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Example 1 with SBMLReader

use of org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLReader in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class SBMLImporter method getBioModel.

// /**
// * @ TODO: This method doesn't take care of adjusting species in nested
// parameter rules with the species_concetration_factor.
// * @param kinetics
// * @param paramExpr
// * @throws ExpressionException
// */
// private void substituteOtherGlobalParams(Kinetics kinetics, Expression
// paramExpr) throws ExpressionException, PropertyVetoException {
// String[] exprSymbols = paramExpr.getSymbols();
// if (exprSymbols == null || exprSymbols.length == 0) {
// return;
// }
// Model vcModel = vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0).getModel();
// for (int kk = 0; kk < exprSymbols.length; kk++) {
// ModelParameter mp = vcModel.getModelParameter(exprSymbols[kk]);
// if (mp != null) {
// Expression expr = mp.getExpression();
// if (expr != null) {
// Expression newExpr = new Expression(expr);
// substituteGlobalParamRulesInPlace(newExpr, false);
// // param has constant value, add it as a kinetic parameter if it is not
// already in the kinetics
// kinetics.setParameterValue(exprSymbols[kk], newExpr.infix());
// kinetics.getKineticsParameter(exprSymbols[kk]).setUnitDefinition(getSBMLUnit(sbmlModel.getParameter(exprSymbols[kk]).getUnits(),
// null));
// if (newExpr.getSymbols() != null) {
// substituteOtherGlobalParams(kinetics, newExpr);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
 * parse SBML file into biomodel logs errors to log4j if present in source
 * document
 * @return new Biomodel
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws XMLStreamException
public BioModel getBioModel() throws XMLStreamException, IOException {
    SBMLDocument document;
    String output = "didn't check";
    try {
        if (sbmlFileName != null) {
            // Read SBML model into libSBML SBMLDocument and create an SBML model
            SBMLReader reader = new SBMLReader();
            document = reader.readSBML(sbmlFileName);
            // document.checkConsistencyOffline();
            // long numProblems = document.getNumErrors();
            // System.out.println("\n\nSBML Import Error Report");
            // ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            // PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(os);
            // document.printErrors(ps);
            // String output = os.toString();
            // if (numProblems > 0 && lg.isEnabledFor(Level.WARN)) {
            // lg.warn("Num problems in original SBML document : " + numProblems);
            // lg.warn(output);
            // }
            sbmlModel = document.getModel();
            if (sbmlModel == null) {
                throw new SBMLImportException("Unable to read SBML file : \n" + output);
        } else {
            if (sbmlModel == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Expected non-null SBML model");
            document = sbmlModel.getSBMLDocument();
        // Convert SBML Model to VCell model
        // An SBML model will correspond to a simcontext - which needs a
        // Model and a Geometry
        // SBML handles only nonspatial geometries at this time, hence
        // creating a non-spatial default geometry
        String modelName = sbmlModel.getId();
        if (modelName == null || modelName.trim().equals("")) {
            modelName = sbmlModel.getName();
        // name, say 'newModel'
        if (modelName == null || modelName.trim().equals("")) {
            modelName = "newModel";
        // get namespace based on SBML model level and version to use in
        // SBMLAnnotationUtil
        this.level = sbmlModel.getLevel();
        // this.version = sbmlModel.getVersion();
        String ns = document.getNamespace();
        try {
            // create SBML unit system for the model and create the bioModel.
            ModelUnitSystem modelUnitSystem;
            try {
                modelUnitSystem = createSBMLUnitSystemForVCModel();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new SBMLImportException("Inconsistent unit system. Cannot import SBML model into VCell", Category.INCONSISTENT_UNIT, e);
