) {
        ToolingExtensions.addBooleanExtension(ce, BuildExtensions.EXT_NO_BINDING, true);
    if (!root) {
        if (e.typeCode().startsWith("@")) {
            ce.setContentReference("#" + getIdForPath(elements, e.typeCode().substring(1)));
        } else if (Utilities.existsInList(path, "", "Extension.url") || path.endsWith(".id")) {
            TypeRefComponent tr = ce.addType();
            tr.getFormatCommentsPre().add("Note: special primitive values have a FHIRPath system type. e.g. this is compiler magic (j)");
            tr.setCode(Constants.NS_SYSTEM_TYPE + "String");
            if (path.equals("Extension.url")) {
                ToolingExtensions.addUriExtension(tr, ToolingExtensions.EXT_FHIR_TYPE, "uri");
            } else if (p.getKind() == StructureDefinitionKind.RESOURCE) {
                ToolingExtensions.addUriExtension(tr, ToolingExtensions.EXT_FHIR_TYPE, "id");
            } else {
                ToolingExtensions.addUriExtension(tr, ToolingExtensions.EXT_FHIR_TYPE, "string");
        } else {
            List<TypeRef> expandedTypes = new ArrayList<TypeRef>();
            for (TypeRef t : e.getTypes()) {
                // Expand any Resource(A|B|C) references
                if (t.hasParams() && !Utilities.existsInList(t.getName(), "Reference", "canonical", "CodeableReference")) {
                    throw new Exception("Only resource types can specify parameters.  Path " + path + " in profile " + p.getName());
                if (t.getParams().size() > 1) {
                    if (t.getProfile() != null && t.getParams().size() != 1) {
                        throw new Exception("Cannot declare profile on a resource reference declaring multiple resource types.  Path " + path + " in profile " + p.getName());
                    for (String param : t.getParams()) {
                        if (definitions.hasLogicalModel(param)) {
                            for (String pn : definitions.getLogicalModel(param).getImplementations()) {
                                TypeRef childType = new TypeRef(t.getName());
                        } else {
                            TypeRef childType = new TypeRef(t.getName());
                } else if (t.isWildcardType()) {
                    // this list is filled out manually because it may be running before the types referred to have been loaded
                    for (String n : TypesUtilities.wildcardTypes(version.toString())) expandedTypes.add(new TypeRef(n));
                } else if (!t.getName().startsWith("=")) {
                    if (definitions.isLoaded() && (!definitions.hasResource(t.getName()) && !definitions.hasType(t.getName()) && !definitions.hasElementDefn(t.getName()) && !definitions.getBaseResources().containsKey(t.getName()) && !t.getName().equals("xhtml"))) {
                        throw new Exception("Bad Type '" + t.getName() + "' at " + path + " in profile " + p.getUrl());
            if (expandedTypes.isEmpty()) {
                if (defType != null)
            } else
                for (TypeRef t : expandedTypes) {
                    String profile = null;
                    String tc = null;
                    if (definitions.getConstraints().containsKey(t.getName())) {
                        ProfiledType pt = definitions.getConstraints().get(t.getName());
                        tc = pt.getBaseType();
                        profile = "" + pt.getName();
                    } else {
                        tc = t.getName();
                        profile = t.getProfile();
                    TypeRefComponent type = ce.getType(tc);
                    if (profile == null && t.hasParams()) {
                        profile = t.getParams().get(0);
                    if (t.getPatterns() != null) {
                        for (String s : t.getPatterns()) {
                            type.addExtension("", new CanonicalType("" + s));
                    if (profile != null) {
                        if (type.getWorkingCode().equals("Extension")) {
                            // check that the extension is being used correctly:
                            StructureDefinition ext = context.getExtensionStructure(null, profile);
                            if (ext == null) {
                                throw new Exception("Unable to resolve extension definition: " + profile);
                            boolean srcMod = ext.getSnapshot().getElement().get(0).getIsModifier();
                            boolean tgtMod = e.isModifier();
                            if (srcMod && !tgtMod)
                                throw new Exception("The extension '" + profile + "' is a modifier extension, but is being used as if it is not a modifier extension");
                            if (!srcMod && tgtMod)
                                throw new Exception("The extension '" + profile + "' is not a modifier extension, but is being used as if it is a modifier extension");
                        List<String> pr = new ArrayList<>();
                        if (profile.startsWith("http:") || profile.startsWith("#")) {
                        } else if (definitions.hasLogicalModel(profile)) {
