use of org.voltdb.plannodes.ReceivePlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestPlansSubQueries method testPartitionedSameLevel.
public void testPartitionedSameLevel() {
// force it to be single partitioned.
AbstractPlanNode pn;
List<AbstractPlanNode> planNodes;
String sql, sqlNoSimplification, equivalentSql;
// Single partition detection : single table
sql = "select A FROM (SELECT A FROM P1 WHERE A = 3) T1 ";
sqlNoSimplification = "select A FROM (SELECT A FROM P1 WHERE A = 3 LIMIT 1) T1 ";
equivalentSql = "SELECT A FROM P1 T1 WHERE A = 3";
planNodes = compileToFragments(sqlNoSimplification);
assertEquals(1, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1", "A");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P1", "A");
assertNotNull(((IndexScanPlanNode) pn).getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.PROJECTION));
checkSubquerySimplification(sql, equivalentSql);
sql = "select A, C FROM (SELECT A, C FROM P1 WHERE A = 3) T1 ";
sqlNoSimplification = "select A, C FROM (SELECT A, C FROM P1 WHERE A = 3 LIMIT 1) T1 ";
equivalentSql = "SELECT A, C FROM P1 T1 WHERE A = 3";
planNodes = compileToFragments(sqlNoSimplification);
assertEquals(1, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1", "A", "C");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P1", "A", "C");
assertNotNull(((IndexScanPlanNode) pn).getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.PROJECTION));
checkSubquerySimplification(sql, equivalentSql);
// Single partition query without selecting partition column from sub-query
planNodes = compileToFragments("select C FROM (SELECT A, C FROM P1 WHERE A = 3 LIMIT 1) T1 ");
assertEquals(1, planNodes.size());
planNodes = compileToFragments("select C FROM (SELECT C FROM P1 WHERE A = 3 LIMIT 1) T1 ");
assertEquals(1, planNodes.size());
// AdHoc multiple partitioned sub-select queries.
sql = "select A1, C FROM (SELECT A A1, C FROM P1) T1 ";
sqlNoSimplification = "select A1, C FROM (SELECT DISTINCT A A1, C FROM P1) T1 ";
equivalentSql = "SELECT A A1, C FROM P1 T1";
planNodes = compileToFragments(sqlNoSimplification);
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0).getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ReceivePlanNode);
pn = planNodes.get(1).getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1", "A1", "C");
checkSubquerySimplification(sql, equivalentSql);
sql = "select A1 FROM (SELECT A A1, C FROM P1 WHERE A > 3) T1 ";
sqlNoSimplification = "select A1 FROM (SELECT A A1, C FROM P1 WHERE A > 3 LIMIT 10) T1 ";
equivalentSql = "SELECT A A1 FROM P1 T1 WHERE A > 3";
planNodes = compileToFragments(sqlNoSimplification);
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0).getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1", "A1");
checkSubquerySimplification(sql, equivalentSql);
// Group by
planNodes = compileToFragments("select C, SD FROM " + "(SELECT C, SUM(D) as SD FROM P1 GROUP BY C) T1 ");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0).getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1", "C", "SD");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof HashAggregatePlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ReceivePlanNode);
pn = planNodes.get(1);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P1", "C", "SD");
// rename group by column
planNodes = compileToFragments("select X, SD FROM " + "(SELECT C AS X, SUM(D) as SD FROM P1 GROUP BY C) T1 ");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0).getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1", "X", "SD");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof HashAggregatePlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ReceivePlanNode);
pn = planNodes.get(1);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P1", "C", "SD");
AbstractPlanNode nlpn;
// Partitioned Joined tests
failToCompile("select * FROM " + "(SELECT C, SUM(D) as SD FROM P1 GROUP BY C) T1, P2 where T1.C = P2.A ", joinErrorMsg);
planNodes = compileToFragments("select T1.C, T1.SD FROM " + "(SELECT C, SUM(D) as SD FROM P1 GROUP BY C) T1, R1 Where T1.C = R1.C ");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0).getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
nlpn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(nlpn instanceof NestLoopPlanNode);
pn = nlpn.getChild(1);
checkSeqScan(pn, "R1");
pn = nlpn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1", "C", "SD");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof HashAggregatePlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ReceivePlanNode);