            Geometry geometry = new Geometry(BioModelChildSummary.COMPARTMENTAL_GEO_STR, 0);
            vcBioModel = new BioModel(null, modelUnitSystem);
            SimulationContext simulationContext = new SimulationContext(vcBioModel.getModel(), geometry, null, null, Application.NETWORK_DETERMINISTIC);
        // vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0).setName(vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0).getModel().getName()+"_"+vcBioModel.getSimulationContext(0).getGeometry().getName());
        } catch (PropertyVetoException e) {
            throw new SBMLImportException("Could not create simulation context corresponding to the input SBML model", e);
        // SBML annotation
        sbmlAnnotationUtil = new SBMLAnnotationUtil(vcBioModel.getVCMetaData(), vcBioModel, ns);
        try {
            // **** TEMPORARY BLOCK - to name the biomodel with proper name,
            // rather than model id
            String biomodelName = sbmlModel.getName();
            // if name is not set, use id
            if ((biomodelName == null) || biomodelName.trim().equals("")) {
                biomodelName = sbmlModel.getId();
            // if id is not set, use a default, say, 'newModel'
            if ((biomodelName == null) || biomodelName.trim().equals("")) {
                biomodelName = "newBioModel";
        // **** end - TEMPORARY BLOCK
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SBMLImportException("Could not create Biomodel", e);
        sbmlAnnotationUtil.readAnnotation(vcBioModel, sbmlModel);
        sbmlAnnotationUtil.readNotes(vcBioModel, sbmlModel);
        Issue[] warningIssues = localIssueList.toArray(new Issue[localIssueList.size()]);
        if (warningIssues != null && warningIssues.length > 0) {
            StringBuffer messageBuffer = new StringBuffer("Issues encountered during SBML Import:\n");
            int issueCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < warningIssues.length; i++) {
                if (warningIssues[i].getSeverity() == Issue.SEVERITY_WARNING || warningIssues[i].getSeverity() == Issue.SEVERITY_INFO) {
                    messageBuffer.append(warningIssues[i].getCategory() + " " + warningIssues[i].getSeverityName() + " : " + warningIssues[i].getMessage() + "\n");
            if (issueCount > 0) {
                try {
                    logger.sendMessage(VCLogger.Priority.MediumPriority, VCLogger.ErrorType.OverallWarning, messageBuffer.toString());
                } catch (Exception e) {
            // PopupGenerator.showWarningDialog(requester,messageBuffer.toString(),new
            // String[] { "OK" }, "OK");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new SBMLImportException("Unable to read SBML file : \n" + output, e);
    return vcBioModel;
Also used : SBMLReader(org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLReader) Issue(org.vcell.util.Issue) SBMLDocument(org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLDocument) SimulationContext(cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext) XMLStreamException( SbmlException(org.vcell.sbml.SbmlException) IOException( PropertyVetoException(java.beans.PropertyVetoException) SBMLException(org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLException) ModelPropertyVetoException(cbit.vcell.model.ModelPropertyVetoException) ExpressionException(cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException) InteriorPoint(org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.InteriorPoint) Geometry(cbit.vcell.geometry.Geometry) SampledFieldGeometry(org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.SampledFieldGeometry) AnalyticGeometry(org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.AnalyticGeometry) ParametricGeometry(org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.ParametricGeometry) CSGeometry(org.sbml.jsbml.ext.spatial.CSGeometry) PropertyVetoException(java.beans.PropertyVetoException) ModelPropertyVetoException(cbit.vcell.model.ModelPropertyVetoException) BioModel(cbit.vcell.biomodel.BioModel) ModelUnitSystem(cbit.vcell.model.ModelUnitSystem)

