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Example 21 with SOCResourceSet

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCMakeOffer method parseDataStr.

 * Parse the command String into a MakeOffer message
 * @param s   the String to parse
 * @return    a MakeOffer message, or null if the data is garbled
public static SOCMakeOffer parseDataStr(String s) {
    // the game name
    String ga;
    // the number of the offering player
    int from;
    // the players to which this trade is offered
    boolean[] to;
    // the set of resources being asked for
    SOCResourceSet give;
    // the set of resources that the offerer wants in exchange
    SOCResourceSet get;
    give = new SOCResourceSet();
    get = new SOCResourceSet();
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(s, sep2);
    try {
        ga = st.nextToken();
        from = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
        // Should be == game.maxPlayers
        final int numPlayerTokens = st.countTokens() - (2 * 5);
        to = new boolean[numPlayerTokens];
        for (int i = 0; i < numPlayerTokens; i++) {
            to[i] = (Boolean.valueOf(st.nextToken())).booleanValue();
         * Note: this only works if SOCResourceConstants.CLAY == 1
        for (int i = 1; i <= SOCResourceConstants.WOOD; i++) {
            give.setAmount(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()), i);
        for (int i = 1; i <= SOCResourceConstants.WOOD; i++) {
            get.setAmount(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()), i);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;
    return new SOCMakeOffer(ga, new SOCTradeOffer(ga, from, to, give, get));
Also used : SOCTradeOffer( StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) SOCResourceSet(

Example 22 with SOCResourceSet

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCRobotBrain method scoreTradeOutcome.

 * evaluate a trade outcome by calculating how much you could build with it
 * @param tradeOutcome  a set of resources that would be the result of trading
protected int scoreTradeOutcome(SOCResourceSet tradeOutcome) {
    int score = 0;
    SOCResourceSet tempTO = tradeOutcome.copy();
    if ((ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.SETTLEMENT) >= 1) && (ourPlayerData.hasPotentialSettlement())) {
        while (tempTO.contains(SOCSettlement.COST)) {
            score += 2;
    if ((ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD) >= 1) && (ourPlayerData.hasPotentialRoad())) {
        while (tempTO.contains(SOCRoad.COST)) {
            score += 1;
    if ((ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.CITY) >= 1) && (ourPlayerData.hasPotentialCity())) {
        while (tempTO.contains(SOCCity.COST)) {
            score += 2;
    // D.ebugPrintln("Score for "+tradeOutcome+" : "+score);
    return score;
Also used : SOCResourceSet(

Example 23 with SOCResourceSet

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCRobotBrain method chooseFreeResourcesIfNeeded.

 * Do we need to acquire at least <tt>numChoose</tt> resources to build our next piece?
 * Choose the resources we need most; used when we want to play a discovery development card
 * or when a Gold Hex number is rolled.
 * If returns true, has called {@link #chooseFreeResources(SOCResourceSet, int, boolean)}
 * and has set {@link #resourceChoices}.
 * @param targetResources  Resources needed to build our next planned piece,
 *             from {@link SOCPossiblePiece#getResourcesToBuild()}
 *             for {@link #buildingPlan}.
 *             If {@code null}, returns false (no more resources required).
 * @param numChoose  Number of resources to choose
 * @param chooseIfNotNeeded  Even if we find we don't need them, choose anyway;
 *             set true for Gold Hex choice, false for Discovery card pick.
 * @return  true if we need <tt>numChoose</tt> resources
 * @since 2.0.00
private boolean chooseFreeResourcesIfNeeded(SOCResourceSet targetResources, final int numChoose, final boolean chooseIfNotNeeded) {
    if (targetResources == null)
        return false;
    if (chooseIfNotNeeded)
    final SOCResourceSet ourResources = ourPlayerData.getResources();
    int numMore = numChoose;
    // Used only if chooseIfNotNeeded:
    // for ourBuildingPlan.peek
    int buildingItem = 0;
    boolean stackTopIs0 = false;
     * If ! chooseIfNotNeeded, this loop
     * body will only execute once.
    do {
        int numNeededResources = 0;
        if (// can be null from SOCPossiblePickSpecialItem.cost
        targetResources == null)
        for (int resource = SOCResourceConstants.CLAY; resource <= SOCResourceConstants.WOOD; resource++) {
            final int diff = targetResources.getAmount(resource) - ourResources.getAmount(resource);
            if (diff > 0)
                numNeededResources += diff;
        if (// TODO >= numMore ? (could change details of current bot behavior)
        (numNeededResources == numMore) || (chooseIfNotNeeded && (numNeededResources > numMore))) {
            chooseFreeResources(targetResources, numMore, !chooseIfNotNeeded);
            return true;
        if (!chooseIfNotNeeded)
            return false;
        // Assert: numNeededResources < numMore.
        // Pick the first numNeeded, then loop to pick additional ones.
        chooseFreeResources(targetResources, numMore, false);
        numMore = numChoose - resourceChoices.getTotal();
        if (numMore > 0) {
            // Pick a new target from building plan, if we can.
            // Otherwise, choose our least-frequently-rolled resources.
            final int bpSize = buildingPlan.size();
            if (bpSize > buildingItem) {
                if (buildingItem == 1) {
                    // validate direction of stack growth for buildingPlan
                    stackTopIs0 = (0 == buildingPlan.indexOf(buildingPlan.peek()));
                int i = (stackTopIs0) ? buildingItem : (bpSize - buildingItem) - 1;
                SOCPossiblePiece targetPiece = buildingPlan.elementAt(i);
                // may be null
                targetResources = targetPiece.getResourcesToBuild();
            // Will continue at top of loop to add
            // targetResources to resourceChoices.
            } else {
                // This will be the last iteration.
                // Choose based on our least-frequent dice rolls.
                final int[] resourceOrder = SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.getRollsForResourcesSorted(ourPlayerData);
                int curRsrc = 0;
                while (numMore > 0) {
                    resourceChoices.add(1, resourceOrder[curRsrc]);
                    if (curRsrc == resourceOrder.length)
                        curRsrc = 0;
            // now, numMore == 0, so do-while loop will exit at bottom.
    } while (numMore > 0);
    return true;
Also used : SOCResourceSet(

