Search in sources :

Example 1 with AbstractTask

use of org.jlibsedml.AbstractTask in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class XmlHelper method sedmlToBioModel.

public static VCDocument sedmlToBioModel(VCLogger transLogger, ExternalDocInfo externalDocInfo, SedML sedml, AbstractTask selectedTask) throws Exception {
    if (sedml.getModels().isEmpty()) {
        return null;
    VCDocument doc = null;
    try {
        // extract the path only from the sedml file
        String fullPath = FileUtils.getFullPath(externalDocInfo.getFile().getAbsolutePath());
        // Namespace namespace = sedml.getNamespace();
        // iterate through all the elements and show them at the console
        List<org.jlibsedml.Model> mmm = sedml.getModels();
        for (Model mm : mmm) {
        List<org.jlibsedml.Simulation> sss = sedml.getSimulations();
        for (org.jlibsedml.Simulation ss : sss) {
        List<AbstractTask> ttt = sedml.getTasks();
        for (AbstractTask tt : ttt) {
        List<DataGenerator> ddd = sedml.getDataGenerators();
        for (DataGenerator dd : ddd) {
        List<Output> ooo = sedml.getOutputs();
        for (Output oo : ooo) {
        KisaoTerm sedmlKisao = null;
        // this will become the vCell simulation
        org.jlibsedml.Simulation sedmlSimulation = null;
        // the "original" model referred to by the task
        org.jlibsedml.Model sedmlOriginalModel = null;
        String sedmlOriginalModelName = null;
        if (selectedTask == null) {
            // no task, just pick the Model and find its sbml file
            sedmlOriginalModelName = SEDMLUtil.getName(mmm.get(0));
        } else {
            if (selectedTask instanceof Task) {
                sedmlOriginalModel = sedml.getModelWithId(selectedTask.getModelReference());
                sedmlSimulation = sedml.getSimulation(selectedTask.getSimulationReference());
            } else if (selectedTask instanceof RepeatedTask) {
                RepeatedTask rt = (RepeatedTask) selectedTask;
                assert (rt.getSubTasks().size() == 1);
                // first (and only) subtask
                SubTask st = rt.getSubTasks().entrySet().iterator().next().getValue();
                String taskId = st.getTaskId();
                AbstractTask t = sedml.getTaskWithId(taskId);
                // get model and simulation from subtask
                sedmlOriginalModel = sedml.getModelWithId(t.getModelReference());
                sedmlSimulation = sedml.getSimulation(t.getSimulationReference());
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected task " + selectedTask);
            sedmlOriginalModelName = sedmlOriginalModel.getId();
            sedmlKisao = KisaoOntology.getInstance().getTermById(sedmlSimulation.getAlgorithm().getKisaoID());
        // UniformTimeCourse [initialTime=0.0, numberOfPoints=1000, outputEndTime=1.0, outputStartTime=0.0,
        // Algorithm [kisaoID=KISAO:0000019], getId()=SimSlow]
        // identify the vCell solvers that would match best the sedml solver kisao id
        List<SolverDescription> solverDescriptions = new ArrayList<>();
        for (SolverDescription sd : SolverDescription.values()) {
            KisaoTerm solverKisaoTerm = KisaoOntology.getInstance().getTermById(sd.getKisao());
            if (solverKisaoTerm == null) {
            boolean isExactlySame = solverKisaoTerm.equals(sedmlKisao);
            if (isExactlySame && !solverKisaoTerm.isObsolete()) {
                // we make a list with all the solvers that match the kisao
        // from the list of vcell solvers that match the sedml kisao we select the ones that have a matching time step
        SolverDescription solverDescription = null;
        for (SolverDescription sd : solverDescriptions) {
            if (true) {
                solverDescription = sd;
        // find out everything else we need about the application we're going to use,
        // some of the info will be needed when we parse the sbml file
        boolean bSpatial = false;
        Application appType = Application.NETWORK_DETERMINISTIC;
        Set<SolverDescription.SolverFeature> sfList = solverDescription.getSupportedFeatures();
        for (SolverDescription.SolverFeature sf : sfList) {
            switch(sf) {