                            for (String pn : definitions.getLogicalModel(profile).getImplementations()) pr.add("" + pn);
                        } else
                            pr.add("" + (profile.equals("Any") ? "Resource" : profile));
                        if (type.getWorkingCode().equals("Reference") || type.getWorkingCode().equals("canonical") || type.getWorkingCode().equals("CodeableReference")) {
                            for (String pn : pr) {
                                if (e.hasHierarchy())
                                    ToolingExtensions.addBooleanExtension(type, ToolingExtensions.EXT_HIERARCHY, e.getHierarchy());
                        } else
                            for (String pn : pr) {
                    for (String aggregation : t.getAggregations()) {
    String w5 = translateW5(e.getW5());
    if (w5 != null)
        addMapping(p, ce, "", w5, ap);
    if (e.isTranslatable())
        ce.addExtension("", new BooleanType(true));
    if (!Utilities.noString(e.getOrderMeaning()))
    if (e.hasBinding()) {
    if (snapshot != SnapShotMode.None && !e.getElements().isEmpty()) {
    // makeExtensionSlice("extension", p, c, e, path);
    // if (snapshot == SnapShotMode.Resource) {
    // makeExtensionSlice("modifierExtension", p, c, e, path);
    // if (!path.contains(".")) {
    // c.getElement().add(createBaseDefinition(p, path, definitions.getBaseResources().get("Resource").getRoot().getElementByName("language")));
    // c.getElement().add(createBaseDefinition(p, path, definitions.getBaseResources().get("DomainResource").getRoot().getElementByName("text")));
    // c.getElement().add(createBaseDefinition(p, path, definitions.getBaseResources().get("DomainResource").getRoot().getElementByName("contained")));
    // }
    // }
    if (defaults)
    Set<String> containedSlices = new HashSet<String>();
    if (snapshot != SnapShotMode.None) {
        if (!root && Utilities.noString(e.typeCode())) {
            if (snapshot == SnapShotMode.Resource)
                defineAncestorElements("BackboneElement", path, snapshot, containedSlices, p, elements, defType, defaults);
                defineAncestorElements("Element", path, snapshot, containedSlices, p, elements, defType, defaults);
        } else if (root && !Utilities.noString(e.typeCode()))
            defineAncestorElements(e.typeCode(), path, snapshot, containedSlices, p, elements, defType, defaults);
    for (ElementDefn child : e.getElements()) defineElement(ap, p, elements, child, path + "." + child.getName(), containedSlices, myParents, snapshot, false, defType, null, defaults);
    return ce;
Also used : ProfiledType(org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ProfiledType) TypeRef(org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.TypeRef) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BooleanType(org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.BooleanType) ElementDefn(org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ElementDefn) CanonicalType(org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.CanonicalType) FHIRException(org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException) URISyntaxException( StructureDefinition(org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StructureDefinition) TypeRefComponent(org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.ElementDefinition.TypeRefComponent) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ElementDefinition(org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.ElementDefinition) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 28 with ProfiledType

use of org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ProfiledType in project kindling by HL7.

the class ResourceDependencyGenerator method genElement.

protected Row genElement(ElementDefn e, HierarchicalTableGenerator gen, boolean resource, String path, boolean isProfile, String prefix, RenderMode mode, boolean isRoot) throws Exception {
    Row row = Row();
    // 1. Name
    Cell gc = Cell(null, dictLinks() ? pageName + "#" + path.replace("[", "_").replace("]", "_") : null, e.getName(), path + " : " + e.getDefinition(), null);
    if (e.getStandardsStatus() != null) {
        gc.addPiece( Piece(null, " ", null));
        gc.addStyledText("Publication Status = " + e.getStandardsStatus().toDisplay(), e.getStandardsStatus().getAbbrev(), "black", e.getStandardsStatus().getColor(), prefix + "versions.html#std-process", true);
    Cell dc;
    if (resource) {
        // card.
        row.getCells().add( Cell());
        row.setIcon("icon_resource.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_RESOURCE);
        if (Utilities.noString(e.typeCode())) {
            row.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, "n/a", null, null));
            // analysis
            row.getCells().add(dc = Cell());
        } else {
            // type
            row.getCells().add( Cell(null, prefix + definitions.getSrcFile(e.typeCode()) + ".html#" + e.typeCode(), e.typeCode(), null, null));
            // analysis
            row.getCells().add(dc = Cell(null, null, path.contains(".") ? e.describeCardinality() : "", null, null));
    } else {
        if (!e.getElements().isEmpty()) {
            // card.