pn = planNodes.get(1);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P1", "C", "SD");
// Group by Partitioned column
planNodes = compileToFragments("select C, SD FROM " + "(SELECT A, C, SUM(D) as SD FROM P1 WHERE A > 3 GROUP BY A, C) T1 ");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
planNodes = compileToFragments("select C, SD FROM " + "(SELECT A, C, SUM(D) as SD FROM P1 WHERE A = 3 GROUP BY A, C) T1 ");
assertEquals(1, planNodes.size());
planNodes = compileToFragments("select T1.C, T1.SD FROM " + "(SELECT A, C, SUM(D) as SD FROM P1 WHERE A = 3 GROUP BY A, C) T1, R1 WHERE T1.C = R1.C ");
assertEquals(1, planNodes.size());
// Limit
planNodes = compileToFragments("select C FROM (SELECT C FROM P1 WHERE A > 3 ORDER BY C LIMIT 5) T1 ");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
planNodes = compileToFragments("select T1.C FROM (SELECT C FROM P1 WHERE A > 3 ORDER BY C LIMIT 5) T1, " + "R1 WHERE T1.C > R1.C ");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
planNodes = compileToFragments("select C FROM (SELECT A, C FROM P1 WHERE A = 3 ORDER BY C LIMIT 5) T1 ");
assertEquals(1, planNodes.size());
// Without selecting partition column from sub-query
planNodes = compileToFragments(("select C FROM (SELECT C FROM P1 WHERE A = 3 ORDER BY C LIMIT 5) T1 "));
assertEquals(1, planNodes.size());
planNodes = compileToFragments("select T1.C FROM (SELECT A, C FROM P1 WHERE A = 3 ORDER BY C LIMIT 5) T1, " + "R1 WHERE T1.C > R1.C ");
assertEquals(1, planNodes.size());
// Without selecting partition column from sub-query
planNodes = compileToFragments("select T1.C FROM (SELECT C FROM P1 WHERE A = 3 ORDER BY C LIMIT 5) T1, " + "R1 WHERE T1.C > R1.C ");
assertEquals(1, planNodes.size());
// Group by & LIMIT 5
planNodes = compileToFragments("select C, SD FROM " + "(SELECT C, SUM(D) as SD FROM P1 GROUP BY C ORDER BY C LIMIT 5) T1 ");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
// Without selecting partition column from sub-query
planNodes = compileToFragments("select C, SD FROM " + "(SELECT C, SUM(D) as SD FROM P1 WHERE A = 3 GROUP BY C ORDER BY C LIMIT 5) T1 ");
assertEquals(1, planNodes.size());
use of org.voltdb.plannodes.ReceivePlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class PlanAssembler method pushDownAggregate.
* Push the given aggregate if the plan is distributed, then add the
* coordinator node on top of the send/receive pair. If the plan
* is not distributed, or coordNode is not provided, the distNode
* is added at the top of the plan.
* Note: this works in part because the push-down node is also an acceptable
* top level node if the plan is not distributed. This wouldn't be true
* if we started pushing down something like (sum, count) to calculate
* a distributed average. (We already do something like this for
* APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT, which must be split into two different functions
* for the pushed-down case.)
* @param root
* The root node
* @param distNode
* The node to push down
* @param coordNode [may be null]
* The top node to put on top of the send/receive pair after
* push-down. If this is null, no push-down will be performed.
* @return The new root node.
private static AbstractPlanNode pushDownAggregate(AbstractPlanNode root, AggregatePlanNode distNode, AggregatePlanNode coordNode, ParsedSelectStmt selectStmt) {
AggregatePlanNode rootAggNode;
// to be pushed down past the receive as well.
if (coordNode != null) {
coordNode.m_isCoordinatingAggregator = true;
* Push this node down to partition if it's distributed. First remove
* the send/receive pair, add the node, then put the send/receive pair
* back on top of the node, followed by another top node at the
* coordinator.
if (coordNode != null && root instanceof ReceivePlanNode) {
AbstractPlanNode accessPlanTemp = root;
root = accessPlanTemp.getChild(0).getChild(0);
if (selectStmt.hasPartitionColumnInGroupby()) {
// Set post predicate for final distributed Aggregation node
// a very edge ORDER BY case.
if (selectStmt.isComplexOrderBy()) {
// Put the send/receive pair back into place
root = processComplexAggProjectionNode(selectStmt, accessPlanTemp);
return root;
root = processComplexAggProjectionNode(selectStmt, distNode);
// Put the send/receive pair back into place
return accessPlanTemp;
// Without including partition column in GROUP BY clause,
// there has to be a top GROUP BY plan node on coordinator.