                case Feature_Rulebased:
                    appType = Application.RULE_BASED_STOCHASTIC;
                case Feature_Stochastic:
                    appType = Application.NETWORK_STOCHASTIC;
                case Feature_Deterministic:
                    appType = Application.NETWORK_DETERMINISTIC;
                case Feature_Spatial:
                    bSpatial = true;
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // extract bioModel name from sedx (or sedml) file
        String bioModelName = FileUtils.getBaseName(externalDocInfo.getFile().getAbsolutePath());
        // if we have repeated task, we ignore them, we just use the normal resolvers for archive and changes
        // once the application and simulation are built, we iterate through the repeated tasks and
        // add math overrides to the simulation for each repeated task
        ArchiveComponents ac = null;
        if (externalDocInfo.getFile().getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith("sedx") || externalDocInfo.getFile().getPath().toLowerCase().endsWith("omex")) {
            ac = Libsedml.readSEDMLArchive(new FileInputStream(externalDocInfo.getFile().getPath()));
        ModelResolver resolver = new ModelResolver(sedml);
        if (ac != null) {
            resolver.add(new ArchiveModelResolver(ac));
        resolver.add(new FileModelResolver());
        resolver.add(new RelativeFileModelResolver(fullPath));
        String newMdl = resolver.getModelString(sedmlOriginalModel);
        // sbmlSource with all the changes applied
        XMLSource sbmlSource = new XMLSource(newMdl);
        doc = XmlHelper.importSBML(transLogger, sbmlSource, bSpatial);
        BioModel bioModel = (BioModel) doc;
        // we already have an application loaded from the sbml file, with initial conditions and stuff
        // which may be not be suitable because the sedml kisao may need a different app type
        // so we do a "copy as" to the right type and then delete the original we loaded from the sbml file
        // the new application we're making from the old one
        SimulationContext newSimulationContext = null;
        if (bioModel.getSimulationContexts().length == 1) {
            SimulationContext oldSimulationContext = bioModel.getSimulationContext(0);
            newSimulationContext = SimulationContext.copySimulationContext(oldSimulationContext, sedmlOriginalModelName, bSpatial, appType);
        } else {
            // length == 0
            newSimulationContext = bioModel.addNewSimulationContext(sedmlOriginalModelName, appType);
        // making the new vCell simulation based on the sedml simulation
        MathMappingCallback callback = new MathMappingCallbackTaskAdapter(null);
        newSimulationContext.refreshMathDescription(callback, NetworkGenerationRequirements.ComputeFullStandardTimeout);
        Simulation newSimulation = new Simulation(newSimulationContext.getMathDescription());
        // TODO: make sure that everything has proper names
        // we check the repeated tasks, if any, and add to the list of math overrides
        // if(selectedTask instanceof RepeatedTask) {
        // for(Change change : ((RepeatedTask) selectedTask).getChanges()) {
        // if(!(change instanceof SetValue)) {
        // throw new RuntimeException("Only 'SetValue' changes are supported for repeated tasks.");
        // }
        // SetValue setValue = (SetValue)change;
        // // TODO: extract target from XPath
        // // ......
        // //
        // String target = "s0";	// for now we just use a hardcoded thing
        // ConstantArraySpec cas;
        // Range range = ((RepeatedTask) selectedTask).getRange(setValue.getRangeReference());
        // if(range instanceof UniformRange) {
        // cas = ConstantArraySpec.createIntervalSpec(target, ((UniformRange) range).getStart(), ((UniformRange) range).getEnd(),
        // range.getNumElements(), ((UniformRange) range).getType() == UniformRange.UniformType.LOG ? true : false);
        // } else if(range instanceof VectorRange) {
        // //    				List<String> constants = new ArrayList<> ();
        // //    				for(int i=0; i<range.getNumElements(); i++) {
        // //    					constants.add(new Constant(i+"", new Expression(range.getElementAt(i))));