            row.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, path.contains(".") ? e.describeCardinality() : "", null, null));
            row.setIcon("icon_element.gif", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_ELEMENT);
            if (mode == RenderMode.RESOURCE)
                row.getCells().add( Cell(null, prefix + definitions.getBackboneLink(), "BackboneElement", null, null));
            else if (e.getName().equals("Element"))
                row.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, "n/a", null, null));
                row.getCells().add( Cell(null, prefix + definitions.getBackboneLink(), "Element", null, null));
            // analysis
            row.getCells().add(dc = Cell());
        } else if (e.getTypes().size() == 1) {
            // card.
            row.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, path.contains(".") ? e.describeCardinality() : "", null, null));
            String t = e.getTypes().get(0).getName();
            Cell c;
            if (t.startsWith("@")) {
                row.setIcon("icon_reuse.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_REUSE);
                row.getCells().add(c = Cell("see ", "#" + t.substring(1), t.substring(t.lastIndexOf(".") + 1), t.substring(1), null));
                // analysis
                row.getCells().add(dc = Cell());
            } else if (t.equals("Reference") || t.equals("canonical")) {
                row.setIcon("icon_reference.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_REFERENCE);
                row.getCells().add(c = Cell());
                c.getPieces().add( Piece(prefix + "references.html", t, null));
                c.getPieces().add( Piece(null, "(", null));
                boolean first = true;
                for (String rt : e.getTypes().get(0).getParams()) {
                    if (definitions.hasLogicalModel(rt)) {
                        for (String rtn : definitions.getLogicalModel(rt).getImplementations()) {
                            if (!first)
                                c.getPieces().add( Piece(null, " | ", null));
                            c.getPieces().add( Piece(prefix + findPage(rtn) + ".html", rtn, null));
                            first = false;
                    } else {
                        if (!first)
                            c.getPieces().add( Piece(null, " | ", null));
                        if (first && isProfile && e.getTypes().get(0).getProfile() != null)
                            c.getPieces().add( Piece(null, e.getTypes().get(0).getProfile(), null));
                            c.getPieces().add( Piece(prefix + findPage(rt) + ".html", rt, null));
                        first = false;
                c.getPieces().add( Piece(null, ")", null));
                // analysis
                row.getCells().add(dc = Cell());
                for (String rt : e.getTypes().get(0).getParams()) if (definitions.hasLogicalModel(rt)) {
                    for (String rtn : definitions.getLogicalModel(rt).getImplementations()) {
                        addTypeToAnalysis(gen, row, dc, true, e.getStandardsStatus(), rtn);
                } else
                    addTypeToAnalysis(gen, row, dc, true, e.getStandardsStatus(), rt);
            } else if (definitions.getPrimitives().containsKey(t)) {
                row.setIcon("icon_primitive.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_PRIMITIVE);
                row.getCells().add(c = Cell(null, prefix + "datatypes.html#" + t, t, null, null));
                // analysis
                row.getCells().add(dc = Cell());
                addTypeToAnalysis(gen, row, dc, false, e.getStandardsStatus(), e.typeCode());
            } else {
                if (t.equals("Extension"))
                    row.setIcon("icon_extension_simple.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_EXTENSION);
                    row.setIcon("icon_datatype.gif", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_DATATYPE);
                row.getCells().add(c = Cell(null, prefix + definitions.getSrcFile(t) + ".html#" + t.replace("*", "open"), t, null, null));
                // analysis
                row.getCells().add(dc = Cell());
                addTypeToAnalysis(gen, row, dc, false, e.getStandardsStatus(), t);
        } else {
            row.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, e.describeCardinality(), null, null));
            row.setIcon("icon_choice.gif", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_CHOICE);
            row.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, "", null, null));
            // analysis
            row.getCells().add(dc = Cell());
    if (e.hasBinding() && e.getBinding() != null && e.getBinding().getBinding() != BindingMethod.Unbound && (e.getBinding().getStrength() == BindingStrength.REQUIRED || e.getBinding().getStrength() == BindingStrength.EXTENSIBLE)) {
        addBindingToAnalysis(gen, row, dc, e.getBinding().getStrength() == BindingStrength.REQUIRED, e.getStandardsStatus(), e.getBinding());
    // if (cc.getPieces().size() == 1)
    // cc.addPiece( Piece("br"));
    // cc.getPieces().add( Piece(getBindingLink(prefix, e), e.getBinding().getValueSet() != null ? e.getBinding().getValueSet().getName() : e.getBinding().getName(),
