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Example 1 with OrderByPlanNode

use of org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class InlineOrderByIntoMergeReceive method applyOptimization.

     * Convert ReceivePlanNodes into MergeReceivePlanNodes when the
     * RECEIVE node's nearest parent is a window function.  We won't
     * have any inline limits or aggregates here, so this is somewhat
     * simpler than the order by case.
     * @param plan
     * @return
private AbstractPlanNode applyOptimization(WindowFunctionPlanNode plan) {
    assert (plan.getChildCount() == 1);
    assert (plan.getChild(0) != null);
    AbstractPlanNode child = plan.getChild(0);
    assert (child != null);
    // an order by node.
    if (!(child instanceof OrderByPlanNode)) {
        return plan;
    OrderByPlanNode onode = (OrderByPlanNode) child;
    child = onode.getChild(0);
    // for this optimization to work.
    if (!(child instanceof ReceivePlanNode)) {
        return plan;
    ReceivePlanNode receiveNode = (ReceivePlanNode) child;
    assert (receiveNode.getChildCount() == 1);
    child = receiveNode.getChild(0);
    // The Receive node needs a send node child.
    assert (child instanceof SendPlanNode);
    SendPlanNode sendNode = (SendPlanNode) child;
    child = sendNode.getChild(0);
    // returns the number in the plan node.
    if (!(child instanceof IndexSortablePlanNode)) {
        return plan;
    IndexSortablePlanNode indexed = (IndexSortablePlanNode) child;
    if (indexed.indexUse().getWindowFunctionUsesIndex() != 0) {
        return plan;
    // Remove the Receive node and the Order by node
    // and replace them with a MergeReceive node.  Leave
    // the order by node inline in the MergeReceive node,
    // since we need it to calculate the merge.
    MergeReceivePlanNode mrnode = new MergeReceivePlanNode();
    return plan;
Also used : AbstractPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractPlanNode) IndexSortablePlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.IndexSortablePlanNode) OrderByPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode) SendPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.SendPlanNode) ReceivePlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.ReceivePlanNode) MergeReceivePlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.MergeReceivePlanNode) MergeReceivePlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.MergeReceivePlanNode)

Example 2 with OrderByPlanNode

use of org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class TestPlansDistinct method checkDistinctWithGroupbyPlans.