        // //    				}
        // //    				cas = ConstantArraySpec.createListSpec(target, constants);
        // } else {
        // throw new RuntimeException("Only 'Uniform Range' and 'Vector Range' are supported at this time.");
        // }
        // }
        // }
        // we identify the type of sedml simulation (uniform time course, etc)
        // and set the vCell simulation parameters accordingly
        SolverTaskDescription simTaskDesc = newSimulation.getSolverTaskDescription();
        TimeBounds timeBounds = new TimeBounds();
        TimeStep timeStep = new TimeStep();
        double outputTimeStep = 0.1;
        if (sedmlSimulation instanceof UniformTimeCourse) {
            // we translate initial time to zero, we provide output for the duration of the simulation
            // because we can't select just an interval the way the SEDML simulation can
            double initialTime = ((UniformTimeCourse) sedmlSimulation).getInitialTime();
            double outputStartTime = ((UniformTimeCourse) sedmlSimulation).getOutputStartTime();
            double outputEndTime = ((UniformTimeCourse) sedmlSimulation).getOutputEndTime();
            double outputNumberOfPoints = ((UniformTimeCourse) sedmlSimulation).getNumberOfPoints();
            outputTimeStep = (outputEndTime - outputStartTime) / outputNumberOfPoints;
            timeBounds = new TimeBounds(0, outputEndTime - initialTime);
        } else if (sedmlSimulation instanceof OneStep) {
        // for anything other than UniformTimeCourse we just ignore
        } else if (sedmlSimulation instanceof SteadyState) {
        } else {
        OutputTimeSpec outputTimeSpec = new UniformOutputTimeSpec(outputTimeStep);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to initialize bioModel for the given selection.");
    return doc;
Also used : Task(org.jlibsedml.Task) RepeatedTask(org.jlibsedml.RepeatedTask) SimulationTask(cbit.vcell.messaging.server.SimulationTask) AbstractTask(org.jlibsedml.AbstractTask) SubTask(org.jlibsedml.SubTask) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ArchiveModelResolver(org.jlibsedml.execution.ArchiveModelResolver) FileModelResolver(org.jlibsedml.execution.FileModelResolver) RelativeFileModelResolver(org.vcell.sedml.RelativeFileModelResolver) ModelResolver(org.jlibsedml.execution.ModelResolver) SteadyState(org.jlibsedml.SteadyState) OutputTimeSpec(cbit.vcell.solver.OutputTimeSpec) UniformOutputTimeSpec(cbit.vcell.solver.UniformOutputTimeSpec) SolverTaskDescription(cbit.vcell.solver.SolverTaskDescription) SubTask(org.jlibsedml.SubTask) VCDocument(org.vcell.util.document.VCDocument) MathMappingCallback(cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext.MathMappingCallback) UniformOutputTimeSpec(cbit.vcell.solver.UniformOutputTimeSpec) FileInputStream( KisaoTerm(org.jlibsedml.modelsupport.KisaoTerm) ArchiveModelResolver(org.jlibsedml.execution.ArchiveModelResolver) DataGenerator(org.jlibsedml.DataGenerator) UniformTimeCourse(org.jlibsedml.UniformTimeCourse) Application(cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext.Application) AbstractTask(org.jlibsedml.AbstractTask) SolverDescription(cbit.vcell.solver.SolverDescription) RelativeFileModelResolver(org.vcell.sedml.RelativeFileModelResolver) OneStep(org.jlibsedml.OneStep) TimeBounds(cbit.vcell.solver.TimeBounds) TimeStep(cbit.vcell.solver.TimeStep) ArchiveComponents(org.jlibsedml.ArchiveComponents) RepeatedTask(org.jlibsedml.RepeatedTask) Output(org.jlibsedml.Output) MathMappingCallbackTaskAdapter(cbit.vcell.mapping.MathMappingCallbackTaskAdapter) FileModelResolver(org.jlibsedml.execution.FileModelResolver) RelativeFileModelResolver(org.vcell.sedml.RelativeFileModelResolver) SimulationContext(cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext) XMLStreamException( SbmlException(org.vcell.sbml.SbmlException) SBMLException(org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLException) IOException( ExpressionException(cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException) Simulation(cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation) Model(org.jlibsedml.Model) BioModel(cbit.vcell.biomodel.BioModel) MathModel(cbit.vcell.mathmodel.MathModel) BioModel(cbit.vcell.biomodel.BioModel) Model(org.jlibsedml.Model)

