use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.
the class SOCRobotBrain method handleREJECTOFFER.
* Handle a REJECTOFFER for this game.
* watch rejections of other players' offers, and of our offers.
* @since 1.1.08
private void handleREJECTOFFER(SOCRejectOffer mes) {
// /
// / see if everyone has rejected our offer
// /
int rejector = mes.getPlayerNumber();
if ((ourPlayerData.getCurrentOffer() != null) && (waitingForTradeResponse)) {
D.ebugPrintln("%%%%%%%%% REJECT OFFER %%%%%%%%%%%%%");
// /
// / record which player said no
// /
SOCResourceSet getSet = ourPlayerData.getCurrentOffer().getGetSet();
for (int rsrcType = SOCResourceConstants.CLAY; rsrcType <= SOCResourceConstants.WOOD; rsrcType++) {
if (getSet.contains(rsrcType) && !negotiator.wantsAnotherOffer(rejector, rsrcType))
negotiator.markAsNotSelling(rejector, rsrcType);
offerRejections[mes.getPlayerNumber()] = true;
boolean everyoneRejected = true;
D.ebugPrintln("ourPlayerData.getCurrentOffer() = " + ourPlayerData.getCurrentOffer());
boolean[] offeredTo = ourPlayerData.getCurrentOffer().getTo();
for (int i = 0; i < game.maxPlayers; i++) {
D.ebugPrintln("offerRejections[" + i + "]=" + offerRejections[i]);
if (offeredTo[i] && !offerRejections[i])
everyoneRejected = false;
D.ebugPrintln("everyoneRejected=" + everyoneRejected);
if (everyoneRejected) {
waitingForTradeResponse = false;
} else {
// /
// / we also want to watch rejections of other players' offers
// /
D.ebugPrintln("%%%% ALT REJECT OFFER %%%%");
for (int pn = 0; pn < game.maxPlayers; pn++) {
SOCTradeOffer offer = game.getPlayer(pn).getCurrentOffer();
if (offer != null) {
boolean[] offeredTo = offer.getTo();
if (offeredTo[rejector]) {
// I think they were rejecting this offer
// mark them as not selling what was asked for
SOCResourceSet getSet = offer.getGetSet();
for (int rsrcType = SOCResourceConstants.CLAY; rsrcType <= SOCResourceConstants.WOOD; rsrcType++) {
if (getSet.contains(rsrcType) && !negotiator.wantsAnotherOffer(rejector, rsrcType))
negotiator.markAsNotSelling(rejector, rsrcType);
use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.
the class SOCRobotBrain method expandTradeTreeNode.
* expand a trade tree node
* @param currentTreeNode the tree node that we're expanding
* @param table the table of all of the nodes in the tree except this one
protected void expandTradeTreeNode(SOCTradeTree currentTreeNode, Hashtable<SOCResourceSet, SOCTradeTree> table) {
* the resources that we have to work with
SOCResourceSet rSet = currentTreeNode.getResourceSet();
* go through the resources one by one, and generate all possible
* resource sets that result from trading that type of resource
for (int giveResource = SOCResourceConstants.CLAY; giveResource <= SOCResourceConstants.WOOD; giveResource++) {
* find the ratio at which we can trade
int tradeRatio;
if (ourPlayerData.getPortFlag(giveResource)) {
tradeRatio = 2;
} else if (ourPlayerData.getPortFlag(SOCBoard.MISC_PORT)) {
tradeRatio = 3;
} else {
tradeRatio = 4;
* make sure we have enough resources to trade
if (rSet.getAmount(giveResource) >= tradeRatio) {
* trade the resource that we're looking at for one
* of every other resource
for (int getResource = SOCResourceConstants.CLAY; getResource <= SOCResourceConstants.WOOD; getResource++) {
if (getResource != giveResource) {
SOCResourceSet newTradeResult = rSet.copy();
newTradeResult.subtract(tradeRatio, giveResource);
newTradeResult.add(1, getResource);
SOCTradeTree newTree = new SOCTradeTree(newTradeResult, currentTreeNode);
* if the trade results in a set of resources that is
* equal to or worse than a trade we've already seen,
* then we don't want to expand this tree node
Enumeration<SOCResourceSet> tableEnum = table.keys();
while (tableEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
SOCResourceSet oldTradeResult = tableEnum.nextElement();
//D.ebugPrintln("%%% "+newTradeResult);
//D.ebugPrintln("%%% <= "+oldTradeResult+" : "+
SOCResourceSet.lte(newTradeResult, oldTradeResult));
if (SOCResourceSet.lte(newTradeResult, oldTradeResult)) {
use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.
the class SOCRobotBrain method pickFreeResources.
* Respond to server's request to pick resources to gain from the Gold Hex.
* Use {@link #buildingPlan} or, if that's empty (initial placement),
* pick what's rare from {@link OpeningBuildStrategy#estimateResourceRarity()}.