     * @param distinctSQL Group by query with distinct
     * @param groupbySQL Group by query without distinct
protected void checkDistinctWithGroupbyPlans(String distinctSQL, String groupbySQL, boolean limitPushdown) {
    List<AbstractPlanNode> pns1 = compileToFragments(distinctSQL);
    List<AbstractPlanNode> pns2 = compileToFragments(groupbySQL);
    assertTrue(pns1.get(0) instanceof SendPlanNode);
    assertTrue(pns2.get(0) instanceof SendPlanNode);
    AbstractPlanNode apn1, apn2;
    apn1 = pns1.get(0).getChild(0);
    apn2 = pns2.get(0).getChild(0);
    boolean hasTopProjection1 = false;
    if (apn1 instanceof ProjectionPlanNode) {
        apn1 = apn1.getChild(0);
        hasTopProjection1 = true;
    boolean hasTopProjection2 = false;
    if (apn2 instanceof ProjectionPlanNode) {
        apn2 = apn2.getChild(0);
        hasTopProjection2 = true;
    // DISTINCT plan node is rewrote with GROUP BY and adds above the original GROUP BY node
    // there may be another projection node in between for complex aggregation case
    boolean hasOrderby = false, hasLimit = false;
    boolean groupByMergeReceive = false;
    // infer the ORDERBY/LIMIT information from the base line query
    if (apn2 instanceof OrderByPlanNode) {
        hasOrderby = true;
        if (apn2.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.LIMIT) != null) {
            hasLimit = true;
        apn2 = apn2.getChild(0);
    } else if (apn2 instanceof LimitPlanNode) {
        hasLimit = true;
        apn2 = apn2.getChild(0);
    } else if (apn2 instanceof MergeReceivePlanNode) {
        assertTrue(apn2.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.ORDERBY) != null);
        hasOrderby = true;
        hasLimit = apn2.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.LIMIT) != null;
        groupByMergeReceive = true;
    // check the DISTINCT query plan
    boolean distinctMergeReceive = false;
    if (hasOrderby) {
        if (apn1 instanceof OrderByPlanNode) {
            assertTrue(apn1 instanceof OrderByPlanNode);
            if (hasLimit) {
                // check inline limit
            apn1 = apn1.getChild(0);
        } else if (apn1 instanceof MergeReceivePlanNode) {
            distinctMergeReceive = true;
            assertEquals(0, apn1.getChildCount());
        } else {
            fail("The distinctSQL top node is not OrderBy or MergeReceive.");
    } else if (hasLimit) {
        assertTrue(apn1 instanceof LimitPlanNode);
        apn1 = apn1.getChild(0);
    // Check DISTINCT group by plan node
    if (distinctMergeReceive) {
        AbstractPlanNode aggr = AggregatePlanNode.getInlineAggregationNode(apn1);
        assertTrue(aggr instanceof AggregatePlanNode);
        assertEquals(0, ((AggregatePlanNode) aggr).getAggregateTypesSize());
        assertEquals(pns1.get(0).getOutputSchema().getColumns().size(), ((AggregatePlanNode) aggr).getGroupByExpressionsSize());
        if (hasLimit) {
            // check inline limit
    } else {
        assertTrue(apn1 instanceof HashAggregatePlanNode);
        assertEquals(0, ((HashAggregatePlanNode) apn1).getAggregateTypesSize());
        assertEquals(pns1.get(0).getOutputSchema().getColumns().size(), ((HashAggregatePlanNode) apn1).getGroupByExpressionsSize());
        apn1 = apn1.getChild(0);
    // check projection node for complex aggregation case
    if (apn1 instanceof ProjectionPlanNode) {
        apn1 = apn1.getChild(0);
    if (apn2 instanceof ProjectionPlanNode) {
        apn2 = apn2.getChild(0);
    // check the rest plan nodes.
    if (distinctMergeReceive == false && groupByMergeReceive == false) {
        assertEquals(apn1.toExplainPlanString(), apn2.toExplainPlanString());
    } else if (distinctMergeReceive == true && groupByMergeReceive == true) {
        // In case of applied MergeReceive optimization the apn1 and apn2 nodes
        // should not have any children
        assertEquals(0, apn1.getChildCount());
        assertEquals(0, apn2.getChildCount());
    // Distributed DISTINCT GROUP BY
    if (pns1.size() > 1) {
        if (!limitPushdown) {
            assertEquals(pns1.get(1).toExplainPlanString(), pns2.get(1).toExplainPlanString());
        assertTrue(pns1.get(1) instanceof SendPlanNode);
        assertTrue(pns2.get(1) instanceof SendPlanNode);
        apn1 = pns1.get(1).getChild(0);
        apn2 = pns2.get(1).getChild(0);
        // ignore the ORDER BY/LIMIT pushdown plan node
        // because DISTINCT case can not be pushed down
        assertTrue(apn2 instanceof OrderByPlanNode);
        apn2 = apn2.getChild(0);
        // winners may produce completely different paths.
        if (distinctMergeReceive == false && groupByMergeReceive == false) {
            assertEquals(apn1.toExplainPlanString(), apn2.toExplainPlanString());
Also used : AbstractPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractPlanNode) OrderByPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode) HashAggregatePlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.HashAggregatePlanNode) AggregatePlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.AggregatePlanNode) SendPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.SendPlanNode) HashAggregatePlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.HashAggregatePlanNode) LimitPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.LimitPlanNode) MergeReceivePlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.MergeReceivePlanNode) ProjectionPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.ProjectionPlanNode)

Example 3 with OrderByPlanNode

use of org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class PlanAssembler method checkLimitPushDownViability.