Example 2 with AbstractTask

use of org.jlibsedml.AbstractTask in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class VCellSedMLSolver method main.

// static String inString = "/usr/local/app/vcell/simulation";
// static String outRootString = "/usr/local/app/vcell/simulation/out";
public static void main(String[] args) {
    CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
    HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
    // place the sedml file and the sbml file(s) in inDir directory
    Options options = getCommandLineOptions();
    CommandLine cmd = null;
    try {
        cmd = parser.parse(options, args);
        if (cmd.getOptions().length == 0) {
            System.out.println("usage: vcell [-h] [-q] -i ARCHIVE [-o OUT_DIR] [-v]");
        if (args[0].contains("-h") || args[0].contains("--help")) {
            formatter.printHelp("vcell [-h] [-q] -i ARCHIVE [-o OUT_DIR] [-v]", "\nBioSimulators-compliant command-line interface to the VCell simulation program <>.\n\n" + "optional arguments:\n\n", options, "");
        IN_ROOT_STRING = cmd.getOptionValue("archive");
        OUT_ROOT_STRING = cmd.getOptionValue("out-dir");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    if (IN_ROOT_STRING == null || OUT_ROOT_STRING == null) {
        formatter.printHelp("vcell", options);
    // CombineArchive omex = new CombineArchive();
    // boolean isInitialized = omex.initializeFromArchive(IN_ROOT_STRING);
    // boolean isExtracted = omex.extractTo(tempDir)
    File tempDir = Files.createTempDir();
    ArrayList<String> sedmlLocations = new ArrayList<>();
    try {
        CombineArchive omex = new CombineArchive();
        boolean isInitialized = omex.initializeFromArchive(IN_ROOT_STRING);
        boolean isExtracted = omex.extractTo(tempDir.getAbsolutePath());
        CaOmexManifest manifest = omex.getManifest();
        CaListOfContents contents = manifest.getListOfContents();
        System.out.println("Contents fetched");
        for (int contentIndex = 0; contentIndex < contents.getNumContents(); contentIndex++) {
            CaContent content = (CaContent) contents.get(contentIndex);
            if (content.isFormat("sedml")) {
        System.out.println("All SEDML locations fetched");
    // unzip(IN_ROOT_STRING, tempDir);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        System.err.println("Cannot extract Omex");
    File inDir = tempDir;
    File outRootDir = new File(OUT_ROOT_STRING);
    // delete the output directory and all its content recursively
    if (outRootDir.exists()) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println("Failed to empty outRootDir.");
    if (!outRootDir.exists()) {
    // }
    for (int sedmlIndex = 0; sedmlIndex < sedmlLocations.size(); sedmlIndex++) {
        try {
            String completeSedmlPath = tempDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + sedmlLocations.get(sedmlIndex);
            File sedmlFile = new File(completeSedmlPath);
            SedML sedml = Libsedml.readDocument(sedmlFile).getSedMLModel();
            if (sedml == null || sedml.getModels().isEmpty()) {
                System.err.println("the sedml file '" + sedmlFile.getName() + "'does not contain a valid document");
            VCellSedMLSolver vCellSedMLSolver = new VCellSedMLSolver();
            ExternalDocInfo externalDocInfo = new ExternalDocInfo(sedmlFile, true);
            for (AbstractTask at : sedml.getTasks()) {
                vCellSedMLSolver.doWork(externalDocInfo, at, sedml);
        } catch (Exception e) {
    // try {
    // SedML sedml = Libsedml.readDocument(sedmlFile).getSedMLModel();
    // if (sedml == null || sedml.getModels().isEmpty()) {
    // System.err.println("the sedml file '" + sedmlFile.getName() + "'does not contain a valid document");
    // System.exit(99);
    // }
    // VCellSedMLSolver vCellSedMLSolver = new VCellSedMLSolver();
    // ExternalDocInfo externalDocInfo = new ExternalDocInfo(sedmlFile, true);
    // for(AbstractTask at : sedml.getTasks()) {
    // vCellSedMLSolver.doWork(externalDocInfo, at, sedml);
    // }
    // } catch (Exception e) {
    // System.err.println(e.getMessage());
    // } finally {
// }
Also used : Options(org.apache.commons.cli.Options) AbstractTask(org.jlibsedml.AbstractTask) JsonParseException(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException) SBMLImportException(org.vcell.sbml.vcell.SBMLImportException) JsonMappingException(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException) HelpFormatter(org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter) SedML(org.jlibsedml.SedML) ExternalDocInfo(cbit.vcell.xml.ExternalDocInfo) CommandLine(org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine) CommandLineParser(org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser) DefaultParser(org.apache.commons.cli.DefaultParser)