* @param numChoose Number of resources to pick
* @since 2.0.00
protected void pickFreeResources(int numChoose) {
SOCResourceSet targetResources;
// try to make a plan if we don't have one
if (buildingPlan.isEmpty()) {
if (!buildingPlan.isEmpty()) {
final SOCPossiblePiece targetPiece = buildingPlan.peek();
// may be null
targetResources = targetPiece.getResourcesToBuild();
chooseFreeResourcesIfNeeded(targetResources, numChoose, true);
} else {
// Pick based on board dice-roll rarities.
// TODO: After initial placement, consider based on our
// number probabilities based on settlements/cities placed.
// (BSE.getRollsForResourcesSorted)
final int[] resourceEstimates = openingBuildStrategy.estimateResourceRarity();
// in case we pick 5, keep going for 6-10
int numEach = 0;
while (numChoose > 0) {
int res = -1, pct = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = SOCBoard.CLAY_HEX; i <= SOCBoard.WOOD_HEX; ++i) {
if ((resourceEstimates[i] < pct) && (resourceChoices.getAmount(i) < numEach)) {
res = i;
pct = resourceEstimates[i];
if (res != -1) {
resourceChoices.add(1, res);
} else {
// has chosen all 5 by now
client.pickResources(game, resourceChoices);
use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.
the class SOCRobotBrain method printResources.
* For each player in game:
* client.sendText, and debug-print to console, game.getPlayer(i).getResources()
private void printResources() {
if (D.ebugOn) {
for (int i = 0; i < game.maxPlayers; i++) {
SOCResourceSet rsrcs = game.getPlayer(i).getResources();
String resourceMessage = "PLAYER " + i + " RESOURCES: ";
resourceMessage += (rsrcs.getAmount(SOCResourceConstants.CLAY) + " ");
resourceMessage += (rsrcs.getAmount(SOCResourceConstants.ORE) + " ");
resourceMessage += (rsrcs.getAmount(SOCResourceConstants.SHEEP) + " ");
resourceMessage += (rsrcs.getAmount(SOCResourceConstants.WHEAT) + " ");
resourceMessage += (rsrcs.getAmount(SOCResourceConstants.WOOD) + " ");
resourceMessage += (rsrcs.getAmount(SOCResourceConstants.UNKNOWN) + " ");
client.sendText(game, resourceMessage);
use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.
the class SOCRobotBrain method handlePLAYERELEMENT_numRsrc.
* Update a player's amount of a resource.
*<LI> If this is a {@link SOCPlayerElement#LOSE} action, and the player does not have enough of that type,
* the rest are taken from the player's UNKNOWN amount.
*<LI> If we are losing from type UNKNOWN,
* first convert player's known resources to unknown resources
* (individual amount information will be lost),
* then remove mes's unknown resources from player.
*<LI> If this is a SET action, and it's for our own robot player,
* check the amount against {@link #ourPlayerData}, and debug print
* if they don't match already.
* If our player is losing a resource needed for the {@link #buildingPlan},
* clear the plan if this is for the Special Building Phase (on the 6-player board).
* In normal game play, we clear the building plan at the start of each turn.
* Before v2.0.00 this method directly took a {@link SOCPlayerElement} instead of that message's
* {@code action} and {@code amount} fields.
* @param pl Player to update
* @param action {@link SOCPlayerElement#SET}, {@link SOCPlayerElement#GAIN GAIN},
* or {@link SOCPlayerElement#LOSE LOSE}
* @param rtype Type of resource, like {@link SOCResourceConstants#CLAY}
* @param rtypeStr Resource type name, for debugging
* @param amount The new value to set, or the delta to gain/lose
// unnecessary dead-code warning "if (D.ebugOn)"
protected void handlePLAYERELEMENT_numRsrc(SOCPlayer pl, final int action, int rtype, String rtypeStr, final int amount) {
* for SET, check the amount of unknown resources against
* what we think we know about our player.
if (D.ebugOn && (pl == ourPlayerData) && (action == SOCPlayerElement.SET)) {
if (amount != ourPlayerData.getResources().getAmount(rtype)) {
client.sendText(game, ">>> RSRC ERROR FOR " + rtypeStr + ": " + amount + " != " + ourPlayerData.getResources().getAmount(rtype));
* Update game data.
SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePLAYERELEMENT_numRsrc(pl, action, rtype, amount);
* Clear building plan, if we just lost a resource we need.
* Only necessary for Special Building Phase (6-player board),
* because in normal game play, we clear the building plan
* at the start of each turn.
if (waitingForSpecialBuild && (pl == ourPlayerData) && (action != SOCPlayerElement.GAIN) && !buildingPlan.isEmpty()) {
final SOCPossiblePiece targetPiece = buildingPlan.peek();
// may be null
final SOCResourceSet targetResources = targetPiece.getResourcesToBuild();
if (!ourPlayerData.getResources().contains(targetResources)) {
// The buildingPlan is clear, so we'll calculate
// a new plan when our Special Building turn begins.
// Don't clear decidedIfSpecialBuild flag, to prevent
// needless plan calculation before our turn begins,
// especially from multiple PLAYERELEMENT(LOSE),
// as may happen for a discard.