     * Check if we can push the limit node down.
     * Return a mid-plan send node, if one exists and can host a
     * distributed limit node.
     * There is guaranteed to be at most a single receive/send pair.
     * Abort the search if a node that a "limit" can't be pushed past
     * is found before its receive node.
     * Can only push past:
     *   * coordinatingAggregator: a distributed aggregator
     *     a copy of which  has already been pushed down.
     *     Distributing a LIMIT to just above that aggregator is correct.
     *     (I've got some doubts that this is correct??? --paul)
     *   * order by: if the plan requires a sort, getNextSelectPlan()
     *     will have already added an ORDER BY.
     *     A distributed LIMIT will be added above a copy
     *     of that ORDER BY node.
     *   * projection: these have no effect on the application of limits.
     * @param root
     * @return If we can push the limit down, the send plan node is returned.
     *         Otherwise null -- when the plan is single-partition when
     *         its "coordinator" part contains a push-blocking node type.
protected AbstractPlanNode checkLimitPushDownViability(AbstractPlanNode root) {
    AbstractPlanNode receiveNode = root;
    List<ParsedColInfo> orderBys = m_parsedSelect.orderByColumns();
    boolean orderByCoversAllGroupBy = m_parsedSelect.groupByIsAnOrderByPermutation();
    while (!(receiveNode instanceof ReceivePlanNode)) {
        // TODO: We might want to optimize/push down "limit" for some cases
        if (!(receiveNode instanceof OrderByPlanNode) && !(receiveNode instanceof ProjectionPlanNode) && !isValidAggregateNodeForLimitPushdown(receiveNode, orderBys, orderByCoversAllGroupBy)) {
            return null;
        if (receiveNode instanceof OrderByPlanNode) {
            // limit can still push down if ordered by aggregate values.
            if (!m_parsedSelect.hasPartitionColumnInGroupby() && isOrderByAggregationValue(m_parsedSelect.orderByColumns())) {
                return null;
        // Traverse...
        if (receiveNode.getChildCount() == 0) {
            return null;
        // nothing that allows pushing past has multiple inputs
        assert (receiveNode.getChildCount() == 1);
        receiveNode = receiveNode.getChild(0);
    return receiveNode.getChild(0);
Also used : AbstractPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractPlanNode) OrderByPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode) AbstractReceivePlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractReceivePlanNode) MergeReceivePlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.MergeReceivePlanNode) ReceivePlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.ReceivePlanNode) ProjectionPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.ProjectionPlanNode)

Example 4 with OrderByPlanNode

use of org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class PlanAssembler method handleOrderBy.

     * Create an order by node as required by the statement and make it a parent of root.
     * @param parsedStmt  Parsed statement, for context
     * @param root        The root of the plan needing ordering
     * @return new orderByNode (the new root) or the original root if no orderByNode was required.
private static AbstractPlanNode handleOrderBy(AbstractParsedStmt parsedStmt, AbstractPlanNode root) {
    assert (parsedStmt instanceof ParsedSelectStmt || parsedStmt instanceof ParsedUnionStmt || parsedStmt instanceof ParsedDeleteStmt);
    if (!isOrderByNodeRequired(parsedStmt, root)) {
        return root;
    OrderByPlanNode orderByNode = buildOrderByPlanNode(parsedStmt.orderByColumns());
    return orderByNode;
Also used : OrderByPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode)

Example 5 with OrderByPlanNode

use of org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class PlanAssembler method getNextSelectPlan.