Example 3 with AbstractTask

use of org.jlibsedml.AbstractTask in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class VCellSedMLSolver method doWork.

// everything is done here
public void doWork(ExternalDocInfo externalDocInfo, AbstractTask sedmlTask, SedML sedml) throws Exception {
    // create the VCDocument (bioModel + application + simulation), do sanity checks
    cbit.util.xml.VCLogger sedmlImportLogger = new LocalLogger();
    List<AbstractTask> tasks = new ArrayList<AbstractTask>();
    List<VCDocument> docs = XmlHelper.sedmlToBioModel(sedmlImportLogger, externalDocInfo, sedml, tasks, null, false);
    VCDocument doc = docs.get(0);
    // create the work directory for this task, invoke the solver
    String docName = doc.getName();
    String outString = VCellSedMLSolver.OUT_ROOT_STRING + "/" + docName + "/" + sedmlTask.getId();
    File outDir = new File(outString);
    if (!outDir.exists()) {
    BioModel bioModel = (BioModel) doc;
    SimulationContext simContext = bioModel.getSimulationContext(0);
    MathDescription mathDesc = simContext.getMathDescription();
    String vcml = mathDesc.getVCML();
    try (PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(outString + "/vcmlTrace.xml")) {
    Simulation sim = bioModel.getSimulation(0);
    SolverTaskDescription std = sim.getSolverTaskDescription();
    SolverDescription sd = std.getSolverDescription();
    String kisao = sd.getKisao();
    if (SolverDescription.CVODE.getKisao().contentEquals(kisao)) {
        ODESolverResultSet odeSolverResultSet = solveCvode(outDir, bioModel);
        System.out.println("Finished: " + docName + ": - task '" + sedmlTask.getId() + "'.");
    } else if (SolverDescription.StochGibson.getKisao().contentEquals(kisao)) {
        ODESolverResultSet odeSolverResultSet = solveGibson(outDir, bioModel);
        System.out.println("Finished: " + docName + ": - task '" + sedmlTask.getId() + "'.");
    } else if (SolverDescription.IDA.getKisao().contentEquals(kisao)) {
        ODESolverResultSet odeSolverResultSet = solveIDA(outDir, bioModel);
        System.out.println("Finished: " + docName + ": - task '" + sedmlTask.getId() + "'.");
    } else {
        System.out.println("Unsupported solver: " + kisao);
Also used : AbstractTask(org.jlibsedml.AbstractTask) SolverDescription(cbit.vcell.solver.SolverDescription) VCDocument(org.vcell.util.document.VCDocument) MathDescription(cbit.vcell.math.MathDescription) VCLogger(cbit.util.xml.VCLogger) SimulationContext(cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext) Simulation(cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation) BioModel(cbit.vcell.biomodel.BioModel) ODESolverResultSet(cbit.vcell.solver.ode.ODESolverResultSet) SolverTaskDescription(cbit.vcell.solver.SolverTaskDescription)

Example 4 with AbstractTask

use of org.jlibsedml.AbstractTask in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SedMLResultsProcesser2 method process.