// Now that we're certain the aggregate will be pushed down
// (no turning back now!), fix any APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT aggregates.
fixDistributedApproxCountDistinct(distNode, coordNode);
// Put the send/receive pair back into place
// Add the top node
rootAggNode = coordNode;
} else {
rootAggNode = distNode;
// Set post predicate for final Aggregation node.
root = processComplexAggProjectionNode(selectStmt, rootAggNode);
return root;
use of org.voltdb.plannodes.ReceivePlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class PlanAssembler method handleMVBasedMultiPartQuery.
private AbstractPlanNode handleMVBasedMultiPartQuery(HashAggregatePlanNode reAggNode, AbstractPlanNode root, boolean edgeCaseOuterJoin) {
MaterializedViewFixInfo mvFixInfo = m_parsedSelect.m_mvFixInfo;
AbstractPlanNode receiveNode = root;
AbstractPlanNode reAggParent = null;
// re-aggregation plan node.
if (root instanceof AbstractReceivePlanNode) {
root = reAggNode;
} else {
List<AbstractPlanNode> recList = root.findAllNodesOfClass(AbstractReceivePlanNode.class);
assert (recList.size() == 1);
receiveNode = recList.get(0);
reAggParent = receiveNode.getParent(0);
boolean result = reAggParent.replaceChild(receiveNode, reAggNode);
assert (result);
reAggNode.m_isCoordinatingAggregator = true;
assert (receiveNode instanceof ReceivePlanNode);
AbstractPlanNode sendNode = receiveNode.getChild(0);
assert (sendNode instanceof SendPlanNode);
AbstractPlanNode sendNodeChild = sendNode.getChild(0);
HashAggregatePlanNode reAggNodeForReplace = null;
if (m_parsedSelect.m_tableList.size() > 1 && !edgeCaseOuterJoin) {
reAggNodeForReplace = reAggNode;
boolean find = mvFixInfo.processScanNodeWithReAggNode(sendNode, reAggNodeForReplace);
assert (find);
// receive node with materialized view scan node.
if (m_parsedSelect.m_tableList.size() > 1 && !edgeCaseOuterJoin) {
AbstractPlanNode joinNode = sendNodeChild;
// No agg, limit pushed down at this point.
assert (joinNode instanceof AbstractJoinPlanNode);
// Fix the node after Re-aggregation node.
assert (mvFixInfo.m_scanNode != null);
// replace joinNode with MV scan node on each partition.
// its parent will be the parent of the new join node. Update the root node.
if (reAggParent != null) {
reAggParent.replaceChild(reAggNode, joinNode);
root = reAggParent;
} else {
root = joinNode;
return root;
use of org.voltdb.plannodes.ReceivePlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestPlansSubQueries method testPartitionedGroupBy.
public void testPartitionedGroupBy() {
AbstractPlanNode pn;
List<AbstractPlanNode> planNodes;
AbstractPlanNode nlpn;
// (1) Single partition query, filter on outer query.
planNodes = compileToFragments("SELECT * FROM (SELECT A, C FROM P1 GROUP BY A, C) T1 " + "where T1.A = 1 ");
assertEquals(1, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1", "A", "C");
// Because it group by the partition column, we can drop the group by column on coordinator
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P1");
// (2) Single partition query, filter in inner sub-query.
planNodes = compileToFragments("SELECT * FROM (SELECT A, C FROM P1 WHERE A = 1 GROUP BY A, C) T1");
assertEquals(1, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1", "A", "C");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P1");
// (3) Sub-query with replicated table group by
planNodes = compileToFragments("SELECT * FROM (SELECT A, C FROM R1 GROUP BY A, C) T1, P1 " + "where T1.A = P1.A ");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ReceivePlanNode);
pn = planNodes.get(1);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
nlpn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(nlpn instanceof NestLoopIndexPlanNode);
assertEquals(JoinType.INNER, ((NestLoopIndexPlanNode) nlpn).getJoinType());
pn = nlpn.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.INDEXSCAN);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P1");
pn = nlpn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "R1");
// Top aggregation node on coordinator
planNodes = compileToFragments("SELECT -8, T1.NUM FROM SR4 T0, " + "(select max(RATIO) RATIO, sum(NUM) NUM, DESC from SP4 group by DESC) T1 " + "WHERE (T1.NUM + 5 ) > 44");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
nlpn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(nlpn instanceof NestLoopPlanNode);
assertEquals(JoinType.INNER, ((NestLoopPlanNode) nlpn).getJoinType());
pn = nlpn.getChild(1);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "SR4");
pn = nlpn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1", "NUM");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof AggregatePlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ReceivePlanNode);
pn = planNodes.get(1);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "SP4");
// (4) Sub-query with partitioned table group by
// optimize the group by case to join on distributed node.