private CompiledPlan getNextSelectPlan() {
    assert (m_subAssembler != null);
    // A matview reaggregation template plan may have been initialized
    // with a post-predicate expression moved from the statement's
    // join tree prior to any subquery planning.
    // Since normally subquery planning is driven from the join tree,
    // any subqueries that are moved out of the join tree would need
    // to be planned separately.
    // This planning would need to be done prior to calling
    // m_subAssembler.nextPlan()
    // because it can have query partitioning implications.
    // Under the current query limitations, the partitioning implications
    // are very simple -- subqueries are not allowed in multipartition
    // queries against partitioned data, so detection of a subquery in
    // the same query as a matview reaggregation can just return an error,
    // without any need for subquery planning here.
    HashAggregatePlanNode reAggNode = null;
    HashAggregatePlanNode mvReAggTemplate = m_parsedSelect.m_mvFixInfo.getReAggregationPlanNode();
    if (mvReAggTemplate != null) {
        reAggNode = new HashAggregatePlanNode(mvReAggTemplate);
        AbstractExpression postPredicate = reAggNode.getPostPredicate();
        if (postPredicate != null && postPredicate.hasSubquerySubexpression()) {
            // For now, this is just a special case violation of the limitation on
            // use of subquery expressions in MP queries on partitioned data.
            // That special case was going undetected when we didn't flag it here.
            m_recentErrorMsg = IN_EXISTS_SCALAR_ERROR_MESSAGE;
            return null;
    // // Something more along these lines would have to be enabled
    // // to allow expression subqueries to be used in multi-partition
    // // matview queries.
    // if (!getBestCostPlanForExpressionSubQueries(subqueryExprs)) {
    //     // There was at least one sub-query and we should have a compiled plan for it
    //    return null;
    // }
    AbstractPlanNode subSelectRoot = m_subAssembler.nextPlan();
    if (subSelectRoot == null) {
        m_recentErrorMsg = m_subAssembler.m_recentErrorMsg;
        return null;
    AbstractPlanNode root = subSelectRoot;
    boolean mvFixNeedsProjection = false;
         * If the access plan for the table in the join order was for a
         * distributed table scan there must be a send/receive pair at the top
         * EXCEPT for the special outer join case in which a replicated table
         * was on the OUTER side of an outer join across from the (joined) scan
         * of the partitioned table(s) (all of them) in the query. In that case,
         * the one required send/receive pair is already in the plan below the
         * inner side of a NestLoop join.
    if (m_partitioning.requiresTwoFragments()) {
        boolean mvFixInfoCoordinatorNeeded = true;
        boolean mvFixInfoEdgeCaseOuterJoin = false;
        ArrayList<AbstractPlanNode> receivers = root.findAllNodesOfClass(AbstractReceivePlanNode.class);
        if (receivers.size() == 1) {
            // Edge cases: left outer join with replicated table.
            if (m_parsedSelect.m_mvFixInfo.needed()) {
                mvFixInfoCoordinatorNeeded = false;
                AbstractPlanNode receiveNode = receivers.get(0);
                if (receiveNode.getParent(0) instanceof NestLoopPlanNode) {
                    if (subSelectRoot.hasInlinedIndexScanOfTable(m_parsedSelect.m_mvFixInfo.getMVTableName())) {
                        return getNextSelectPlan();
                    List<AbstractPlanNode> nljs = receiveNode.findAllNodesOfType(PlanNodeType.NESTLOOP);
                    List<AbstractPlanNode> nlijs = receiveNode.findAllNodesOfType(PlanNodeType.NESTLOOPINDEX);
                    // This is like a single table case.
                    if (nljs.size() + nlijs.size() == 0) {
                        mvFixInfoEdgeCaseOuterJoin = true;
                    root = handleMVBasedMultiPartQuery(reAggNode, root, mvFixInfoEdgeCaseOuterJoin);
        } else {
            if (receivers.size() > 0) {
                throw new PlanningErrorException("This special case join between an outer replicated table and " + "an inner partitioned table is too complex and is not supported.");
            root = SubPlanAssembler.addSendReceivePair(root);
            // Root is a receive node here.
            assert (root instanceof ReceivePlanNode);
            if (m_parsedSelect.mayNeedAvgPushdown()) {
            if (m_parsedSelect.m_tableList.size() > 1 && m_parsedSelect.m_mvFixInfo.needed() && subSelectRoot.hasInlinedIndexScanOfTable(m_parsedSelect.m_mvFixInfo.getMVTableName())) {
                // So, in-lined index scan of Nested loop index join can not be possible.
