use of org.voltdb.plannodes.SendPlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestPlansGroupBy method checkMVReaggregateFeature.
// topNode, reAggNode
private void checkMVReaggregateFeature(List<AbstractPlanNode> pns, boolean needFix, int numGroupByOfTopAggNode, int numAggsOfTopAggNode, int numGroupByOfReaggNode, int numAggsOfReaggNode, boolean aggPushdown, boolean aggInline) {
assertEquals(2, pns.size());
AbstractPlanNode p = pns.get(0);
assertTrue(p instanceof SendPlanNode);
p = p.getChild(0);
if (p instanceof ProjectionPlanNode) {
p = p.getChild(0);
if (p instanceof LimitPlanNode) {
// No limit pushed down.
p = p.getChild(0);
if (p instanceof OrderByPlanNode) {
p = p.getChild(0);
HashAggregatePlanNode reAggNode = null;
List<AbstractPlanNode> nodes = p.findAllNodesOfClass(AbstractReceivePlanNode.class);
assertEquals(1, nodes.size());
AbstractPlanNode receiveNode = nodes.get(0);
// Indicates that there is no top aggregation node.
if (numGroupByOfTopAggNode == -1) {
if (needFix) {
p = receiveNode.getParent(0);
assertTrue(p instanceof HashAggregatePlanNode);
reAggNode = (HashAggregatePlanNode) p;
assertEquals(numGroupByOfReaggNode, reAggNode.getGroupByExpressionsSize());
assertEquals(numAggsOfReaggNode, reAggNode.getAggregateTypesSize());
p = p.getChild(0);
assertTrue(p instanceof ReceivePlanNode);
p = pns.get(1);
assertTrue(p instanceof SendPlanNode);
p = p.getChild(0);
assertTrue(p instanceof AbstractScanPlanNode);
if (p instanceof ProjectionPlanNode) {
p = p.getChild(0);
// Hash top aggregate node
AggregatePlanNode topAggNode = null;
if (p instanceof AbstractJoinPlanNode) {
// Inline aggregation with join
topAggNode = AggregatePlanNode.getInlineAggregationNode(p);
} else {
assertTrue(p instanceof AggregatePlanNode);
topAggNode = (AggregatePlanNode) p;
p = p.getChild(0);
assertEquals(numGroupByOfTopAggNode, topAggNode.getGroupByExpressionsSize());
assertEquals(numAggsOfTopAggNode, topAggNode.getAggregateTypesSize());
if (needFix) {
p = receiveNode.getParent(0);
assertTrue(p instanceof HashAggregatePlanNode);
reAggNode = (HashAggregatePlanNode) p;
assertEquals(numGroupByOfReaggNode, reAggNode.getGroupByExpressionsSize());
assertEquals(numAggsOfReaggNode, reAggNode.getAggregateTypesSize());
p = p.getChild(0);
assertTrue(p instanceof ReceivePlanNode);
// Test the second part
p = pns.get(1);
assertTrue(p instanceof SendPlanNode);
p = p.getChild(0);
if (aggPushdown) {
if (aggInline) {
} else {
assertTrue(p instanceof AggregatePlanNode);
p = p.getChild(0);
if (needFix) {
assertTrue(p instanceof AbstractScanPlanNode);
} else {
assertTrue(p instanceof AbstractScanPlanNode || p instanceof AbstractJoinPlanNode);
use of org.voltdb.plannodes.SendPlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestPlansGroupBy method checkMVReaggregateFeatureMergeReceive.
// topNode, reAggNode
private void checkMVReaggregateFeatureMergeReceive(List<AbstractPlanNode> pns, boolean needFix, int numGroupByOfReaggNode, int numAggsOfReaggNode, boolean aggPushdown, boolean aggInline, SortDirectionType sortDirection) {
assertEquals(2, pns.size());
AbstractPlanNode p = pns.get(0);
assertTrue(p instanceof SendPlanNode);
p = p.getChild(0);
if (p instanceof ProjectionPlanNode) {
p = p.getChild(0);
AbstractPlanNode receiveNode = p;
AggregatePlanNode reAggNode = AggregatePlanNode.getInlineAggregationNode(receiveNode);
if (needFix) {
assertEquals(numGroupByOfReaggNode, reAggNode.getGroupByExpressionsSize());
assertEquals(numAggsOfReaggNode, reAggNode.getAggregateTypesSize());
} else {
p = pns.get(1);
assertTrue(p instanceof SendPlanNode);
p = p.getChild(0);
assertTrue(p instanceof IndexScanPlanNode);
assertEquals(sortDirection, ((IndexScanPlanNode) p).getSortDirection());
use of org.voltdb.plannodes.SendPlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestPlansSubQueries method testPartitionedLimitOffset.