planNodes = compileToFragments("SELECT * FROM (SELECT A, C FROM P1 GROUP BY A, C) T1, P2 " + "where T1.A = P2.A");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ReceivePlanNode);
pn = planNodes.get(1);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
nlpn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(nlpn instanceof NestLoopIndexPlanNode);
assertEquals(JoinType.INNER, ((NestLoopIndexPlanNode) nlpn).getJoinType());
pn = nlpn.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.INDEXSCAN);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P2");
pn = nlpn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P1");
// Add aggregate inside of subquery
planNodes = compileToFragments("SELECT * FROM (SELECT A, COUNT(*) CT FROM P1 GROUP BY A, C) T1, P2 " + "where T1.A = P2.A");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ReceivePlanNode);
pn = planNodes.get(1);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
nlpn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(nlpn instanceof NestLoopIndexPlanNode);
assertEquals(JoinType.INNER, ((NestLoopIndexPlanNode) nlpn).getJoinType());
pn = nlpn.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.INDEXSCAN);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P2");
pn = nlpn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P1");
// Add distinct option to aggregate inside of subquery
planNodes = compileToFragments("SELECT * FROM (SELECT A, C, SUM(distinct D) FROM P1 GROUP BY A, C) T1, P2 " + "where T1.A = P2.A ");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ReceivePlanNode);
pn = planNodes.get(1);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
nlpn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(nlpn instanceof NestLoopIndexPlanNode);
assertEquals(JoinType.INNER, ((NestLoopIndexPlanNode) nlpn).getJoinType());
pn = nlpn.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.INDEXSCAN);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P2");
pn = nlpn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P1");
// single partition filter inside subquery
planNodes = compileToFragments("SELECT * FROM (SELECT A, C FROM P1 WHERE A = 3 GROUP BY A, C) T1, P2 " + "where T1.A = P2.A ");
assertEquals(1, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
nlpn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(nlpn instanceof NestLoopIndexPlanNode);
assertEquals(JoinType.INNER, ((NestLoopIndexPlanNode) nlpn).getJoinType());
pn = nlpn.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.INDEXSCAN);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P2");
pn = nlpn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P1");
// single partition filter outside subquery
planNodes = compileToFragments("SELECT * FROM (SELECT A, C FROM P1 GROUP BY A, C) T1, P2 " + "where T1.A = P2.A and P2.A = 3");
assertEquals(1, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
nlpn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(nlpn instanceof NestLoopPlanNode);
assertEquals(JoinType.INNER, ((NestLoopPlanNode) nlpn).getJoinType());
pn = nlpn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P1");
pn = nlpn.getChild(1);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P2");
planNodes = compileToFragments("SELECT * FROM (SELECT A, C FROM P1 GROUP BY A, C) T1, P2 " + "where T1.A = P2.A and T1.A = 3");
assertEquals(1, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
nlpn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(nlpn instanceof NestLoopPlanNode);
assertEquals(JoinType.INNER, ((NestLoopPlanNode) nlpn).getJoinType());
pn = nlpn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P1");
pn = nlpn.getChild(1);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P2");
// Group by C, A instead of A, C
planNodes = compileToFragments("SELECT * FROM (SELECT A, C FROM P1 GROUP BY C, A) T1, P2 " + "where T1.A = P2.A and T1.A = 3");
assertEquals(1, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
nlpn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(nlpn instanceof NestLoopPlanNode);
assertEquals(JoinType.INNER, ((NestLoopPlanNode) nlpn).getJoinType());
pn = nlpn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P1");
pn = nlpn.getChild(1);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P2");
use of org.voltdb.plannodes.ReceivePlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestPlansSubQueries method testDistinct.
* MANY of these DISTINCT use cases could be supported, some quite easily.
* The cases that we can not support are those that require a join on
* partition key AFTER a global distinct operation.
* Other cases where the DISTINCT can be executed locally -- because it
* contains the partition key are the most trivial.
* TODO: make the planner smarter to plan these kind of sub-queries.
public void testDistinct() {
AbstractPlanNode pn;
List<AbstractPlanNode> planNodes;
planNodes = compileToFragments("SELECT * FROM (SELECT A, C, SUM(distinct D) FROM P2 GROUP BY A, C) T1, R1 where T1.A = R1.A ");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0).getChild(0);
pn = planNodes.get(1).getChild(0);
// this join can be pushed down.
//* enable to debug */ System.out.println(pn.toExplainPlanString());
assertTrue(pn.toExplainPlanString().contains("LOOP INNER JOIN"));
pn = pn.getChild(0);
// This is a trivial subquery result scan.
assertTrue(pn instanceof SeqScanPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
// This is the subquery plan.