                return getNextSelectPlan();
        root = handleAggregationOperators(root);
        // Process the re-aggregate plan node and insert it into the plan.
        if (m_parsedSelect.m_mvFixInfo.needed() && mvFixInfoCoordinatorNeeded) {
            AbstractPlanNode tmpRoot = root;
            root = handleMVBasedMultiPartQuery(reAggNode, root, mvFixInfoEdgeCaseOuterJoin);
            if (root != tmpRoot) {
                mvFixNeedsProjection = true;
    } else {
             * There is no receive node and root is a single partition plan.
        // If there is no receive plan node and no distributed plan has been generated,
        // the fix set for MV is not needed.
        root = handleAggregationOperators(root);
    // add a PartitionByPlanNode here.
    if (m_parsedSelect.hasWindowFunctionExpression()) {
        root = handleWindowedOperators(root);
    if (m_parsedSelect.hasOrderByColumns()) {
        root = handleOrderBy(m_parsedSelect, root);
        if (m_parsedSelect.isComplexOrderBy() && root instanceof OrderByPlanNode) {
            AbstractPlanNode child = root.getChild(0);
            AbstractPlanNode grandChild = child.getChild(0);
            // swap the ORDER BY and complex aggregate Projection node
            if (child instanceof ProjectionPlanNode) {
                // update the new root
                root = child;
            } else if (m_parsedSelect.hasDistinctWithGroupBy() && child.getPlanNodeType() == PlanNodeType.HASHAGGREGATE && grandChild.getPlanNodeType() == PlanNodeType.PROJECTION) {
                AbstractPlanNode grandGrandChild = grandChild.getChild(0);
                root = child;
    // node.
    if (mvFixNeedsProjection || needProjectionNode(root)) {
        root = addProjection(root);
    if (m_parsedSelect.hasLimitOrOffset()) {
        root = handleSelectLimitOperator(root);
    CompiledPlan plan = new CompiledPlan();
    plan.rootPlanGraph = root;
    boolean orderIsDeterministic = m_parsedSelect.isOrderDeterministic();
    boolean hasLimitOrOffset = m_parsedSelect.hasLimitOrOffset();
    String contentDeterminismMessage = m_parsedSelect.getContentDeterminismMessage();
    plan.statementGuaranteesDeterminism(hasLimitOrOffset, orderIsDeterministic, contentDeterminismMessage);
    // Apply the micro-optimization:
    // LIMIT push down, Table count / Counting Index, Optimized Min/Max
    MicroOptimizationRunner.applyAll(plan, m_parsedSelect);
    return plan;
Also used : AbstractPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractPlanNode) OrderByPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode) AbstractReceivePlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractReceivePlanNode) MergeReceivePlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.MergeReceivePlanNode) ReceivePlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.ReceivePlanNode) HashAggregatePlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.HashAggregatePlanNode) NestLoopPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.NestLoopPlanNode) AbstractExpression(org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractExpression) ProjectionPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.ProjectionPlanNode)


OrderByPlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode)32 AbstractPlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractPlanNode)29 ProjectionPlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.ProjectionPlanNode)25 SendPlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.SendPlanNode)9 AbstractExpression (org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractExpression)8 AggregatePlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.AggregatePlanNode)8 HashAggregatePlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.HashAggregatePlanNode)8 MergeReceivePlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.MergeReceivePlanNode)8 AbstractScanPlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractScanPlanNode)6 IndexScanPlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.IndexScanPlanNode)6 ReceivePlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.ReceivePlanNode)6 NestLoopPlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.NestLoopPlanNode)5 SeqScanPlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.SeqScanPlanNode)5 WindowFunctionPlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.WindowFunctionPlanNode)5 AbstractReceivePlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractReceivePlanNode)4 SchemaColumn (org.voltdb.plannodes.SchemaColumn)4 LimitPlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.LimitPlanNode)3 NodeSchema (org.voltdb.plannodes.NodeSchema)3 UnionPlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.UnionPlanNode)2 SortDirectionType (org.voltdb.types.SortDirectionType)2