use of org.orekit.time.TimeComponents in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class EME2000ProviderTest method testAASReferenceLEO.
public void testAASReferenceLEO() throws OrekitException {
// this reference test has been extracted from the following paper:
// Implementation Issues Surrounding the New IAU Reference Systems for Astrodynamics
// David A. Vallado, John H. Seago, P. Kenneth Seidelmann
AbsoluteDate t0 = new AbsoluteDate(new DateComponents(2004, 04, 06), new TimeComponents(07, 51, 28.386009), TimeScalesFactory.getUTC());
Transform t = FramesFactory.getGCRF().getTransformTo(FramesFactory.getEME2000(), t0);
PVCoordinates pvGcrfIau2000A = new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(5102508.9579, 6123011.4038, 6378136.9252), new Vector3D(-4743.220156, 790.536497, 5533.755728));
PVCoordinates pvEME2000EqA = new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(5102509.0383, 6123011.9758, 6378136.3118), new Vector3D(-4743.219766, 790.536344, 5533.756084));
checkPV(pvEME2000EqA, t.transformPVCoordinates(pvGcrfIau2000A), 1.1e-4, 2.6e-7);
PVCoordinates pvGcrfIau2000B = new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(5102508.9579, 6123011.4012, 6378136.9277), new Vector3D(-4743.220156, 790.536495, 5533.755729));
PVCoordinates pvEME2000EqB = new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(5102509.0383, 6123011.9733, 6378136.3142), new Vector3D(-4743.219766, 790.536342, 5533.756085));
checkPV(pvEME2000EqB, t.transformPVCoordinates(pvGcrfIau2000B), 7.4e-5, 2.6e-7);
use of org.orekit.time.TimeComponents in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class MODProviderTest method testAASReferenceLEO.
public void testAASReferenceLEO() throws OrekitException {
// this reference test has been extracted from the following paper:
// Implementation Issues Surrounding the New IAU Reference Systems for Astrodynamics
// David A. Vallado, John H. Seago, P. Kenneth Seidelmann
AbsoluteDate t0 = new AbsoluteDate(new DateComponents(2004, 04, 06), new TimeComponents(07, 51, 28.386009), TimeScalesFactory.getUTC());
Transform tt = FramesFactory.getGCRF().getTransformTo(FramesFactory.getMOD(IERSConventions.IERS_1996), t0);
// GCRF iau76 w corr
PVCoordinates pvGCRFiau76 = new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(5102508.9579, 6123011.4007, 6378136.9282), new Vector3D(-4743.220157, 790.536497, 5533.755727));
double norm = pvGCRFiau76.getPosition().getNorm();
// MOD iau76 w corr
PVCoordinates pvMODiau76Wcorr = new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(5094028.3745, 6127870.8164, 6380248.5164), new Vector3D(-4746.263052, 786.014045, 5531.790562));
checkPV(pvMODiau76Wcorr, tt.transformPVCoordinates(pvGCRFiau76), 9e-12 * norm, 7.3e-7);
Transform tf = FramesFactory.getEME2000().getTransformTo(FramesFactory.getMOD(false), t0);
// J2000 iau76
PVCoordinates pvJ2000iau76 = new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(5102509.6000, 6123011.5200, 6378136.3000), new Vector3D(-4743.219600, 790.536600, 5533.756190));
// MOD iau76
PVCoordinates pvMODiau76 = new PVCoordinates(new Vector3D(5094029.0167, 6127870.9363, 6380247.8885), new Vector3D(-4746.262495, 786.014149, 5531.791025));
checkPV(pvMODiau76, tf.transformPVCoordinates(pvJ2000iau76), 9e-12 * norm, 3.1e-7);
use of org.orekit.time.TimeComponents in project Orekit by CS-SI.
the class DEFile method extractDate.
* Extract a date from a record.
* @param record record to parse
* @param offset offset of the double within the record
* @param bigEndian if <code>true</code> the parsed date is extracted in big-endian
* format, otherwise it is extracted in little-endian format
* @return extracted date
private AbsoluteDate extractDate(final byte[] record, final int offset, final boolean bigEndian) {
final double t = extractDouble(record, offset, bigEndian);
int jDay = (int) FastMath.floor(t);
double seconds = (t + 0.5 - jDay) * Constants.JULIAN_DAY;
if (seconds >= Constants.JULIAN_DAY) {
seconds -= Constants.JULIAN_DAY;
final AbsoluteDate date = new AbsoluteDate(new DateComponents(DateComponents.JULIAN_EPOCH, jDay), new TimeComponents(seconds), timeScale);
return date;