    // e.getBinding().getDefinition()));
    // cc.getPieces().add( Piece(null, " (", null));
    // BindingSpecification b = e.getBinding();
    // if (b.hasMax() ) {
    // cc.getPieces().add( Piece(prefix+"terminologies.html#"+b.getStrength().toCode(), b.getStrength().getDisplay(),  b.getStrength().getDefinition()));
    // cc.getPieces().add( Piece(null, " but limited to ", null));
    // ValueSet vs = b.getMaxValueSet();
    // cc.getPieces().add( Piece(vs.getUserString("path"), vs.getName(), null));
    // }  else
    // cc.getPieces().add( Piece(prefix+"terminologies.html#"+b.getStrength().toCode(), b.getStrength().getDisplay(),  b.getStrength().getDefinition()));
    // cc.getPieces().add( Piece(null, ")", null));
    if (e.getTypes().size() > 1) {
        // create a child for each choice
        for (TypeRef tr : e.getTypes()) {
            Row choicerow = Row();
            String t = tr.getName();
            if (t.equals("Reference")) {
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, e.getName().replace("[x]", "Reference"), null, null));
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, "", null, null));
                choicerow.setIcon("icon_reference.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_REFERENCE);
                Cell c = Cell();
                c.getPieces().add( Piece(prefix + "references.html", "Reference", null));
                c.getPieces().add( Piece(null, "(", null));
                boolean first = true;
                List<String> tt = new ArrayList<>();
                for (String rt : tr.getParams()) {
                    if (definitions.hasLogicalModel(rt))
                for (String rt : tt) {
                    if (!first)
                        c.getPieces().add( Piece(null, " | ", null));
                    c.getPieces().add( Piece(prefix + findPage(rt) + ".html", rt, null));
                    first = false;
                // analysis
                choicerow.getCells().add(dc = Cell());
                for (String rt : tt) addTypeToAnalysis(gen, choicerow, dc, true, e.getStandardsStatus(), rt);
            } else if (definitions.getPrimitives().containsKey(t)) {
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, e.getName().replace("[x]", Utilities.capitalize(t)), definitions.getPrimitives().get(t).getDefinition(), null));
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, "", null, null));
                choicerow.setIcon("icon_primitive.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_PRIMITIVE);
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, prefix + "datatypes.html#" + t, t, null, null));
                // analysis
                choicerow.getCells().add(dc = Cell());
                addTypeToAnalysis(gen, choicerow, dc, false, e.getStandardsStatus(), t);
            } else if (definitions.getConstraints().containsKey(t)) {
                ProfiledType pt = definitions.getConstraints().get(t);
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, e.getName().replace("[x]", Utilities.capitalize(pt.getBaseType())), definitions.getTypes().containsKey(t) ? definitions.getTypes().get(t).getDefinition() : null, null));
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, "", null, null));
                choicerow.setIcon("icon_datatype.gif", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_DATATYPE);
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, definitions.getSrcFile(t) + ".html#" + t.replace("*", "open"), t, null, null));
                // analysis
                choicerow.getCells().add(dc = Cell());
                addTypeToAnalysis(gen, choicerow, dc, false, e.getStandardsStatus(), t);
            } else {
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, e.getName().replace("[x]", Utilities.capitalize(t)), definitions.getTypes().containsKey(t) ? definitions.getTypes().get(t).getDefinition() : null, null));
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, "", null, null));
                choicerow.setIcon("icon_datatype.gif", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_DATATYPE);
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, definitions.getSrcFile(t) + ".html#" + t.replace("*", "open"), t, null, null));
                // analysis
                choicerow.getCells().add(dc = Cell());
                addTypeToAnalysis(gen, choicerow, dc, false, e.getStandardsStatus(), t);
    } else
        for (ElementDefn c : e.getElements()) row.getSubRows().add(genElement(c, gen, false, path + '.' + c.getName(), isProfile, prefix, mode, false));
    return row;
Also used : ProfiledType(org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ProfiledType) TypeRef(org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.TypeRef) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ElementDefn(org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ElementDefn) Row(org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.HierarchicalTableGenerator.Row) Cell(org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.HierarchicalTableGenerator.Cell)

Example 29 with ProfiledType

use of org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ProfiledType in project kindling by HL7.

