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Example 6 with PlanNodeType

use of org.voltdb.types.PlanNodeType in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class testPlannerTester method testWriteAndLoad.

public void testWriteAndLoad() throws Exception {
    AbstractPlanNode pn = null;
    plannerTester.setUpForTest(m_currentDir + "tests/frontend/org/voltdb/planner/testplans-plannerTester-ddl.sql", "testplans-plannerTester-ddl");
    List<AbstractPlanNode> pnList = plannerTester.testCompile("select * from l, t where t.a=l.a limit ?;");
    pn = pnList.get(0);
    assert (pnList.get(1) instanceof SendPlanNode);
    plannerTester.writePlanToFile(pn, m_homeDir, "prettyJson.txt", "");
    ArrayList<String> getsql = new ArrayList<String>();
    AbstractPlanNode pn2 = plannerTester.loadPlanFromFile(m_homeDir + "prettyJson.txt", getsql);
    ArrayList<AbstractPlanNode> list1 = pn.getPlanNodeList();
    ArrayList<AbstractPlanNode> list2 = pn2.getPlanNodeList();
    assertTrue(list1.size() == list2.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < list1.size(); i++) {
        Map<PlanNodeType, AbstractPlanNode> inlineNodes1 = list1.get(i).getInlinePlanNodes();
        Map<PlanNodeType, AbstractPlanNode> inlineNodes2 = list2.get(i).getInlinePlanNodes();
        if (inlineNodes1 != null) {
            assertTrue(inlineNodes1.size() == inlineNodes2.size());
Also used : AbstractPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractPlanNode) PlanNodeType(org.voltdb.types.PlanNodeType) SendPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.SendPlanNode) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 7 with PlanNodeType

use of org.voltdb.types.PlanNodeType in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class plannerTester method diffInlineAndJoin.

public static boolean diffInlineAndJoin(AbstractPlanNode oldpn1, AbstractPlanNode newpn2) {
    m_treeSizeDiff = 0;
    boolean noDiff = true;
    ArrayList<String> messages = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<AbstractPlanNode> list1 = oldpn1.getPlanNodeList();
    ArrayList<AbstractPlanNode> list2 = newpn2.getPlanNodeList();
    int size1 = list1.size();
    int size2 = list2.size();
    m_treeSizeDiff = size1 - size2;
    diffPair intdiffPair = new diffPair(0, 0);
    diffPair stringdiffPair = new diffPair(null, null);
    if (size1 != size2) {
        intdiffPair.set(size1, size2);
        messages.add("Plan tree size diff: " + intdiffPair.toString());
    Map<String, ArrayList<Integer>> planNodesPosMap1 = new LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>>();
    Map<String, ArrayList<AbstractPlanNode>> inlineNodesPosMap1 = new LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<AbstractPlanNode>>();
    Map<String, ArrayList<Integer>> planNodesPosMap2 = new LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<Integer>>();
    Map<String, ArrayList<AbstractPlanNode>> inlineNodesPosMap2 = new LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<AbstractPlanNode>>();
    fetchPositionInfoFromList(list1, planNodesPosMap1, inlineNodesPosMap1);
    fetchPositionInfoFromList(list2, planNodesPosMap2, inlineNodesPosMap2);
    planNodePositionDiff(planNodesPosMap1, planNodesPosMap2, messages);
    inlineNodePositionDiff(inlineNodesPosMap1, inlineNodesPosMap2, messages);
    // join nodes diff
    ArrayList<AbstractPlanNode> joinNodes1 = getJoinNodes(list1);
    ArrayList<AbstractPlanNode> joinNodes2 = getJoinNodes(list2);
    size1 = joinNodes1.size();
    size2 = joinNodes2.size();
    if (size1 != size2) {
        intdiffPair.set(size1, size2);
        messages.add("Join Nodes Number diff:\n" + intdiffPair.toString() + "\nSQL statement might be changed.");
        m_changedSQL = true;
        String str1 = "";
        String str2 = "";
        for (AbstractPlanNode pn : joinNodes1) {
            str1 = str1 + pn.toString() + ", ";
        for (AbstractPlanNode pn : joinNodes2) {
            str2 = str2 + pn.toString() + ", ";
        if (str1.length() > 1) {
            str1 = (str1.subSequence(0, str1.length() - 2)).toString();
        if (str2.length() > 1) {
            str2 = (str2.subSequence(0, str2.length() - 2)).toString();
        stringdiffPair.set(str1, str2);
        messages.add("Join Node List diff: " + "\n" + stringdiffPair.toString() + "\n");
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < size1; i++) {
            AbstractPlanNode pn1 = joinNodes1.get(i);
            AbstractPlanNode pn2 = joinNodes2.get(i);
            PlanNodeType pnt1 = pn1.getPlanNodeType();
            PlanNodeType pnt2 = pn2.getPlanNodeType();
            if (!pnt1.equals(pnt2)) {
                stringdiffPair.set(pn1.toString(), pn2.toString());
                messages.add("Join Node Type diff:\n" + stringdiffPair.toString());
    for (String msg : messages) {
        if (msg.contains("diff") || msg.contains("Diff")) {
            noDiff = false;
    return noDiff;
Also used : AbstractPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractPlanNode) PlanNodeType(org.voltdb.types.PlanNodeType) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap)