 * Processes a set of simulation results and processes them according to the
 * output passed into the constructor. There are several reasons that
 * processing may fail, for example:
 * <ul>
 * <li>If cross-references between outputs, variables and data generators
 * are not valid.
 * <li>If mappings between the data column headers in the raw result, and
 * model element identifiers cannot be resolved.
 * <li>If the MathML for the data post-processing is invalid or outside the
 * scope of SED-ML's MathML usage.
 * </ul>
 * Failures such as these will be logged and can be accessed by a call to
 * getProcessReport() after calling this method.
 * @param results
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *             if results is <code>null</code>.
public void process(Map<AbstractTask, IRawSedmlSimulationResults> results) {
    if (results == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    Map<AbstractTask, double[][]> rawTask2Results = new HashMap<AbstractTask, double[][]>();
    int numRows = 0;
    numRows = makeDefensiveCopyOfData(results, rawTask2Results, numRows);
    List<double[]> processed = new ArrayList<double[]>();
    if (output.getAllDataGeneratorReferences().isEmpty()) {
        report.messages.add(new ExecutionStatusElement(null, NO_DG_INOUTPUT_MSG, ExecutionStatusType.ERROR));
    for (String dgId : output.getAllDataGeneratorReferences()) {
        double[] mutated = new double[numRows];
        DataGenerator dg = sedml.getDataGeneratorWithId(dgId);
        if (dg == null) {
            report.messages.add(new ExecutionStatusElement(null, MISSING_DG_MESSAGE + dgId, ExecutionStatusType.ERROR));
        List<Variable> vars = dg.getListOfVariables();
        List<Parameter> params = dg.getListOfParameters();
        Map<String, String> Var2Model = new HashMap<String, String>();
        Map<String, IRawSedmlSimulationResults> var2Result = new HashMap<String, IRawSedmlSimulationResults>();
        Map<String, double[][]> var2Data = new HashMap<String, double[][]>();
        String timeID = "";
        // map varIds to result, based upon task reference
        for (Variable variable : vars) {
            String modelID;
            if (variable.isVariable()) {
                // get the task from which this result variable was
                // generated.
                modelID = variable2IDResolver.getIdFromXPathIdentifer(variable.getTarget());
                String taskRef = variable.getReference();
                AbstractTask t = sedml.getTaskWithId(taskRef);
                // get results for this task
                IRawSedmlSimulationResults res = results.get(t);
                // set up lookups to results, raw data and model ID
                var2Result.put(variable.getId(), res);
                var2Data.put(variable.getId(), rawTask2Results.get(t));
                Var2Model.put(variable.getId(), modelID);
            // it's a symbol
            } else if (variable.isSymbol() && variable.getSymbol().equals(VariableSymbol.TIME)) {
                timeID = variable.getId();
                var2Data.put(variable.getId(), rawTask2Results.values().iterator().next());
                Var2Model.put(variable.getId(), variable.getId());
        // get Parameter values
        Map<String, Double> Param2Value = new HashMap<String, Double>();
        for (Parameter p : params) {
            Param2Value.put(p.getId(), p.getValue());
        // now parse maths, and replace raw simulation results with
        // processed results.
        ASTNode node = dg.getMath();
        Set<ASTCi> identifiers = node.getIdentifiers();
        for (ASTCi var : identifiers) {
            if (var.isVector()) {
                String varName = var.getName();
                IModel2DataMappings coll = var2Result.get(varName).getMappings();
                int otherVarInx = coll.getColumnIndexFor(Var2Model.get(varName));
                if (otherVarInx < 0 || otherVarInx >= var2Result.get(varName).getNumColumns()) {
                    report.messages.add(new ExecutionStatusElement(null, NO_DATACOLuMN_FORID_MSG + var, ExecutionStatusType.ERROR));
                EvaluationContext con = new EvaluationContext();
                Double[] data = var2Result.get(varName).getDataByColumnIndex(otherVarInx);
                con.setValueFor(varName, Arrays.asList(data));
                if (var.getParentNode() == null || var.getParentNode().getParentNode() == null) {
                    report.messages.add(new ExecutionStatusElement(null, "Could not evaluate [" + var + "] as symbol does not have parent element", ExecutionStatusType.ERROR));
                if (!var.getParentNode().canEvaluate(con)) {
                    report.messages.add(new ExecutionStatusElement(null, "Could not evaluate [" + var + "] ", ExecutionStatusType.ERROR));
                ASTNumber num = var.getParentNode().evaluate(con);
                // replace vector operation with calculated value.
                var.getParentNode().getParentNode().replaceChild(var.getParentNode(), num);
        // identifiers.add(var.getSpId());
        if (identifiersMapToData(identifiers, Var2Model, Param2Value, var2Result, timeID)) {
            for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
                EvaluationContext con = new EvaluationContext();
                for (String id : Param2Value.keySet()) {
                    con.setValueFor(id, Param2Value.get(id));
                for (ASTCi var : identifiers) {
                    // we've already resolved parameters
                    if (Param2Value.get(var.getName()) != null) {
                    int otherVarInx = 0;
                    if (!var.getName().equals(timeID)) {
                        IModel2DataMappings coll = var2Result.get(var.getName()).getMappings();
                        otherVarInx = coll.getColumnIndexFor(Var2Model.get(var.getName()));
                        if (otherVarInx < 0 || otherVarInx >= var2Result.get(var.getName()).getNumColumns()) {
                            report.messages.add(new ExecutionStatusElement(null, NO_DATACOLuMN_FORID_MSG + var, ExecutionStatusType.ERROR));
                    con.setValueFor(var.getName(), var2Data.get(var.getName())[i][otherVarInx]);
                if (node.canEvaluate(con)) {
                    mutated[i] = node.evaluate(con).getValue();
                } else {
                    report.messages.add(new ExecutionStatusElement(null, COULD_NOT_EXECUTE_MATHML_FOR + dgId, ExecutionStatusType.INFO));
        } else {
            report.messages.add(new ExecutionStatusElement(null, COULD_NOT_RESOLVE_MATHML_MSG + dgId, ExecutionStatusType.ERROR));
    toReturn = createData(processed, numRows);
Also used : AbstractTask(org.jlibsedml.AbstractTask) Variable(org.jlibsedml.Variable) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ASTCi(org.jmathml.ASTCi) ASTNode(org.jmathml.ASTNode) ASTNumber(org.jmathml.ASTNumber) DataGenerator(org.jlibsedml.DataGenerator) Parameter(org.jlibsedml.Parameter) EvaluationContext(org.jmathml.EvaluationContext)

