use of org.orekit.orbits.CircularOrbit in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class SmallManeuverAnalyticalModelTest method testJacobian.
public void testJacobian() throws OrekitException {
Frame eme2000 = FramesFactory.getEME2000();
Orbit leo = new CircularOrbit(7200000.0, -1.0e-2, 2.0e-3, FastMath.toRadians(98.0), FastMath.toRadians(123.456), 0.3, PositionAngle.MEAN, eme2000, new AbsoluteDate(new DateComponents(2004, 01, 01), new TimeComponents(23, 30, 00.000), TimeScalesFactory.getUTC()), Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_MU);
double mass = 5600.0;
AbsoluteDate t0 = leo.getDate().shiftedBy(1000.0);
Vector3D dV0 = new Vector3D(-0.1, 0.2, 0.3);
double f = 400.0;
double isp = 315.0;
for (OrbitType orbitType : OrbitType.values()) {
for (PositionAngle positionAngle : PositionAngle.values()) {
BoundedPropagator withoutManeuver = getEphemeris(orbitType.convertType(leo), mass, t0, Vector3D.ZERO, f, isp);
SpacecraftState state0 = withoutManeuver.propagate(t0);
SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel model = new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(state0, eme2000, dV0, isp);
Assert.assertEquals(t0, model.getDate());
Vector3D[] velDirs = new Vector3D[] { Vector3D.PLUS_I, Vector3D.PLUS_J, Vector3D.PLUS_K, Vector3D.ZERO };
double[] timeDirs = new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
double h = 1.0;
AbsoluteDate t1 = t0.shiftedBy(20.0);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel[] models = new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel[] { new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(withoutManeuver.propagate(t0.shiftedBy(-4 * h * timeDirs[i])), eme2000, new Vector3D(1, dV0, -4 * h, velDirs[i]), isp), new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(withoutManeuver.propagate(t0.shiftedBy(-3 * h * timeDirs[i])), eme2000, new Vector3D(1, dV0, -3 * h, velDirs[i]), isp), new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(withoutManeuver.propagate(t0.shiftedBy(-2 * h * timeDirs[i])), eme2000, new Vector3D(1, dV0, -2 * h, velDirs[i]), isp), new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(withoutManeuver.propagate(t0.shiftedBy(-1 * h * timeDirs[i])), eme2000, new Vector3D(1, dV0, -1 * h, velDirs[i]), isp), new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(withoutManeuver.propagate(t0.shiftedBy(+1 * h * timeDirs[i])), eme2000, new Vector3D(1, dV0, +1 * h, velDirs[i]), isp), new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(withoutManeuver.propagate(t0.shiftedBy(+2 * h * timeDirs[i])), eme2000, new Vector3D(1, dV0, +2 * h, velDirs[i]), isp), new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(withoutManeuver.propagate(t0.shiftedBy(+3 * h * timeDirs[i])), eme2000, new Vector3D(1, dV0, +3 * h, velDirs[i]), isp), new SmallManeuverAnalyticalModel(withoutManeuver.propagate(t0.shiftedBy(+4 * h * timeDirs[i])), eme2000, new Vector3D(1, dV0, +4 * h, velDirs[i]), isp) };
double[][] array = new double[models.length][6];
Orbit orbitWithout = withoutManeuver.propagate(t1).getOrbit();
// compute reference orbit gradient by finite differences
double c = 1.0 / (840 * h);
for (int j = 0; j < models.length; ++j) {
orbitType.mapOrbitToArray(models[j].apply(orbitWithout), positionAngle, array[j], null);
double[] orbitGradient = new double[6];
for (int k = 0; k < orbitGradient.length; ++k) {
double d4 = array[7][k] - array[0][k];
double d3 = array[6][k] - array[1][k];
double d2 = array[5][k] - array[2][k];
double d1 = array[4][k] - array[3][k];
orbitGradient[k] = (-3 * d4 + 32 * d3 - 168 * d2 + 672 * d1) * c;
// analytical Jacobian to check
double[][] jacobian = new double[6][4];
model.getJacobian(orbitWithout, positionAngle, jacobian);
for (int j = 0; j < orbitGradient.length; ++j) {
Assert.assertEquals(orbitGradient[j], jacobian[j][i], 1.6e-4 * FastMath.abs(orbitGradient[j]));
use of org.orekit.orbits.CircularOrbit in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class RelativityTest method testAccelerationCircular.
