use of org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestPlansSubQueries method testReplicatedGroupbyLIMIT.
public void testReplicatedGroupbyLIMIT() {
AbstractPlanNode pn;
AbstractPlanNode aggNode;
pn = compile("select A, C FROM (SELECT * FROM R1 WHERE A > 3 Limit 3) T1 ");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1", "A", "C");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "R1", "A", "C", "D");
checkPredicateComparisonExpression(pn, "R1");
assertEquals(((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getInlinePlanNodes().size(), 2);
assertNotNull(((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.PROJECTION));
assertNotNull(((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.LIMIT));
// inline limit and projection node.
pn = compile("select A, SUM(D) FROM (SELECT A, D FROM R1 WHERE A > 3 Limit 3 ) T1 Group by A");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SeqScanPlanNode);
aggNode = pn.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.HASHAGGREGATE);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "R1", "A", "D");
checkPredicateComparisonExpression(pn, "R1");
assertEquals(((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getInlinePlanNodes().size(), 2);
assertNotNull(((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.PROJECTION));
assertNotNull(((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.LIMIT));
// add order by node, without inline limit and projection node.
pn = compile("select A, SUM(D) FROM (SELECT A, D FROM R1 WHERE A > 3 ORDER BY D Limit 3 ) T1 Group by A");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
aggNode = pn.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.HASHAGGREGATE);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
// inline limit with order by
assertTrue(pn instanceof OrderByPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "R1", "A", "D");
checkPredicateComparisonExpression(pn, "R1");
assertEquals(((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getInlinePlanNodes().size(), 1);
assertNotNull(((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.PROJECTION));
pn = compile("select A, SUM(D) FROM (SELECT A, D FROM R1 WHERE A > 3 ORDER BY D Limit 3 ) T1 Group by A HAVING SUM(D) < 3");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
if (pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode) {
pn = pn.getChild(0);
aggNode = pn.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.HASHAGGREGATE);
assertNotNull(((HashAggregatePlanNode) aggNode).getPostPredicate());
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
// inline limit with order by
assertTrue(pn instanceof OrderByPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "R1", "A", "D");
checkPredicateComparisonExpression(pn, "R1");
assertEquals(((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getInlinePlanNodes().size(), 1);
assertNotNull(((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.PROJECTION));
pn = compile("select A, SUM(D)*COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT A, D FROM R1 WHERE A > 3 ORDER BY D Limit 3 ) T1 Group by A HAVING SUM(D) < 3");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
// complex aggregation
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
aggNode = pn.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.HASHAGGREGATE);
assertNotNull(((HashAggregatePlanNode) aggNode).getPostPredicate());
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
// inline limit with order by
assertTrue(pn instanceof OrderByPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "R1", "A", "D");
checkPredicateComparisonExpression(pn, "R1");
assertEquals(((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getInlinePlanNodes().size(), 1);
assertNotNull(((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.PROJECTION));
pn = compile("select A, SUM(D) FROM (SELECT A, D FROM R1 WHERE A > 3 ORDER BY D Limit 3 ) T1 Group by A HAVING AVG(D) < 3");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
// complex aggregation
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
aggNode = pn.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.HASHAGGREGATE);
assertNotNull(((HashAggregatePlanNode) aggNode).getPostPredicate());
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
// inline limit with order by
assertTrue(pn instanceof OrderByPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "R1", "A", "D");
checkPredicateComparisonExpression(pn, "R1");
assertEquals(((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getInlinePlanNodes().size(), 1);
assertNotNull(((SeqScanPlanNode) pn).getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.PROJECTION));
// Aggregation inside of the from clause
pn = compile("select A FROM (SELECT A, SUM(C) FROM R1 WHERE A > 3 GROUP BY A ORDER BY A Limit 3) T1 ");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SeqScanPlanNode);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1", "A");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
// inline limit with order by
assertTrue(pn instanceof OrderByPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
aggNode = pn.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.HASHAGGREGATE);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SeqScanPlanNode);
checkSeqScan(pn, "R1");
pn = compile("select SC, SUM(A) as SA FROM (SELECT A, SUM(C) as SC, MAX(D) as MD FROM R1 " + "WHERE A > 3 GROUP BY A ORDER BY A Limit 3) T1 " + "Group by SC");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
aggNode = pn.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.HASHAGGREGATE);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SeqScanPlanNode);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
// inline limit with order by
assertTrue(pn instanceof OrderByPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.HASHAGGREGATE) != null);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SeqScanPlanNode);
checkSeqScan(pn, "R1");
use of org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestSelfJoins method testIndexedSelfJoin.