Example 5 with AbstractTask

use of org.jlibsedml.AbstractTask in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SedMLResultsProcesser2 method makeDefensiveCopyOfData.

// makes copy of result data and returns num rows
private int makeDefensiveCopyOfData(Map<AbstractTask, IRawSedmlSimulationResults> results, Map<AbstractTask, double[][]> rawTask2Results, int numRows) {
    // makes a defensive copy of all input data
    for (AbstractTask t : results.keySet()) {
        IRawSedmlSimulationResults result = results.get(t);
        numRows = result.getNumDataRows();
        // for look-up of
        double[][] toCopy = result.getData();
        double[][] original = new double[toCopy.length][];
        int in = 0;
        for (double[] row : toCopy) {
            double[] copyRow = new double[row.length];
            System.arraycopy(row, 0, copyRow, 0, row.length);
            original[in++] = copyRow;
        rawTask2Results.put(t, original);
    return numRows;
Also used : AbstractTask(org.jlibsedml.AbstractTask)


AbstractTask (org.jlibsedml.AbstractTask)11 DataGenerator (org.jlibsedml.DataGenerator)5 BioModel (cbit.vcell.biomodel.BioModel)4 SimulationContext (cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Model (org.jlibsedml.Model)4 MathMappingCallbackTaskAdapter (cbit.vcell.mapping.MathMappingCallbackTaskAdapter)3 Application (cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext.Application)3 MathMappingCallback (cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext.MathMappingCallback)3 Simulation (cbit.vcell.solver.Simulation)3 SolverDescription (cbit.vcell.solver.SolverDescription)3 FileInputStream ( ArchiveComponents (org.jlibsedml.ArchiveComponents)3 OneStep (org.jlibsedml.OneStep)3 Output (org.jlibsedml.Output)3 SteadyState (org.jlibsedml.SteadyState)3 UniformTimeCourse (org.jlibsedml.UniformTimeCourse)3 ArchiveModelResolver (org.jlibsedml.execution.ArchiveModelResolver)3 ModelResolver (org.jlibsedml.execution.ModelResolver)3 MathModel (cbit.vcell.mathmodel.MathModel)2