* Check a nearly circular orbit.
* @throws OrekitException on error
public void testAccelerationCircular() throws OrekitException {
double gm = Constants.EIGEN5C_EARTH_MU;
double re = Constants.WGS84_EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS;
Relativity relativity = new Relativity(gm);
final CircularOrbit orbit = new CircularOrbit(re + 500e3, 0, 0, FastMath.toRadians(41.2), -1, 3, PositionAngle.TRUE, frame, date, gm);
SpacecraftState state = new SpacecraftState(orbit);
// action
Vector3D acceleration = relativity.acceleration(state, relativity.getParameters());
// verify
// force is ~1e-8 so this give ~7 sig figs.
double tol = 2e-10;
PVCoordinates pv = state.getPVCoordinates();
Vector3D p = pv.getPosition();
Vector3D v = pv.getVelocity();
Vector3D circularApproximation = p.normalize().scalarMultiply(gm / p.getNormSq() * 3 * v.getNormSq() / (c * c));
Assert.assertEquals(0, acceleration.subtract(circularApproximation).getNorm(), tol);
// check derivatives
FieldSpacecraftState<DerivativeStructure> sDS = toDS(state, new LofOffset(state.getFrame(), LOFType.VVLH));
FieldVector3D<DerivativeStructure> gradient = relativity.acceleration(sDS, relativity.getParameters(sDS.getDate().getField()));
Assert.assertEquals(0, gradient.toVector3D().subtract(circularApproximation).getNorm(), tol);
double r = p.getNorm();
double s = v.getNorm();
final double[] actualdx = gradient.getX().getAllDerivatives();
final double x = p.getX();
final double vx = v.getX();
double expectedDxDx = gm / (c * c * r * r * r * r * r) * (-13 * x * x * s * s + 3 * r * r * s * s + 4 * r * r * vx * vx);
Assert.assertEquals(expectedDxDx, actualdx[1], 2);
use of org.orekit.orbits.CircularOrbit in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class EventDetectorTest method testIssue108Analytical.
public void testIssue108Analytical() throws OrekitException {
final TimeScale utc = TimeScalesFactory.getUTC();
final Vector3D position = new Vector3D(-6142438.668, 3492467.56, -25767.257);
final Vector3D velocity = new Vector3D(505.848, 942.781, 7435.922);
final AbsoluteDate date = new AbsoluteDate(2003, 9, 16, utc);
final Orbit orbit = new CircularOrbit(new PVCoordinates(position, velocity), FramesFactory.getEME2000(), date, mu);
final double step = 60.0;
final int n = 100;
KeplerianPropagator propagator = new KeplerianPropagator(orbit);
GCallsCounter counter = new GCallsCounter(100000.0, 1.0e-6, 20, new StopOnEvent<GCallsCounter>());
propagator.setMasterMode(step, new OrekitFixedStepHandler() {
public void handleStep(SpacecraftState currentState, boolean isLast) {
propagator.propagate(date.shiftedBy(n * step));
Assert.assertEquals(n + 1, counter.getCount());
use of org.orekit.orbits.CircularOrbit in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class EcksteinHechlerConverterTest method checkFit.