public void testIndexedSelfJoin() {
IndexScanPlanNode c;
AbstractPlanNode apn;
AbstractPlanNode pn;
NestLoopIndexPlanNode nlij;
List<AbstractExpression> searchKeys;
// SELF JOIN using two different indexes on the same table
// sometimes with a surviving sort ordering that supports GROUP BY and/or ORDER BY.
apn = compile("select * FROM R2 A, R2 B WHERE A.A = B.A AND B.C > 1 ORDER BY B.C");
//* for debug */ System.out.println(apn.toExplainPlanString());
// Some day, the wasteful projection node will not be here to skip.
pn = apn.getChild(0).getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof NestLoopIndexPlanNode);
nlij = (NestLoopIndexPlanNode) pn;
assertEquals(1, nlij.getChildCount());
c = (IndexScanPlanNode) nlij.getChild(0);
assertEquals(IndexLookupType.GT, c.getLookupType());
searchKeys = c.getSearchKeyExpressions();
assertEquals(1, searchKeys.size());
assertTrue(searchKeys.get(0) instanceof ConstantValueExpression);
c = (IndexScanPlanNode) nlij.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.INDEXSCAN);
assertEquals(IndexLookupType.GTE, c.getLookupType());
searchKeys = c.getSearchKeyExpressions();
assertEquals(1, searchKeys.size());
assertTrue(searchKeys.get(0) instanceof TupleValueExpression);
apn = compile("select * FROM R2 A, R2 B WHERE A.A = B.A AND B.C > 1 ORDER BY B.A, B.C");
//* for debug */ System.out.println(apn.toExplainPlanString());
// Some day, the wasteful projection node will not be here to skip.
pn = apn.getChild(0).getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof OrderByPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof NestLoopIndexPlanNode);
nlij = (NestLoopIndexPlanNode) pn;
assertEquals(1, nlij.getChildCount());
c = (IndexScanPlanNode) nlij.getChild(0);
assertEquals(IndexLookupType.GT, c.getLookupType());
searchKeys = c.getSearchKeyExpressions();
assertEquals(1, searchKeys.size());
assertTrue(searchKeys.get(0) instanceof ConstantValueExpression);
c = (IndexScanPlanNode) nlij.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.INDEXSCAN);
assertEquals(IndexLookupType.GTE, c.getLookupType());
searchKeys = c.getSearchKeyExpressions();
assertEquals(1, searchKeys.size());
assertTrue(searchKeys.get(0) instanceof TupleValueExpression);
apn = compile("select * FROM R2 A, R2 B WHERE A.A = B.A AND B.A > 1 ORDER BY B.A, B.C");
//* for debug */ System.out.println(apn.toExplainPlanString());
// Some day, the wasteful projection node will not be here to skip.
pn = apn.getChild(0).getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof NestLoopIndexPlanNode);
nlij = (NestLoopIndexPlanNode) pn;
assertEquals(1, nlij.getChildCount());
assertTrue(nlij.getChild(0) instanceof IndexScanPlanNode);
c = (IndexScanPlanNode) nlij.getChild(0);
assertEquals(IndexLookupType.GT, c.getLookupType());
searchKeys = c.getSearchKeyExpressions();
assertEquals(1, searchKeys.size());
assertTrue(searchKeys.get(0) instanceof ConstantValueExpression);
c = (IndexScanPlanNode) nlij.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.INDEXSCAN);
assertEquals(IndexLookupType.GTE, c.getLookupType());
searchKeys = c.getSearchKeyExpressions();
assertEquals(1, searchKeys.size());
assertTrue(searchKeys.get(0) instanceof TupleValueExpression);
apn = compile("select B.C, MAX(A.C) FROM R2 A, R2 B WHERE A.A = B.A AND B.C > 1 GROUP BY B.C ORDER BY B.C");
//* for debug */ System.out.println(apn.toExplainPlanString());
// Some day, the wasteful projection node will not be here to skip.