Example 24 with SOCResourceSet

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCRobotBrain method tradeStopWaitingClearOffer.

 * Stop waiting for responses to a trade offer.
 * Remember other players' responses,
 * Call {@link SOCRobotClient#clearOffer(SOCGame) client.clearOffer},
 * clear {@link #waitingForTradeResponse} and {@link #counter}.
 * @since 1.1.09
private void tradeStopWaitingClearOffer() {
    // /
    // / record which players said no by not saying anything
    // /
    SOCTradeOffer ourCurrentOffer = ourPlayerData.getCurrentOffer();
    if (ourCurrentOffer != null) {
        boolean[] offeredTo = ourCurrentOffer.getTo();
        SOCResourceSet getSet = ourCurrentOffer.getGetSet();
        for (int rsrcType = SOCResourceConstants.CLAY; rsrcType <= SOCResourceConstants.WOOD; rsrcType++) {
            if (getSet.contains(rsrcType)) {
                for (int pn = 0; pn < game.maxPlayers; pn++) {
                    if (offeredTo[pn]) {
                        negotiator.markAsNotSelling(pn, rsrcType);
                        negotiator.markAsNotWantingAnotherOffer(pn, rsrcType);
    counter = 0;
    waitingForTradeResponse = false;
Also used : SOCTradeOffer( SOCResourceSet(

Example 25 with SOCResourceSet

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCRobotBrain method chooseFreeResources.

 * Choose the resources we need most, for playing a Discovery development card
 * or when a Gold Hex number is rolled.
 * Find the most needed resource by looking at
 * which of the resources we still need takes the
 * longest to acquire, then add to {@link #resourceChoices}.
 * Looks at our player's current resources.
 * @param targetResources  Resources needed to build our next planned piece,
 *             from {@link SOCPossiblePiece#getResourcesToBuild()}
 *             for {@link #buildingPlan}.peek()
 * @param numChoose  Number of resources to choose
 * @param clearResChoices  If true, clear {@link #resourceChoices} before choosing what to add to it;
 *             set false if calling several times to iteratively build up a big choice.
 * @return  True if we could choose <tt>numChoose</tt> resources towards <tt>targetResources</tt>,
 *             false if we could fully satisfy <tt>targetResources</tt>
 *             from our current resources + less than <tt>numChoose</tt> more.
 *             Examine {@link #resourceChoices}{@link SOCResourceSet#getTotal() .getTotal()}
 *             to see how many were chosen.
protected boolean chooseFreeResources(final SOCResourceSet targetResources, final int numChoose, final boolean clearResChoices) {
     * clear our resource choices
    if (clearResChoices)
     * find the most needed resource by looking at
     * which of the resources we still need takes the
     * longest to acquire
    SOCResourceSet rsCopy = ourPlayerData.getResources().copy();
    SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate estimate = new SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate(ourPlayerData.getNumbers());
    int[] rollsPerResource = estimate.getRollsPerResource();
    for (int resourceCount = 0; resourceCount < numChoose; resourceCount++) {
        int mostNeededResource = -1;
        for (int resource = SOCResourceConstants.CLAY; resource <= SOCResourceConstants.WOOD; resource++) {
            if (rsCopy.getAmount(resource) < targetResources.getAmount(resource)) {
                if (mostNeededResource < 0) {
                    mostNeededResource = resource;
                } else {
                    if (rollsPerResource[resource] > rollsPerResource[mostNeededResource]) {
                        mostNeededResource = resource;
        if (mostNeededResource == -1)
            // <--- Early return: couldn't choose enough ---
            return false;
        resourceChoices.add(1, mostNeededResource);
        rsCopy.add(1, mostNeededResource);
    return true;
Also used : SOCResourceSet(


SOCResourceSet ( Test (org.junit.Test)14 SOCTradeOffer ( SOCPlayer ( Stack (java.util.Stack)4 SOCShip ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 StringTokenizer (java.util.StringTokenizer)2 SOCBoardLarge ( SOCGame ( SOCRoad ( Queue (soc.util.Queue)2 Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)1 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1 List (java.util.List)1 MissingResourceException (java.util.MissingResourceException)1 Vector (java.util.Vector)1 SOCInventoryItem ( SOCLRPathData ( SOCSpecialItem (