public void testPartitionedLimitOffset() {
AbstractPlanNode pn;
List<AbstractPlanNode> planNodes;
AbstractPlanNode nlpn;
// Top aggregation node on coordinator
planNodes = compileToFragments("SELECT -8, T1.NUM " + "FROM SR4 T0, (select RATIO, NUM, DESC from SP4 order by DESC, NUM, RATIO limit 1 offset 1) T1 " + "WHERE (T1.NUM + 5 ) > 44");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
nlpn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(nlpn instanceof NestLoopPlanNode);
assertEquals(JoinType.INNER, ((NestLoopPlanNode) nlpn).getJoinType());
pn = nlpn.getChild(1);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "SR4");
pn = nlpn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1", "NUM");
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
// inline limit with order by
assertTrue(pn instanceof MergeReceivePlanNode);
pn = planNodes.get(1).getChild(0);
// inline limit with order by
assertTrue(pn instanceof OrderByPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
checkPrimaryKeyIndexScan(pn, "SP4");
planNodes = compileToFragments("SELECT * FROM (SELECT A, C FROM P1 LIMIT 3) T1 " + "where T1.A = 1 ");
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
use of org.voltdb.plannodes.SendPlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestPlansSubQueries method testPartitionedCrossLevel.
public void testPartitionedCrossLevel() {
AbstractPlanNode pn;
List<AbstractPlanNode> planNodes;
AbstractPlanNode nlpn;
String sql, sqlNoSimplification, equivalentSql;
sql = "SELECT T1.A, T1.C, P2.D FROM P2, (SELECT A, C FROM P1) T1 " + "where T1.A = P2.A ";
sqlNoSimplification = "SELECT T1.A, T1.C, P2.D FROM P2, (SELECT DISTINCT A, C FROM P1 ) T1 " + "where T1.A = P2.A ";
equivalentSql = "SELECT T1.A, T1.C, P2.D FROM P2, P1 T1 WHERE T1.A = P2.A";
planNodes = compileToFragments(sqlNoSimplification);
assertEquals(2, planNodes.size());
pn = planNodes.get(0).getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ProjectionPlanNode);
pn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(pn instanceof ReceivePlanNode);
pn = planNodes.get(1);
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
nlpn = pn.getChild(0);
assertTrue(nlpn instanceof NestLoopIndexPlanNode);
assertEquals(JoinType.INNER, ((NestLoopIndexPlanNode) nlpn).getJoinType());
pn = nlpn.getChild(0);
checkSeqScan(pn, "T1", "A", "C");
checkFragmentCount("SELECT P2.A, P2.C FROM P2, (SELECT A, C FROM P1 GROUP BY A) T1 " + "where T1.A = P2.A and P2.A = 1", 1);
checkFragmentCount("SELECT P2.A, P2.C FROM P2, (SELECT A, C FROM P1) T1 " + "where T1.A = P2.A and P2.A = 1", 1);
checkFragmentCount("SELECT P2.A, P2.C FROM P2, (SELECT A, C, A + 1 FROM P1) T1 " + "where T1.A = P2.A and T1.A = 1", 1);
checkFragmentCount("SELECT P2.A, P2.C FROM P2, (SELECT A, C FROM P1) T1 " + "where T1.A = P2.A and T1.A = 1", 1);
checkFragmentCount("SELECT P2.A, P2.C FROM P2, (SELECT A, C, A + 1 FROM P1 where P1.A = 3) T1 " + "where T1.A = P2.A ", 1);
checkFragmentCount("SELECT P2.A, P2.C FROM P2, (SELECT A, C FROM P1 where P1.A = 3) T1 " + "where T1.A = P2.A ", 1);
// Distributed join
checkFragmentCount("select D1, D2 " + "FROM (SELECT A, D + 1 D1 FROM P1 ) T1, (SELECT A, D + 2 D2 FROM P2 ) T2 " + "WHERE T1.A = T2.A", 2);
checkFragmentCount("select D1, D2 " + "FROM (SELECT A, D D1 FROM P1 ) T1, (SELECT A, D D2 FROM P2 ) T2 " + "WHERE T1.A = T2.A", 2);
checkFragmentCount("select D1, P2.D " + "FROM (SELECT A, D + 1 D1 FROM P1 WHERE A=1) T1, P2 " + "WHERE T1.A = P2.A AND P2.A = 1", 1);
checkFragmentCount("select D1, P2.D " + "FROM (SELECT A, D D1 FROM P1 WHERE A=1) T1, P2 " + "WHERE T1.A = P2.A AND P2.A = 1", 1);
checkFragmentCount("select T1.A, T1.C, T1.SD FROM " + "(SELECT A, C, SUM(D) as SD FROM P1 WHERE A > 3 GROUP BY A, C) T1, P2 WHERE T1.A = P2.A", 2);
// (1) Multiple level subqueries (recursive) partition detecting