the class TableGenerator method genElement.

protected Row genElement(ElementDefn e, HierarchicalTableGenerator gen, boolean resource, String path, boolean isProfile, String prefix, RenderMode mode, boolean isRoot, StandardsStatus rootStatus, boolean isAbstract, boolean isInterface) throws Exception {
    Row row = Row();
    boolean isProfiledExtension = isProfile && (e.getName().equals("extension") || e.getName().equals("modifierExtension"));
    row.getCells().add( Cell(null, dictLinks() ? pageName + "#" + path.replace("[", "_").replace("]", "_") : null, e.getName(), path + " : " + e.getDefinition(), null));
    Cell gc = Cell();
    if (e.hasMustSupport() && e.isMustSupport()) {
        gc.addStyledText("This element must be supported", "S", "white", "red", prefix + "conformance-rules.html#mustSupport", false);
    if (e.isModifier()) {
        gc.addStyledText("This element is a modifier element", "?!", null, null, prefix + "conformance-rules.html#isModifier", false);
    if (e.isSummary()) {
        gc.addStyledText("This element is included in summaries", "\u03A3", null, null, prefix + "elementdefinition-definitions.html#ElementDefinition.isSummary", false);
    if (!isRoot && (!e.getInvariants().isEmpty() || !e.getStatedInvariants().isEmpty())) {
        gc.addStyledText("This element has or is affected by some invariants", "I", null, null, prefix + "conformance-rules.html#constraints", false);
    if (isInterface) {
        gc.addStyledText("This is an abstract type", "«A»", null, null, prefix + "uml.html#abstract", false);
    } else if (isAbstract) {
        gc.addStyledText("This is an interface resource", "«I»", null, null, prefix + "uml.html#interface", false);
    if (rootStatus != null)
        gc.addStyledText("Standards Status = " + rootStatus.toDisplay(), rootStatus.getAbbrev(), "black", rootStatus.getColor(), prefix + "versions.html#std-process", true);
    else if (e.getStandardsStatus() != null)
        gc.addStyledText("Standards Status = " + e.getStandardsStatus().toDisplay(), e.getStandardsStatus().getAbbrev(), "black", e.getStandardsStatus().getColor(), prefix + "versions.html#std-process", true);
    if (resource) {
        row.getCells().add( Cell());
        row.setIcon("icon_resource.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_RESOURCE);
        if (Utilities.noString(e.typeCode()))
            row.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, "n/a", null, null));
        else if ("Logical".equals(e.typeCode()))
            row.getCells().add( Cell(null, prefix + "structuredefinition.html#logical", e.typeCode(), null, null));
        else if ("Base".equals(e.typeCode()))
            row.getCells().add( Cell(null, prefix + definitions.getSrcFile("Base") + ".html#" + e.typeCode(), e.typeCode(), null, null));
            row.getCells().add( Cell(null, prefix + e.typeCode().toLowerCase() + ".html", e.typeCode(), null, null));
    // todo: base elements
    } else {
        if (!e.getElements().isEmpty()) {
            row.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, path.contains(".") ? e.describeCardinality() : "", null, null));
            row.setIcon("icon_element.gif", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_ELEMENT);
            if (mode == RenderMode.RESOURCE)
                row.getCells().add( Cell(null, prefix + definitions.getBackboneLink(), "BackboneElement", null, null));
            else if (e.getName().equals("Type"))
                row.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, "", null, null));
            else if (e.getName().equals("Element")) {
                if (version.isR4B()) {
                    row.getCells().add( Cell(null, prefix + definitions.getElementLink(), "Element", null, null));
                } else {
                    row.getCells().add( Cell(null, prefix + definitions.getBaseLink(), "Base", null, null));
            } else if (e.typeCode().equals("BackboneElement"))
                row.getCells().add( Cell(null, prefix + definitions.getBackboneLink(), "BackBoneElement", null, null));
                row.getCells().add( Cell(null, prefix + definitions.getElementLink(), "Element", null, null));
        } else if (e.getTypes().size() == 1) {
            row.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, path.contains(".") ? e.describeCardinality() : "", null, null));
            String t = e.getTypes().get(0).getName();
            Cell c;
            if (t.startsWith("@")) {
                row.setIcon("icon_reuse.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_REUSE);
                c = Cell("see ", "#" + t.substring(1), t.substring(t.lastIndexOf(".") + 1), t.substring(1), null);
            } else if (isReference(t)) {
                row.setIcon("icon_reference.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_REFERENCE);
                c = Cell();
                if (ADD_REFERENCE_TO_TABLE) {
