use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class MovementDebugCommands method restoreSpeed.
@Command(shortDescription = "Restore normal speed values", runOnServer = true, requiredPermission = PermissionManager.CHEAT_PERMISSION)
public String restoreSpeed(@Sender EntityRef client) {
ClientComponent clientComp = client.getComponent(ClientComponent.class);
Optional<Prefab> prefab = Assets.get(new ResourceUrn("engine:player"), Prefab.class);
CharacterMovementComponent moveDefault = prefab.get().getComponent(CharacterMovementComponent.class);
CharacterMovementComponent move = clientComp.character.getComponent(CharacterMovementComponent.class);
if (move != null && moveDefault != null) {
move.jumpSpeed = moveDefault.jumpSpeed;
move.speedMultiplier = moveDefault.speedMultiplier;
move.runFactor = moveDefault.runFactor;
move.stepHeight = moveDefault.stepHeight;
move.slopeFactor = moveDefault.slopeFactor;
move.distanceBetweenFootsteps = moveDefault.distanceBetweenFootsteps;
return "Normal speed values restored";
use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class MovementDebugCommands method showHeight.
@Command(shortDescription = "Show your Height", requiredPermission = PermissionManager.CHEAT_PERMISSION)
public String showHeight(@Sender EntityRef client) {
ClientComponent clientComp = client.getComponent(ClientComponent.class);
CharacterMovementComponent move = clientComp.character.getComponent(CharacterMovementComponent.class);
float height = move.height;
GazeMountPointComponent gazeMountPointComponent = clientComp.character.getComponent(GazeMountPointComponent.class);
float eyeHeight = gazeMountPointComponent.translate.y;
return "Your height: " + height + " Eye-height: " + eyeHeight;
use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class MovementDebugCommands method teleportPlayerToPlayer.
@Command(shortDescription = "Teleport User1 to User2", runOnServer = true, requiredPermission = PermissionManager.USER_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION)
public String teleportPlayerToPlayer(@CommandParam("usernameFrom") String usernameFrom, @CommandParam("usernameTo") String usernameTo) {
if (usernameFrom.equalsIgnoreCase(usernameTo)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Why teleport to yourself...");
EntityRef entityFrom = null;
EntityRef entityTo = null;
boolean foundEntityFrom = false;
boolean foundEntityTo = false;
for (EntityRef clientEntity : entityManager.getEntitiesWith(ClientComponent.class)) {
EntityRef clientInfo = clientEntity.getComponent(ClientComponent.class).clientInfo;
DisplayNameComponent name = clientInfo.getComponent(DisplayNameComponent.class);
if (!foundEntityFrom && usernameFrom.equalsIgnoreCase( {
entityFrom = clientEntity;
foundEntityFrom = true;
} else if (!foundEntityTo && usernameTo.equalsIgnoreCase( {
entityTo = clientEntity;
foundEntityTo = true;
if (foundEntityFrom && foundEntityTo) {
if (!foundEntityFrom) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such user '" + usernameFrom + "'");
if (!foundEntityTo) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such user '" + usernameTo + "'");
LocationComponent locationComponent = entityTo.getComponent(LocationComponent.class);
if (locationComponent != null) {
Vector3f vLocation = locationComponent.getWorldPosition();
ClientComponent clientComp = entityFrom.getComponent(ClientComponent.class);
if (clientComp != null) {
clientComp.character.send(new CharacterTeleportEvent(vLocation));
return "Teleporting " + usernameFrom + " to " + usernameTo + " at " + vLocation.x + " " + vLocation.y + " " + vLocation.z;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("User " + usernameTo + " has an invalid location.");
use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class MovementDebugCommands method teleportCommand.
@Command(value = "teleport", shortDescription = "Teleports you to a location", runOnServer = true, requiredPermission = PermissionManager.CHEAT_PERMISSION)
public String teleportCommand(@Sender EntityRef sender, @CommandParam("x") float x, @CommandParam("y") float y, @CommandParam("z") float z) {
ClientComponent clientComp = sender.getComponent(ClientComponent.class);
clientComp.character.send(new CharacterTeleportEvent(new Vector3f(x, y, z)));
return "Teleporting to " + x + " " + y + " " + z;
use of in project Terasology by MovingBlocks.
the class PermissionCommands method removePermission.
@Command(shortDescription = "Removes specified permission from player", helpText = "Removes specified permission from player", runOnServer = true, requiredPermission = PermissionManager.USER_MANAGEMENT_PERMISSION)
public String removePermission(@CommandParam(value = "player", suggester = UsernameSuggester.class) String player, @CommandParam("permission") String permission, @Sender EntityRef requester) {
boolean permissionGiven = false;
ClientComponent requesterClientComponent = requester.getComponent(ClientComponent.class);
EntityRef requesterClientInfo = requesterClientComponent.clientInfo;
if (!permissionManager.hasPermission(requesterClientInfo, permission)) {
return String.format("You can't remove the permission %s because you don't have it yourself", permission);
for (EntityRef client : entityManager.getEntitiesWith(ClientComponent.class)) {
ClientComponent clientComponent = client.getComponent(ClientComponent.class);
if (clientHasName(clientComponent, player)) {
permissionManager.removePermission(clientComponent.clientInfo, permission);
permissionGiven = true;
if (permissionGiven) {
return "Permission " + permission + " removed from player " + player;
} else {
return "Unable to find player " + player;