pn = apn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof NestLoopIndexPlanNode);
nlij = (NestLoopIndexPlanNode) pn;
assertEquals(1, nlij.getChildCount());
c = (IndexScanPlanNode) nlij.getChild(0);
assertEquals(IndexLookupType.GT, c.getLookupType());
searchKeys = c.getSearchKeyExpressions();
assertEquals(1, searchKeys.size());
assertTrue(searchKeys.get(0) instanceof ConstantValueExpression);
c = (IndexScanPlanNode) nlij.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.INDEXSCAN);
assertEquals(IndexLookupType.GTE, c.getLookupType());
searchKeys = c.getSearchKeyExpressions();
assertEquals(1, searchKeys.size());
assertTrue(searchKeys.get(0) instanceof TupleValueExpression);
apn = compile("select B.C, B.A FROM R2 A, R2 B WHERE A.A = B.A AND B.C > 1 GROUP BY B.A, B.C ORDER BY B.A, B.C");
//* for debug */ System.out.println(apn.toExplainPlanString());
// Some day, the wasteful projection node will not be here to skip.
pn = apn.getChild(0).getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof OrderByPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof NestLoopIndexPlanNode);
nlij = (NestLoopIndexPlanNode) pn;
assertEquals(1, nlij.getChildCount());
c = (IndexScanPlanNode) nlij.getChild(0);
assertEquals(IndexLookupType.GT, c.getLookupType());
searchKeys = c.getSearchKeyExpressions();
assertEquals(1, searchKeys.size());
assertTrue(searchKeys.get(0) instanceof ConstantValueExpression);
c = (IndexScanPlanNode) nlij.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.INDEXSCAN);
assertEquals(IndexLookupType.GTE, c.getLookupType());
searchKeys = c.getSearchKeyExpressions();
assertEquals(1, searchKeys.size());
assertTrue(searchKeys.get(0) instanceof TupleValueExpression);
apn = compile("select B.C, B.A FROM R2 A, R2 B WHERE A.A = B.A AND B.A > 1 GROUP BY B.A, B.C ORDER BY B.A, B.C");
//* for debug */ System.out.println(apn.toExplainPlanString());
pn = apn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof NestLoopIndexPlanNode);
nlij = (NestLoopIndexPlanNode) pn;
assertEquals(1, nlij.getChildCount());
assertTrue(nlij.getChild(0) instanceof IndexScanPlanNode);
c = (IndexScanPlanNode) nlij.getChild(0);
assertEquals(IndexLookupType.GT, c.getLookupType());
searchKeys = c.getSearchKeyExpressions();
assertEquals(1, searchKeys.size());
assertTrue(searchKeys.get(0) instanceof ConstantValueExpression);
c = (IndexScanPlanNode) nlij.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.INDEXSCAN);
assertEquals(IndexLookupType.GTE, c.getLookupType());
searchKeys = c.getSearchKeyExpressions();
assertEquals(1, searchKeys.size());
assertTrue(searchKeys.get(0) instanceof TupleValueExpression);
// Here's a case that can't be optimized because it purposely uses the "wrong" column
// in the GROUP BY and ORDER BY.
apn = compile("select B.C FROM R2 A, R2 B WHERE B.A = A.A AND B.C > 1 GROUP BY A.A, B.C ORDER BY A.A, B.C");
//* for debug */ System.out.println(apn.toExplainPlanString());
// Complex ORDER BY case: GROUP BY column that is not in the display column list
pn = apn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof OrderByPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof NestLoopIndexPlanNode);
nlij = (NestLoopIndexPlanNode) pn;
assertEquals(1, nlij.getChildCount());
c = (IndexScanPlanNode) nlij.getChild(0);
assertEquals(IndexLookupType.GT, c.getLookupType());
searchKeys = c.getSearchKeyExpressions();
assertEquals(1, searchKeys.size());
assertTrue(searchKeys.get(0) instanceof ConstantValueExpression);
c = (IndexScanPlanNode) nlij.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.INDEXSCAN);
assertEquals(IndexLookupType.GTE, c.getLookupType());
searchKeys = c.getSearchKeyExpressions();
assertEquals(1, searchKeys.size());
assertTrue(searchKeys.get(0) instanceof TupleValueExpression);
// Here's a case that can't be optimized because it purposely uses the "wrong" column
// in the GROUP BY and ORDER BY.
apn = compile("select B.C FROM R2 A, R2 B WHERE B.A = A.A AND B.C > 1 GROUP BY A.A, B.C ORDER BY B.C");
//* for debug */ System.out.println(apn.toExplainPlanString());
// Project-first case: GROUP BY column that is not in the order by or the display column list
pn = apn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof OrderByPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
//TODO: This represents a missed optimization.
// The projection could have been inlined.