Example 8 with PlanNodeType

use of org.voltdb.types.PlanNodeType in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class PlannerTestCase method validatePlan.

     * Validate a plan.  This is kind of like
     * PlannerTestCase.compileToTopDownTree.  The differences are
     * <ol>
     *   <li>We can compile MP plans and SP plans, and</li>
     *   <li>The boundaries between fragments in MP plans
     *       are marked with PlanNodeType.INVALID.</li>
     *   <li>We can describe inline nodes pretty easily.</li>
     * </ol>
     * See TestWindowFunctions.testWindowFunctionWithIndex for examples
     * of the use of this function.
     * @param SQL The statement text.
     * @param numberOfFragments The number of expected fragments.
     * @param types The plan node types of the inline and out-of-line nodes.
     *              If types[idx] is a PlanNodeType, then the node should
     *              have no inline children.  If types[idx] is an object of
     *              type PlanWithInlineNode then it has the main node type,
     *              and node types of the inline children as well.
protected void validatePlan(String SQL, int numberOfFragments, Object... types) {
    List<AbstractPlanNode> fragments = compileToFragments(SQL);
    assertEquals(String.format("Expected %d fragments, not %d", numberOfFragments, fragments.size()), numberOfFragments, fragments.size());
    int idx = 0;
    int fragment = 1;
    // The index of the last PlanNodeType in types.
    int nchildren = types.length;
    System.out.printf("Plan for <%s>\n", SQL);
    for (AbstractPlanNode plan : fragments) {
        printPlanNodes(plan, fragment, numberOfFragments);
        // marked with PlanNodeType.INVALID.
        if (fragment > 1) {
            assertEquals("Expected a fragment to start here", PlanNodeType.INVALID, types[idx]);
            idx += 1;
        fragment += 1;
        for (; plan != null; idx += 1) {
            if (types.length <= idx) {
                fail(String.format("Expected %d plan nodes, but found more.", types.length));
            if (types[idx] instanceof PlanNodeType) {
                assertEquals(String.format("Expected %s plan node but found %s", types[idx], plan.getPlanNodeType()), types[idx], plan.getPlanNodeType());
            } else if (types[idx] instanceof PlanWithInlineNodes) {
                PlanWithInlineNodes branch = (PlanWithInlineNodes) types[idx];
                String error = branch.match(plan);
                if (error != null) {
            } else {
                fail("Expected a PlanNodeType or an array of PlanNodeTypes here.");
            plan = (plan.getChildCount() > 0) ? plan.getChild(0) : null;
    assertEquals(nchildren, idx);
Also used : AbstractPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractPlanNode) PlanNodeType(org.voltdb.types.PlanNodeType)

Example 9 with PlanNodeType

use of org.voltdb.types.PlanNodeType in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class PlanNodeTree method loadPlanNodesFromJSONArrays.