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "P2");
assertTrue(pn.toExplainPlanString().contains("SUM DISTINCT(P2.D"));
// verify the optimized plan without sub-query like the one above
planNodes = compileToFragments("SELECT P2.A, P2.C, SUM(distinct P2.D) FROM P2, R1 WHERE P2.A = R1.A GROUP BY P2.A, P2.C");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
assertTrue(pn.getChild(0) instanceof ReceivePlanNode);
pn = planNodes.get(1).getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof NestLoopIndexPlanNode);
assertTrue(pn.getInlinePlanNode(PlanNodeType.INDEXSCAN).toExplainPlanString().contains("INDEX SCAN of \"P2\" using its primary key index"));
assertTrue(pn.getChild(0) instanceof SeqScanPlanNode);
assertTrue(pn.getChild(0).toExplainPlanString().contains("SEQUENTIAL SCAN of \"R1\""));
// T
planNodes = compileToFragments("SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT A FROM P1) T1, P2 where T1.A = P2.A");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
//* enable to debug */ System.out.println(planNodes.get(1).toExplainPlanString());
assertTrue(planNodes.get(1).toExplainPlanString().contains("INDEX INNER JOIN"));
// Distinct with GROUP BY
// TODO: group by partition column cases can be supported
String errorMessage = "This query is not plannable. It has a subquery which needs cross-partition access.";
failToCompile("SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT A, C FROM P1 GROUP BY A, C) T1, P2 " + "where T1.A = P2.A", errorMessage);
failToCompile("SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT A FROM P1 GROUP BY A, C) T1, P2 " + "where T1.A = P2.A", errorMessage);
planNodes = compileToFragments("SELECT * " + "FROM ( SELECT T0.A, R1.C " + " FROM R1, " + " ( SELECT DISTINCT P1.A " + " FROM P1, R2 " + " WHERE P1.A = R2.A) " + " T0 " + " WHERE R1.A = T0.A ) " + " T1, " + " P2 " + "WHERE T1.A = P2.A");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
//* enable to debug */ System.out.println(planNodes.get(1).toExplainPlanString());
assertTrue(planNodes.get(1).toExplainPlanString().contains("INDEX INNER JOIN"));
assertTrue(planNodes.get(1).toExplainPlanString().contains("LOOP INNER JOIN"));
// Distinct without GROUP BY
String sql1, sql2;
sql1 = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT A, C FROM P1) T1, P2 where T1.A = P2.A";
sql2 = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT A, C FROM P1 GROUP BY A, C) T1, P2 where T1.A = P2.A";
checkQueriesPlansAreTheSame(sql1, sql2);
sql1 = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT T0.A, R1.C FROM R1, " + " (SELECT Distinct P1.A, P1.C FROM P1,R2 where P1.A = R2.A) T0 where R1.A = T0.A ) T1, " + " P2 " + "where T1.A = P2.A";
sql2 = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT T0.A, R1.C FROM R1, " + " (SELECT P1.A, P1.C FROM P1,R2 where P1.A = R2.A group by P1.A, P1.C) T0 where R1.A = T0.A ) T1, " + " P2 " + "where T1.A = P2.A";
checkQueriesPlansAreTheSame(sql1, sql2);
planNodes = compileToFragments("SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT T0.A FROM R1, " + " (SELECT P1.A, P1.C FROM P1,R2 where P1.A = R2.A) T0 where R1.A = T0.A ) T1, " + " P2 " + "where T1.A = P2.A");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
//* enable to debug */ System.out.println(planNodes.get(1).toExplainPlanString());
assertTrue(planNodes.get(1).toExplainPlanString().contains("INDEX INNER JOIN"));
assertTrue(planNodes.get(1).toExplainPlanString().contains("LOOP INNER JOIN"));
failToCompile("SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT A FROM P1 GROUP BY A, C) T1, P2 " + "where T1.A = P2.A");
sql1 = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT T0.A, R1.C FROM R1, " + " (SELECT P1.A, P1.C FROM P1,R2 where P1.A = R2.A) T0 where R1.A = T0.A ) T1, " + " P2 " + "where T1.A = P2.A";
sql2 = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT T0.A, R1.C FROM R1, " + " (SELECT P1.A, P1.C FROM P1,R2 where P1.A = R2.A) T0 where R1.A = T0.A GROUP BY T0.A, R1.C) T1, " + " P2 " + "where T1.A = P2.A";
checkQueriesPlansAreTheSame(sql1, sql2);