                    c.getPieces().add( Piece(prefix + definitions.getSrcFile(t) + ".html#" + t, t, null));
                    c.getPieces().add( Piece(null, "(", null));
                boolean first = true;
                for (String rt : e.getTypes().get(0).getParams()) {
                    if (!first)
                        c.getPieces().add( Piece(null, " | ", null));
                    if (first && isProfile && e.getTypes().get(0).getProfile() != null)
                        c.getPieces().add( Piece(null, e.getTypes().get(0).getProfile(), null));
                        c.getPieces().add( Piece(prefix + findPage(rt) + ".html", rt, null));
                    first = false;
                if (ADD_REFERENCE_TO_TABLE)
                    c.getPieces().add( Piece(null, ")", null));
            } else if (definitions.getPrimitives().containsKey(t)) {
                row.setIcon("icon_primitive.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_PRIMITIVE);
                c = Cell(null, prefix + "datatypes.html#" + t, t, null, null);
            } else {
                if (t.equals("Extension"))
                    row.setIcon("icon_extension_simple.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_EXTENSION);
                    row.setIcon("icon_datatype.gif", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_DATATYPE);
                c = Cell(null, prefix + definitions.getSrcFile(t) + ".html#" + t.replace("*", "open"), t, null, null);
        } else {
            row.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, isRoot ? "" : e.describeCardinality(), null, null));
            row.setIcon("icon_choice.gif", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_CHOICE);
            row.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, "", null, null));
    Cell cc = Cell(null, e.getShortDefn() != null && Utilities.isURL(e.getShortDefn()) ? e.getShortDefn() : null, e.getShortDefn(), null, null);
    // constraints
    if (isProfiledExtension) {
        cc.addPiece( Piece("br"));
        cc.getPieces().add( Piece(null, e.getTypes().get(0).getProfile(), null));
    if (e.hasBinding() && e.getBinding() != null && e.getBinding().getBinding() != BindingMethod.Unbound) {
        if (cc.getPieces().size() == 1)
            cc.addPiece( Piece("br"));
        cc.getPieces().add( Piece(getBindingLink(prefix, e), e.getBinding().getValueSet() != null ? e.getBinding().getValueSet().present() : e.getBinding().getName(), e.getBinding().getDefinition()));
        cc.getPieces().add( Piece(null, " (", null));
        BindingSpecification b = e.getBinding();
        if (b.hasMax()) {
            cc.getPieces().add( Piece(prefix + "terminologies.html#" + b.getStrength().toCode(), b.getStrength().getDisplay(), b.getStrength().getDefinition()));
            cc.getPieces().add( Piece(null, " but limited to ", null));
            ValueSet vs = b.getMaxValueSet();
            if (vs == null)
                cc.getPieces().add( Piece(b.getMaxReference(), b.getMaxReference(), null));
                cc.getPieces().add( Piece(vs.hasUserData("external.url") ? vs.getUserString("external.url") : vs.getUserString("path"), vs.getName(), null));
        } else
            cc.getPieces().add( Piece(prefix + "terminologies.html#" + b.getStrength().toCode(), b.getStrength().getDisplay(), b.getStrength().getDefinition()));
        cc.getPieces().add( Piece(null, ")", null));
    List<String> invs = new ArrayList<String>(e.getInvariants().keySet());
    Collections.sort(invs, new ConstraintsSorter());
    for (String name : invs) {
        Invariant inv = e.getInvariants().get(name);
        cc.addPiece( Piece("br"));
        cc.getPieces().add( Piece(null, "+ " + presentLevel(inv) + ": " + inv.getEnglish(), inv.getId()).setStyle("font-style: italic"));
    if (e.unbounded() && !isRoot) {
        if (cc.getPieces().size() > 0)
            cc.addPiece( Piece("br"));
        if (Utilities.noString(e.getOrderMeaning())) {
        // don't show this, this it's important: cc.getPieces().add( Piece(null, "This repeating element has no defined order", null));
        } else {
            cc.getPieces().add( Piece(null, "This repeating element order: " + e.getOrderMeaning(), null));
    if (isRoot && !Utilities.noString(e.typeCode()) && !"Logical".equals(e.typeCode())) {
        List<ElementDefn> ancestors = new ArrayList<ElementDefn>();
        ElementDefn f = definitions.getElementDefn(e.typeCode());
        while (f != null) {
            ancestors.add(0, f);
            f = Utilities.noString(f.typeCode()) || "Logical".equals(f.typeCode()) ? null : definitions.getElementDefn(f.typeCode());
        cc.getPieces().add( Piece("br"));
        cc.getPieces().add( Piece(null, "Elements defined in Ancestors: ", null));
        boolean first = true;
        for (ElementDefn fi : ancestors) {
            for (ElementDefn fc : fi.getElements()) {
                if (first)
                    first = false;