checkFragmentCount("select * from p2, " + "(select * from (SELECT A, D + 1 D1 FROM P1) T1) T2 where p2.A = T2.A", 2);
checkFragmentCount("select * from p2, " + "(select * from (SELECT A, D D1 FROM P1) T1) T2 where p2.A = T2.A", 2);
checkFragmentCount("select * from p2, " + "(select * from (SELECT A, D + 1 D1 FROM P1 WHERE A=2) T1) T2 " + "where p2.A = T2.A ", 1);
checkFragmentCount("select * from p2, " + "(select * from (SELECT A, D D1 FROM P1 WHERE A=2) T1) T2 " + "where p2.A = T2.A ", 1);
checkFragmentCount("select * from p2, " + "(select * from (SELECT P1.A, P1.D FROM P1, P3 where P1.A = P3.A) T1) T2 " + "where p2.A = T2.A", 2);
checkFragmentCount("select * from p2, " + "(select * from (SELECT P1.A, P1.D FROM P1, P3 where P1.A = P3.A) T1) T2 " + "where p2.A = T2.A and P2.A = 1", 1);
// (2) Multiple subqueries on the same level partition detecting
planNodes = compileToFragments("select D1, D2 FROM " + "(SELECT A, D + 1 D1 FROM P1 WHERE A=2) T1, " + "(SELECT A, D + 1 D2 FROM P2 WHERE A=2) T2");
assertEquals(1, planNodes.size());
checkFragmentCount("select D1, D2 FROM " + "(SELECT A, D + 1 D1 FROM P1 WHERE A=2) T1, " + "(SELECT A, D + 1 D2 FROM P2) T2 where T2.A = 2", 1);
checkFragmentCount("select D1, D2 FROM " + "(SELECT A, D D1 FROM P1 WHERE A=2) T1, " + "(SELECT A, D D2 FROM P2) T2 where T2.A = 2", 1);
checkFragmentCount("select D1, D2 FROM " + "(SELECT A, D + 1 D1 FROM P1) T1, " + "(SELECT A, D + 1 D2 FROM P2 WHERE A=2) T2 where T1.A = 2", 1);
checkFragmentCount("select D1, D2 FROM " + "(SELECT A, D D1 FROM P1) T1, " + "(SELECT A, D D2 FROM P2 WHERE A=2) T2 where T1.A = 2", 1);
// partitioned column renaming tests
checkFragmentCount("select D1, D2 FROM " + "(SELECT A A1, D + 1 D1 FROM P1) T1, " + "(SELECT A, D + 1 D2 FROM P2 WHERE A=2) T2 where T1.A1 = 2", 1);
checkFragmentCount("select D1, D2 FROM " + "(SELECT A A1, D D1 FROM P1) T1, " + "(SELECT A, D D2 FROM P2 WHERE A=2) T2 where T1.A1 = 2", 1);
checkFragmentCount("select D1, D2 FROM " + "(SELECT A, D + 1 D1 FROM P1 WHERE A=2) T1, " + "(SELECT A A2, D + 1 D2 FROM P2 ) T2 where T2.A2 = 2", 1);
checkFragmentCount("select D1, D2 FROM " + "(SELECT A, D D1 FROM P1 WHERE A=2) T1, " + "(SELECT A A2, D D2 FROM P2 ) T2 where T2.A2 = 2", 1);
checkFragmentCount("select A1, A2, D1, D2 " + "FROM (SELECT A A1, D + 1 D1 FROM P1 WHERE A=2) T1, " + "(SELECT A A2, D + 1 D2 FROM P2) T2 where T2.A2=2", 1);
checkFragmentCount("select A1, A2, D1, D2 " + "FROM (SELECT A A1, D D1 FROM P1 WHERE A=2) T1, " + "(SELECT A A2, D D2 FROM P2) T2 where T2.A2=2", 1);
checkFragmentCount("select A1, A2, D1, D2 " + "FROM (SELECT A A1, D + 1 D1 FROM P1 WHERE A=2) T1, " + "(SELECT A A2, D + 1 D2 FROM P2) T2 where T2.A2=2", 1);
checkFragmentCount("select A1, A2, D1, D2 " + "FROM (SELECT A A1, D D1 FROM P1 WHERE A=2) T1, " + "(SELECT A A2, D D2 FROM P2) T2 where T2.A2=2", 1);
// Test with LIMIT
failToCompile("select A1, A2, D1, D2 " + "FROM (SELECT A A1, D D1 FROM P1 WHERE A=2) T1, " + "(SELECT A A2, D D2 FROM P2 ORDER BY D LIMIT 3) T2 where T2.A2=2", joinErrorMsg);
use of org.voltdb.plannodes.SendPlanNode in project voltdb by VoltDB.
the class TestSelfJoins method testPartitionedSelfJoin.
public void testPartitionedSelfJoin() {
// SELF JOIN of the partitioned table on the partitioned column
AbstractPlanNode pn = compile("select * FROM P1 A JOIN P1 B ON A.A = B.A");
assertTrue(pn instanceof SendPlanNode);
// SELF JOIN on non-partitioned columns
failToCompile("select * FROM P1 A JOIN P1 B ON A.C = B.A", "This query is not plannable. The planner cannot guarantee that all rows would be in a single partition.");
// SELF JOIN on non-partitioned column
failToCompile("select * FROM P1 A JOIN P1 B ON A.C = B.C", "This query is not plannable. The planner cannot guarantee that all rows would be in a single partition.");