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof NestLoopIndexPlanNode);
nlij = (NestLoopIndexPlanNode) pn;
assertEquals(1, nlij.getChildCount());
c = (IndexScanPlanNode) nlij.getChild(0);
assertEquals(IndexLookupType.GT, c.getLookupType());
searchKeys = c.getSearchKeyExpressions();
assertEquals(1, searchKeys.size());
assertTrue(searchKeys.get(0) instanceof ConstantValueExpression);
c = (IndexScanPlanNode) nlij.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.INDEXSCAN);
assertEquals(IndexLookupType.GTE, c.getLookupType());
searchKeys = c.getSearchKeyExpressions();
assertEquals(1, searchKeys.size());
assertTrue(searchKeys.get(0) instanceof TupleValueExpression);
// This variant shows that the GROUP BY can be a permutation of the sort order
// without messing up the optimization
apn = compile("select B.C, B.A FROM R2 A, R2 B WHERE A.A = B.A AND B.A > 1 GROUP BY B.C, B.A ORDER BY B.A, B.C");
//* for debug */ System.out.println(apn.toExplainPlanString());
// Some day, the wasteful projection node will not be here to skip.
pn = apn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof NestLoopIndexPlanNode);
nlij = (NestLoopIndexPlanNode) pn;
assertEquals(1, nlij.getChildCount());
assertTrue(nlij.getChild(0) instanceof IndexScanPlanNode);
c = (IndexScanPlanNode) nlij.getChild(0);
assertEquals(IndexLookupType.GT, c.getLookupType());
searchKeys = c.getSearchKeyExpressions();
assertEquals(1, searchKeys.size());
assertTrue(searchKeys.get(0) instanceof ConstantValueExpression);
c = (IndexScanPlanNode) nlij.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.INDEXSCAN);
assertEquals(IndexLookupType.GTE, c.getLookupType());
searchKeys = c.getSearchKeyExpressions();
assertEquals(1, searchKeys.size());
assertTrue(searchKeys.get(0) instanceof TupleValueExpression);
use of org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestWindowedFunctions method validatePartitionedQuery.
private void validatePartitionedQuery(String query, boolean hasStatementOrderBy) {
List<AbstractPlanNode> nodes = compileToFragments(query);
assertEquals(2, nodes.size());
AbstractPlanNode child = nodes.get(0);
// Validate the coordinator fragment.
assertTrue(child instanceof SendPlanNode);
child = child.getChild(0);
assertTrue(child instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
if (hasStatementOrderBy) {
child = child.getChild(0);
assertTrue(child instanceof OrderByPlanNode);
child = child.getChild(0);
assertTrue(child instanceof WindowFunctionPlanNode);
child = child.getChild(0);
assertTrue(child instanceof OrderByPlanNode);
child = child.getChild(0);
assertTrue(child instanceof ReceivePlanNode);
assertEquals(0, child.getChildCount());
// Get the distributed fragment.
child = nodes.get(1);
assertTrue(child instanceof SendPlanNode);
child = child.getChild(0);
assertTrue(child instanceof SeqScanPlanNode);
assertEquals(0, child.getChildCount());
use of org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestPlansSubQueries method testUnions.
public void testUnions() {
AbstractPlanNode pn;
pn = compile("select A, C FROM (SELECT A, C FROM R1 UNION SELECT A, C FROM R2 UNION SELECT A, C FROM R3) T1 order by A ");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof OrderByPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1", "A", "C");
AbstractPlanNode upn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(upn instanceof UnionPlanNode);
pn = upn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "R1", "A", "C");
pn = upn.getChild(1);
checkSeqScan(pn, "R2", "A", "C");
pn = upn.getChild(2);
checkSeqScan(pn, "R3", "A", "C");
String message = "This query is not plannable. It has a subquery which needs cross-partition access.";
failToCompile("select * FROM " + "(SELECT A, COUNT(*) FROM P1 GROUP BY A " + "UNION " + "SELECT A, COUNT(*) FROM R2 GROUP BY A) T1 , P2 where T1.A = P2.A ", message);
use of org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestUnion method checkOrderByNode.
private void checkOrderByNode(AbstractPlanNode pn, String[] columns, int[] idxs) {
assertTrue(pn != null);
assertTrue(pn instanceof OrderByPlanNode);
OrderByPlanNode opn = (OrderByPlanNode) pn;
assertEquals(columns.length, opn.getOutputSchema().size());
for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i) {
SchemaColumn col = opn.getOutputSchema().getColumns().get(i);
assertEquals(columns[i], col.getColumnAlias());
AbstractExpression colExpr = col.getExpression();
assertEquals(ExpressionType.VALUE_TUPLE, colExpr.getExpressionType());
assertEquals(idxs[i], ((TupleValueExpression) colExpr).getColumnIndex());