                    cc.getPieces().add( Piece(null, ", ", null));
                cc.getPieces().add( Piece(definitions.getSrcFile(fi.getName()) + ".html#" + fi.getName(), fc.getName(), fc.getDefinition()));
    if (mode == RenderMode.LOGICAL) {
        String logical = e.getMappings().get("");
        Cell c = Cell();
        if (logical != null)
            presentLogicalMapping(gen, c, logical, prefix);
    if (e.getTypes().size() > 1) {
        // create a child for each choice
        for (TypeRef tr : e.getTypes()) {
            Row choicerow = Row();
            String t = tr.getName();
            if (isReference(t)) {
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, e.getName().replace("[x]", Utilities.capitalize(t)), null, null));
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell());
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, "", null, null));
                choicerow.setIcon("icon_reference.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_REFERENCE);
                Cell c = Cell();
                if (ADD_REFERENCE_TO_TABLE) {
                    if (tr.getName().equals("canonical"))
                        c.getPieces().add( Piece(prefix + "datatypes.html#canonical", "canonical", null));
                        c.getPieces().add( Piece(prefix + "references.html#Reference", "Reference", null));
                    c.getPieces().add( Piece(null, "(", null));
                boolean first = true;
                for (String rt : tr.getParams()) {
                    if (!first)
                        c.getPieces().add( Piece(null, " | ", null));
                    c.getPieces().add( Piece(prefix + findPage(rt) + ".html", rt, null));
                    first = false;
                if (ADD_REFERENCE_TO_TABLE)
                    c.getPieces().add( Piece(null, ")", null));
            } else if (definitions.getPrimitives().containsKey(t)) {
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, e.getName().replace("[x]", Utilities.capitalize(t)), definitions.getPrimitives().get(t).getDefinition(), null));
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell());
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, "", null, null));
                choicerow.setIcon("icon_primitive.png", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_PRIMITIVE);
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, prefix + "datatypes.html#" + t, t, null, null));
            } else if (definitions.getConstraints().containsKey(t)) {
                ProfiledType pt = definitions.getConstraints().get(t);
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, e.getName().replace("[x]", Utilities.capitalize(pt.getBaseType())), definitions.getTypes().containsKey(t) ? definitions.getTypes().get(t).getDefinition() : null, null));
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell());
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, "", null, null));
                choicerow.setIcon("icon_datatype.gif", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_DATATYPE);
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, definitions.getSrcFile(t) + ".html#" + t.replace("*", "open"), t, null, null));
            } else {
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, e.getName().replace("[x]", Utilities.capitalize(t)), definitions.getTypes().containsKey(t) ? definitions.getTypes().get(t).getDefinition() : null, null));
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell());
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, null, "", null, null));
                choicerow.setIcon("icon_datatype.gif", HierarchicalTableGenerator.TEXT_ICON_DATATYPE);
                choicerow.getCells().add( Cell(null, definitions.getSrcFile(t) + ".html#" + t.replace("*", "open"), t, null, null));
            choicerow.getCells().add( Cell());
            // choicerow.getCells().add( Cell());
    } else
        for (ElementDefn c : e.getElements()) {
            row.getSubRows().add(genElement(c, gen, false, path + '.' + c.getName(), isProfile, prefix, mode, false, null, false, false));
    return row;
Also used : Invariant(org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.Invariant) ProfiledType(org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ProfiledType) TypeRef(org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.TypeRef) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ElementDefn(org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ElementDefn) BindingSpecification(org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.BindingSpecification) Row(org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.HierarchicalTableGenerator.Row) Cell(org.hl7.fhir.utilities.xhtml.HierarchicalTableGenerator.Cell) ValueSet(org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.ValueSet)

Example 30 with ProfiledType

use of org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ProfiledType in project kindling by HL7.