     *  Load plan nodes from the "PLAN_NODE" array. All the nodes are from
     *  a substatement with the id = stmtId
     * @param stmtId
     * @param jArray - PLAN_NODES
     * @param db
     * @throws JSONException
private void loadPlanNodesFromJSONArrays(int stmtId, JSONArray jArray, Database db) {
    List<AbstractPlanNode> planNodes = new ArrayList<AbstractPlanNode>();
    int size = jArray.length();
    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            JSONObject jobj = jArray.getJSONObject(i);
            String nodeTypeStr = jobj.getString("PLAN_NODE_TYPE");
            PlanNodeType nodeType = PlanNodeType.get(nodeTypeStr);
            AbstractPlanNode apn = nodeType.getPlanNodeClass().newInstance();
            apn.loadFromJSONObject(jobj, db);
        //link children and parents
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            JSONObject jobj = jArray.getJSONObject(i);
            if (jobj.has("CHILDREN_IDS")) {
                AbstractPlanNode parent = planNodes.get(i);
                JSONArray children = jobj.getJSONArray("CHILDREN_IDS");
                for (int j = 0; j < children.length(); j++) {
                    AbstractPlanNode child = getNodeofId(children.getInt(j), planNodes);
        m_planNodesListMap.put(stmtId, planNodes);
    } catch (JSONException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
Also used : PlanNodeType(org.voltdb.types.PlanNodeType) JSONObject(org.json_voltpatches.JSONObject) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) JSONArray(org.json_voltpatches.JSONArray) JSONException(org.json_voltpatches.JSONException) JSONString(org.json_voltpatches.JSONString)

Example 10 with PlanNodeType

use of org.voltdb.types.PlanNodeType in project voltdb by VoltDB.

the class InlineOrderByIntoMergeReceive method recursivelyApply.

protected AbstractPlanNode recursivelyApply(AbstractPlanNode planNode) {
    assert (planNode != null);
    // side effects.
    if (m_parsedStmt.topmostParentStatementIsDML()) {
        // Do not apply the optimization.
        return planNode;
    Queue<AbstractPlanNode> children = new LinkedList<>();
    while (!children.isEmpty()) {
        AbstractPlanNode plan = children.remove();
        PlanNodeType nodeType = plan.getPlanNodeType();
        if (PlanNodeType.RECEIVE == nodeType) {
            // continue. We are after the coordinator ORDER BY or WINDOWFUNCTION node.
            return planNode;
        if (PlanNodeType.ORDERBY == nodeType) {
            assert (plan instanceof OrderByPlanNode);
            AbstractPlanNode newPlan = applyOptimization((OrderByPlanNode) plan);
            //     the new plan node.
            if (newPlan != plan) {
                // Only one coordinator ORDER BY node is possible
                if (plan == planNode) {
                    return newPlan;
                } else {
                    // Do not apply the optimization.
                    return planNode;
        } else if (PlanNodeType.WINDOWFUNCTION == nodeType) {
            assert (plan instanceof WindowFunctionPlanNode);
            AbstractPlanNode newPlan = applyOptimization((WindowFunctionPlanNode) plan);
            // See above for why this is the way it is.
            if (newPlan != plan) {
                return newPlan;
            } else {
                return planNode;
        for (int i = 0; i < plan.getChildCount(); i++) {
    // Do not apply the optimization.
    return planNode;
Also used : AbstractPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractPlanNode) PlanNodeType(org.voltdb.types.PlanNodeType) OrderByPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.OrderByPlanNode) WindowFunctionPlanNode(org.voltdb.plannodes.WindowFunctionPlanNode) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)


PlanNodeType (org.voltdb.types.PlanNodeType)14 AbstractPlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractPlanNode)12 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 AbstractScanPlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractScanPlanNode)3 ReceivePlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.ReceivePlanNode)2 EmptyStackException (java.util.EmptyStackException)1 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)1 LinkedList (java.util.LinkedList)1 Stack (java.util.Stack)1 JSONArray (org.json_voltpatches.JSONArray)1 JSONException (org.json_voltpatches.JSONException)1 JSONObject (org.json_voltpatches.JSONObject)1 JSONString (org.json_voltpatches.JSONString)1 AbstractExpression (org.voltdb.expressions.AbstractExpression)1 SelectSubqueryExpression (org.voltdb.expressions.SelectSubqueryExpression)1 AbstractReceivePlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.AbstractReceivePlanNode)1 AggregatePlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.AggregatePlanNode)1 HashAggregatePlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.HashAggregatePlanNode)1 IndexScanPlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.IndexScanPlanNode)1 MergeReceivePlanNode (org.voltdb.plannodes.MergeReceivePlanNode)1