protected void checkFit(final Orbit orbit, final double duration, final double stepSize, final double threshold, final boolean positionOnly, final double expectedRMS) throws OrekitException {
// shift position by 3m
CircularOrbit modified = new CircularOrbit(new TimeStampedPVCoordinates(orbit.getDate(), new Vector3D(1, orbit.getPVCoordinates().getPosition(), 3.0, Vector3D.PLUS_J), orbit.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity()), orbit.getFrame(), orbit.getMu());
Propagator p = new EcksteinHechlerPropagator(modified, provider);
List<SpacecraftState> sample = new ArrayList<SpacecraftState>();
for (double dt = 0; dt < duration; dt += stepSize) {
UnnormalizedSphericalHarmonics harmonics = provider.onDate(orbit.getDate());
PropagatorBuilder builder = new EcksteinHechlerPropagatorBuilder(orbit, provider.getAe(), provider.getMu(), provider.getTideSystem(), harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(2, 0), harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(3, 0), harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(4, 0), harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(5, 0), harmonics.getUnnormalizedCnm(6, 0), OrbitType.CIRCULAR, PositionAngle.TRUE, 1.0);
FiniteDifferencePropagatorConverter fitter = new FiniteDifferencePropagatorConverter(builder, threshold, 1000);
fitter.convert(sample, positionOnly);
Assert.assertEquals(expectedRMS, fitter.getRMS(), 0.01 * expectedRMS);
EcksteinHechlerPropagator prop = (EcksteinHechlerPropagator) fitter.getAdaptedPropagator();
Orbit fitted = prop.getInitialState().getOrbit();
final double eps = 1.0e-12;
Assert.assertEquals(modified.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().getX(), fitted.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().getX(), eps * modified.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().getX());
Assert.assertEquals(modified.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().getY(), fitted.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().getY(), eps * modified.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().getY());
Assert.assertEquals(modified.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().getZ(), fitted.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().getZ(), eps * modified.getPVCoordinates().getPosition().getZ());
Assert.assertEquals(modified.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getX(), fitted.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getX(), eps * modified.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getX());
Assert.assertEquals(modified.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getY(), fitted.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getY(), -eps * modified.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getY());
Assert.assertEquals(modified.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getZ(), fitted.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getZ(), -eps * modified.getPVCoordinates().getVelocity().getZ());
use of org.orekit.orbits.CircularOrbit in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class EcksteinHechlerPropagator method writeReplace.
* Replace the instance with a data transfer object for serialization.
* @return data transfer object that will be serialized
* @exception NotSerializableException if an additional state provider is not serializable
private Object writeReplace() throws NotSerializableException {
try {
// managed states providers
final List<AdditionalStateProvider> serializableProviders = new ArrayList<AdditionalStateProvider>();
for (final AdditionalStateProvider provider : getAdditionalStateProviders()) {
if (provider instanceof Serializable) {
} else {
throw new NotSerializableException(provider.getClass().getName());
// states transitions
final AbsoluteDate[] transitionDates;
final CircularOrbit[] allOrbits;
final double[] allMasses;
final SortedSet<TimeSpanMap.Transition<EHModel>> transitions = models.getTransitions();
if (transitions.size() == 1 && transitions.first().getBefore() == transitions.first().getAfter()) {
// the single entry is a dummy one, without a real transition
// we ignore it completely
transitionDates = null;
allOrbits = null;
allMasses = null;
} else {
transitionDates = new AbsoluteDate[transitions.size()];
allOrbits = new CircularOrbit[transitions.size() + 1];
allMasses = new double[transitions.size() + 1];
int i = 0;
for (final TimeSpanMap.Transition<EHModel> transition : transitions) {
if (i == 0) {
// model before the first transition
allOrbits[i] = transition.getBefore().mean;
allMasses[i] = transition.getBefore().mass;
transitionDates[i] = transition.getDate();
allOrbits[++i] = transition.getAfter().mean;
allMasses[i] = transition.getAfter().mass;
return new DataTransferObject(getInitialState().getOrbit(), initialModel.mass, referenceRadius, mu, ck0, getAttitudeProvider(), transitionDates, allOrbits, allMasses, serializableProviders.toArray(new AdditionalStateProvider[serializableProviders.size()]));
} catch (OrekitException orekitException) {
// this should never happen
throw new OrekitInternalError(null);