the class JsonSpecGenerator method writeTypeLinks.

  private String docPrefix(int widthSoFar, int indent, ElementDefinition elem) {
    if (widthSoFar + (elem.getShort() == null ? 0 : elem.getShort().length())+8+elem.getPath().length() > 105) {
      String ret = "\r\n  ";
      for (int i = 0; i < indent+2; i++)
        ret = ret + " ";

      return ret;
      return "";
private int writeTypeLinks(ElementDefn elem, int indent, TypeRef t) throws Exception {
    write(" <span style=\"color: darkgreen\">");
    int i = 0;
    // this is wrong if the type is an attribute, but the wrapping concern shouldn't apply in this case, so this is ok
    int w = indent + 12 + elem.getName().length();
    // for (TypeRef t : elem.getTypes()) {
    if (i > 0) {
    if (w + t.getName().length() > 80) {
        throw new Error("this sholdn't happen");
    // write("\r\n  ");
    // for (int j = 0; j < indent; j++)
    // write(" ");
    // w = indent+2;
    // again, could be wrong if this is an extension, but then it won't wrap
    w = w + t.getName().length();
    if (t.isXhtml() || t.getName().equals("list"))
    else if (t.getName().equals("Extension") && t.getParams().size() == 0 && !Utilities.noString(t.getProfile()))
        write("<a href=\"" + prefix + t.getProfile() + "\"><span style=\"color: DarkViolet\">@" + t.getProfile().substring(1) + "</span></a>");
    else if (definitions.getConstraints().containsKey(t.getName())) {
        ProfiledType pt = definitions.getConstraints().get(t.getName());
        write("<a href=\"" + prefix + (dtRoot + definitions.getSrcFile(pt.getBaseType()) + ".html#" + pt.getBaseType() + "\">" + pt.getBaseType()) + "</a>");
        w = w + pt.getBaseType().length() + 2;
        write("(<a style=\"color:navy\" href=\"" + prefix + (dtRoot + definitions.getSrcFile(t.getName()) + ".html#" + t.getName() + "\">" + t.getName()) + "</a>)");
    } else
        write("<a href=\"" + prefix + (dtRoot + definitions.getSrcFile(t.getName()) + ".html#" + t.getName() + "\">" + t.getName()) + "</a>");
    if (t.hasParams()) {
        boolean firstp = true;
        List<String> ap = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String p : t.getParams()) {
            if (definitions.hasLogicalModel(p))
        for (String p : ap) {
            if (!firstp) {
            // again, p.length() could be wrong if this is an extension, but then it won't wrap
            if (w + p.length() > 80) {
                write("\r\n  ");
                for (int j = 0; j < indent; j++) write(" ");
                w = indent + 2;
            w = w + p.length();
            // TODO: Display action and/or profile information
            if (p.equals("Any")) {
                write("<a href=\"" + prefix + "resourcelist.html" + "\">" + p + "</a>");
            } else if (isReference(t.getName()) && t.getParams().size() == 1 && !Utilities.noString(t.getProfile()))
                write("<a href=\"" + prefix + t.getProfile() + "\"><span style=\"color: DarkViolet\">@" + t.getProfile().substring(1) + "</span></a>");
                write("<a href=\"" + prefix + (dtRoot + definitions.getSrcFile(p) + ".html#" + p) + "\">" + p + "</a>");
            firstp = false;
    // }
    return w;
Also used : ProfiledType(org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ProfiledType) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)


FHIRException (org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException)19 ProfiledType (org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ProfiledType)14 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)11 FHIRFormatError (org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRFormatError)9 ElementDefn (org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.ElementDefn)7 TypeRef (org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.TypeRef)7 DefinitionException (org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.DefinitionException)7 StructureDefinition (org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.StructureDefinition)6 IOException ( ElementDefinition (org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.ElementDefinition)5 URISyntaxException ( ProfiledType (org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.TypeDetails.ProfiledType)4 ProfiledType (org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.TypeDetails.ProfiledType)4 ProfiledType (org.hl7.fhir.r4b.model.TypeDetails.ProfiledType)4 TypeRefComponent (org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.ElementDefinition.TypeRefComponent)4 ProfiledType (org.hl7.fhir.r5.model.TypeDetails.ProfiledType)4 FileNotFoundException ( UnsupportedEncodingException ( List (java.util.List)3 DefinedCode (org.hl7.fhir.definitions.model.DefinedCode)3