Example 2 with SBMLReader

use of org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLReader in project vcell by virtualcell.

the class ProjectService method load.

public Task<Project, String> load(File root) {
    final Task<Project, String> task = new Task<Project, String>() {

        protected Project doInBackground() throws Exception {
            Project project = new Project(root.getName());
            String rootPath = root.getAbsolutePath();
            File[] dataFiles = Paths.get(rootPath, "data").toFile().listFiles();
            File[] geometryFiles = Paths.get(rootPath, "geometry").toFile().listFiles();
            File[] modelDirectories = Paths.get(rootPath, "models").toFile().listFiles();
            File[] resultsFiles = Paths.get(rootPath, "results").toFile().listFiles();
            int numFiles = dataFiles.length + geometryFiles.length + modelDirectories.length + resultsFiles.length;
            int numLoaded = 0;
            if (dataFiles != null) {
                for (File dataFile : dataFiles) {
                    try {
                        Dataset data =;
                        setProgress(numLoaded * 100 / numFiles);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
            if (geometryFiles != null) {
                for (File geometryFile : geometryFiles) {
                    try {
                        Dataset geometry =;
                        // Geometry datasets are saved as 8-bit images so we must convert back to 1-bit
                        if (geometry.firstElement() instanceof UnsignedByteType) {
                            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Img<UnsignedByteType> img = (Img<UnsignedByteType>) geometry.getImgPlus().getImg();
                            Img<BitType> converted = opService.convert().bit(img);
                            ImgPlus<BitType> convertedImgPlus = new ImgPlus<>(converted, geometry.getName());
                        setProgress(numLoaded * 100 / numFiles);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
            if (modelDirectories != null) {
                for (File modelDirectory : modelDirectories) {
                    SBMLDocument sbmlDocument = null;
                    BufferedImage image = null;
                    File[] modelFiles = modelDirectory.listFiles();
                    // Invalid model directory
                    if (modelFiles.length > 2)
                    for (File modelFile : modelFiles) {
                        if (FilenameUtils.getExtension(modelFile.getName()).equals("xml")) {
                            sbmlDocument = new SBMLReader().readSBML(modelFile);
                            System.out.println("Loaded sbml");
                        } else if (FilenameUtils.getExtension(modelFile.getName()).equals("png")) {
                            image =;
                            System.out.println("Loaded image");
                    if (sbmlDocument != null) {
                        VCellModel vCellModel = new VCellModel(modelDirectory.getName(), null, sbmlDocument);
                        System.out.println("Added model");
                    setProgress(numLoaded * 100 / numFiles);
            if (resultsFiles != null) {
                for (File resultsFile : resultsFiles) {
                    try {
                        Dataset results =;
                        // Loading 1-dimensional tif images adds a dimension
                        // so must crop out empty dimensions
                        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ImgPlus<T> imgPlus = (ImgPlus<T>) results.getImgPlus();
                        int numDimensions = imgPlus.numDimensions();
                        long[] dimensions = new long[2 * imgPlus.numDimensions()];
                        for (int i = 0; i < numDimensions; i++) {
                            dimensions[i] = 0;
                            dimensions[i + numDimensions] = imgPlus.dimension(i) - 1;
                        FinalInterval interval = Intervals.createMinMax(dimensions);
                        ImgPlus<T> cropped = opService.transform().crop(imgPlus, interval, true);
                        setProgress(numLoaded * 100 / numFiles);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
            currentProjectRoot = root;
            return project;
    return task;
Also used : Task(org.vcell.imagej.common.gui.Task) SBMLDocument(org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLDocument) UnsignedByteType(net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.UnsignedByteType) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) BitType(net.imglib2.type.logic.BitType) Img(net.imglib2.img.Img) SBMLReader(org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLReader) ImgPlus(net.imagej.ImgPlus) Dataset(net.imagej.Dataset) IOException( VCellModel(org.vcell.imagej.common.vcell.VCellModel) FinalInterval(net.imglib2.FinalInterval) File(


IOException ( SBMLDocument (org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLDocument)2 SBMLReader (org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLReader)2 BioModel (cbit.vcell.biomodel.BioModel)1 Geometry (cbit.vcell.geometry.Geometry)1 SimulationContext (cbit.vcell.mapping.SimulationContext)1 ModelPropertyVetoException (cbit.vcell.model.ModelPropertyVetoException)1 ModelUnitSystem (cbit.vcell.model.ModelUnitSystem)1 ExpressionException (cbit.vcell.parser.ExpressionException)1 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)1 PropertyVetoException (java.beans.PropertyVetoException)1 File ( XMLStreamException ( Dataset (net.imagej.Dataset)1 ImgPlus (net.imagej.ImgPlus)1 FinalInterval (net.imglib2.FinalInterval)1 Img (net.imglib2.img.Img)1 BitType (net.imglib2.type.logic.BitType)1 UnsignedByteType (net.imglib2.type.numeric.integer.UnsignedByteType)1 SBMLException (org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLException)1